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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 432 KB, 1535x2048, Fabbf5SaQAArAm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31150094 No.31150094 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


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https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)






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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>31140052

>> No.31150111

I have been wondering for a while. Why are briskadets portrayed as octopuses? I don't see an obvious pun in the name and I don't see what octopuses have in common with Sonny. But I don't watch Sonny enough so maybe it's some inside joke I don't know about.

>> No.31150135
File: 219 KB, 1125x1173, FX8DxwhVUAALNrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this warm, fluffy dragon

>> No.31150140
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Ike love!

>> No.31150149
File: 56 KB, 465x659, sonnyikmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny Love!!!

>> No.31150160
File: 343 KB, 2048x2048, FacoUlKVUAEK_RQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.31150161

Neither of those were Elira having her own open VC on a solo stream. The Nina and Alban time was Elira joining an ongoing collab that those guys were already having. The Uki and Shu one was planned and scheduled as a collab to begin with and not a solo stream.

>> No.31150164

sex with mysta

>> No.31150186

/vt/ and shit takes in anime go hand in hand. Ironic since the board is founded thanks to /a/ and /jp/

>> No.31150189
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Aia, my beloved

>> No.31150196 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31150213
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cocksleeve material

>> No.31150220
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It's cuttlefish. He loves them. He thinks they're cute but he also eats them.

>> No.31150221

>saying this when the infamous MC collab exists that was so bad Pomu privated the VOD, refuses to acknowledge and led to Luca getting THAT SC

>> No.31150235

her chest makes me very happy

>> No.31150244
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>> No.31150251
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>> No.31150265
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Complimentary meds

>> No.31150272

one fanartist drew them like that and when sonny tried to make his own design he couldnt come up with a better one so he just took that one. Also theyre cuttlefish

>> No.31150274
File: 387 KB, 3928x2200, FaXsx9jX0AAUeYa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is up with Fuu-chan and Vox liking this?

>> No.31150281

>Why's Elira doing well but Pomu and Finana are not.

Elira is not flirting with guys on stream, retard. (Shu...) And she also doesn't stream gacha/valorant 70% of the time.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.31150292

you know what, i'll take the shit jojo opinions, it's the only thing that's made me laugh all day

>> No.31150299

It’s a bad show that unironically peaked in battle tendency

>> No.31150323

>The Nina and Alban time was Elira joining an ongoing collab that those guys were already having.
It was supposed to be a solo Elira stream, but she instead joined an open VC

>> No.31150341

Can we also discuss DBZ power levels?

>> No.31150340

When did you all lose the ability to leave last thread's arguments in the last thread?

>> No.31150347
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>> No.31150354

its fun if you don't listen to crazy jojo fans that shit and piss themselves if you skip parts. just watch the one with a jojo you think you'll like

>> No.31150358

What are the chances the collab will turn into a Pomu - Luca date with everyone else feeling like a third-wheel?

>> No.31150367
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She looks like the kind of girl who has a nice butt

>> No.31150375
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1660832258315663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chat: hey Pomu maybe you should stop if you're feeling unwell
>lol shut up chat you retards
>Luca: Hey Pomu you're sounding very unpog today take care
>*literally fucking breaks down crying*
Cuckydachies will defend this

>> No.31150392

It's moe

>> No.31150396

Don't worry you will be happy with Steel Ball Run.

>> No.31150408

Reddit tier opinion on my 4chin? More likely than you'd think

>> No.31150409
File: 136 KB, 652x1024, FYIIYe0aIAAr5jY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre trying to tell us something

>> No.31150412

>Famelira bragging that Elira is thriving
>Has a shit ton of sub 1.5k streams this month

>> No.31150414
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>> No.31150413

which jojo is your oshi

>> No.31150425

>1 stream some how leads to something from a completely different stream

>> No.31150426
File: 228 KB, 1223x2100, Facot1wacAAdJ8K.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shu love!
young joseph is best jojo

>> No.31150433

Here anons I'll show you why they're so uppity, but first I demand at least one (You)!

>> No.31150437

She exercises and probably has a nice muscly butt

>> No.31150449
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>> No.31150469

What about this stream?
And I think she has had other open VC streams in minecraft too.
But anyways, it is not like she does it a lot, but neither does Pomu, the only time Pomu has done it for months and months was her Mario Kart back in March. And she said at the start of that stream it would be open VC for that. So I dont know why people would shit on Pomu for this while praising Elira

>> No.31150481

>Pasting bait straight up from the last thread

>> No.31150489

What stream give QRD?

>> No.31150490

now tell me

>> No.31150491

Johnny because his a cripple like me

>> No.31150504

GER mogs all DBZ characters

>> No.31150513

Who is (((they)))

>> No.31150515

The only Reddit tier opinion in this thread is that this site is somehow different than anywhere else.

>> No.31150520

god i would bone aster so hard that he would never be able to live without my cock

>> No.31150521
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3 more days!

>> No.31150529
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>> No.31150530
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Don't reply or i will rape you

>> No.31150531

Pomu antis are desperate for anything they can use to shit on her

>> No.31150548
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.31150549

Frieza is the most stupid thing ever, they've killed and revived him SO MANY FUCKING TIMES

>> No.31150552
File: 329 KB, 1500x2060, Aia088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resting your tired head on her steel thighs

>> No.31150563

>So I dont know why people would shit on Pomu for this while praising Elira
Anon discovers falseflagging

>> No.31150565

Aia shilling is getting obnoxious

>> No.31150566

Pomu's problem is not the open VCs but the planned collabs of which she does too many and with the wrong people

>> No.31150574
File: 405 KB, 2048x1448, FabIeT9VUAA2rDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna getting flustered over the silence is so cute

>> No.31150580
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>> No.31150579

The world over heaven mogs GER

>> No.31150582
File: 213 KB, 1200x1200, 1660860174778334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl compliments your butt

she chuckles at your nervousness

>> No.31150584

I guess no Pomu Xenoblade next week? Since her Friday marathon game is most likely Metal Wolf Chaos.

>> No.31150586
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.31150605


>> No.31150614

I need a financial advisor.

>> No.31150630
File: 121 KB, 1200x1600, 1656939117213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted the negi with a backstory. It was heart wrenching. Poor negi man... I support his desire for vengeance.

>> No.31150635

It's privated retard

>> No.31150637 [SPOILER] 
File: 698 KB, 3464x3464, 1660863172391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright deal.
Pomu unironically does better than any member of council. While this doesn't look very significant at first, keep in mind that pomu still receives a good chunk of money from streamlabs donations every single month.
Pomu unironically is a council killer even though she has 1/3 of the ccv.

>> No.31150642

Good, they’re bad games.

>> No.31150644

the stupidest part is he never trained yet training for 4 months gives him gold mode and training for 10 years gives him Black

>> No.31150649
File: 270 KB, 1584x2048, FLlNBGCWUAUfnOZ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.31150655


>> No.31150666

We know, Finana

>> No.31150671
File: 61 KB, 782x782, E5kug4aXIAAthsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do it anyways?

>> No.31150680

Rarely do I see Enna losing u banter.

>> No.31150684

It's simple sonny love cuttlefish. But he also likes to eat them and drink their blood which is why we're cuttlefish

>> No.31150688


>> No.31150689
File: 45 KB, 702x742, C494455D-3855-4FF6-9675-429716DF8C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love! Good morning!

>> No.31150700

What did toriyama mean by this?

>> No.31150717

Josuke is my kamioshi

>> No.31150719

I am a polite person

>> No.31150724


>> No.31150729

damn anon, sorry to hear that, do your arms work at least

>> No.31150738

still cant believe how much i love this duo

>> No.31150740

Just say you're a unicorn who hates Luca stop making excuses

>> No.31150741

I hope Pomu doesn't stream Xenoblade, I don't think I will like it

>> No.31150755

Good morning!!

>> No.31150758

That isn't disagreeing with me though? I said she has never done an open VC on her solo streams but she has joined ongoing collabs other people were having.

That isn't open VC?
>invited specific people into voice chat with her when they were playing Minecraft together

>> No.31150759

crossdressing sex with mysta rias and ike eveland

>> No.31150773
File: 66 KB, 300x275, 1629384520829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Jojo for the first time in it's entirety back in 2012. The anime was still mostly unknown to the west at this point and it was not yet considered Reddit. I remember being a big fan of Vinesauce Joel because I was so happy he knew Jojo and loved it too. Duwang was the only option back then (though I think a better quality scanlation was partially underway) and shitty low quality jpeg yellow scans were the only option for part 3. Parts 3 and 7 are my favorites. Joseph was my favorite protagonist for a long time but it gradually became Jotaro. DIO is my favorite antagonist. I do not care for Jojolion or part 5. You may now praise my superior taste.

>> No.31150788
File: 562 KB, 1365x2048, FaNw-ZsUIAAe5s8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimumu please hurry up and impregnate me with your ghost cock I'm running out of time

>> No.31150790

Part 4 Josuke fucking 200%

>> No.31150815
File: 474 KB, 613x639, 1621638433780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's not true
I also hate Uki

>> No.31150843

That frieza would be the strongest in the universe if he trained his whole life like gyokuran instead of spending a few centuries as a lazy rich boy skating on talent

>> No.31150852

Yeah, I can at least masturbate, which is enough for me to want to live

>> No.31150865

offcollab shitposter-kun...

>> No.31150870
File: 168 KB, 1280x1280, FZXR3dvakAA2sm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning!

>> No.31150873
File: 495 KB, 832x764, 1660536732811105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is with great regret that I must announce I have to impregnate a pomie

>> No.31150874

Pomu's schedule last week:
Members Tetris 99 (solo)
Fall Guys (solo)
Minecraft (solo)
Baba is You (solo)
Steam Profile Review (collab)
The Mortuary Assistant (solo)
Ring Fit + Minecraft (solo)
The Long Drive (collab)
MGS PW (solo)
Solo: 7, Collab: 2

>> No.31150876

>Pomu shitposts
>Elira is streaming
>No famelira is liveposting

>> No.31150880

I can tell you really are a mystake because your taste is just as shit as your oshis

>> No.31150886
File: 191 KB, 617x531, 1635722179024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over here

>> No.31150888

yeah but their girls stream 5 hrs/week

>> No.31150890

brb crossposting this to /#/ so they can laugh at you

>> No.31150892
File: 291 KB, 1000x598, 1660844956722505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd look good all tied up and helpless

>> No.31150893

Normal voiced feesh makes my dick rock solid

>> No.31150903

>literally comparing millionaires and tribalfagging over which millionaire is better
holy fuck I hate you

>> No.31150912

phew, that's good to know, my next question was going to be if your mom was still around

>> No.31150924


>> No.31150926

now do the feesh

>> No.31150928
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>> No.31150929
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>> No.31150931


>> No.31150949

>Lazulight debut: April 2021
>Council debut: September 2021

>> No.31150975

This seems retardedly anal. If people are mad about solo streams turning into collabs it doesnt matter if it was "open VC" or if she in the middle of the solo stream decides to join another VC collab. Going "nuh uh nuh uh, no open VC" doesnt change that

>> No.31150979

>literally complaining about what anonymous retards do with their time
holy fuck I hate you

>> No.31150983

Stop fucking replying to him. He doesn't actually care he just wants (You)s

>> No.31150985

Very based

>> No.31150989
File: 53 KB, 547x547, aia156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I like seeing other anons posting Aias, I would rather not see much spam interrupting the thread, but can't do much but ask politely to use your Aias responsibly.

>> No.31150995
File: 255 KB, 1464x2048, FaMXSlMakAArO33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love! I love this cute fox detective very much

>> No.31150996

I will now fap

>> No.31150997

If it makes you feel better, pomu only got 35% of that number. She makes 6 figures sure, but that’s far from a millionaire

>> No.31151006


>> No.31151007


>> No.31151021

I already knew they were Briskadets 2.0 in the making. They also seem to spam on cooldown pretty much since there’s only like 2-3 of them

>> No.31151035
File: 120 KB, 600x600, 1659204305364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jotaro is cool. Simple as.

>> No.31151036

Now do this week

>> No.31151052

I'm pretty sure that's not right.

>> No.31151063

I always assumed it was one of the series she's considering for her post-MGS era, like Mass Effect.

>> No.31151069

Frieza would've been the strongest in the universe if he actually fucking trained since he was a kid

>> No.31151078

She's a good one for saviorfags to project onto because she has a good design and no personality

>> No.31151081

Lazulight debuted in May, but didn't get Superchats until June. Council debuted in August, got superchats in September. So a 3 month difference on SCs.

>> No.31151085

Why is ren better at keeping up kayfabe than 95% of nijien

>> No.31151086

I want Aia to be my speedwagon

>> No.31151089

Does not matter. Number fags have talked forever about how good council was doing and attacked fulgur for stating that they weren't as successful as hololive had hoped.
Pomu unironically proves that fulgur had a point.

While not everyone is as big of a success as Pomu is, the fact that she overtook every member of council makes numberfags seethe.

>> No.31151088
File: 455 KB, 953x576, 1658406728434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia, I need the good stuff.

>> No.31151092

On this note, the /#/ OP is focused on Finana, so expect more anti-Finana posts than usual for a few hours.

>> No.31151110

Well I'm looking into cuttlefish and it seems that some small male cuttlefish trick larger male cuttlefish into thinking they're female cuttlefish so that they can sneak in and have sex with the female cuttlefish.

>> No.31151128

>Have fun, bitch! See you later, bitch! Wherever you're going, bitch!
Uki brings it out of everyone

>> No.31151132

EN is reaching the point of the big streamers. Donations no longer matter that much, it’s the sponsors and ad games now.

>> No.31151133

because his kayfabe is being retarded, every nijien member would be insanely good at kayfabe if that was what they had to do

>> No.31151136
File: 396 KB, 2048x1707, Faaj1pAUUAIN-E_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same I really hope they collab more in the future

>> No.31151151
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>> No.31151154

God I hope not. Already bored of having a black hole in her schedule with Metal Gear, fuck having another black hole on top of that.

>> No.31151185

anons deduced that most likely she makes 70-80k which isnt that bad for working 20 hours a week

>> No.31151187

Uki makes me want to start lynching fags again

>> No.31151203

>break week

>> No.31151209

Yeah, but I have prosthesis so it's not that bad

>> No.31151214

start with yourself

>> No.31151218

i could never bring myself to read or watch jojo after it blew up because my only memory of it was my menhera lesbian friend who told me about jojo because she knew i was a weeb. shit happened and i ended up rejecting her by saying i didn't like girls (untrue). we don't talk anymore but i check up on her social media now and then to make sure she's still alive.

>> No.31151224

Really good post thanks

>> No.31151227

>pomu only got 35% of that number
completely bullshit

>> No.31151233


>> No.31151234

I kinda want to play valorant now...

>> No.31151249

The big streamers make 6 figures monthly. Hell, train wrecks gets paid 3/4 a million a month to sell gambling to teens

>> No.31151257

I mean, just ToF alone payed them a hefty amount for sure

>> No.31151258

I love how briskadets, pomies and dragoons live rent free in anons' brains. Now we have Aiafags too.

>> No.31151273

You mean Pomudachi 5.0 after Dragoons, Lucubs and Briskadets, right? You're not some retarded faggot that thinks this started with Sonny's fans, right?

>> No.31151291


>> No.31151324

I was just answering the original post that specifically asked about open VC
>Has Pomu had open VC on her streams more than Elira ?
factually with regards to Elira. Not making any kind of judgements about it. If it had said has Elira ever turned a solo stream into a collab I would have answered differently as you can see I pointed out the times she has turned a solo stream into a collab in my original response.

>> No.31151331

I'm so curious what sponsorships give, and how much of a cut Ankyara takes

>> No.31151335

Its time to stop Yaminion

>> No.31151336
File: 17 KB, 505x546, 1660786433335527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a bullyable male is nearby

>> No.31151348

Why is finana's voice different

>> No.31151353
File: 128 KB, 262x262, 1645403646776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want sonny to be my cioccolata

>> No.31151358

Im gonna make chapati before the collab

>> No.31151364
File: 1.01 MB, 2500x2600, FaO8mOPUYAANsJH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will
n im already looking forward to it

>> No.31151366


>> No.31151367
File: 157 KB, 1169x1169, 1659939857492501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a ryuguard...

>> No.31151388

30% goes to yt and the remaining 70% splits 50-50 between the streamer and anykara. If you roll in ads and sponsors pomu probably gets 150k a year after tax

>> No.31151418

I hope they play the game Kyo suggested
Kepp talking and no one explodes

>> No.31151421


>> No.31151438

Its Finance

>> No.31151437

Ngl why was part 5 so gay compared to the others

>> No.31151442

not your personal blog nigger

>> No.31151449

disco lonk?

>> No.31151450

This hag...

>> No.31151461


>> No.31151467

If it was literally only about open VC wasnt both koshien watchalongs open VC? And didnt her christmas stream turn into that when Millie and Pomu joined at the end?

>> No.31151477

For a break seems to be plenty of collab streams

>> No.31151492

kyo is gonna have a seizure with that game kek
i expect kino

>> No.31151503

based retard

>> No.31151506

Araki was just finding himself

>> No.31151513
File: 751 KB, 848x1200, 1634040511445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may be horrible at games but I will always love you Enna Alouette from NijisanjiEN's third wave, Ethyria.

>> No.31151514

Pomudachi, dragoons and lucubs at least have popular oshis and don't spam them on cooldown with inane shit just to remind the thread that they exist.

>> No.31151515


>> No.31151534

fucking reading that manual will kill him

>> No.31151547

Why are you still talking about this reddit tier series.

>> No.31151554
File: 1.51 MB, 919x1047, eliraminedone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is so cute

>> No.31151558

>after tax
When we talk about incomes, we don't talk about them "after tax". The average income in the US is $65k, before tax. When people tell you their salary, they don't deduct the taxes from the salary. Like if you were chatting to your buddy, you'd say "I make $200k", you wouldn't say "I make $142k after tax".

>> No.31151566

Kek I love all these pigeon memes we're getting out of today's Fall Guys stream


>> No.31151576

The first one isn't a solo stream that was always a collab, the second one wasn't open VC where anyone could join afaik that was specific people being invited.

>> No.31151577

woah there buddy, i was just taking a shit

>> No.31151580

fucking based

>> No.31151581

>don't spam them on cooldown with inane shit just to remind the thread that they exist.
lol, lmao. kek, jej, haha, hehe.
Kill yourself.

>> No.31151591

Sir this is /vt/ not /a/ no one gives a shit.

>> No.31151606

It was when Araki got really into fashion and European culture. A lot of the infamously gay looking scenes (like Giorno reaching his hand into Mysta's pants) were referenced directly from fashion mag poses.

>> No.31151618

I just remembered that I downloaded Millie's "Christmas" karaoke but never watched it. Is it worth going through?

>> No.31151632

stfu bakifag

>> No.31151634

>Elira will stream her POV for the collab!
Yay Ewiwa!

>> No.31151642

It was kino. I laughed so hard during that stream.

>> No.31151645

>12 PoVs of a single collab
Oh god /#/ will have shitpost material for months

>> No.31151652

a 20 min collab..

>> No.31151655

But she has a meeting?

>> No.31151661

what is this duck game about? I've never even heard of it before

>> No.31151663

italians are gay by nature

>> No.31151690

now that i think about it... especially with water and tongue guy... it really was gay

>> No.31151691

I'd actually say thats probably lowballing it.
Adrev, sponsorships, memberships, merch, voice packs, etc. I'd say she probably earns around 200k post tax minimum

>> No.31151692

who cares go back there

>> No.31151698

She'll just leave early after a few games then...

>> No.31151700
File: 46 KB, 471x511, 1660860508166358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking alot about Aia's boobs

>> No.31151702

It's better amogus

>> No.31151703

She will also stream the meeting

>> No.31151707

It's just among us but geese

>> No.31151749

Anykara corporate structure stream let's gooooooooo

>> No.31151754


>> No.31151760

There is one purple bait post in this thread. No more Selen because she isn't streaming and it's not fagoon baiting hours yet. There are like 20 "WHAT IF AIA SEX!?" posts. Shit ridiculous. I honestly can't tell if it's falseflaggers.

>> No.31151773

You niggers forget that we have a Jojo banner, shit wasn't Reddit until people decided it was

>> No.31151800

>open Finana stream to see what she's up to
>instant erection
*sigh* I'll be in my bunk.

>> No.31151804
File: 561 KB, 1900x800, holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow!

>> No.31151812


>> No.31151815

Since this is a global site with varying tax rates, it makes more sense to say the amount post tax since there isn’t a universal reference point like their is among countrymen

>> No.31151834

I see...

>> No.31151842
File: 226 KB, 1291x735, goosegooseduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira sovl thumbnail

>> No.31151843
File: 172 KB, 1000x1300, 1649829512236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the problems with getting core fans is overlaps.

Because when you start a chatting segment of your stream to reel in more fans with your personality, if there's other good streams going on they'll all leave. Elira right now is lucky, she's getting her entire fanbase reeled in by chatting with no overlaps to distract them.

>> No.31151845

dont you know once thing gets mainstream its reddit

>> No.31151846
File: 1.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1652592568797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slip of the tongue.

>> No.31151854
File: 181 KB, 600x247, 1658522254886260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noor, they're getting too popular make them do a week of Amogus collabs
>Yes my lord

>> No.31151857

I don't care about tribalism. I'm just simply stating why numberfags are uppity about pomu.

>> No.31151858

Aia's noombers....

>> No.31151872

That’s just because oldfags hate change.

>> No.31151879


>> No.31151891

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.31151893

I still can't draw those S things.

>> No.31151895

she'll be a 2view in no time

>> No.31151896

>-that- post
Thank you so much Pomu anal anon

>> No.31151913


>> No.31151917

>no overlaps

>> No.31151922

I kind of got what he meant when he compared his fear to wasps and how he has never gotten stung before so that's why he's terrified of wasps.

>> No.31151929

How do mystakes feel about Giorno molesting their oshi???

>> No.31151952

>oldfags hate change
did you see the meltdown this thread had after iluna was announced. everyone hates change

>> No.31151962

It's called a joke sweaty

>> No.31151964

Thank you anon

>> No.31151970

No. In reality people are deducting the taxes from the income (and then over-estimating the taxes) in order to underestimate how much money the vtubers are making. They want you to believe they're making less than they really are, so they deduct the taxes to make it look like a smaller number. Of course you have no idea what their write-offs or exact rates are, so you can just completely overestimate the taxes and estimate a much lower number for the vtuber's income so you feel like they're still poor struggling people worthy of donations, even though they're millionaires in many cases

>> No.31151974

I hope these 2 faggots rope themselves

>> No.31151978

It looks great desu

>> No.31152010

Also don't get me wrong I think the autism over it is retarded.

>> No.31152012

Why do I have to stop liking a series I've loved for years just because Ledditors got their grubby hands on it? That's fucking gay.

>> No.31152016

lmao yeah
honestly, my favorite part of the collab was Kyo using his disability just to tell enna she is a tsun
>My body doesnt kind of work so I hate myself
>I dont hate you
>you're a bitch for pulling that card

>> No.31152027

>I was pretending to be a faggot!

>> No.31152052

Which one?

>> No.31152068


>> No.31152070

Because le fitting in.

>> No.31152078
File: 218 KB, 1755x2048, Fac8NPlUsAAxYAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did it take almost a year for someone to draw that?

>> No.31152083
File: 245 KB, 777x777, 1660855420071622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she sees your penis

>> No.31152090
File: 302 KB, 544x400, 1653106862192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that Enna hates us, I don't know why

>> No.31152101


>> No.31152121
File: 1.27 MB, 541x597, 74837338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat erotic

>> No.31152163

Excited for the kusoge tonight

>> No.31152179
File: 164 KB, 721x802, A36AA71E-FC8B-4568-8A7E-0D11F261C8B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bets on Luca getting kicked out for guessing correctly again this collab?

>> No.31152192

Has Pomu's fall been the steepest in NijiEN? Finana has had a greater fall but it was over months, for Pomu it just took two weeks and *poof* half her fanbase just left

>> No.31152197


>> No.31152209
File: 211 KB, 963x2048, FVdcPPkaAAA7BBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31152232
File: 641 KB, 1440x762, 12134545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it

>> No.31152246

Why does this thread pretend to hate reddit when it's painfully obvious 90% of you came straight from twitter?

>> No.31152247
File: 469 KB, 2000x2500, 1660417461959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31152249

Because the only good lewds Reimu has are literally people commissioning Neroshi

>> No.31152253

Elira says "woo hoo" for proximity chat, why can't the rest of the branch understand that proximity chat is better than 10-20 retards screaming over each other

>> No.31152257

Do you want the unfortunate truth ?
The reality is that the only wave of girls that has a regular amount of porn come in is lazulight.
Selen used to have some and she'll be getting a bit more when sunset skyline finishes his stuff but it's a baren wasteland in the rest of the tags.
The only thing regularly posted is fucking koikatsu models doing shit.

>> No.31152259

I wish they'd play the good Duck Game....

>> No.31152260
File: 301 KB, 512x512, 1658379093723670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly dying...

>> No.31152261


>> No.31152297
File: 631 KB, 1836x3896, venting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better Amogus, if they are going to keep doing Amogus collabs I hope they switch to this game instead.

>> No.31152300
File: 1.00 MB, 2508x3541, @Rei_gt11 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31152317

They probably decide its too much hassle to get the mods working for everyone?

>> No.31152318

He'll be too busy sniffing Pomu's farts this time

>> No.31152327
File: 106 KB, 872x797, FaVM2LjXgAMpyGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.31152329

Everyone would prefer proximity chat, but many games don't have it, or require mods, or have buggy proximity chat.

>> No.31152333
File: 420 KB, 897x456, 1633045240768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all slowly dying bud. I wish I could die right now and be free f rom this torment.

>> No.31152339
File: 287 KB, 1200x1200, 1659666684040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I'll tell you this: If men weren't meant to have anal sex, the g-spot wouldn't be inside the rectum. Look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.31152344

I want to have sex with Mahiro like you wouldn't believe.
This looks fun, I'm glad kitty is doing his JP reps.

>> No.31152345

I wish I would have been pickier about the anal piece for Reimu. I kinda like how he draws the asshole around the dick. It turns me on

>> No.31152350
File: 292 KB, 500x500, 1659480635130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't we all

>> No.31152382
File: 385 KB, 461x477, 6437382828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too! i think he'll get really spooked by the game whilst also enjoying/getting frustrated with the complexity of the puzzles. i love this cat and his comfy horror streams so much!

>> No.31152392

I miss Elira so much already...

>> No.31152407


>> No.31152422

Oh yeah! you're welcome. It'll probably be the last time I'll be able to commission him for a bit

>> No.31152423

That’s you

>> No.31152443

Why did they schedule a amogus Clone AND amogus just a few days later with basically the same people in both collabs

>> No.31152454
File: 667 KB, 3195x4096, 1658302428098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, aster was meant to have my dick in his ass

>> No.31152457
File: 20 KB, 450x195, dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stupid dork

>> No.31152466
File: 232 KB, 286x331, 1642599905858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit did Elira not see what was under there?

>> No.31152487

Elira managed to successfully raid her own waiting room, is this the only way raids have worked in a while? Hasn't raiding been down forever?

>> No.31152501
File: 500 KB, 2000x2000, 1660773196687057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aia watching you strip for her, and masturbate for her
>she remains totally clothed
>perhaps shows her calf to motivate you
>chuckles when you finish

>> No.31152536

I don't think it was an actual raid, I think youtube just autoplayed onto her own waiting room when the stream ended?

>> No.31152544

This is the most obvious falseflag I've ever seen

>> No.31152551
File: 259 KB, 528x444, 1646689035351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under where?

>> No.31152552
File: 14 KB, 165x89, FaaTmtUXoAEi-il.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n then kyo solidifies it with
>see? she said she doesnt hate me n now shes calling me a bitch! thats a tsundere!
awesome kek

>> No.31152562

aia will never be a dom

>> No.31152567
File: 106 KB, 1280x1280, 1651560005836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu's facial expression in this pic is so cute

>> No.31152575
File: 2.93 MB, 313x336, 1630806865799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31152577
File: 77 KB, 308x308, 1658712004024506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no.... I want to live long....

>> No.31152584

Anybody else here like sex?

>> No.31152588


>> No.31152589

Pomu did that too with the long drive stream but couldn't the next day

>> No.31152602

You guys say that about all the anal facial expressions

>> No.31152606

Raiding works every once in a while, the feature is still bugged to hell and back but it's been out for four months now and no signs of it being fixed.

>> No.31152608

I really like this one but mostly because of Reimu's feet, how her tits are exposed and her bratty behaviour

>> No.31152627

elira is so cute

>> No.31152642

Ike raided his own after karaoke waiting room just recently

>> No.31152644

fuuchan raided reimu today

>> No.31152647

ew sex

>> No.31152650

fucking Alban is lucky

>> No.31152652

It's cool, been around a year since I last had it though

>> No.31152655

For me, it's Shu " master of collabs" Yamino.

>> No.31152660

i love sex with men and women and men who dress like women and women who dress like men

>> No.31152688

He draws a really good reimu. I think I'll try to see if I can't find a skeb artist to showcase her back and ass a bit more.

>> No.31152691

Should I try to watch multiple pov?

>> No.31152696

sorry bud, the suicidal yaminions and briskadets have gotten to my head. DECELERATE

>> No.31152705

What's happening to you, bud?

>> No.31152706

He's drowning in NijiJP pussy

>> No.31152714
File: 289 KB, 220x124, 1642298677151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true desu. Both of Pomu anal pics have cute facial expression but the Enna one by Neroshi isn't really cute.

>> No.31152734
File: 281 KB, 1091x1000, 523d3f50b3cf2920c9371a98ae4343b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with aia

>> No.31152750

Sure if you want to, it's what I did last GGD collab

>> No.31152772
File: 233 KB, 1191x1587, 1658240027811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31152776


>> No.31152781
File: 1.24 MB, 1004x851, mado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch them all!


>> No.31152785

No I just meant for pomu lmao you guys said that the anal and squirting was cute too. I think you guys just think Pomus face is cute

>> No.31152790

>implying people here ever had sex

>> No.31152804

I'm picking 4 of my favorites for povs.

>> No.31152830

>Aia and Ren in the collab
No thanks I'll watch none

>> No.31152847
File: 3.06 MB, 2192x918, 1651561706731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about trying to watch all of them, but I think I'll only stick to a few... this is too daunting

>> No.31152860

But why? It's not like you are going to hear anything and it's not like you are giving a view through mado.

>> No.31152864

The only good amongus collab was the one from feb this year, and only because it turned Pomu even more menhera so she gave me us my favorite NijiEN stream ever in a guerilla that night with the Ultimate vtuber simulator.

>> No.31152871

I think the Enna one was just commissioned by a masochistic aloupeep, i love her sadistic expression tho

>> No.31152886

I'm happy for her!

>> No.31152901
File: 339 KB, 1158x1760, FYz2oWPUsAA29f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only her face that's cute

>> No.31152913

controlling people to where it gets to that point is far more fun

>> No.31152920
File: 153 KB, 619x567, 20150865515fe070053b7e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bite marks/hickeys are so fucking hot

>> No.31152932
File: 120 KB, 395x363, 1645031712813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend is going to work until later today so can't hang out
>Not feeling like watching collabs today
Today is just a sad day

>> No.31152936

They're going to fuck

>> No.31152940

Unity requires sacrifice

>> No.31152959


>> No.31152971
File: 970 KB, 1203x1744, 1636352600452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait anons have friends?

>> No.31152975

You don't keep the sound on for all of them, just one at a time, and you can switch quickly to whoever's POV is most entertaining right now.

>> No.31152979

>That Elliot
Vox and Elira made it a fun shill stream

>> No.31152992

Why are there so many collabs this week?

>> No.31153004

Take your meds Ryuguard

>> No.31153007
File: 156 KB, 757x758, 1658720310612648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some depression on where my life is going but overall I'll be fine tomorrow.

>> No.31153023

No, she's going to rape him!

>> No.31153030
File: 976 KB, 220x220, 1628798624709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My oshi will never be on AMOGUS collabs anymore
Feels Amazing man

>> No.31153035

elliot is cute

>> No.31153041

Speaking of commissions I think I'm going to see if I can find an artist willing to draw pomu peeing into a public trashcan in a bathroom and Elira standing and pissing between her legs.
I was gonna go with the floor drain idea until I saw this on Danbooru

>> No.31153043

I don't know why, but in a lot of her hentai pics she looks really cute I love it, cute girls > sexy girls

>> No.31153058

I have like 5, feels good

>> No.31153064

Then you wonder why her projects keep getting shut down.

>> No.31153072

so I, if I press, play all of them just sync up?

>> No.31153078

>now a THIRD JP woman wants to rape him
Alban stop learning Japanese quick!

>> No.31153104
File: 465 KB, 900x863, E8f6YKUVUAA-t2z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave some for the rest of us anon
not that'd like me in the first place

>> No.31153106

ToF literally payed for 5 collabs this week and then it was a coincidence that Pomu and Fu-han organized big collabs the same week

>> No.31153112

I think I would like it, but I don't know I need to try it before saying it

>> No.31153135

press play then 2x them all to bring them as close to live as possible
any other delays are from the streamer's end

>> No.31153144
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x2829, KamiiPP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say it's a schedule whoopsie since Pomu is hosting this collab and (I believe) Fuuchan is hosting the other, but they are taking part on both collabs so they should have known about it in advance.

Besides both of them being dummies the only other reason I can think of is that they wanted iLuna to take part on the Amogus experience and couldn't get the six of them at the same time. (I believe something similar happened before, when they scheduled a collab for one game and as more people joined they just decided to host another)

>> No.31153147
File: 203 KB, 2048x1174, 1635413469680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akina too. there will be no peace for the sex cat.

>> No.31153153
File: 267 KB, 2000x2229, 1573013835879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good then. I thought that maybe you have actual health issues and the thread is just making fun of you...

>> No.31153158

i'm a virgin who's never seen a real dick in front of me but yes

>> No.31153180
File: 451 KB, 1000x1000, PNG image 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that clip is so cute... her excited squeal! i can't wait to see them interact.

>> No.31153190

stop posting enna

>> No.31153197
File: 121 KB, 819x1200, 1660865724102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bigmonkeman37

>> No.31153199
File: 40 KB, 564x679, Dios mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to record your audition or watch vods!

>> No.31153203
File: 467 KB, 2480x2465, FXE814qVUAAyT_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP women can't resist the sexcat

>> No.31153212

yeah fuuchan wanted amongus as a condition of his return from break

>> No.31153214

How does Aruban do it?

>> No.31153255

That was actually neroshis idea. He doesn't really ask for feedback he just kinda does it.
I liked it though. I love how he draws the anus

>> No.31153269
File: 145 KB, 802x1200, FaZCY6sXwAEZjLb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~

>> No.31153305

Oh shit am I forgetting an encounter?

>> No.31153318
File: 323 KB, 2048x2048, 1638995572677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have 3-4 close friends. I've been neglecting them due to depression and Pomu. But I started putting some effort into being a good frend again.

>> No.31153321

He didn't stop doing his jp reps, unlike me.

>> No.31153335

Are you sure? I remember it being commissioned because someone cucked the spot i wanted. It was during the NNN drawings he was making

>> No.31153339

By doing his jp reps and being a cute catboy. Simple!

>> No.31153367

Elliot is kinda cute..

>> No.31153372
File: 19 KB, 468x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31153411

I want to keep watching the minecraft fleshtuber I'm watching now because is an event but I also want to watch Pomu...

>> No.31153418

Also the fact that he's fun to talk to. You can notice it during the EN server tour where Alban is really striking a conversation and doing his best to keep everything interesting.

>> No.31153427
File: 2.62 MB, 1988x1348, 1658717043995936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww thank you for looking out anyways! Sorry to have worried you! Its just been a stressful week but I have things planned out to have fun in the last weeks of August!

>> No.31153443

>>31153335 (me)
Yeah, found it, it was commissioned

>> No.31153473

Honestly Finana and Elira probably have very little fan overlap. Elira and Pomu certainly have fan overlap.

>> No.31153514
File: 304 KB, 1278x2048, FY97kSFVUAASn0l.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31153516
File: 2.36 MB, 2047x1530, FacOBtMVQAA5jjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sibling collab doko....

>> No.31153521

this is the third time someone's called me enna wtf

>> No.31153525
File: 434 KB, 1520x2048, 1666283628257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira cosplayers are so cute.

>> No.31153532

I'm really happy he's able to keep collabing with his jp senpais. Honestly, his passion for studying jp is really admirable.

>> No.31153554

With the oldest brother situation, wasn’t it almost impossible anyway?

>> No.31153560
File: 244 KB, 794x1306, 1631142483624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened, and they've talked about each other on stream a bit. Akina talked about getting flustered when alban interacts with him at some point too, but I forget

>> No.31153564

when their big brother stops being a hermit

>> No.31153566

Doesn't Ike's brother not do a lot of collabs in general?

>> No.31153600

Yeah anon. I'm aware. Lmao I was that cucker(?) But you send neroshi a pose and an idea he then draws them and posts the final product. There are no redos or requests for change or rough drafts. He's essentially a skeb artist which is fine for the price I paid.

>> No.31153629

j-just one, just a little short one..........

>> No.31153661

Was this from the ToF shill stream? I missed it thinking it wasn't going to be all that fun but I'm always wrong every time I say that about a stream.

>> No.31153685

Oh we were talking about two different pieces now that I clicked on it. That anon was talking about another one

>> No.31153696

Ike is the only sibling who hasn't replied to that art on Twitter... unity is dead

>> No.31153735

> There are no redos or requests for change or rough drafts
Now that is just fake, i commissioned him afterwards and asked for corrections, he also gave me a rough draft first

>> No.31153743


>> No.31153762

I liked Elira's and Pomu's streams for it. The collab partners and activities were fun.

>> No.31153774

Super Nuko World cover when? I have hope that Ike is still working on it.....

>> No.31153779

>all of Neroshi's commissioners are in this thread including myself
Funny how things work out, fortunately it seems like people have good taste in requests.

>> No.31153793

>I was that cucker(?)
Prove you're argentinian, anon

>> No.31153862

I was mistaken the anon that posted that isn't me. I did the anal one

>> No.31153863

Would be cute

>> No.31153894

the femcel is strong with you

>> No.31153921


>> No.31153929

Oh and I should say that mine isn't exactly a commission it was a Patreon reward

>> No.31153937


>> No.31153976


>> No.31154000

Izuru has autism

>> No.31154020

I bet she has inverted nipples...

>> No.31154030

Can't believe you'd just dox elira like thisn

>> No.31154047

Finana is so cute

>> No.31154054

Maybe that's why you had no draft, because they're sketches

>> No.31154101

>Click on fish superchat reading stream
>She's playing Valorant
How many times has this even happened now? lmao

>> No.31154108

>fuck me

>> No.31154127

Yeee I understood why! I wasn't complaining either but https://mega.nz/file/lAETDA4K#Op4HC8qTShyXxMAd3RejAJrybnyxTlLl3qXLtzPCGAo
She kinda looks like she's about to call you a fucking bitch and kill you for sticking it in her ass

>> No.31154138

The thread is so calm right now. This collab is just gonna make things explode, isn't it?

>> No.31154175


>> No.31154193

Expect a nijimado screenshot and cuck fantasies by falseflaggers

>> No.31154199

What can you possibly do when there are no Superchats to read?

>> No.31154200

the calm before the storm

>> No.31154213
File: 16 KB, 314x154, yu6pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bytemarks are hot yes they are bytches

>> No.31154218

For all the commission anons here, would you consider using skeb or do you like having more input into the final product?

>> No.31154256

cute oshi, cute fans!

>> No.31154255

Kinda sad that finana just called shiki an indie.....
I feel bad for prism sometimes

>> No.31154263

Yeah but i kinda think that's the thing that makes it hot

>> No.31154294
File: 1.03 MB, 1512x2048, thumbnails all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who won the thumbnail war?


>> No.31154302

To be fair, she's just retarded. She called Salome "senpai" before.

>> No.31154340


>> No.31154342

i personally like having input, the few skebs ive gotten i didnt like too much

>> No.31154354

I'm already preparing my baits and counter baits!

>> No.31154356

>cuck fantasies
huh? is this over kyoloette or something? that aint cuck fantasy

>> No.31154359
File: 85 KB, 1082x900, 1636298456033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I'm getting a blowjob, giving oral or having the other person ride me. I hate having to take the lead during sex.

>> No.31154362

I tried using skeb 4 times, every single one of them they ghosted me for a week and then declined my commission, 3 of them even upped their prices after declining...i just gave up and will never use it again since i had way too many bad experiences

>> No.31154372

I've used skeb before and currently have a commission that should be done by Sunday(?) Waiting on skeb.
I plan on using it again soon.

Twitter is a hit or miss. I've posted my Reimu piece I got from twitter /here/ multiple times as an example. The Indonesian I commission from twitter is good but he's about the same price as a skeb artist honestly.

>> No.31154454

No anon, two members will interact in the game and that will mean they are fucking

>> No.31154460


>> No.31154472

I'm pretty comfortable with skeb at this point, so I don't mind either way. Decent pose and expression references help a lot with getting exactly what you want. Most times though I personally like the artist to have more freedom, and my dozen skebs have been decent enough so far.

>> No.31154477

Strange, I have nothing but good experiences with Skeb. Maybe because I tend to commission artists that draw my niche fetish

>> No.31154509
File: 80 KB, 860x375, 1660867120518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeb actually does that automatically. If you cancel your commission or you have it declined. Skeb raises the price of it.
That being said, the waiting process kills me. I've posted this like 8 times now but

>> No.31154540
File: 672 KB, 1995x3000, 1660735078071595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning.
I am having a Boss Coffee Iced Vanilla Latte, todays sponsor.

>> No.31154542

Elira by a mile but yugos made me kek

>> No.31154557

doesn s*nny love petora more or does petora love s*nny more?

>> No.31154570

Wanna share with the class what that niche fetish is?

>> No.31154583

Yeah I've been waiting on two pieces (of non vtuber) related art for months. But both artists were at C100 so hopefully they'll have time to work on commissions.

>> No.31154588

goodbye, semi-comfy thread, it was nice knowing you!

>> No.31154599

>Skeb actually does that automatically. If you cancel your commission or you have it declined. Skeb raises the price of it.
What the actual fuck? This only makes me hate that site even more, also they can't give you feedback on why it was declined

>> No.31154598

kindreds look like THIS?

>> No.31154618


>> No.31154628

Should wait until the collab is over for maximum thread chaos

>> No.31154640
File: 266 KB, 1564x2048, FWaPCo3VsAAC_GW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my husband is streaming furry among us with nijien! you know where to go for your oshi's pov!

>> No.31154645

You're a fucking slut bro

>> No.31154675
File: 98 KB, 188x195, 1648758436183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31154677


>> No.31154682

The lack of feedback is the worst part. Though if you can find the rare English speaking skeb artist they occasionally link their Gmail where you can talk to them about it.

>> No.31154695

I'm a sucker for SOVL

>> No.31154707
File: 46 KB, 801x801, D3C5444E-A9B1-45E8-94B8-CD15478600CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.31154711

I can agree, artists that draw my favorite fetish tend to be quick, and some of them have even posted WIPs on their twitter.

>> No.31154728
File: 669 KB, 800x450, jack_garland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31154740

Not bad. Are you a kindred by chance?

>> No.31154767

Maria's starting screen is so great

>> No.31154788
File: 339 KB, 787x1165, 1656367176146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is such a futile and pitiful thing. This sex you speak of. I am above such trivial things. Sex is merely an expression of weakness for the fragile-minded heathens that walk this earth. I have no need for these inconsequential and worthless happenings, for there are far greator endeavors in life to pursue than intercourse with another mortal being.

>> No.31154815

Also I'll let you know a secret.
Some skeb artists are afraid of doing stuff related to nijisanji due to their thing last year.

>> No.31154842

I like how your censored their names so S*nny can’t find it in the archive

>> No.31154848

Aster and Maria did the very sly move Selen used to do in massive collabs like this and started a tiny bit before all the others so undecided viewers flocks to the only open streams. Very smart and surprisingly experienced by the two newcomers

>> No.31154876

Yeah i know that, but also 2 of them were people who still upload Nijisanji lewds to this day

>> No.31154886
File: 473 KB, 1200x1000, FadI-XMaUAEMBfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me.
Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me.
Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me.
Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me.
Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me. Shu please kill me.

>> No.31154891
File: 1.49 MB, 2420x4096, FWggebrUEAMnzfG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pommers POV live

>> No.31154918
File: 128 KB, 1021x903, 1638497076563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA *Seal noises* *comically large sweat drop comes from my forehead* *fixes tie* *straightens collar* *eyes jump out of their sockets* * bangs on the table* HUMINA HUMINA HUMINA * jaw drops to floor, puts jaw back in* accompanied by trumpets *heart beats out of chest* *clears throat* *wolf howl* *fireworks shoot from top of head* pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, *whistles loudly* AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA *slaps own face* * pants heavily* * beats head with hammer* *makes basedjak face* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEE *Whistles again* BLBLBLBLBL LBLBLBLBLBLBLLBL WHOA MAMA tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwur. takes out boxing glove punches self in face 15 times BOIOIOIOING, igrohiuraghaeri HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Waves both hands in excitement. while making a pog face* DADDDDDDDDDDYWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO

>> No.31154937
File: 485 KB, 1132x1000, 16310CD1-4E46-4B8F-B37D-A418AC7BF98A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31154940
File: 14 KB, 316x161, yupopcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YuPOV up!

>> No.31154942
File: 298 KB, 639x648, dumbsemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31154943
File: 1.43 MB, 1038x953, strams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide.....

>> No.31154950

It was made by a vtuber mama, it's really cute

>> No.31154956

They still got mogged kek

>> No.31154985

if you aren't watching every pov at once with the sound on for all of them you're not getting the full experience

>> No.31155012

Just get rid of like half of them based on who you care about and use audio from Shu or someone else with good audio

>> No.31155024

Enna has the best intro by far

>> No.31155037

luca or elira. pick one for me

>> No.31155045

The prostate isn't a g-spot, in that it isn't a nerve cluster like what women have.
The prostate simply stimulates the seminal gland to cause a penial orgasm.
Two completely different things.

>> No.31155048

wait a minute is this just amongus again

>> No.31155060

elira has better audio balance but luca is chaotic

>> No.31155064

Whoever you want! But I am watching Ewiwa!

>> No.31155075
File: 98 KB, 226x239, 1660457445466609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31155079

riding horse toys is about as far as i go

>> No.31155097

Honestly I'm waiting for all of the pov and see who has the better audio.
Captcha: KMH KYS

>> No.31155103
File: 25 KB, 339x335, aia173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia, you cute retard, you're talking while muted again....

>> No.31155109


>> No.31155123

Both POVs, Both audio. Embrace chaos.

>> No.31155133
File: 773 KB, 1371x574, PoV Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV hell..they should just combine these numbers.

>> No.31155132

if you're a pomie then luca or else you'll miss her
otherwise elira

>> No.31155155

Any anons willing to drop any skeb artists they can recommend?

>> No.31155154

>amplify that fart
kek Shu

>> No.31155164

Holy shit I’m closing the stream fuck these fart noises

>> No.31155174

numberfags seething, and all is right with the world

>> No.31155191
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x540, 1659472730349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i'm just gonna watch 2 or 3 and swap between audio for them depending on who's doing the most interesting things. anything more is too much

>> No.31155216


>> No.31155225


>> No.31155230

>pomu yamino

>> No.31155247


>> No.31155275

Are there any anons who speak Japanese?
I can't tell whether this artist accepts commissions in Gmail

>> No.31155280
File: 2.59 MB, 1898x1072, AEFVRDFAERFVAERGVADERF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31155295

>elira lowers the volume of the shrill girls

>> No.31155297

It's gonna depend entirely on what character you want, the scene, the fetish if any, stuff like that.

>> No.31155313

oh the lag will absolutely ruin this

>> No.31155317
File: 228 KB, 1500x1850, FYKa6H9WQAEWo3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab time! LET'S GO PETORA!!!

>> No.31155338

>38 person collab
>"let's introduce ourselves"

>> No.31155347

What kinda dildo server they playing on

>> No.31155354

These collabs are just hell. But im sure there will be some funny compilation video of it in a month or something..

>> No.31155361


>> No.31155370

Every fucking time

>> No.31155373

it got everyone to stop screaming at the same time

>> No.31155377

These introductions are always shit, if a viewer doesnt know who everyone in NijiEN is then fuck them

>> No.31155379


>> No.31155387

who has the best audio?

>> No.31155395
File: 22 KB, 437x547, Aia061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many voices

>> No.31155414

Aia of course

>> No.31155421

the collab master himself

>> No.31155423

They use that for audio balancing

>> No.31155431
File: 61 KB, 210x154, 1660799740581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't be watching this with a headache...

>> No.31155432


>> No.31155433

nobody... it's in game mic I think

>> No.31155435

None, because Petra is involved. So choose who you want to give your view to.

>> No.31155443

Kek Uki it's been a while since I've heard a Mean Girls reference

>> No.31155445


>> No.31155465

Just want to end my skeb virginity, but want to make sure it's someone willing to accept niji commissions.

>> No.31155484

Then why is the audio always shit

>> No.31155489

shu or fulgur probably

>> No.31155514

But she's one of them

>> No.31155528

Because they are dumb, but that's a different thing

>> No.31155561

Uhhh is there a way they could mute the farting

>> No.31155569

who is making fart noises

>> No.31155577

Yeah this is unbearable. See you tomorrow

>> No.31155600

I feel like Aia is going to be traumatized by this collab

>> No.31155607

Nobody cares

>> No.31155610

Everyone its a feature of the game

>> No.31155614

music to my ears

>> No.31155621

Did aster introduce himself? I didn't notice

>> No.31155630

Shu's "hi elira" sounded so fucking creepy

>> No.31155638

god the lag is crazy... fucking aussies

>> No.31155643

enna is evil

>> No.31155669

Yessss Lucaaaaaa

>> No.31155693

Is duck or goose the bad guy

>> No.31155695

yes, he did a hewwo

>> No.31155711

pogmu crumbs lets go

>> No.31155725

enna lmao

>> No.31155728

Some Pogmu flirting right off the bat, this will be a great stream !

>> No.31155738


>> No.31155741

more like nails on chalkboard. Her laugh and her screams are loud and obnoxious as fuck, i don't know how anyone can stand listening to her when she's not singing

>> No.31155743

duck is bad guy

>> No.31155746

what the fuck Pomu died?

>> No.31155792

Enna's killer. She didn't know how to play, and Fulgur said if she killed Pomu he would cover for her. So she clicked something random and Pomu died

>> No.31155803

fulgur said "enna if you're the killer kill pomu and i won't tell" then enna ran up and killed pomu without knowing she was a killer

>> No.31155806

wtf just happened

>> No.31155807

holy shit the lag is so bad that there is a delay of like 3 seconds between the kill and actual death

>> No.31155819

this has to be some kind of reverse psychology falseflagging bait

>> No.31155840

This is already gold.

>> No.31155850
File: 351 KB, 1448x2048, 20220715_041244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuchan talking to people like a kindergarten teacher is so hot

>> No.31155851

>Fags baiting already
At least wait until something noteworthy happens in the game you dipshits

>> No.31155858

>Fulgur and Ren covering Enna's murder

>> No.31155881
File: 175 KB, 319x320, 1624766259891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can feel her screaming into the void
Pomu.... your reputation...

>> No.31155889

Is Pomu's stream lagging for anyone else?

>> No.31155900

Enna killed Pomu, yet she doesn't know anything about being a killer and killed her by accident

>> No.31155906

I can't really tell myself, but it could be worth sending a polite email anyway.
If it helps, there's this extension you can install that will show you on twitter if an artist has an active skeb, and if so, their price. I've converted it into a userscript and translated it, but I'll have to wait till later to post it.

>> No.31155926

you can eat them???

>> No.31155930


>> No.31155934

you just know s*nny will

>> No.31155942


>> No.31155953

Elira and Enna are killers.

>> No.31155992
File: 26 KB, 200x200, washFN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31156011

The stream itself is fine for me, but some of the players are moving in a laggy fashion, not sure if it's like that for the others too

>> No.31156013

In his pixiv it says he doesn't take requests.

>> No.31156014

wow what a shitty game

>> No.31156016

jesus christ

>> No.31156023

how do you elira is a killer?

>> No.31156022

That was pretty smooth kill Elira

>> No.31156026

based fuuchan

>> No.31156047

>there is a role that makes you high pitched
what the fuck

>> No.31156051

What the fuck

>> No.31156062

Of course its fucking Aia using the voice changer

>> No.31156066

>aia fix your voice or I'm gonna mute you and vote you out

>> No.31156074

this is a kusoge by design

>> No.31156082

Does Aia genuinely not know she has the voice on?

>> No.31156091

and Luca I think, cause all three of their names are red
Red names in their POVs

>> No.31156093

It's Elira, Enna, and Luca
Their names are red

>> No.31156106

Aia being bullied again...

>> No.31156109

its not her fault
the game is doing it

>> No.31156129

Why do you all bully Aia? :(

>> No.31156141


>> No.31156149

poor aia

>> No.31156161
File: 40 KB, 411x411, 1660665139808965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgive her, right? it's not her fault

>> No.31156165

>Aia spills her role to Elira that if she dies everyone gets notified immediately

>> No.31156168


>> No.31156190

Only if she rims my ass later

>> No.31156191

I thought Aia was doing an unfunny skit, but it's the game's doing. Gomen...

>> No.31156212

please kill aia

>> No.31156210

Aia is bullied even by the universe

>> No.31156215

why is maria SO FUCKING LOUD

>> No.31156216


>> No.31156218

How the fuck is GGD not a copyright infringement on Among Us?

>> No.31156223
File: 200 KB, 658x668, 1146880639916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this group of dumbasses keep up with all the roles in this game?

>> No.31156224

fucking hell let yugo finish.

>> No.31156248

why does she have it while the others don't

>> No.31156257

The voice thing is so fucking good to disrupt the discussion

>> No.31156263

Aia's so cute

>> No.31156269

Wait. They made Duck Among Us?

>> No.31156281

There's no real rules against gameplay

>> No.31156291

>ren was vigilante
>enna told him she was a killer and he did nothing

>> No.31156294

Adventurer Goose – You cannot die from the environment.
Assassin Duck – If you guess a role correctly, you will kill a player in a meeting. You die if you are wrong.
Avenger Goose – If you witness another Goose being murdered, you can kill the murderer temporarily.
Birdwatcher Goose – Can see through walls but has limited regular vision.
Bodyguard Goose – You are assigned another player to protect. If you stand between them and the killer, you die instead and get a bonus.
Canadian Goose – If someone kills you, they will automatically self-report your body.
Cannibal Duck – You can eat a corpse once per game to hide a body.
Celebrity Goose – Alerts the other Geese when you are killed.
Demolitionist Duck – You plant bombs on other players.
Detective Goose – You can investigate a player once per game to see if they have killed anyone.
Dodo – You win if you are voted out, so try to act suspiciously.
Dueling Dodos – If the other Dodo in the game is killed, you win if you are voted out. You can complete your tasks to be able to kill the other Dodo if they are still alive.
Falcon – Always automatically skips voting. You win by being the last one alive and can only lose by Ducks pulling off sabotage or Geese completing all tasks if you are still alive.
Gravy Goose – Completing tasks will increase your bounty, survive to prevent whoever kills you from getting your currency.
Hitman Duck – Kills give you a bonus.
Identity Thief Duck – When you kill someone, you transform into them until a meeting happens.
Locksmith Goose – You can open the jail door anytime.
Lover Goose/Duck – If you and your lover are the last ones alive, you both win.
Mechanic Goose – Can use vents.
Medium Goose – Can detect how many ghosts are present at any time.
Mimic Goose – Ducks see you as another duck.
Morphling Duck – You can disguise yourself as others.
Mortician Goose – You investigate corpses to see what their role was.
Ninja Duck – You can kill two people who are close enough at the same time.
Party Duck – You choose players to give a high-pitched voice to in meetings.
Pigeon – Transmit a disease to all players before a meeting is called to win.
Politician Goose – You cannot be sent to jail and you win voting ties.
Professional Duck – You cannot report corpses, and Geese can not see your kills. They will automatically report them if they get close.
Sherrif Goose – You can kill anyone, but if you kill a Goose, you die.
Silencer Duck – You can mute a player from saying anything during meetings.
Snitch Duck – If you are the only person to vote for a player they are put into jail.
Snoop Goose – Can hide in nooks and crannies.
Spy Duck – If you are the only one to vote for a player in a meeting, you will learn their role.
Technician Goose – Can approximately detect where sabotages are called in.
Undertaker Duck – You can slowly drag bodies to try and hide them.
Vigilante Goose – Can kill one player without consequences.
Vulture – Your only objective is to eat the corpse of a murdered Goose.

here are all the roles in this fucking game

>> No.31156298

she has the role celebrity duck.
I think it's making everyone aware you're dead once you get killed too

>> No.31156300

luca with his two big older sisters as killers

>> No.31156304

Shu and Yugo messing around together is cute

>> No.31156319

Aia gree

>> No.31156325

Shu straight up talking in japanese to Yugo.

>> No.31156330

Jesus fucking christ. That's even more complicated than TOS

>> No.31156355

for what fucking reason

>> No.31156362

holy jesus, thats too many roles

>> No.31156363

who is laughing like a gremlin

>> No.31156376

Shu chasing Yugo while speaking japanese is so cute

>> No.31156380

who the fuck can remember this

>> No.31156386

rip bytch...

>> No.31156390


>> No.31156401

At some point they should realize that these massive collabs are more fun for them than it actually is for viewers.
Like do none of them care about the stream experience?

>> No.31156436

game mechanics isnt copyrightable

>> No.31156440
File: 1.89 MB, 1902x1068, asdvadsvasdvasdvsacasdvasdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31156443

>Party Duck – You choose players to give a high-pitched voice to in meetings.
of course it was enna giving aia the voice.

>> No.31156442

im having fun, sorry youre not anon

>> No.31156445

start writing your paragraphs for a youtube comment anon!

>> No.31156454
File: 1.13 MB, 850x1239, 1648713826677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go weeewa!!!

>> No.31156458

I love mad Yugo

>> No.31156463
File: 14 KB, 510x152, yudone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they inted by killing my bytch.....

>> No.31156460

Yugo lmao

>> No.31156465

Clown Shubert

>> No.31156467

fulgur turning maria down to half volume kek

>> No.31156477

tits too big

>> No.31156489

Elira was the party duck

>> No.31156491

Selen does..

>> No.31156494

Luca too stronk, he’ll be sussed everytime next time

>> No.31156497
File: 889 KB, 1366x768, 1653825234640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek shu

>> No.31156517

idk the stream is fine for me

>> No.31156543

I just realized Pomu was in this image

>> No.31156555

So many roles...

>> No.31156564

90% of collabs aren't meant for the viewer. It's why they usually don't read superchats during them.

>> No.31156576
File: 363 KB, 489x670, 1633939019766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll only have a bad time if your oshi doesn't talk/you don't like these types of collabs. For me I love this.

>> No.31156580

My hidden ship art flies under the radar

>> No.31156581

one of these is not like the others...

>> No.31156585

enna leaked the code just like in amogus, i wonder if her audience is still well behaved

>> No.31156595


>> No.31156600

3p of selen fulgur and pomu, fucking finally

>> No.31156615

My son too excited…

>> No.31156632

because this game is pretty quacked

>> No.31156634
File: 207 KB, 400x400, 1658544760794868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a you problem

>> No.31156636

>well behaved
They were spamming their hetship the other day

>> No.31156638

is there any difference between this and among us?

>> No.31156663

he found two places!!

>> No.31156662

As long as they are not spamming it daily, I'm fine with watching my oshi have fun. I don't even try to comprehen what's going on, I'm just there for the reactions and conversations.

>> No.31156669

who homophobic here?

>> No.31156676

hi newfriend

>> No.31156681

This one seems way more complicated

>> No.31156684

Each person gets a role with a gimmick, that's it

>> No.31156694

>Pomu was the Canadian

>> No.31156703


>> No.31156704
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>> No.31156734

My oshi is a collab king so I'm used to this. I'm still having fun

>> No.31156739
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>> No.31156741
File: 1.54 MB, 2480x3508, 1637766822967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like them too much because it gives me a feeling that I could just spend my time with my own friends instead. There are plenty of people who love it so I understand why they keep doing them.

>> No.31156749

ren uki and aster are being gay in a corner

>> No.31156754

It was a vision of the future when she marries Elira and gets her Canadian citizenship

>> No.31156763


>> No.31156766

Page 10 confession: I'm not watching the Goose Goose Duck collab because Millie is not there. I already expected it to happen though after her tweets earlier.

>> No.31156772

Pomu bonked the role autist in chat kek

>> No.31156779

Enna, Shu, and Aster are killer

>> No.31156788

i am now after that ren fulgur interaction

>> No.31156795
File: 282 KB, 666x999, Syalania Thadzuqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashallah the duck will be found

>> No.31156797

enna is party duck, she can give people high pitched voices now
aster is cannibal, i guess he can eat corpses
no clue who the 3rd evil one is

>> No.31156800

>Pomu going one (1) single stream without shitting on her fans challenge

>> No.31156822

He only had to offer a 6 month in advance payment, lmao.

>> No.31156842

Yeah, well, I don't have friends that would fuck around in games like this with me, so I'm living vicariously through them.

>> No.31156845

Aia is fucking Petra

>> No.31156864

>if i die all of china will know

>> No.31156873


>> No.31156874

Pogmu flirting!
This is a great stream

>> No.31156882

shu is the silencer

>> No.31156901

>fuuchan still bottoming even when sexing with pomu and selen

>> No.31156902

just like mysta,whatever works

>> No.31156904

Yeah but they finished

>> No.31156910


>> No.31156917

My poor son didn't get to do anything...

>> No.31156941

Page 10 confession: I don't like it when collabs are this large. Voices constantly overlap each other it usually gets too messy for anyone to really shine

>> No.31156958

IIRC the cannibal can only eat one corpse

>> No.31156962


>> No.31156973
File: 1.65 MB, 498x373, selen-beloved-selen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31156988

Just when he finally got the dodobird role

>> No.31156989

Kill cooldown seems a bit too fast. 3 are already dead.

>> No.31156998

Pogmu flirting and Pomu shitting on her fans and being le funny mald already in under an hour of this collab. I can see why her viewers and superchats are dropping jeez

>> No.31157024

3 people died?!??!!?

>> No.31157031

Famillie... I don't feel so good

>> No.31157035

Anon, that was Fulgur

>> No.31157070

Aia is being cute

>> No.31157088
File: 755 KB, 890x653, 1626822158497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really sad, don't want to shit the thread but *cums on you* _________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

>> No.31157099

shu is so bad at this

>> No.31157105

Selen did and actually knowledge this

>> No.31157111

>tourists can't even tell livers apart

>> No.31157121

mysta rias

>> No.31157147

Shu and his autism to find the emergency button...

>> No.31157151

>Fu-chan vigilante'd the wrong person

>> No.31157156

enna just made aia high pitched again

>> No.31157163

>drawing in the D

>> No.31157177


>> No.31157190

they are bullying Aia again even when she has a trauma of being bullied...

>> No.31157204

>Aia getting high-pitched again

>> No.31157209

Enna keeps inflating Aia.

>> No.31157215

>Aia got chosen again for the funny voice

>> No.31157219

least obvious tourist

>> No.31157223

detective yugo

>> No.31157226

Aia getting bullied again

>> No.31157227

They're bullying Aia LMAO

>> No.31157232

Aia making a weird voice....

>> No.31157241

aia got two of the imposters right.....

>> No.31157261

I swear I've read this before...

>> No.31157264


>> No.31157283


>> No.31157286
File: 293 KB, 1536x2048, FZ81vsyagAAKmRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully Shu kills me while I'm asleep

>> No.31157295

Millie why the fuck did you have to get sick

>> No.31157303

enna doesn't get to make people high pitched anymore :(

>> No.31157312

I finally know why I can't stand Aster, he has a faggot voice

>> No.31157327

is this Pomu's personality trait? It is like she is seeing that Enna is popular and tries to copy her. BUT Enna is funny, Enna has charm, Pomu is just a fucking CUNT all the time now. Like how is this the only thing she does now? Screaming FUCK YOU like a banshee every single colla, zero humor to it, zero jokes. How does she think this is ok?
How does no one else in NijiEN tell her that she is being a bitch ?

>> No.31157331

is my wife (male).

>> No.31157347

Is Fulgur still on "break" or is he back now

>> No.31157353

Aia's smart

>> No.31157356
File: 49 KB, 827x827, Fae5zajUUAEYd21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31157362

"I literally cannot move and any small movement I throw up or feel super dizzy.."
This was me when I got confined to a hospital when I got dengue. I was in the hospital for a week. (breakbone)

>> No.31157370

aia and yugo are unexpectedly smart

>> No.31157383

Wow you’re so special
I agree with a few exceptions but it’s only because most EN members don’t know when to shut up and give room for people to talk

>> No.31157384

She is angel and he is DJ

>> No.31157389

Maria sounds like such a brat when she gets loud.

>> No.31157393

cool story anon, why don't you compile a grudge doc and spam it on pomu tags ?

>> No.31157398


>> No.31157400

I've missed the whole stream so far because I've had to mute it while I'm on the phone with a pizza joint that delivered my order to the wrong place

>> No.31157403

They actually try playing the game

>> No.31157414

Rosemi joining?

>> No.31157416


>> No.31157419

wosemi enter!

>> No.31157421
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>> No.31157422

I wonder why she isn't subscribed to him. I thought they were able to subscribed but just not able to send superchats or join membership

>> No.31157424
File: 948 KB, 748x755, 1641833748742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31157429

Wosemi joining
3 killers too

>> No.31157433

Is being a pussy bitch your personality trait?

>> No.31157436


>> No.31157437

Rosemi is joining

>> No.31157438

He is back, he organized the amogus collab

>> No.31157440


>> No.31157449
File: 18 KB, 128x128, 1645858825280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Pomu will rape correct her later.

>> No.31157454
File: 3.80 MB, 393x434, 1655072377149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds anon

>> No.31157456

Who's the deep voiced British lad?

>> No.31157458
File: 258 KB, 480x480, vcJVYrKIFsv4gAev9bSgCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31157461

Much like IRL vigilantes

>> No.31157460


>> No.31157463

Man Pomu's game really is lagging, pretty weird.

>> No.31157471
File: 21 KB, 585x215, pontuoooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31157470

How is Rosemi going to join if Maria is already there?

>> No.31157478

don't reply to tourists

>> No.31157483
File: 22 KB, 822x231, 4735649753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why this is unarchived. I wanna kms Ike Eveland you could have at least told us first ;v;

>> No.31157487


>> No.31157490

it's page 10, she sounds like fuckin haachama and it spooks me every time

>> No.31157492

It's a running joke that Fulgur doesn't want people to subscribe to him.

>> No.31157503

Dengue is fucking shit man, It was like 10 times worse than covid for me

>> No.31157508


>> No.31157507


>> No.31157514
File: 619 KB, 1536x2048, FYPwHBdUcAAfO5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wose is here!!!!

>> No.31157534

Petra...you are not a duck...you are a PENGUIN

>> No.31157536

@me when selen join this collab

>> No.31157542
File: 12 KB, 397x92, jfkdlasfjalks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must save

>> No.31157547

>finally fuuchan you're free

>> No.31157548


>> No.31157550

>finally fuuchan youre free!
enna my sides

>> No.31157562

psyborg is dead we are free

>> No.31157564


>> No.31157565

>Selen and Finana are nowhere to be seen again in a big nijiEN collab

>> No.31157584

Thank God

>> No.31157593
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>> No.31157602

>Ready up! Or I'll MAKE you ready up!
Tell em Elira!

>> No.31157606

fucking finally

>> No.31157612

Good, collabs are cancer an i prefer Selen solo streams

>> No.31157620

aster can make people high pitched
enna is jester, she wants to get voted out to win

>> No.31157625

>shu and aster again
It even has the sussy bug from amogus.

>> No.31157634


>> No.31157636

Oh yeah no one archives the guys' member streams

>> No.31157641

Holy fuck Enna

>> No.31157646

Aia is for impregnation

>> No.31157655

It feels like months since the last Finana/Pomu collab...

>> No.31157659

not so fast they have at least ten sponsored streams and con appearances lined up

>> No.31157677
File: 302 KB, 1448x2048, 1660767331707911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia killer!!!

>> No.31157711

There's already too many zoomers in this collab. We don't need to throw Finana and Selen in here too.

>> No.31157719

You know something I like about Aia is how polite she is. She's always respectfully addressing her senpais as senpai. I'm thinking back and I can't remember Nina ever calling anyone senpai even though she has six senpais. Perhaps she finds speaking with Japanese honorifics to be embarrassing. Not Aia though, because Aia is based.

>> No.31157729
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>> No.31157732

>Rosemi's canadian

>> No.31157731

god wills it

>> No.31157735

hairy vietcong pussy

>> No.31157739

Haha Pomu sexjokes, she is so funny and original. She is great in collabs haha

>> No.31157743

>canon ship
it will literally never die

>> No.31157744

I didn't even notice he took it down. Maybe there was something he wanted to cut out of it.

>> No.31157753

so polite she called shoto her senpai

>> No.31157755

yeah, me

>> No.31157761

Based anon-chan

>> No.31157773

Yeah I like when she says "Shoto-senpai"

>> No.31157785

I still won't watch her because of this fuck up.

>> No.31157789

Must be sad using the same bait over and over again

>> No.31157791


>> No.31157793

Why Rosemi isn't streaming? Hates her fans?

>> No.31157799
File: 310 KB, 1578x2043, 1660709348481413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill them with your tits Aia!!!

>> No.31157802

>Shu creeping on Elira as the killer

>> No.31157803

aster has such a feminine sneeze

>> No.31157818
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>> No.31157836
File: 112 KB, 900x1083, 165434579687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.31157863

what the fuck happened kek

>> No.31157865


>> No.31157867
File: 24 KB, 583x197, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31157873

Not a single kill??

>> No.31157888

How is it so easy for NijiEN to get 13 members all together in one collab on short notice, when certain other companies have to fight tooth and nail just to get 10 of their members together?

>> No.31157902


>> No.31157906

Too polite she respects her daisenpai, shoto-senpai

>> No.31157912

enna is a pervert!

>> No.31157924


>> No.31157932


>> No.31157947

Pomu's sperging out...

>> No.31157950


>> No.31157954
File: 131 KB, 1300x1150, FL92lbKaIAAo2Qc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally, it's been ages...

>> No.31157957

what happen?

>> No.31157963

LMAO Enna cutting in and out

>> No.31157966

Rosemi is such a fucking fujo

>> No.31157967

No kills? Hazukashi!

>> No.31157977

It's kinda baffling to see how this game has more content than amogus given the size of that game

>> No.31157981

When will the illuna kids stop using senpai

>> No.31157986

Isnt Pomu's yuribaiting with Elira great?

>> No.31157990

fulgur completely ignoring uki's kiss KEK

>> No.31157993

That dodo roll is fun.

>> No.31157998

go ask them

>> No.31158000
File: 398 KB, 1600x1127, 1652299051958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Please... please... I know I shouldn't be asking for member's streams but please tell me someone archived this... I wasn't able to watch it since I was going to save it for the weekend...

>> No.31158004

I had to fail a subject back when I was in college because I got it on the final week of the semester before the final exams. I had a batchmate in high school who died from kidney failure because of dengue 2 years before I got it myself.

>> No.31158024

i accidently posted a vid of an oiled up black guy shaking his ass, in the nijien discord

>> No.31158041

Yugo just put clown music now

>> No.31158045


>> No.31158047

Feesh is resting. She said she has a meeting later today (and she's afraid that her PC will explode)

>> No.31158052


>> No.31158049


>> No.31158057

after ike stop using senpai

>> No.31158060
File: 670 KB, 2400x2253, 20220816_032121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31158082

Based DJ

>> No.31158088

I change my mind. I'm watching Enna's POV because she put Millie's goose in there.

>> No.31158095


>> No.31158108

Ewiwa is the greatest gamer

>> No.31158117

What a twist...

>> No.31158121

their love is real

>> No.31158129

Holy shit Elira

>> No.31158133
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1659039949401671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You doubted?

>> No.31158134

blame fucking ike

>> No.31158142

This game is fucking retarded lol

>> No.31158143

I don't understand this game

>> No.31158159
File: 598 KB, 1440x1036, Kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31158161

>jobs hard in koshien hard
>kills the wrong person
>lets weewa win

>> No.31158164

Hello tourist friends please don't shit on the carpet

>> No.31158177

Yes because she used to call her Lady.
Pomu is the bottom and that's hot.

>> No.31158180

Elira tricked Enna and then she gaslit everyone for her.

>> No.31158182
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1660004393250968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewiwa cracked

>> No.31158184

luca is buying us cookies!

>> No.31158188

*shits on tourist*

>> No.31158203

I still believe in Pomu top. I remember how Elira reacted to her shota voice.

>> No.31158207


>> No.31158209

thankfully i'm not a tourist

>> No.31158211

I don't have it, I'm sorry

>> No.31158229

Better game than Amogus desu
The jank makes people take it less seriously and have more fun

>> No.31158231

I think everyone lowered Maria's volume so much after the beginning no one can hear her anymore lol

>> No.31158238

>jizz on the cock mention

>> No.31158260
File: 312 KB, 467x522, my queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31158265

Shu shut the fuck up

>> No.31158272

>Maria just apologized for not talking much
She is such a fast learner lol. I'm pretty sure she reads threads here.

>> No.31158276

Even just having proximity audio makes it much better

>> No.31158288

>Elira RPing in the bathroom stall while making fart noises
This is the content I'm here for

>> No.31158290

Shu reciting HitD on the stage

>> No.31158296

Pogmu Flirting! This stream is so great!

>> No.31158304

Fuuchan has been chaperoning Pogmu this whole game

>> No.31158307

>roleplay map
What the fuck is this kusoge...

>> No.31158308

They are gonna cybersex in this map, after the stream.

>> No.31158321

It would be fine if they remove the farting

>> No.31158324

sorry Quilldren... I didn't expect this development

>> No.31158332

God, I love Elira, this fucking retard, just sitting in the bathroom alone RPing that she's on tiktok

>> No.31158340

>who would roleplay in goose goose duck
>starts roleplaying

>> No.31158343

i'm going to anti shu
