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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31027675 No.31027675 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though, why has she faked her voice this entire time?

>> No.31027956

god i hate asmr

>> No.31028110

"Real voice" fags are some of the worst fags in the vtuber scene.

>> No.31028112

>*breathes in*

>> No.31028168

Fauna, if you want to use your real voice you can, Mori does and she has fans.

>> No.31028197
File: 127 KB, 1090x720, FC-RetcVUAENUNd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori faked her voice?
Wait, if Fauna really Lisa?

>> No.31028205

why did you reply to me? you want attention that bad stupid bitch? get some friends

>> No.31028258

No, the voice is the only thing about her that's real.

>> No.31028290

that's not her real voice, she mentions it two times in the video

>> No.31028329

Mori's you retarded ESL

>> No.31028352

>vtubers fake their voice
wow who would have thought

>> No.31028376
File: 235 KB, 542x535, 1646261621465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder how people find stuff like this. I always just get lucky and see dox and prior life threads so often that I know a lot. If your voice sounds different, you use different account names, and you never accidentally show something like that on stream, how do all of these leaks happen? Almost all Holos have something leak somehow.

>> No.31028397

are you mentally retarded? thread is about Fauna and I'm replying to you talking about Fauna in the first half of your post

>> No.31028399

Fauna didn't sleep with some middle manager so something

>> No.31028442

was "accidentally" leaked. Anyhow, I'm a retard who put my post in auto before I finished typing.

>> No.31028527

I see. But what about all the others? It just doesn't seem possible. I mean, I'm not asking for each and every chuuba, but I'm just wondering how it can happen so often.

>> No.31028600

>"Lel secret knowledge!"
>"I'm her friend from her PL"
>"I know her IRL"
Are far worse than
>"Real voice plz"

>> No.31028603

Someone's password in Cover is Password123

>> No.31028662

Ed-boy forget about her. She will never come back.

>> No.31028681

I know Kaela IRL though

>> No.31028734

Wait wtf? At 1:04:05 She mentions she's willing to collab with Skittykat on something "wholesome" Skitty is a well known audio porn creator who makes age play audios. Holy shit

>> No.31028764

nobody tell him about HanaKana

>> No.31028822 [DELETED] 

Cuckling status?

>> No.31028852

He clearly said "Fauna, if you want to use your real voice." So he already knew and your reply was just as useless as you, dumbass.

>> No.31028978

Holy shit. When I first heard Fauna I thought she was gonna be my least favorite Council member due to her tone and mannerisms but she grew on me really fast. But her "real voice"
sounds like garbage twitch e-girl, I'm actually really glad she went with the Fauna voice.

>> No.31028999

fuuuck her real voice is much sexier

>> No.31029086

Two sides.

>> No.31029181

Fauna's real voice is pretty bad. But her fake voice, while much better, isn't even the best of it's kind in Hololive. Reminder that Zeta not only pulls of the voice better, but can also speak 3 languages. Fauna is really lacking...

>> No.31029183

...was it not obvious? You think she always sound like a nervous squeeky toy?

>> No.31029230

am i schizo or are the supposed "real voices" just natural variations in a persons voice that occur when you become more relaxed/low energy?

>> No.31029236

I was already listening to faunas asmr months before she joined holo so I knew immediately.
Same with gura id recognize that retard anywhere.

>> No.31029263


That's actually what's happening for some of the Holos, others have full blown character voice, and some just speak normally

>> No.31029284

sounds more like sana than fauna

>> No.31029312

Because doing a character voice when playing a character is just good craftsmanship? Did you think she was an anime girl IRL?

They all do character voices. Even Calli. That's also why JP keeps getting throat nodules - because they do loud high-pitched character voices for ridiculously long periods.

>> No.31029337

Gura's is obvious because they sound so similar, but I couldn't tell for many others since there are so many differences. There is one time I've figured out somebody was also somebody else on YouTube by voice alone, but they weren't a vtuber, and they used the same voice.

>> No.31029376
File: 257 KB, 645x643, za4z202dlvw71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to timestamp retard https://youtu.be/i9Wv2ZOslas?t=3845

>> No.31029446

Call it copium but I actually think this is just as cute as her “fauna” voice, the raspiness adds a lot of charm

>> No.31030540

that was cute...her personality hasn't really changed at all

>> No.31030745

W-who is that next to her

>> No.31030805

>he doesn't know

>> No.31030821

i know you IRL

>> No.31033409

oh hey, who's that?

>> No.31033681


>> No.31034585

>Literally the same voice but into a different mic
I continue to be impressed by how braindead you faggots are

>> No.31034966

Because it sounds cuter and allows her to better immerse in playing her role

She also makes regular SFW ASMR videos. Still, probably better that seemingly never happened or who knows if hololive might never have signed her.

Her long-term boyfriend.
Maybe they're still together, maybe not. It really shouldn't matter as long as it doesn't flow into her work.

>> No.31035105

>Mori is ESL you retard
and yes

>> No.31036910

It's an improvement. She can do it if she stops trying.

>> No.31037322
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>> No.31037801

There’s about a 5% chance she’s still with him.
It is physically impossible for women to be attracted to men who make less money than them.

>> No.31038509


>> No.31038595

don't care
people who do both should kill themselves

>> No.31038864

is the tulpa rrat dead?

>> No.31039725
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>> No.31039870

sounds like a new hire at a phone sex operator call center

>> No.31040238
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, MysticalPixal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it like me, start watching not-Fauna.
Similar voice, exactly same demeanor, also an ASMRtist, loves doing RPs, very comfy streams, her channel is recommended by LL's ASMR channel so they probably knew each other, and she has none of THAT thing.
Unfortunately she's currently on a break.

>> No.31040571

Sounds like Fauna and Sana mixed together, maybe the actual reason why Fauna decided to go with her "Fauna" voice. Those nya sounded exactly the same though lol.

Also, hell she really didn't change at all, she was already very pleasant and funny to hear.

>> No.31041793 [DELETED] 

I'm remembering all those cope posts about Ed-boy not being real..

>> No.31042073

I used to not like her fake voice, but it has grown on me a lot

>> No.31042411

Nice cope, cuckling

>> No.31042494

Oh no no no

>> No.31043778

> it's her same voice
If anything she's speaking lower on this one.

>> No.31043977

Isn't that the arkhand? The guy who made her musicbox audio?

>> No.31044121

Force her to date me please

>> No.31044124
File: 271 KB, 1161x808, 6506767376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo homie dont be sharin' my PL vids or I'll deadass crack your dome fr fr no cap.

>> No.31046027

you guys are hurting me, please stop

>> No.31046184 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 2014x1347, f3547ffd78a8c64778a2350f13881dfe1b618630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread still up

>> No.31046517

I’m an ASMRfag and I happened to be subbed to and frequently watched LemonLeaf so I knew it instantly. I can’t be the only one, her PL channel was not small

>> No.31047124

ASMRfag here. Yes it is. He is one of two mods that jumped ship to Fallenshadow when LL disappeared. Other was the infamous Tlombard.
This guy didn't last two minutes. Interestingly he still streams. But as a mod he modded for Shondo for about a month and then he wasn't a mod anymore and hasn't shown his face since.
A few months later Shondo talked about being more cautious interacting with people, and how she had a bad experience with an ex-mod trying to get close to her, which she said at the time was why she wouldn't collab with males anymore.
This guy in question, this Arkhand guy, used to run a stream series where he'd have VTubers on and talk about mental health because he's a real life therapist. That's what the clip with LL comes from. Shondo appeared on his stream in her very early days of streaming before she was a vtuber.
TLDR therapist is likely the rapist. Why do all vtuber mods turn out to be weird?

>> No.31047262

Sum it up, is he your boyfriend or not?

>> No.31047302

Yes Arkhand is my, Fauna's, boyfriend.

>> No.31047400

He's not her boyfriend but Lemon streamed with him multiple times and he was her head mod. Given how multiple other vtubers in that circle seemed to cut him off he's probably a weirdo. I also believe he's in his 30s and a real life psychiatrist which makes it even weirder.

>> No.31047477


>> No.31047747

thanks historian-san
I can't keep enjoying Fauna whenever I watch her now.
Not often but it would soil my mood on her

>> No.31047792
File: 126 KB, 344x342, cat signal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been listening to LL for years but I never really pieced together why she disappeared due to the sheer amount of people coming and going within the ASMR scene. It makes me wonder just how many dead Youtube channels and users from /r/pillowtalkaudio moved on to things I regularly listen to or watch without me really noticing.

Go figure that the only times I watch Fauna is for her ASMR streams, I'm just too dumb to have ever connected the dots.

>> No.31047856

>tried to get close to Shondo who was 18 or 19 at the time
>she dropped him
>therapist in his 30s
Yeah he's weird. Interesting if that's true that Fauna let him make her music for her as Fauna.

>> No.31048057

Thanks for the info. Some stuff makes more sense now.

>> No.31048207

Admittedly: she hasn't comissioned from him in a while. The ones I can think of are her OP and the musicbox. She didn't even retweet his music box arrangement of her Orisong.

>> No.31050158

Why are you guys like this? Just let me live in my ignorance, I’m already depressed enough as it is, I just want to think of Fauna as my mommy.

>> No.31050494

that's not how the summoning ritual works

>> No.31050729

For her to be your mommy, she needs to be married and have children, no?

>> No.31051227

I feel you bro. I'm not even a sapling and I just want a chubba people don't try to go out of their way to dox just so you can't enjoy them anymore.
I don't even watch Fauna outside of Minecraft and rust.

>> No.31051704

Bro, youtube algo doxxed half of the JP holo members without anyones interference. We all started getting their past life videos recommended. Rushia, Fubuki, Korone, Okayu, Mio, etc. Sometimes even if you go out of your way to avoid that info because you just dont wanna know, it somehow finds its way to you.

>> No.31051876

It's only a problem if the character voice damages the vocal chords long term.
If Fauna is comfortable speaking that way, I don't see the issue.

>> No.31052833

Because people will recognize her and rape her if they find out who she is due to using her normal voice.
