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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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302893 No.302893 [Reply] [Original]

Thread #4 - Renamed Edition

Let's discuss our aspirations for VTubing, whether agency-based or something more indie, and help each other grow to hopefully make it as an entertainer. Indies are welcome to join, of course, but try to avoid the common pitfalls that come with being indie.

Stay grounded, but stay hopeful.

Question of the Thread: VTubers range from someone like the Gorilla, all the way someone like AZKi. The VTubing industry is closely linked to the idol industry but it's not necessarily the same.

Where do you lie on the scale of "streamer with an avatar" to "proper 2D idol"?

>> No.303283

>Be male with voice too deep for convincing trap voice but also not nearly smooth enough to lure THOTs and gays
>Enjoy games that probably wouldn't be too enjoyable for chuuba streaming (4Xs, RTSs primarily)
>Sub-par setup (loud computer fans, mic is desk mounted but picks up too much noise to not sound garbage tier
>Can't get through the awkward stage of 'playing a character' while streaming with no audience, no interaction, literally just me talking to myself
I sent an application for the recent Niji EN recruitment but obviously received fuck-all response, as I don't really have even audience-less streams to show off. Pretty sure there's 0 chance that I'd ever be able to even pull 5 viewers let alone 5 hundred, 5 thousand, etc.

>> No.303411

do you do outreach anywhere? probably an obvious question but even though they're dogshit sometimes you can pick up viewers by shilling yourself in places like reddit or twitter
i remember when i used to do regular streams i'd sometimes hit 20-30 viewers by posting my stream on places relevant to whatever it was i was streaming

>> No.303473

If you’d like I can check over your application video personally. Just send it as a DM on twitch.

>> No.303823

Even I'm cringing too hard just watching it. Sorry, not gonna do it. Here's a voice clip though so you know what I'm working with: https://voca.ro/1gJex2J32zxE
Nah, I'm too proud to shill. My thought process was always "well, I'm playing games that no one else seems to be, maybe the fact that I'm one of only like 5 people streaming it will attract viewers!" It never does

>> No.303962

>literally wants to do a job that is all about self-promotion and attention-whoring
>refuses to self-promote and attention-whore

>> No.304061

your voice doesn't sound bad though
and yeah i get the whole "shilling feels like selling out thing" but it's basically nightmare mode to get noticed if you aren't putting yourself out there. how long have you been going at it?

>> No.304069

Honestly? It’s not bad. Monotone in that voice clip but it’s gruff and confident. I’d listen to you.

I think it’s rather manly and you could attract the “bros” crowd. Just like how Roberu is everyone’s boy.

>> No.304338

Also, forgot to mention
It's fine and well that all the JP chuubas are so shameless that they scream and shout and fuck the neighbors, but I get self-conscious about it. Especially as my bedroom does directly meet my next-door-neighbor's bedroom.
I gave up trying years ago desu, on and off for a year until then
I'm normally monotonous at speaking volume (which is low by nature). I can pitch and accent just fine, but it requires me to add volume. Adding volume runs into the issue I brought up at the beginning of this post.

>> No.305177

ive no idea what to say in these threads anymore ive completely stopped working for a week or two now lol

>> No.306359

Gonna do my first ever stream with my avatar tomorrow friends, wish me luck!
I don't expect a lot of people but I'm gonna try to go through it acting as if I havea ton of viewers anyway!

>> No.307401

Did a test stream today and rewatched it to see what I need to work more on. Voice was definitely too quiet, and when I did speak it was very unconfident. Will definitely need to improve on that

>> No.307422

If you're passionate about it, just do it. Don't expect to ever 'hit it big' and become a million-sub, or even thousand-sub, vtuber. Gotta be in it for you and your passion. If you care about the 'art', you'll find enjoyment in that, even if you never get a regular viewer.
>>306359 has the right spirit. Who gives a shit if you have a gorillion viewers or not? You're playing a character, and that character should be able to stand as a character even if there's no one around to see it. Otherwise it's a shite character.

>> No.307498

RTS like aoe2 or sc2 are probably brainlet friendly. I dunno about 4x or grand strategy though. There's so much going on in the background that isn't killing things, so non-autists might not get it.

>> No.307624

Some of us set up a technical/moral support discord for male chuubas from /vt/: https://discord.gg/7twd5uKdu4

>> No.307856

>RTS like aoe2 or sc2
I don't play RTSs competitively/online, only campaigns or AI skirmishes
Like I said, can't get past the mental block of "this is fucking stupid and cringe" if I'm acting as if there's someone there, or acting as if there's more than a person or two who pops in my stream for a couple minutes just to leave again without so much as a single comment in chat. Not even criticism. SOME amount of interaction would be nice.

>> No.308496

Have to ask then... Why? Why do you want to do this? Or do you ACTUALLY want to do it in the first place? Seems to me that you're trying to be a numberfag while claiming you don't care about being a numberfag. The really plain truth is that, yeah, you're probably gonna be averaging 0-1 viewers for the first couple weeks or months you stream, unless you somehow manage to find a niche genre or specific game that sets you apart. The field is absolutely covered with indie vtubers, and it's very competitive to even get viewership, let alone get to the point of joining one of the agencies. I realize I'm just a schmuck online who isn't a chuuba himself and only has random zatsudan and general observation to go off of, but I'm fairly confident that I'm not speaking from a place of complete ignorance.
Some people just aren't "meant" for streaming. You either have the personality, or the drive to emulate the personality at least, or you don't. It's nothing against you, not a personal attack, and maybe you are and just don't know it. But worrying about whether you get views or whether you can stay in character even if it's for a non-existent crowd... Just doesn't bode well.

>> No.308587

Hey, the amaburi girls gave a show to a nonexistent crowd. So did muse for that matter. Practically a trope.

>> No.308859

Dude, don’t feel bad for shilling. Think about it this way: you want people to have fun watching you, right? Then it’s imperative to inform these users of where the fun is happening, otherwise they‘ll never know!

>> No.309058

Just saw another post that reminded me: Get VRChat and 'practice' there. Make up a character and get used to acting that way the whole time you're in a session. See how/if people engage with you and seem to enjoy your presence. Get used to the feel of just stream-of-consciousness-ing your thoughts and ideas to random people you don't know. Then, next time you try streaming, just carry that same momentum into the stream, you know that it got people to listen to/pay attention to you rather than the kids running around spamming soundboards or some shit.

>> No.309330

I really think two males have a lot more chance of success than one.

>> No.309337

The reason I WANT to do it is because I enjoy the idea of playing a character, and the obvious anonymity granted by Vtubing so that, should I do something super cringe or that draws too much flak, I can just melt away from the internet and pretend it never happened.
Problem is that I'm really not engaging enough to appeal to any fanbase. I know this sounds like self-effacing coward talk, but I really am just stunningly average in every way. I don't make weird noises or have unique tics, I'm not a fantastic gamer, and while I appreciate the two (or one samefag) people who said my voice sounded alright, I'm not exactly "radio show host" levels of smooth, buttery voice that people can listen to just to have on in the background.
I guess.
I've gone in VRChat before, but usually find myself just watching other people rather than getting other people to watch me. Again, boring as watching paint dry.

>> No.309454

I'll talk to you. Join the discord.

>> No.309636

hopeful only ever posts under their tripcode so it's at least two people
i know i don't have much of a place to talk since i'm also a nobody who is only just now starting on my own path towards content creation but there's a lot of content creators on youtube that don't meet any of the criteria you listed yet still have tens of thousands of subscribers despite also being really average people. it really does have a lot to do with a lot of shilling and hoping the algorithm hit you afterwards

>> No.310534

hey yeah don't do that

>> No.311115

I was making the suggestion for a discord as a joke to imply you guys are faggots. I didn't think you'd actually do it. I almost feel bad now.

>> No.311296
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femanon that's started streaming in late jan - I got my first genuine comment from a viewer & am about to hit 10 subs.

I've also rapidly realized that my borderline schizo-nonstop zatsudan is a big strong point for my streams after watching different vtubers who leave a lot of dead air or only sit in silence while replying to chat. I have a lot of confidence after having streamed regularly for the past week or two!!!

holoen2 ikuzo !!!

>> No.311618

Bruh that's a really good livestream voice. Just do some announcer/newscaster voice training and you can probably sound like Critikal or something.

>> No.311917

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
well fuck, now i guess i'm doomed to have people make me look like i'm samefag dicksucking myself when it was just a moment of weakness as long as this thread's alive

>> No.312092

email the archive.nyafuu owner to remove the post permanently

>> No.312190

Wait, there's a fucking /vt/ archive? of course there fucking is. Well, best I guess I can do is just not tag any post in the chain and hope that it gets lost in the shuffle, better that than coming across as an attention whore
>also >options field

>> No.312244
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what? your post (>>311618) shows up as a unique IP
nobody would think you're samefagging

>> No.312290

Hoping the best for you!

>> No.312318

>People actually going to random discord links

>> No.312349

>borderline schizo-nonstop zatsudan
how do you do it?
It seems impossible to be able to talk constantly without sounding annoying as fuck

>> No.312348

Keep going for it homie

>> No.312383

>It seems impossible to be able to talk constantly without sounding annoying as fuck
And yet hundreds of vtubers do it every single day...

>> No.312407

I should have specified that it seems impossible for me specifically.
Even in real life I have trouble keeping conversations going so the concept is totally lost on me

>> No.312434

spin a persona

>> No.312559

This is one of the best things to set you apart from other beginners, I'm the same way. People will join small streams and the dead air immediately turns them off, but if you're just non-stop talking it makes them want to at least interact once.

>> No.312585

> Attention whoring general
Way to go!

>> No.312660

I suppose that is kind of the point, isn't it?

>> No.312867

Thoughts on PHASE-CONNECT? I want to apply so I can ask more questions but I'm nervous of giving out my real name to a faceless company that could very well take my info and run.



>> No.312889
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Forgot to attach image

>> No.313063

I'd say just go for it.
for a startup to give a salary almost seems to good to be true. If the revenue share is too steep then maybe step back but otherwise it seems like a good deal
there are millions of ways for companies to get any info they want about you. Giving them your name isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.313555
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It's because I'm annoying as fuck and love chatting to myself out loud. I didn't use to do it, but I joined my school's speech & debate team (which obviously required a lot of speaking) and haven't stopped doing it since I graduated HS.

>> No.313599

>loud computer fans
Get an extension lead and some longer cables and put the computer on the other side of the room.

>> No.313626

What's a good program to use for character creation and mocap? I've tried vroid but the character creation was garbage.

>> No.313786

>character creation
unironically, Photoshop and Live2D
an iPhone

>> No.313829

Kill yourself, tripfag.
Anyone who doesn't filter your retarded attention whoring ass should kill themselves as well.

>> No.313838

why do newniggers just love to openly out themselves as retards?

>> No.313843

>an iPhone

>> No.314188

I like the attitude. Keep at it!
There will be more gens in the future for Hololive (there are also agencies rising to challenge Hololive as well) and they hire from the indie vtubers!
You might actually legit get chosen to be part of Hololive one day but you need to show off your portfolio as content creator. I wish you the best!

>> No.314219
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I forgot to mention that Nenechi was rejected 4 times and she said she would have continued to apply until she would have been rejected 10 times or so.

>> No.314307

>borderline schizo
That's a plus point since YAGOO likes broken girls.

>> No.314312
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If I had known we were allowed to keep applying every 2 weeks I would have done so as well. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, Nene has inspired me to be like that now after years of trying to play things safe.

>> No.314507
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You have to take some risks. You can even experiment with your content like Haachama. She doesn't have a good streaming pc, not reliable internet, was quarantined in Australia and managed to create amazing content. Her last few streams blew my mind. i think she is a genius with amazing creativity.

>> No.315058 [SPOILER] 
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but do you have the actual deciding factor to be accepted to YAGOO's harem of broken girls and boys?/s

>> No.315633

it's unfortunate but yeah
iPhone cameras have nigh unparalleled facial tracking
better than most webcams

>> No.315706

say you wanted to do an idle-talk practice stream but you usually hit 0 viewers a stream, what do you do in that situation?

>> No.315828

a realsense is cheaper than an iPhone X.

>> No.315866
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>mfw I'm an ex-menhera = I'll be a shoo-in to holoen2

It's kind of hard to explain just because zatsudan comes naturally to me, but what I do while at a low-viewer count/inactive chat is get into a state of mind kind of similar to like uh

have you ever had a disagreement with someone, then after the fact you go through an imaginary argument with yourself in the shower? It's kind of like that, just talking through whatever comes to mind as topic as though you were talking to a friend while you're waiting in the airport or something and both of your phones are dead.

>> No.316092

> an iPhone
Or an Android phone with ARcore capabilities, meaning most of the new phones.
You don't have to kill your wallet for this anon.

>> No.316166

Still not as good. There’s a reason face id is secure

>> No.316271

Have fun, anon! You’ve got the right attitude so I’m sure you’ll do well!
Rewatching your stream is a very good way to improve. You’re already ahead of me in that regard, wwwwww.
You gotta accept the cringe. I also felt the same when I started out. I was embarassed about even streaming. I thought I was cringy for even just wanting to be a streamer. It takes a while but if you push that thought out of your head, you’ll eventually be able to talk as if you’re just with another friend.
Sadly true. Some people aren’t the type to be entertainers. You either enjoy it or you can pretend to enjoy it. It’s a prerequisite for success.

>> No.316407

This is actually really good advice I haven’t thought of! Basically it’s live action roleplaying. I know that phrase gets memed a lot on here, but it’s basically what everyone does as a VTuber. Good practice, I might go ahead and download vrchat myself now.
I don’t think you should be wanting to VTube *because* it’s a way for you to escape when things go awry. If you want to make it as a VTuber, you have to understand the culture and ENJOY it.
Hey good job!! Are those twitch or youtube subs? I admire your ability for nonstop zatsudans! I have an issue where I suddenly draw a blank or run out of topics so I just comment on the chat or talk about something on the internet until I can get back on my feet. I’m happy you’ve gotten a confidence boost from this!

holoen2 ni hairemasu!!!
Honestly it sounds like you have some other issues to work through if this is what you think when people anonymously compliment you. People aren’t out to get you, take the compliments.
Is it really wrong to draw attention to yourselves? I think it’s nice to celebrate each other’s small victories.

>> No.316469

More like no standard way to interact with it.
it's different for every device? I guess.

>> No.316486

This seems really good!! A wage and support for buying streaming equipment? Sounds fantastic honestly. Do your best, everyone!
Tripcodes are features with an intended purpose. I genuinely don’t understand why some of you are so repelled by it.
That’s the spirit! I saw Nene’s video too. Gave me a bit of a push to submit.
This is really nice advice, thank you for this! I’ll have to try it out the next time I practice my zatsudan.
ARCore is only OK. It doesn’t have any of the 3D depth sensing and tracking that iPhone have. To put it into perspective, there simply isn’t any android phone with the [hardware] to match the TrueDepth camera system on the iPhone. It’s not just one camera, but a set of modules that work together.

There’s a reason you get an iPhone when you join Nijisanji/Hololive.

>> No.316510

oh, ARCore currently don't track pupil movement.

>> No.316736

it's hard out here for male EOPs
no agencies want us...

>> No.317212

Haha, no such thing.

>> No.317314

>you have to understand the culture
Tourist to this thread here, I think this part in specific is bad advice. I feel there's no established "vtuber culture" (also, >vtuber culture) other than "stream and have fun I guess". Try to not limit yourself thinking you "understand" the culture and just go where it'll take you. Maybe your new friends will be unexpected.
And as I said, take this with a grain of salt since I'm just visiting.

>> No.317322

>I feel there's no established "vtuber culture"
that's because it's idol culture

>> No.317371

That's hololive approach, but as a whole, I feel >vtuber culture is just what I mentioned. Doesn't help that it's a relatively new medium.

>> No.317926

build up your portfolio in the meantime

>> No.318095

It actually specified to apply only once for the VSinger audition.

Nene, Subaru and Kiara have all said they were pretty obnoxious and insistent during their applications/interviews- but I wonder if that’s just fake roleplaying

It’s hard to tell if that’s advice you should actually take. Since it could also come off really unprofessional and the multiple submissions blatantly would break the rules

>> No.318281
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>> No.318395

see >>313838
did you even watch the video you're shitposting with? you braindead monkey?

>> No.318443

How fucking new are you to these threads? I really want to know. There’s no reason to use a tripcode for the type of posts people have been making months without using trip codes for.
thank you for the honeypot though it’s working really well

>> No.318445

It's more like 99% of tripfags are autistic attention whores in a fucking anonymous imageboard. It's rare to see a tripfag that isn't an obnoxious fag. You're different because you're tripfagging here just so that you can provide advice.

>> No.318527

hey retard, if you weren't new to these threads you'd know that the tripfag is an industry insider and is literally scheduled to debut as a signed vtuber in a few months
>How fucking new are you to these threads?
You are unironically retarded beyond salvation.

>> No.318609

You’re really helping this thread act as containment and I really appreciate it. Thank you, new friend.

>> No.318625

you remind me of this old video minus the whole getting trolled by a tripcode user part

>> No.318670

Whatever you say, election tourist.

>> No.318734
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ex-menhera-chan here again

Averaged 3 viewers all stream this morning!! Let’s all do our best this weekend too! I’m going to aim for at least 3 more 90 min+ streams this week to keep building up my stamina for streaming.

What’s everyone else working on?

>> No.318756

>What’s everyone else working on?
stream endurance and zatsudan, mostly
do you stream on YouTube or Twitch for the time being?

>> No.318806

Still working on finalizing my design, I think it's almost done. Then I'll just have to commission a PNG and we're rolling.

>> No.318847
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Youtube, I don’t really care for Twitch as a streaming platform or the communities on there. Youtube has objectively inferior streaming tools though.

>> No.319321

that's fair. I'm sticking to Twitch right now since, unfortunately, it's what I know best and I'm at least an Affiliate
just gotta do those reps until an opportunity presents itself again

>> No.320162

how about them nijiEN auditions?

>> No.321759

>tfw Kaoru's beyblade addiction got him kicked out of holostars

>> No.321920

How do I get better at L2D?

>> No.323682

Watch tutorials? I think brian_tsui on youtube has made a lot of different videos explaining how to rig stuff in live2d as well as different videos showing off the rigging process

>> No.324083

Should I apply to a company or start off as an indie to see whether I actually even enjoy vtubing?

>> No.324366

do you have any prior content creation experience? from what i can tell you gotta have some kind of portfolio and experience in something (not necessarily vtubing) before applying to any groups
i'd recommend getting started as an indie first to see how you like it

>> No.325502

ALWAYS go with a company if you can.
Some of them will try to scam you. As long as they're willing to provide the things you need then they're probably not a scam

>> No.325675

not that anon, but what if I just wanna make 3d models and give/sell them to people? not a novice, but am unfamiliar with vtuber software and its compatibility with 3d modeling software like blender or maya. Wheres a good starting point?

>> No.325716

like with any job, unless you have what they are looking for on your resume, HR wont even pass your stuff along towards you getting an audition. Simply put, one necessitates the other unless you have connections or can otherwise bypass the HR hurdle

>> No.325748

So the most commonly mentioned freeware program for 3D model tracking i see is VseeFace, and the program most people use for making 3D vtuber models is vroid studio. I'm not sure how model importing works with those programs in regards to blender and maya but i'm sure there's probably ways to import models between programs.
i'm sure if you opened up commissions or adoptable models that people would give you money for them

>> No.325895

What is the optimal strategy for promoting your vtuber content? nigger tier "a-yo I'm just a small vtuber tryina make it check out my stream"? poo in loo tier twitter bot spamming? buying ads on youtube? What do you guys do to promote yourselves off stream?

>> No.326176

I can't remember someone pitching this question to a vtuber I like, I forget who exactly, and their advice was to get out there and network as much as you can. Your personality and presentation can be tip notch but if people don't know you exist you're never going to get anywhere no matter how hard you try. Comment on other people's streams, go on social media (it's a necessary evil) and get into some discord groups - there are loads for indie vtubers and you'll get a lot of support/feedback if you ask for it. Basically you have to get out there and be your own salesman, hypeman and marketing department.

>> No.326311

I wonder if someone would be able to make it by being their own anti on twitter

>> No.326418

We could use a self-shilling thread here. This board is slow enough to handle it.

>> No.326672

Anyone genuinely serious about vtubing would probably by worried about attracting the wrong kind of attention by promoting themselves here.

>> No.326777

yeah self promoters on this site almost always end up getting themselves, their family and friends doxxed unless they have been exceptionally careful for their entire life

>> No.326862

Nene mentioned she was told she would receive an answer within two weeks of submitting her application if she was accepted. Thus she assumed she was rejected by receiving no answer within that timeframe. She applied again and it looks like she was accepted eventually.
If it clearly specified you are to submit it only once, then you should ask Cover about the time it takes to receive an answer. Maybe they learned how obnoxious and persistent the girls can be so they made this new rule.

>> No.327340

Imagine streaming a nice game and having people in the chat dropping N-bombs and ranting about Jews.

>> No.327459

is there a /pol/ approved vtuber yet? I legit want to watch that shitstorm.

>> No.327521

Realistically, if it were to happen I'd imagine it would be someone doing an incredibly racist blackface vtuber on bitchute or something

>> No.327531

Namgung Lantern

>> No.329638

Thanks for the encouraging words!
My debut was watched by the one friend I mentioned the stream to and there was one other person who stopped by for a brief amount of time. It was hard to get through but I'm glad I managed to make my debut last almost 30 minutes, even if it was mostly just me talking to myself about myself!

>> No.330538
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I remember I did a stream of Digimon World 1 once on Twitch when I was 15 and like 50 people gathered to see me. I responde every chat question because that game is like sorcery for the normal player, and it actually felt good to help people and be the center of attention. I only did that stream once, and never streamed again.
Now, after 15 years, I feel the need to do something like that once again. I feel the need of interaction with another human in real time. I'll probably get some cues from this thread, even if I don't do this as a vtuber.
I'm glad I checked this new board.

>> No.330683

I was wondering about the three pillars of entertainment you mentioned (education, skill and personality), specifically personality.
What is actually meant by „having a/no personality“ or „staying for someone’s personality“?
I understand that it means having opinions or feelings about a lot of things that you express, and that works because people like others similar to them and/or people who are passionate. Do I understand correctly?

>> No.331837

There are companies looking for males. In fact I know a few who've signed males on already. Keep looking, anon.
I've actually written up a document on the matter. I wanted to present it on stream sometime, but I'll talk about it a little. Pre-Tokino Sora, there was little to no VTuber culture. There wasn't a defined guideline, glossary, or prerequisite. You could call rantsonas VTubers, or even VRchat streamers. Post-Sora, though, it lead to quite of a bit of modernization. When the industry follows the recipe that Holo/Niji have brought on, and there are now expectation on what an Idol VTuber is and isn't, there is a VTuber Culture.

Remember that success had only been achieved by VTubers that abide by or stick around the idol culture.
I watched the video and it literally says that I can keep the trip in the thread it's relevant to. Which would be... this thread.
Glad to hear. I honestly encourage everyone that wants to receive constant advice here to get a nickname or something. That way we can keep track of who you are and how things are going.
Nice! I love your attitude! I'm still wanting to work more on my zatsudan, as well as streaming "when I'm not in the mood." Gotta train that discipline, y'know.
Oooh, nice. That sounds good. You might want to get two PNGs so you can do the reactive image thing. The one when your mouth opens when you're talking.
Youtube's definitely where the VTuber target audience is, although twitch has better discoverability. Same with >>319321, my practice channel's gotten affiliate.
I mean they've been pretty much set and done for a while. If you don't know the status of your application, it's because you haven't passed.

>> No.332148

It's more in how they act and express their feelings, I'd say.

>> No.332292

As a rigger or as an artist? Both take a lot of work, but there's a lot of money in it if you're wanting that.
I would say just stream to your friends first to see if you actually like it. Forget VTubing for the moment and see if you like to stream. Then go stream publicly on twitch, or make content and memes over on youtube. If you're still having fun, then I'd say pick your path then. If you want to do this as a hobby, indie is the way to go. If you want to do it as a career, then your best bet is to apply for a company.
I'd personally say try to avoid making 4chan a primary audience for your streams. Practice is fine, but you always want to appeal to the mass market.
Congrats on your debut!! You're now farther ahead than the majority of indie AND corporate VTubers!
That sounds real fun, anon. I've never actually had 50 viewers at a time so that's really impressive in my eyes. I wish you good luck on your future streaming endeavors!
The other anon's got it. It's less about the opinions themselves, but how they're presented. Is it fun? Do you enjoy their manner of speech? Are their jokes funny to you?

This gets into the territory of parasocial relationships, but we unfortunately cannot avoid that when becoming an online entertainer. "Do I want to be friends with this person?" is the big thing. You want your audience to like you enough to want you around. To enjoy your company. That can take many forms.

It's can be as simple as "she has big boobs and makes me feel good" to something more complex like "her ideals and values inspire me to become a better person."

>> No.333352

My film club show went well. Grew some TBAs and made them make something. It was also my highest average viewer stream

>> No.333586

Is there a list of VTuber agencies/companies ?
A lot seen to be coming out of nowhere and it hard to know which ones are worth paying attention to.

>> No.342194

someone posted a link in one of the other threads but pretty much most agencies aside from like, holopro, niji, and vshojo aren't really big afaik i think i might be missing one or two

>> No.342642

If I use some stock image as a background and maybe put a photoshop filter over it, is that gonna come back at me for copyright? Bots can pick up music but I dont think anyone will notice a background

>> No.343435

you'll probably be fine especially if its edited yeah

>> No.344396

Talking about bots, can you even do cover songs on youtube/twitch anymore? If you ever sing more than one verse of a song, even a capella, do you get a copyright strike?

>> No.344989
File: 902 KB, 1792x1479, christmas miracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've actually written up a document on the matter. I wanted to present it on stream sometime, but I'll talk about it a little. Pre-Tokino Sora, there was little to no VTuber culture. There wasn't a defined guideline, glossary, or prerequisite. You could call rantsonas VTubers, or even VRchat streamers. Post-Sora, though, it lead to quite of a bit of modernization. When the industry follows the recipe that Holo/Niji have brought on, and there are now expectation on what an Idol VTuber is and isn't, there is a VTuber Culture.
As a holofag, I have to say something.
Sora was literally saved by pic related, go look up her numbers before, and those were with having a previous NND fanbase. Tsukino Mito was actually the one who popularized vtubers in Japan, and Nijisanji is actually very removed from the idol formula of hololive, although it WAS the latter who got popular in the west after Miko's GTA stream and hololive's more general clipworthy content over Nijisanji's. And even then, the normal japanese vtubers like Virtual Gorilla are still more known than hololive in Japan.
Though, given that your point can be said to be success in the west (since that's the market most /auds/ regulars aspire to here), you may be right, but.
>Remember that success had only been achieved by VTubers that abide by or stick around the idol culture.
Explain VShojo then. Their formula was just having fun (and lots of sex jokes), but Ironmouse, Nyanners and Melody are two of the best streamers in the west, with Melody arguably being the one who popularized the concept on this side of the sea, and while I hate Nyanners, nobody can't deny she's not absolutely enjoying herself during most of her streams, and their numbers also reflect that if you care about those.

>although twitch has better discoverability.
While it's my opinion, I feel that this is what up-and-coming vtubers need more. For YouTube you have to learn how to feed the algorithm if you want to go anywhere, and that only works when you have a big following.

>> No.345664

Nijisanji does have idol unit though. Sanbaka already debuted their group costume.

Not sure why people keep saying idol culture is a main factor. What is the exact definition and is it even correct when consider today idol scene?

Hololive's viral clips are also not related to idol group.

>> No.346012

That's my point. >our resident tripfag was saying that idol culture was the important factor, but I think it's the parasocial component.
Just like how a movie "feels" better if the actor is "into" the role, a vtuber feels more "genuine" if he enjoys it. It's gonna be work, of course, but if you make it, then you'll literally imitate Ironmouse's Precious Family (totally not a cult) from before she exploded in popularity, regardless of numbers (though they're always welcome, don't act like a numberfag).

>> No.346611

>What is the exact definition
Waifu culture. That's it. No boyfriend, no male rumours whatsoever or you get the caxe and the everlasting hate of your unico-fans.

>> No.346655

Oh, and purity. You must be (figuratively) cleaner than a porcelain doll.

>> No.351697

how important is it to actually use a model or png during the "portfolio building" phase?

>> No.352102

not important at all. you basically need to show your skills in portofolio building phase. Agency won't look how technologically advanced your model is. What matters are your skill.

>> No.352144

Keep putting in the work and good luck :)

>> No.352450
File: 282 KB, 568x319, ec1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to practice my zatsudan on stream
>nobody's watching but say fuck it and do it anyways
>start talking about work, saying what I can
>friend tunes into the stream
>"who are you talking to"
>momentum killed

>> No.352610

>He lets the Discord activity indicator change to "Streaming"
NGMI because doxx

>> No.353204
File: 314 KB, 701x780, 1609552311205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything can dox you

Change the name of your twitter? doxed
Reuse Minecraft account? doxed
Make a cute drawing? doxed
Streamlabs? doxed.
Met Moona? doxed
Simp to some fatass playing Mario Sunshine?doxed
Using Skeb without selecting the "be anonymous" option? doxed
Your coworker asking you if people call you funny names? doxed
Shitposting in 5ch with a fixed IP? doxed.
Dump your jealous boyfriend? doxed
You made a list of your favorite anime? doxed
Someone has a dream about the plural tense of deer related animals? doxed
Talk to yourself mid stream? doxed
This post? Already doxed you.

Trust nothing and no one. Move to the woods. Buy a shotgun.

>> No.353233

>Make a cute drawing? doxed
>Streamlabs? doxed.
>Met Moona? doxed
>Simp to some fatass playing Mario Sunshine?doxed
>Using Skeb without selecting the "be anonymous" option? doxed
>Your coworker asking you if people call you funny names? doxed
>You made a list of your favorite anime? doxed
>Someone has a dream about the plural tense of deer related animals? doxed
okay, what happened with that leading to their doxxes? Can someone explain?
>Talk to yourself mid stream? doxed
>This post? Already doxed you.
Ok this is schizo tier.

>> No.353330
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1603623457153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post already doxed you.

>> No.353397

>Ok this is schizo tier.
People can grab IPs from post and post history from IPs
From there it's a matter of you having the foresight to be careful to not give out information that's identifying in literally any capacity

>> No.353408

Wait, the post IP of each post is in the metadata?

>> No.353648

they may not be in the metadata, per se but that information is somewhere.
If you use 4chanX then you have an option to display whenever a unique IP posts in a thread
like 353330 was the 41st unique IP to post in this thread
In order to know this information, something has to know the IP and if someone were determined enough they could get that information from whatever knows it.

>> No.353787

free female PNGtuber model generator kek

>> No.353793

so, deduction huh?
Hashing is also possible, anon.

>> No.354135

that too

>> No.355495

this is true. if you want to make it a career, it's not always as simple as "just audition for a company." and it's definitely not just pretend to be an idol, which is mostly not going to work when you're male.

>> No.359396

Where's a good place to find an artist, even for just a png? Do I wade through the vtuber hashtag till I find a decent artist?

>> No.359659

check the /wvt/ OP

>> No.359770

look through vtuber profiles with art that you like, check for the artist/mama credit on their profile and see if their artist's comms are open

>> No.360164

apparently a lot of vtubers use a site called skeb

>> No.360254

>>360164 and >>359770 are right, but wading through even the #commisions or #commisionsopen tag could net some good results for a png

>> No.360255

Skeb art is for personal use only, you don't hold the rights to use it commercially (streaming)
also no revisions so yeahhh

>> No.360307

there's also this

>> No.360311

I just went through the skeb rules, this is pretty wacky and not what I'm looking for. Seems like they're pretty adamant about zero requester/artist communication.

>> No.360325

that's up to the discretion of the artist that you commissioned
>If you have the purpose other than tweeting it or setting it as your profile picture, you must write it in the text of your request.
This is pretty in-line with Japanese copyright law.

>> No.361293

>okay, what happened with that leading to their doxxes? Can someone explain?
Let me see if I remember.
>Make a cute drawing
One of the holoIDs, I think.
>Met Moona
>Your coworker asking you if people call you funny names
Gurame collab.
>Someone has a dream about the plural tense of deer related animals
Same collab.

>> No.361433

>Shitposting in 5ch with a fixed IP? doxed.

>> No.361563

Unless you're a girl, or a dude with an ANGELIC voice, or at the VERY LEAST Japanese, just give up. Don't spend money on shit that won't work.

>> No.361725

Joke's on you I spent no money at all.

>> No.361734

Time is money mate

>> No.361802

1950s called they want their Protestant work ethic and slave labor morality back

>> No.361812

Of course "something" knows the IP, 4chan does. 4chanX extrapolates that that post was the 41st unique IP because 4chan already tells how many IPs are posting in a given thread.
So if there were 40 unique IPs, then the page refreshes, there's a new post, and suddenly there's 41 unique IPs, it means that post was the 41st. But for that to work you must have the thread opened since before that point. Someone that only recently entered the thread will have no idea, 4chanX or not, which posts were attributed to which IP.

The only way to get those IPs and post history is by hacking 4chan.

>> No.362335

>Self drawn and rigged model
>Can't stream because wifi is too shit despite it being the best I can get for my area
Was thinking of doing speedpaints and taking over them with avatar and longer karaoke videos (could put premiere mode on if I wanted live chat), not expecting to hit it big of course but does this sound like something that could work?

>> No.362820

The point I was trying to make was that the information is stored somewhere. Someone would just need the tools to see it
and I imagine, since it's very likely that information is already readily available to moderators, that narrows down the search drastically

>> No.362927

Of course it's stored somewhere but it's kinda of a nothingburger.
It's like saying
"oh streaming to Youtube you can be doxxed because someone can hack into the Youtube servers and uncover your IP AND your name that you registered for the donations!"
I mean sure, but it's not really something that easy to do. Worrying about something like THIS is honestly too much

>> No.363004

the difference is that it's surprisingly common on 4chan
which is why it's worth mentioning and worth worrying about

>> No.363074

I mean, when was the last(first?) time 4chan got hacked like this and someone got database info like user IPs and posting history?
The only thing I could imagine is some crazy mod intentionally doxxing a user here.

>> No.363194

>4chan got hacked like this
Stop wording it like this, it's inaccurate and misleading
This is fairly recent but shit like this happens on a small scale all the time.

>> No.363254

I should have mentioned
>different site
but the same idea still applies here. It can, and does, happen

>> No.363648

No it doesn’t

>> No.363714

You can literally get someone's post history if they post an image
I've SEEN it happen first-hand on /v/

>> No.363727
File: 403 KB, 240x184, Van_explode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hacking 4chan
Who's a bad enough dude to hack the hacker known as 4chan, though? That 4chan dude is pretty hardcore.

>> No.363860
File: 9 KB, 300x197, 1610566822044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only happens if you keep posting the same image with the same text over and over and over. Only bots and literal retards that spam their "is coffee good for you?" threads get caught by that.
4chanX comes with a filename randomizer, if you're still scared about something like that.

>> No.363940

Are you literally brain damaged? Do you even know how it works?

>> No.364009

I know about image MD5 and searching that way. I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.364230

Apparently you don’t.

>> No.364291

Listen, if the assholes over on /jp/ can fully dox vtubers with practically nothing to go off of then there's no way in hell posting on 4chan wouldn't be a vulnerability.

>> No.364444

Again, the only vulnerability is someone hacking the servers or a rogue mod leaking shit.

>> No.365526

>Met Moona? doxed
a certain big brained alien used her roommate name for her steam account and the game they played happen to show steam account name.

>> No.365674

Quads of truth

>> No.365959

okay but i'll be honest i've definitely heard the plural form of moose be referred to as meese multiple times outside of that its not a particularly original joke

>> No.366212

As someone else who has been around in VRChat, this is indeed not a bad idea. If you can make it in VRChat, you can make it as a vtuber, probably.

>> No.366289

Consider being less new before you post

>> No.368145

The belief that people have with Sora being so important is so dumb. Anyone knowing a minimal of history of this industry knows it was Mito who began and popularized livestreaming in Japan.

>> No.370553
File: 280 KB, 2000x2000, vtuber rough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femanon here working on my own vtuber for gaming streams and I'm having a hard time making an outfit I like or think would be interesting here's my outline so far

>> No.370798

Say what you want about Sora but it's a fact that she's the first of a group of vtubers that has become by far the most popular in the world. Whether luck had anything to do with her rise is entirely irrelevant. She and Cover set out to create a company of virtual idols and it was incredible success. The company was built around her image and even today Sora is one of if not the most important member, she does the most to maintain hololive's image as idol company, as an interconnected unit rather than just a company that manages a bunch of streamers like nijisanji. Fans find camaraderie and support this unit as a whole.

Even beyond her role in hololive Sora was a trailblazer. She was one of the earliest debuts of the big wave of vtubers that became popular after Ai and from the start she was a long form live streamer, something really no one else was doing for some time, at least not among the more popular vtubers. She was doing long form live streaming well before nijisanji even existed, she may never have been the most popular vtuber, or even in the top 5, but she was a pioneer.

>> No.370855
File: 130 KB, 1040x552, 4326544856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject furry designs
Embrace Dino archtype

>> No.371378

Is there any theme you're going for? Do you have uncommon skills or qualifications you can play up?

>> No.371798

i wanna have a running joke about fox girls are better than cat girls and making fun of cat girls and their shitty short ears
and my character is a kitsune so i thought about going with a kimono but i want a more modern look
i guess the only other thing i would say is that like im very competative so super intense gamer vibes

>> No.372552


>> No.373295
File: 693 KB, 710x406, Cecilia Littlewing .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does ZONE use for his vtubers?

It doesn't look like Live2D

>> No.373314

That kind of outfit seen to be very common. It really doesn't tell me much about the character with only looking at it. Try to go for a theme and adjust the outfit to reflect that theme.

>> No.373404

Seems something like the premade animations for the body, then a bunch of premade lip/mouth animations that play as soon as it detects any sound coming from the mic. Play some of these idle animations randomized and voila

>> No.376978

I'm curious about the mario sunshine one

>> No.378372

>Make a cute drawing
Ok maybe someone recognized their artstyle
>Met Moona
probably this >>365526
>Your coworker asking you if people call you funny names
>Someone has a dream about the plural tense of deer related animals
Literally how.
How are these girls so bad at opsec?

>> No.378451
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, autismchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have literally 1000+ steam games on my profile
>tfw if I actually wanna be a chuuba I will have to play single-player games exclusively, and many of my titles will be unplayable due to dox potential
>Making a fresh-start profile for the purpose of streaming will require me to throw away literally thousands of dollars spent over a decade to fill this library
I'm NGMI am I?

>> No.378527

Don't forget about steam family sharing. Just share the games with your new account.

>> No.378534

Use family sharing on the chuuba account

>> No.378574

Well, the fact that I didn't know that just reinforces how woefully unprepared I am for this undertaking.

>> No.378589

Dont worry man I made the exact same realization a few threads ago, just here to help and learn

>> No.378664

That's why this thread exists, to help prepare you for this whole thing.

>> No.381038

I’m interested in your guys’ opinions on how to handle being a multilingual streamer. Is it better to make individual streams for each audience, or just provide subtitles for people not speaking the specific language? I could also do translation on the fly, but from an audience perspective I find it doesn’t work that well.

>> No.381095

>be an idol, which is mostly not going to work when you're male.

>> No.381163
File: 20 KB, 300x300, pp29_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the males here, if you manage to impress me, I'll simp $100 USD to you.

>> No.381403

What if I'm a femanon behind a male avatar?

>> No.381584

Elaborate, preferably with a voice post.

>> No.382686

you know the rules

>> No.382745

>Anyone who doesn't filter your retarded attention whoring ass should kill themselves as well.
since you havent seemed to filter this trip after all this time maybe you could livestream your suicide? im sure it would make for good vtubing content

>> No.383179
File: 146 KB, 600x480, 456949f367e09dcb1d675414982f16d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're sharing character designs i guess i'll post some stuff we're spitballing for a little autismo project I've got goin on for a possible vtube-related thing in June if things go smoothly.

This little venture is essentially based on board OCs and for the most part I was planning on just sticking to one character that I would portray with my voice and a puppet rig, but then my artist expressed interest in voicing a different character and that got me thinking that maybe some cameos here and there from other characters would be possible too, and we could even recruit volunteers to play these cameos from threads. Problem is, the likelyhood that any of the participants are female is abysmal and probably gonna constrain who i can actually get cameos for which is a shame because pic related was such an great OC from a design standpoint I feel compelled to have a rig made for her to appear in a short.
Of course it's probably a waste of time to be thinking about this since I haven't even reworked or rigged my own character yet but i wonder if it's still worth going through and then maybe hiring some gig VA off fiverr to do bits when we need her

>> No.383232

i said mostly

>> No.384835

Of course, yeah, Hololive isn't the end all be all. I'm pretty sure Nijisanji is still the top dog in Japan, but I feel like the parasocial relationship perpetuated by HoloNiji talents are rather similar. And to fully make use of this parasocial element, you have to understand the AKB48 formula of "idols you can meet." It's a really interesting concept and you can't help but see that Career-oriented Agency VTubers are pattered after them.

VShojo I honestly completely forgot about, I don't watch them at all, and maybe I should. I don't like the heavy sexual themes, and my boss isn't too fond of it either, so I just never bothered to check. Are they really that successful? I was under the impression that people had a mixed opinion of them.

On the topic of Twitch vs Youtube, I think it's a matter of how well you can market yourself [outside] of the platform itself. If you'd like to cater to the gamer crowd then yeah Twitch is great, and much much easier. But if you'd like to go mass-market, as well as the idol crowd, then YouTube would be better.

Basically doesn't matter. Just be able to stream, have fun, draw an audience!
Good job with your zatsudan, anon. Don't let your friend get you down, because it's a great way to practice.
Pretty good. You can also use picrew, but remember to check the copyright for each picrew generator.
Twitter is a good place to find art commissions.

>> No.384895

That sounds like it could work! Don't forget that you can also do what senzawa did and make short videos with an avatar. Or make short meme clips like Matsuri.
Hm, I'd say it doesn't stand out from the crowd unfortunately. You need either a very distinctive art style to pull that off, or find a more unique design.
I think multilingual streams are completely fine. People already watch foreign streams without subtitles, and people enjoy understanding like 30-50% of Coco and Pikamee's streams. You'll be fine.
Male idols are pretty popular, you just need to understand what works for them. Also if you audition for a company and you pass, then that most likely means you have potential, I'd say.
That sounds like a fun project, anon. I'm sure there are plenty of women on this site mostly lurking or blending it with the boys. Is it like a Hetalia but for 4chan?

>> No.384898

so would it be better to have a more "down to earth" character (something that borders more on being simply an avatar. think HoloEN) or an actual written character where you assume an entirely new persona?

>> No.384987

Ms. Intersex?!

>> No.384994

Do a persona, but treat it as an extension of your actual life. Maybe like Yuzuki Choco. She's definitely still a succubus, but the little clips available for Choco-sensei ties her real life to stream events, like when she's taking a hiatus because her cats probably are dying

>> No.385004 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 466x477, 1612788441421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.385012

I'm guessing VShojo is "successful" in a casual sense since the only people tuning in are the clipfag audience.

>> No.385169

I think after what Haatos been pulling recently, ARGs will be the next big vtuber thing, not necessarily horror mind you.

>> No.385300
File: 3 KB, 164x164, Z5bLzx0ZYp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.385516

>treat it as an extension of your actual life
That's pretty much what I was planning with my original character idea.
I wanted to write him in a way that some of his aspects would be parallel with me, just in a different context.
Though at some point I thought I was giving it too much thought and taking it a little too seriously so the idea's been shelved for the time being.
Maybe it's worth revisiting?

>> No.385577

I’d say don’t limit yourself too much, let the character grow organically through interactions on stream. If you write yourself into too strict of a role, you may not be able to convincingly keep it up all the time.
So yeah, definitely keep the parallel aspects to your life.

>> No.387725

>multilingual streamer
Keep in mind that you might attract a few people new to the language so try to keep your pronunciation clear if possible.

>> No.387780

>On the topic of Twitch vs Youtube
An important point regarding that is that Twitch will delete old videos after two weeks, unless you set up Twitch to automatically upload them to a YouTube-channel (being able to manually set video-tags and descriptions in the process) or save them yourself and upload them manually.

>> No.387871

Good point!

>> No.389510
File: 387 KB, 646x647, 1582157802483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I split audio
I wanna be able to split game/browser audio etc so I can listen to music or watch videos, or even other chuubas streams live without having it go onto the stream, while the stuff I actually intend to stream does
I got VoiceMeeter which is pretty alright I guess for splitting my mic and desktop audio for easy on the fly gain modifications and voice playback excluding the fact it starts crackling momentarily all the time, but I dunno how to do more than that

>> No.389577

What is that domain extension?

>> No.389673

Watch whatever on your phone or a tablet with earphones in?

>> No.389754

>on your phone
It's reserved for the avatar anon...
Maybe one day when I find it worth buying some cheap iPhone I will, but I would assume theres gotta be a software solution. You see chuubas watching other streamers quite often during their own streams but never hear audio

Also do any anons know if the iPhone SE works just as well as iPhone 10+? It apparently doesn't have face ID, but vtube studio documentation says you can still use it

>> No.389835

I wanna start vtubing but I tend to say nigga a lot. Especially when I get excited. I used to say it to be sarcastic and funny, but now it's a habit. I wanna fix that before I even start

>> No.389841

Mp3 player? I know lots of people don't have them anymore but you could pick one up for really cheep, we're talking under £10
>If the iPhone SE works just as well as iPhone 10+
Yes from what I've heard. It has to be the 2020 SE though not the original.

>> No.390045
File: 64 KB, 135x198, 1592974752320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting again for the /auds/ crowd, mostly relates to indies

Regarding setting up donations that won't doxx you I recall some anons a few threads talking about, after looking into it myself it seems setting up a paypal business account really is the best way and it should hide your real name, email and address
When doing it however choose a sole proprietorship/owner, it's effectively the most basic business form there is, where the business is run and usually comprised entirely by a single individual. It's probably the majority of businesses in your country, think of all the random tradesmen or tiny family stores etc who fly solo, so if you know anyone like that irl you could possibly ask them for advice if you need it.
You most likely don't need to perform any type of registration or legal stuff depending on your country but should look it up, where I live (Australia) you can just start running your business whenever you want until you start doing a bunch of dealings that would require a business number which you shouldn't need as a streamer.
Income earned with this business will also probably be recorded as personal income and taxed accordingly, so you don't need to do business tax but will need to sort out your tips (Not donations legally) by learning how tf taxes work or getting an accountant. If you somehow start raking it in big though and your simp bux will bring your personal income into a higher tax bracket than actual businesses pay, see if there is a way you can split your taxes so your chuuba money gets filed as business money so you don't pay as much.
This is also highly dependent and you'll likely need to confirm these things personally, but you could possibly file required expenses to be a chuuba as a business cost to counteract your tax as well (ex. Vtube studio, an iPhone to get proper tracking) but there's a good chance you'll get scoffed at and they will consider it just personal spending unless you make a convincing argument.

>> No.390704

This is pretty good advice. Thanks, buddy.

>> No.391814

I use an app called Wave Link but it requires that you use an Elgato microphone to use.
Since an iPhone SE doesn't have faceID, it'll only be as good as an Android device when it comes to face tracking.

>> No.391973

>If you write yourself into too strict of a role, you may not be able to convincingly keep it up all the time.
yeah that's what I was worried about and what made me drop the idea at first.
I'm stuck in this weird gray area where I want my character to really feel like a character from a whole other world with an elaborate story/background that viewers can piece together; but I'm still limited in both my acting ability and my would-be ability to remain consistent

I'm sure I can think of creative ways to reach this level of uniqueness I want while also maintaining the parallel aspects but the only way to really know is to do it which, at this stage, brings its own problems

>> No.392399

Please dude, just say “nigger”. This isn’t reddit.

>> No.392833

Yeah, you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.392861

Newfag here.
Why do people want to get into Vtubing? I can understand if you're a grill, but I'm wondering about the boys here. What do you want to get out of it?

>> No.392913

Age it down like 15 years

>> No.392932

I've been thinking about streaming for a while, and I like cartoons and voice acting so it just makes sense. I'd like to do it just for fun and get some experience in entertainment.

>> No.392964

I like playing Vidya, and I like the idea of interaction with people cheering me on, or even commenting derisively on what I'm doing wrong. Would be like hanging out with bros IRL, just without having to bother with trying to find and stay connected with friends IRL for the sole purpose of playing vidya. I don't even really give a shit if I never get monetized, I know I'm just playing video games while commentating myself.

>> No.393158

i like the idea of streaming but i have a real job too so i don't want to use a face cam but i also don't want to just be a screen of gameplay so vtubing fits the bill for me

>> No.393191

It seems like fun and you are less judged by your appearance.

>> No.393296

Does anyone know what price ranges you can expect for a live2D + rigging, and the best way to find the artists?
I see so many chuubas with random small artists I've never heard of before for mamas and papas and seemingly no easy way to see any previous chuubas they've made as reference or they've never even made one at all
How are you meant to go "window shopping" or whatever for an artist who would make an avatar you'd like at prices you are willing to pay?

I haven't debuted proper yet, just doing practice streams no one ever watches, but I'm inspired by the chuubas I've watched
The idol stuff actually grew on me, and I wanna open up, express myself doing what I want and hopefully inspire other people too,
I wanna make people smile, but also motivate them to follow the lead of other great people and perhaps me too in doing something with their life and following a dream even if it's embarrassing or hard, just like what being a public streamer and content creator may be

>> No.393391

Personally, I want to get into vtubing because I'm sick and tired of western streaming culture.
all the drama, controversy, cancelling, fanbase weaponization, etc. it's all so tiresome.
Becoming a successful vtuber effectively separates yourself from all of that, provided you're with a company.
When you're a regular streamer, at the top level you hang out with other regular streamers. That becomes your sphere of influence, so to speak.
Regular streamers typically want nothing to do with vtubers; so, conversely, being a vtuber at the top level means your sphere of influence is other vtubers (be it independent or signed).
Signed ones are better because they contractually obligated to not do the things that makes western streamers so insufferable and toxic.
probably a stupid reason but yeah that's mainly why I'm trying to pursue it, even as a male EOP.

>> No.393780

No, I think that’s a great reason. Vtubers that do make it seem like a nice bunch, and I would love to be friends with most of them.

>> No.394272

There's multiple variables that go into it like, "Can the artist do live2d modeling or do i need a separate rigger?", "Does the artist know how to separate the layers to make it easier for the rigger?", or "Can the rigger take a png and separate it themselves?"
personally for my avatar I paid a total of $435 for art and live2D with a separate artist and rigger

>> No.394672

Ironically, listening to black power music will help get rid of this, despite the singers saying it a lot.

>> No.394704

I have no real life friends and I prefer my online friends not see my face.

>> No.394748

C-can’t one do this shit themselves? I found YouTube guides and everything....
I mean, people charge 450 for that??!

>> No.394751


>> No.394784
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>Is it like a Hetalia but for 4chan?
ehhh not really by "board OC" I don't mean like representative OCs of various boards its more like group fanfic shitposting on a single board that's more akin to say an MS Paint adventure. There's a general understanding of how the characters regard each other but a story hasn't really been written yet.

>> No.394810
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I work as a teacher and wanted to stream for a long time, but I'm sure one of the little shits that I teach will see me one day and I'll lose all credibility as a tard wrangler, and once you lose them, you'll never recover them.
So yeah, going incognito while expressing through motions was the deal breaker for me, since I know about the importance of gestures to keep a bunch of apes concentrated on me.

>> No.394899

If you want to get something completely customized, you could try the Live2d discord. They can help you get a rigger, an artist or a rigger/artist for whatever price you're placing.

>> No.395170
File: 1.11 MB, 288x161, 1610594416669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good trade to learn. Not so different from learning plumbing or car mechanic.
You learn it in a month/2 months tops, do a quick job and bill 300-500 dollaridoos from it because the man of the house refused to learn something relatively easy, but that looks difficult to the untrained eye.

If you wanna be cheap, just learn to do it yourself in your spare time and keep your money for the real deal later: a decent computer, good Internet, a good mic and maybe an iPhone if you really want to have the whole face tracking experience.

>> No.395221

Have any good lectures related to video editing?

>> No.395259

got 4 hours to spare?

>> No.395352

I taught myself in a day and came out with a decent model. Cover wont be hiring anytime soon but I've seen worse commissioned ones. I already had experience of cutting up images for this sort of thing for other projects but didn't have any knowledge in rigging, it's a lot easier than you'd imagine.

>> No.395409

Ooh, this is some good shit.
Did you draw your model yourself?

>> No.395444


>> No.395597

I think a diy thread on this board would be good where people can help each other out with this sort of stuff.

>> No.395685

Yeah if you learn how to do it then you'll be paying significantly less, yeah. I paid about 100 for the art and 320 for the rigging so if you want to go cheaper you can learn to rig and then find an artist to do the character design
personally, i make 450 over the course of two or three days of work and it would take me way longer than two or three days of work to actually rig everything so i just paid for it

yeah this is the same situation that i was in, there was actually a point where one student subscribed to my old youtube account so i blocked them immediately and unlinked everything from that account

>> No.396338

At what level of association with this site do you think agencies would start to question if it s a good idea or it would start affecting you as an indie, or do you think it's probably not that bad a thing at all?
I've liked koopa for example since pre-debut and am starting to enjoy some of the other "4chan" vtubers that are listed in /wvt/ and would certainly like to be at least on a friendly basis with some of them, but am unsure as to how acceptable stuff would be. There's no way I can hide I'm an anon as half my life is this site and I've come to find that other anons I've met are the only people I can truly be myself around, but with a public persona with a voice attached theres certainly degrees between
>they might have maybe been here

>> No.396741

Risu from holoID said "I see you /vt/" on her twitter the other day so they probably don't care that much. She's deleted the post but here's the proof. Also she said she'd be deleting it so it probably wasn't her manager stepping in regarding it

>> No.398290

above all, i wanna be productive.

>> No.399640

I’ve been researching other vtubers on /wvt/, and may have brainfucked myself, because now I can’t shake off the feeling the window of opportunity is closing rapidly and saturation has been reached. Am I being retarded?

>> No.399776

If you're hoping to become a breakout indie chuuba with inordinate audience reach, yes, unfortunately I'd say the window is closed. The trend is well established. It would be like trying to release let's plays after the heyday of pewdiepie, markiplier, jacksepticeye, etc. Unless you've got a super unique gimmick, and/or a boost from a corp or agency, you're going to jump into an ocean teeming with fish.
There's nothing stopping you, of course. Just bear in mind you're now competing with an expanding crowd of people all hopping onto the vtuber bandwagon.

>> No.400363

Well, dang. I suppose, in the true spirit of these threads, I’ll stream anyway even if no one watches, until I figure something out or quit.

>> No.400798


>> No.400849

Anon is on the rise... Good luck!

>> No.400885

Okay, this is epic.
Happy you showed up though.

>> No.400964

Here's your (you)
But hey, good on you. Having this sort of positive energy probably helps. Keep the momentum going through a couple months or even a year plus of low-attendance streams, doing your best even if nobody's around to see. Confidence is probably 50% of what you need, beyond character design or game choice or any of that other rather superficial shit.

>> No.401476

i have a bad mic and inconsistent wifi
i'm not gonna make it, am i bros?

>> No.401517

If you don’t stream, you definitely won’t make it.

>> No.402403

thank you anon

>> No.402579

Just finished my third stream and it was mostly empty but someone did end up popping up in the end about two and a half hours in and subscribed so that feels like a victory for me
>>400798 and >>400363 have the right idea; above all else you have to actually want to stream to be a vtuber in the first place!

>> No.402874

>/auds/ - VTuber Auditions and Workshops idol hopeful
so a bunch of fag fatass tranny losers on 4chan think they can become vtubers? LMAO dilate

>> No.402973
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>t. failed normie streamfag

>> No.403299

This you?>>306359

Well done on reporting back from the battlefield, and congratulations on getting a subscriber! And thank you for the positive message, it’s never not welcome.
Tell us more about how it goes in the future!

>> No.403529

It was me, and I've been frequenting since the first /auds/ and don't plan on leaving anytime soon!

>> No.403617

How do you commentate over a game that requires a lot of focus, like Muse Dash?

>> No.403780

I feel like those would be the kind of games you commentate between songs because like you said, they take a lot of focus and also they have a focus on the music and i'm not sure if you want to be talking over it too much
i know like people who stream stuff like rock band and guitar hero only really talk if there's some weird stuff in the charts they're playing through

>> No.404570
File: 377 KB, 1140x654, firefox_7VG7L8mf5m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an indie game developer and I've noticed that devlogs get a lot of attention on youtube even for games that look like total generic shit. I don't actually watch that much vtuber content, but if I'm going to be making devlogs I thought it'd be fun to do so as a vtuber.
Are there any game dev vtubers, or even just programmer vtubers that you know of? I'd like to scout out the market a bit before jumping in. I haven't found any so far but they must exist, right? I can't be the first one to have this idea.

>> No.404670

An important distinction that needs to be made is that a vtuber is not an avatar
a vtuber is a character where you control the puppet strings
an avatar is just a costume

>> No.404935

Why do Avatars look so different? Is it just money? I've seen people like Pochi sense that seem to have more movement but still looks like 360p

>> No.405073

There was a babiniku "Virtual Creator" way back who was developing a 3D game and would switch the player character to mocap mode to speak as them. IIRC it was supposed to look like he was creating the game from the inside.

>> No.405123

how is it with rp in the western scene compared to the japanese by the way? i haven't really watched much western vtubers but in the japanese scene you have a whole range of attitudes towards it from technically having a character but almost entirely disregarding it, through occasionally saying things that break character in a funny tongue in cheek way, all the way up to never breaking character, is it the same kind of thing some people approach it more seriously than others?

>> No.405204

Yeah, I don't think I have a particularly marketable personality but I'm a weeb that lives in Japan so I was considering having my gf act out the character in Japanese. I don't watch any English vtubers and the clips always make me cringe so I wouldn't want to produce that personally.
It'd feel unfair not to disclose that she's not the developer of the game though, but that would also kind of ruin the vtuberness of it. Not sure what I want to do.

That sounds kind of cool, I'll have to look into it.

>> No.406486
File: 671 KB, 1025x737, L40kNNP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I had that png on my screen, I felt a surge of power... like God must feel when he's streaming a png.

>> No.406575

Nice! Did you get an artist to do your png? I have no idea where these vtuber artists are

>> No.406598

vtuber who does programming stuff:
vtuber who uses the programmer gimmick:
(granted he's from Nijisanji and of course he will have a big sub count.)
I would recommend you do more than JUST programming on your channel. Diversify your content a bit if you are comfortable with that (make sure you enjoy what you're doing though, viewers will sense when you do and when you don't enjoy it)
Youtube recommends channels with similar content. Because algorithm.

>> No.406675

I made mine in M.S. Paint. I'm slowly working my way to a better model and better art skills.

>> No.406707
File: 587 KB, 3400x4000, Imposter Corpse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could be a dude with DEMONIC voice as well.

>> No.406808

you could play indie games you like as well as showing how to make them.

>> No.407038

Probably couldn't keep this up for a full stream though, and my mic isn't quite good enough for the full effect.

>> No.407127
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Thanks anon! They seem quite different from what I would want to go for so I'm not terribly worried about them as competition. I'll check them out in more depth to see what I can learn.
For my game I do 3d modelling, programming, visual effects, audio engineering and basically everything so I would hope that's fairly diverse. My game is 3d so I could just have the avatar in the world and interact with the things that changed since the last devlog. Hit something to change it into the new version, or spawn new VFX out of her hands.

Yeah, just showing things that inspired me and talking about them is fun as well. Worth trying, but I think I'll focus on finding a way to present my creation process for now.

Also, followup question: Are there any low poly vtubers? Like proper ps1-esque pixel-textured anime girls kind of like pic related. I've never seen them but I feel like it'd work well as long as you have enough textures for the facial expressions.

>> No.407191

I seem to recall a couple of streamers who used the #Altvtuber tag for those sorts of models.

>> No.407277


>> No.407332


>> No.407376


>> No.407414

It sounds really nice on the second half but you need more voice training. I mentioned this before I think, your voice is very important as a vtuber. A nice avatar with a nice voice means your presentation is top tier to attact viewers. Keeping them depends on your content and your personality.

>> No.407561

Just found him as well, interesting. He seems to lean much more towards streaming than game dev as far as I can tell.

Oh wow, quite cool. That's closer to what I imagined. I'm impressed.

Thanks anon, I suppose I should've checked twitter immediately. Some cool stuff there but I think I can do better. Maybe. Worth trying at least, it seems fun.

>> No.407727

Thanks, I don't doubt it'd sound better if I actually practiced that voice more, right now I'm just kinda fucking around late at night.
That said, I probably wouldn't use that voice for streaming anyway as it xould lead to some "poor man's Corpse" first impressions and I'd rather just be my own thing.

>> No.408135
File: 177 KB, 498x498, Belmond_Banderas_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could go for a voice similar to Oga from Holostars:
or Belmond from Nijisanji.
Women, including his vtuber colleagues thirst after Belmond like you woudn't believe:

>> No.408553

Damn, I can see why everyone's thirsting after the guy.
If you're wondering, here's what my "regular" voice sounds like: https://voca.ro/1iFCzMtyQFxM

>> No.408844

wtb ratings
no bully unless you want I guess

>> No.409111
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To those who are looking for ways to silence their surroundings including other people, regarding NVIDIA RTX voice which I was recommenced earlier I just got to complete my tests and it is incredible.
It already cancels out my mouse, keyboard, fan and PC whirring while also making no noticable change to my voice outside of very specific weird grumble sounds which is great
On top of that though, my family is screaming and arguing right now and it even cancelled them out despite it being voices which is incredible, and it was right outside my room. I even turned up the gain on my interface all the way and only then did it start selectively start picking up small sections of voice which was honestly filtered and garbled enough you couldn't tell what they were saying
The fact that the voices were somewhat distant to the mic and filtered through a door might have modified it enough the AI detects it as outside noise and removes it, this can possible save me or you getting doxxed or namedropped or having viewers listen to awkward or annoying stuff
Just need to figure out a way to soundproof my room more still so I can be loud or sing without others hearing me

>> No.409170

Taking Banderas as a 10/10 benchmark, base voice is good, level 1 voice is decent/ok, level 2 is a bit scratchy on the ears. solid 7/10 I would say.

>> No.409399

So you would unironically say my 'default' voice is the best? I mean, granted, "best" is completely relative, you even say so, but usually people are like "are you capable of changing pitch"

>> No.409504

It's unfortunate that it's exclusive to NVidia, requires a bit of fuckery to get it to work on non-RTX cards and RTX cards are fucking impossible to get your hands on for a sensible price right now.

>> No.412246

Alright this is really interesting.
Makes me wonder while we're on the subject of trying to vtube with people around, how could a mute vtuber work? I know there's TTS, but has there ever been a fully mute vtuber before? Like maybe they could use hand gestures (not sign language since most people can't understand it).
If not, could we imagine up any ways it could work? Idea guys where are you.

>> No.412335

Thought you guys might find this interesting
Shibuya Hal explaining what he did to grow his youtube channel from nothing up to being where he is today as one of the most watched apex channel on youtube.

One interesting part of his strategy I always thought was that he posts short videos without anything vtuber related in them alongside streaming with the vtuber avatar. Kind of works in two ways, gives people something short to watch to see why you and your streams might be interesting and the lack of avatar also helps to get people interested who might be scared off by the avatar to begin with.

>> No.412363

VRchat has many mutes in it, some actual medical mutes
They've come up with many interesting ways to get around communication you could look up
Also ZONE I guess you could consider some type of mute chuuba, he uses VA clips from the girl he used to voice ZONE-tan like a soundboard or for alerts and his avatar I don't think even tracks him and is just an animation he has

>> No.412703

You could use this experience to pursue a legit career as a voice actor in the future. Think long term.

>> No.412859

just go along with the rhythm, can sing along and can react violently when you miss

>> No.413043

grats, you're now better than at least 80% of wannabe vtubers on twitter. You have content subscribers. Keep this as motivation:
Even if you fail as a vtuber, you can at least be proud you tried and you achieved more than others.

>> No.413108

I guess you need to practice changing pitch.

>> No.414692

Anyone know what the best courses or books etc. are for voice acting, or where to go looking for that info?
Apparently most VAs are just people who did it for fun as a kid with no lessons but then used it professionally later, but assuredly theres gotta be ways to get good fast with greater control, just like how most singers are shit or slow to learn but just a few proper lessons can mage them great incredibly fast

>> No.414765

Like Chogakusei?

>> No.415600

Putting on a voice as a vtuber is incredibly rare and its mostly by ones who try to get into pro voice acting or something, like some of Holo and Niji ID, desuwa, or Solnako.

>> No.415712

Considering the fact most people use livestreams as a “radio show”, background noise, I don’t see it working well.

>> No.415958

these threads are very nice

>> No.416732

I was thinking more of just making my natural voice sound better, not putting on some act
Being good at voice acting, assuredly I can modify my natural voice in subtle ways and use better sounding pronunciations with consistency and little concentration or effort, vs my current voice which can go all over the place inconsistently when talking
