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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3102065 No.3102065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ollie is doing a Karaoke Stream atm, let's support her

I know we rratards are having fun, and we know that we are right about it, but that doesn't mean we can't support a Holo who's having a bad week.

>Yes, even if we think she's a slut

Disclaimer: rrat faggots like us aren't chink insect eating faggot anti's, we do not harrass on stream and further our containment with any malicious intent than need be.

So feel free to drop by and give her some cheer up words before cover give her a stern talking to


>> No.3102097
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zomkeks please...

>> No.3102140

>"Before cover give her a stern talking to"
About four months too late for that.

>> No.3102238

Shit I'll drink to that bro

>> No.3102367

So your goal was never to destroy?

Your aims confuses me /vt/
But I'm pretty sure Risu would be proud to know that

>> No.3102423

if you actually look at the thread from the start, the one that is not denying that she's a whore, they never once said that ollie should graduate.

>> No.3102450

Truly chaotic neutral

>> No.3102527
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it's over for me bros... i am completely broken...
i jerked off to her moaning while she get's fingerbanged on stream basically in front of me.
should i just kms?

>> No.3102561

Well, hope the thread is active enough to keep track of what happens as I had to leave the stream

>> No.3102563

>should i just kms?
yes definitely

>> No.3102601

I love Ollie's deep singing voice

>> No.3102618
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>> No.3102627

you won't miss anything her singing is shit anyway

>> No.3102687

Zomkeks, how does it feel knowing every time she's singing a love song, she's thinking of Connor

it hurts

>> No.3102715

>getting romantically attached to public figures
You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.3102868

just go to reine karaoke stream

>> No.3102906

just tuned in, what's going on? she's totally breaking

>> No.3102954

Rest in peace

>> No.3102976

>Views went from 1.4 to 2k

You faggots actually came, what a bunch of sweetiepies

>> No.3102992

And just like that...she’s gone.

>> No.3102998

I don't feel anything and you shouldn't either.

>> No.3103016

It’s the least we zomcucks could do anon

>> No.3103053

There's a hefty chance that Moona or Risu will be reading this thread, Say hi boys

>> No.3103072

All i'll say is Cover is fucking dreadful at handling and protecting the young girls they pick up.

>> No.3103077
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I'm so confused

>> No.3103087

She's announced her break from vtubing activities, hope all of you retard here like it, you did it vt

>> No.3103133

We did what?

>> No.3103146

Yeah, at protecting them from e-celeb groomers.

>> No.3103169

That's absolutely true. The fact that they still are letting the Coco anti-spam continue half a year later pisses me off. Fucking get a dedicated moderator for her.

>> No.3103173

should've just be honest and said "suspension"

>> No.3103212

where the hell does this ollies is a young girl narrative comes from? she's older than moona ffs

>> No.3103228

She didn't get suspended, either she or Cover would've said that.

>> No.3103234
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yupp she's need to break,
if ollie's here i this meme really fit with you

>> No.3103245
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the end of that stream was actually hard to listen to and how she couldn't hold up appearances anymore. felt as bad as watching Coco breaking down on stream. I really hope she'll be okay.

>> No.3103248

anon, your roommate reps...

>> No.3103256

That last song actually hurted me a little, hope she is doing okay

>> No.3103264

>drooling ESL retard
Every fucking time.

>> No.3103270

you mean J*r3d Diamond of Guns, Germs, and Steel, not a whitey living half an ocean away

>> No.3103298

Any of you have the archive of the karaoke stream? Didn't get to see it

>> No.3103304

And you people say /vt/ isn't representative of the Vtubing audience

If this board can get an Indog Vtuber to take a break, what other possibilities does /vt/ have? What other movement can we use our power on?

>> No.3103328

Still playing innocent retard? Is there any place other than vt that bully ollie everyday

>> No.3103356

Connor could've at least stomped the drama out with his bigger fanbase like Kuzuha did for Rindou.

>> No.3103370

you people are soft... she does this every member stream

>> No.3103400

Don't believe her lies.

>> No.3103435

It's none of our fault rratbros, all we wanted was to ogey and to rrat, if there's anything to learn from this, it's that Jannies shouldn't censor nor silence any form of speech that isn't warranted, the mass bans made this rrat a 100 times bigger than it was. They did it once and the rrat infestation increased, then containment threads popped up and they destroyed that too.

Now they're oblivious as to how it got this big and leaked to multiple threads. To the point where it actually became true as more anons picked up on it. Let this be a lesson indog jannies, let the rrats cannibalize one another, don't let them unite under one banner

Also kind of Ollie's fault for fucking on stream, what a kek of an individual

>> No.3103438

Her problems are far beyond a few schizos in a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.3103444

That doesn't mean she isn't going through serious issues, anon. Quite the opposite.

>> No.3103452
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>If this board can get an Indog Vtuber to take a break, what other possibilities does /vt/ have? What other movement can we use our power on?

>> No.3103453

The only thing they could've done was stop her from looking at certain social media, but if that became known, you'd know people would shit on Cover for limiting the girls in any way.

>> No.3103460

>People are talking about something a vtuber did on a basket weaving site

Okay retard, i think you need to learn what bullying means

>> No.3103465

Man you niggers fall so easily to manipulative tactics that is almost embarrassing to watch.

>> No.3103481

Nobody watches her streams here anon

>> No.3103483

clips now or forever shut the fuck up

>> No.3103504

>What other movement can we use our power on?
I guess they could try go after another small vtuber? Moona has PekoMoona for instant love.

>> No.3103513

Nobody watches any streams here.

>> No.3103520

Not as embarrassing as people seriously falling for schizo rrats

>> No.3103551

I can tell manipulative cues anon, Ollie is a narcissistic bitch, it's why she's having an anxiety attack about her reputation being ruined.

It's a mix of both anon, she's both being honest about her situation and hoping it'll garner her comfort. I despise sjw anons, she might be a whore but I don't want her life ruined for one mistake.

>> No.3103553
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>> No.3103565

You're delusional if you think /vt/ has any REAL power. A bunch of retards making up rrats is probably not the main thing on her mind.

>> No.3103583

You zomcucks denying the situation is what keeps the train running, never stop zomcucks you'll be the blade that meets her neck on graduation.

>> No.3103607

moona went through the same thing as her, moona actually read the entire threads, unlike ollie, she apologize and thanks this shithole for criticizing her. ollie is just weak or just faking it, im leaning toward faking it because this is how she is when she was an indie.

>> No.3103614

zoomcucks throwing smoke screen as usual. we all know she's in her late 20s

>> No.3103643

I'm glad you could make it too, child pron posting, soijack spamming zomcuck

These threads wouldn't be complete without you, now please give me a reply with green posting and the complimentary soijack

>> No.3103647

>begging to be spoonfed member content
do zomcuck really?

>> No.3103648

Kill yourself you CP spamming degenerate sick fuck, I hope you die of AIDS.

>> No.3103666

Bring back Aloe for us, /vt/-sama.

>> No.3103694

The MAHA5 soldiers have won....
She's already back but not as Aloe.

>> No.3103700

connor vs jaret cage death match when?

>> No.3103705

If you're actually taking any rrat seriously, you're just retarded. I love myself some good rrat fun but if you actually believe this shit there's just no saving you.

>> No.3103721

Jesus, I had a bigger bulge when I was 12...
This is what she's lusting after?!

>> No.3103771

I missed it. Does someone have an archive?

>> No.3103796

is there even any evidence that the rrat was the one that caused her to take a break?
isn't she taking a break because of the connor situation?

>> No.3103878


>> No.3103879

>Still in denial
Zomcuck I'm gonna miss your cuck queen :'(

>> No.3103880

The break is because she is realizing her mental health is dreadful and she is seeking professional help and starting to take anti-depressants, which make you worse for a few weeks.

>> No.3103971

She is taking a break for what seems to be mental health reasons. God knows what that could entail these days. There is no real evidence as to what it could specifically be. I highly doubt that an rrat that only exists on 4chan would be the cause. If you take 4chan seriously, that's basically your own fault.
Oh please, I hardly watch her these days, rrats are rrats for a reason and you're a retard who should feel bad for believing them.

>> No.3103974
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>Inb4 more sex live to cope with it

Ollie no!

>> No.3104020

It's not their fault that they hired a person who has a mental breakdown after facing criticism for the first time in their life. A sane person would know which messages to ignore and which criticism to take seriously. Ollie just expected a complete hugbox. The other holos also have to deal with schizos.
Where have you been faggot? The spam practically disappeared after youtube introduced features to stop VPN users from just creating a billion accounts.

>> No.3104029
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>"She's just scared anon"
>"It's just a rrat anon"
>"Oh that off stream person she's talking to? Oh that's probably her sister anon"
>"Wdym she said "not now" and moaned, well she was scared obviously"
>"Oh me? I haven't watch it yet, but it's false trust me"

Kill yourself, and take your family with you, hopefully faggotry would decrease significantly, you're doing the world a favor anon

>> No.3104084

"4chan made her take a break" is easily the stupidest rrat I could think of. Her explanation in the members stream made it sound like she has some kind of depressive and/or anxiety disorder, complete with inferiority complex and night terrors. that's not the kind of thing you just come down with because mean people on the internet said bad things about you.

>> No.3104100

Tell me youre a virgin without telling me youre a virgin lmfao. If you're actually that delusional, we can do a suicide pact? Our combined retardation disappearing will raise the world's average IQ by at least 50.

>> No.3104135

Cover literally would’ve announced that shit, like they always have

>> No.3104147

Do your reps anon ffs

>> No.3104157

>U a virgin lol

Behold the best argument a zomcuck faggot can manifest, witness it's utmost retardation

>> No.3104180

>He wasn't imparted the significant detail

Reps faggot, reps, or go back

>> No.3104260

They really suck at handeling this kinda things, they could have gone two ways, make Ollie ignore everything and buckle it up, maybe make her stream betwen longer gaps it would have dry up in others places aside from here, by making take this break they have called attention to the matter to normies and they will find they way here, in other words instead of playing it smart, they said shits gonna hit the fan we dont want you at the scene when that happens, leaving it at a gamble for the uncoming days and abandoned Ollie to her luck.

>> No.3104305

I barely even watch her anon, I'm just not a royal fucking retard who believes in rrats that show how inexperienced this godforsaken board is when it comes to sex. If you actually believe this kind of shit, just kill yourself and be done with it. Everyone would be thankful, even your dad who left to get milk a while back.

>> No.3104342
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>Normies are on their way here to look for spoonfeeding
Stop scaring me anon

>> No.3104348

Dude, sometimes a rrat is just a rrat. Just because you hear sexy moaning doesn't mean it IS sexy moaning. Just a week ago a lot of faggots on this very board were 100% sure that Haachama fled from Hololive and is redebuting, because they've listened to an announcement and decided that it has to be her. And then doubled down on their faggotry whenever someone pointed out they could've made a mistake, which is exactly what you're doing right now.
>inb4 zomcuck cope
I'm not even her fan, your obnoxious rrat is leaking in hlgg, moona thread and many others, so I decided to check what the fuck are your sperging on about this time and man, I'm not impressed.

>> No.3104380
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>I barely watch her anon
>But all I'm gonna say is
>"You're wrong"
>Oh my counter argument, well...
>Trust me bro!
>Also they're just rrats right? Right?

>> No.3104391

she's not a fucking teenager, she's not a fucking kid, she's a grown fucking woman or else cover won't hire her, and yes i did my reps, you should do yours.

>> No.3104394

they are alredy here, anon
get mad zomcuck

>> No.3104446

Weren't the rrat army providing evidence case by case for tens of hundreds of threads now? Are these faggots from reddit circulating?

Can you zomcuck faggots please go back and neck yourselves? Your opinion isn't valued here, you cock sucking faggots

>> No.3104456

>implying zoomers aren't children

>> No.3104472

It's actually quite amazing, I really do just love shitting on rrats and people who unironically believe them. I'll tell you what though, I saw the greentext that went into deep detail about the fingerbanging she was getting, and I was laughing my ass off at how much of a reach it is. No, a slight moan here and there does not mean the fingerbanging speed is increasing on stream lmfao
Too many people here have a strong misunderstanding. I just love shutting on rrats and people that believe them. This is universal, I actually don't really watch her, believe it or not.

>> No.3104478

Why so angry?

>> No.3104486


Go tell him anon, make the rrats seethe in anger, I want this shit to reach graduation levels

There can never be peace between rratards and zomcucks, sorry OP
