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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3096863 No.3096863 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3096919 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3096930


>> No.3096946

Go back to Nijiniggers general

>> No.3096963

Wasn't she supposedly coming back around about Christmas?

>> No.3096987
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>> No.3097021


>> No.3097032

She did. You missed her stream?

>> No.3097073

she's waving because it's bye-bye

>> No.3097249


>> No.3097529

Is this a bait?

>> No.3097544


>> No.3097548


>> No.3097585

Literally too based for this world

>> No.3097603

>resident shitposter on 5ch
she was one of us. she didn't deserve this.

>> No.3097617
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We still remember...

>> No.3099147

>bitched about how much the colleagues and friends she saw everyday were whores

>> No.3099166


>> No.3099177
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Was it deserved?

>> No.3099272
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Sio wasn't wrong.

>> No.3099288

Like he said, one of us

>> No.3099408

Cant belive she had to quit just because she gave an accurate assessment of Robocos apex skills

>> No.3100339

can someone give the rundown on this girl? I know she plays mahjong and had some "they hated her because she told the truth" yab happen

>> No.3100424


How can someone be this based

>> No.3100527

Sio come back, I miss your mahjong streams I never got to play against you a second time...

>> No.3100575

Sio please, without you who is going to tell Roboco she sucks at Apex?

>> No.3100596

She had a blog on some stupid site that got fucked and ended up releasing her IP.
This IP address was the same one as someone who was posting about how much of slut/whore/scrub etc. other chubas were on 5ch.
Released a statement saying she dindu nuffin
Hasn't been online since then.
Some fans have a delusional belief in her returning, and her innocence.

>> No.3100646

She's coming to Brazil... well she was, she got into another hiatus

>> No.3100660

Tell me how IP is a convincing proof of identity

>> No.3100686

well japs did harass like 3 vtubers off the net, thinking they were her. so rumors of her return are never going to stop.

>> No.3100719

that's what she has going on her defense, it's isn't perfect proof that it was her but she has a non insignificant amount of antis that will latch on anything to fuck with her even even before the IP thing

>> No.3100726

The blog belonging to her isn't in question, nor is her statement that those posts didn't come from her, which are the only two instances of me using the word "she". But I did acknowledge your existence in that last line anon-chama.

>> No.3100754

cringe jp fags

>> No.3100789

>defending a dead chuuba
Stop it, she's already been declared guilty by the jp community, whether it's true or not matters no more. What anon said is which pill the internet decided to swallow. No amount of debating about "circumstantial evidence" will ever change that.

>> No.3100877

Any significant updates? I remember the christmas stream and something that was supposed to happened around these months being cancelled

>> No.3100909

>But I did acknowledge your existence in that last line anon-chama.
ad hominem
>Some fans have a delusional belief in her returning, and her innocence.
Presumption of innocence isn't a delusional belief.

>> No.3101009

JPs still think she's that Cat girl in Wactor pandering to spics. Her being gone for so long doesn't help her case.

>> No.3101011

Thanks you fucking traitor you killed half of the idolbu

>> No.3101189

They did the same against the indie Sakura Kanon as well. It's like when people in here believed Aria was Haachama

>> No.3101197

>have sex

>> No.3101547

She is having sex with Towa

>> No.3101871

she was also exposed as mahjong fraud

>> No.3102961

that always seemed far fetched to me

>> No.3105666

Not that anon. It‘s not an ad hominem you simian brained nigger. An ad-hominem would be someone saying your argument is invalid because you are stupid. He just insulted you - lightly I might add.

>> No.3105759

There‘s a note post about it. It‘s not super conclusive, but from what evidence they collected it‘s not looking good for her.

>> No.3105950

I miss Tokonokise
pure sex

>> No.3106599

? She posted a rank up Tenhou pic that could only have come from her pc since it was posted before Tenhou updated. The only defenses here are the ninja in her attic who took a photo/a family member, or someone was playing on her account, the same one she uses to stream.

The note - https://note.com/v_mahjong/n/n61bc2d115d08
The summary is
1. Her one sided claim is that she played in Houou rooms, which require 7 dan and R2000, but the account's never gone above 6 Dan and hovers 4 dan, so it's unlikely even if you account for skill inflation. This is the account she used for Tama.
2. Her Sio account only hit 4 dan, and hovers 2 dan.
3. Her Sio alt account focused on hanchan only is 3 dan, but rating is 4 dan, just not enough games to promote.
4. Her mahjong soul account sucked and isn't even 1 dan if you convert rankings, but that huge of a drop is unlikely too, so she probably didn't take it seriously/didn't play enough.

4 dan is good, but she's far from being a "mahjong robot". The ghosting claims only come from a pro reviewing her streamed games, and she makes weird throws as if she's ghosting the other streamers. Probably likely since there's normal weird throws, and "wow this person obviously knows that person's hand" throws, but it has nothing to do with how good she is.

>> No.3106722

Who cares, I watch Nina for Mahjong now. She speaks english too.

>> No.3107025

Watch Senba too. Casually playing in 7 dan, trying to rank up to 8. Can probably hit 9 with enough games.


>> No.3107115

truly /ourgirl/

>> No.3107379


>> No.3110145
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>> No.3110340

...oh hey it‘s my oshi.

>> No.3110568

Someday perhaps. Someday.

>> No.3110589

At the very least she's a Celestial already.

>> No.3110593

Rbc won at the end

>> No.3110857

>? She posted a rank up Tenhou pic that could only have come from her pc since it was posted before Tenhou updated. The only defenses here are the ninja in her attic who took a photo/a family member, or someone was playing on her account, the same one she uses to stream.
The PC isn't the only thing connected to the IP. Japan's internet infrastructure is outdated, and depending on which neighborhood she lives in, that could involve countless people. Tamonmaru already went over the counter-evidence.

>> No.3111125

>Si tries out for Hololive

Do you have an experience with content creation?

I was Kusunoki Sio.

Oh you're hired. But you'll have to take a different name.

Oh no thanks then. Good bye.

>> No.3111244

roboco will interview her

>> No.3113526

It's a long story.

Starting with a previous incarnation:
>Debut as part of an early-boom Vtuber agency.
>Obtain early success, position herself as a skilled Mahjong player.
>Get promissed 3d concert.
>Vtuber branch of the agency was a side-project, company understaffed, 3d delayed.
>Company focusing more on the events of their one big vtuber, at the time one of the most subscribed in the industry.
>Gets upset that another member was also announced to have a 3d concert.
>Tries to enlist fans and other talent to pressure the company.
>The mostly tech-oriented staff, including their main-manager, wasn't prepared to deal with the situation, with it. PR disaster.
>Doubles down, throws company and other members under the bus.
>Causes distress to other members.
>Nobody is happy with her except for the one undying loyal fraction of her gachikois.
>"Oh shit" - tries to make ammends but fail.
>Is kicked out with her co-conspirator.
>Fucks up the company growth.
>Growth of the company extremely slowed from now on, what was a top 3 agency got a black company reputation and got passed fast.
>Causes one of the Big 4 to take a 6 month break and greatly diminish her content delivery until early 2021, literally drawns a fraction of the audience now.
>Their manager, who also was a popular Vtuber, takes a full year break.
>Because of all that, gains a hate-dom that consists of the gachikois of an entire company.

Not long after:
>Roomate streams.
>Laughing her ass off with her co-conspirator about the whole situation.
>Says she'll be back.
>Gachikois: "The game is on".

A few months later:
>Reincarnates as Sio, a Mahjong Vtuber.
>Quickly regain her followers. "She's back!".
>Meanwhile, revenge seekers form anti-group on 5ch, they're not joking, even stalking is on the books for them. "She's back!"
>She moves homes and strats to stream in an office to avoid antis, taunts them.
>Gains Mahjong Soul sponsorship. Writes articles for Mahjong magazines.
>Leverages sponsorship to become friends with Nijis and propel herself among the who's who of JP Vtubers.
> Despite the big hatedom, also some staunch defenders on 5ch.
>Security flaw on japanese blogging service Note shows her IP.
>IP linked to 5ch poster.
>Shown to potentially the anon who defenderd her.
>Also shown to be potentially doxxing and slandering other Vtubers and be the one big defender that pulled punches with anti on 5ch..
>She obviously denies she did any of it;
>>Defenders (mostly EOPs) claim that one of the posts happened when she was playing APEX.
>>Antagonists point that at the time she was at the lobby, potentitally looking at phone or other monitor.
>>Antagonists point that her screenshots of Sio games could only have come from Sio's POV.
>Regardless, that was enough for the mob. Fans of the former group and of other Vtubers she alledged bad-mouthed want blood.
>Stalking, phone harrassment and shit happens.
>Threatens legal action, calls the police. Says she can't comment on it anymore because law enforcement is involved.
>Antis don't stop.
>Almost no other Vtuber defends her, even allged friends people who have dealt with antis before.
>Almost the whole JP fanbase is against her, only stream post-leak has a chat so bad that it reads like Coco's chat, but instead if zhang-bots it's 100% organic JP anger.
>Literally the only person who defends her is TMZ Vtbuer Narukami Sabaki, who is actually despised the mainstream Vtuber fandom, and EOP Savior-fags from Reddit who think she's Aloe 2.0.
>About the same revealed to be to be an average Mahjong-level player, potentially ghosting. Credibility questioned - column pulled from magazine, Mahjong manga suspended, Mahjong Soul vanish - alleged all put in hiatus to deal with the situation.
>Says she'll take a break and will be back.
>Goes into hiding.
>Anti: "Good riddance, never come back."
>Post-2020 Vtuber boom EOPs and her Gachikois: "I miss Sio! Muh evil antil! Coomback Sio!"

>Mahjong Vtuber niche and sponsorships compeletly taken by Nijisanji and a bunch of Indies who are actually good at MJ in less than a month.
>4 months later,post on Nico Nico:
>Likely public isolated in the Vtuber sphere: half of people believe she was slandering them, the other half won't touch her because she'll likely be an anti-magnet.
>>Says she is in hospital (no proof).
>>Says she can't use Social Media or Phone, NicoNico staff is posting the message for her (how the hell is she contacting them from insite the hospital if she can't even use her phone?)
>>Tells fans the channel is set to members only for archive purposes.
1 Month Later in a message on Nico Nico again:
>>Says she'll be back but doesn't know when.
>No one talks about her, most have moved on.
>The only people who ever talks about her are EOPs fishing for upvotes and (You)s
>Still hasn't streamed in 8 months.
>Still collecting money from her gachi in Nico Nico despite not delivering any content.

>> No.3113756

Just another JP being punished because Nips couldn't handle the bantz, sad many such cases

>> No.3113813
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I miss Twoi friend...

>> No.3116108
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>6 down
a world where Chieri and Pino are still allowed to stream while Natori,Iori and Gongon get the boot is not worth living in

>> No.3116551

Sio truly was too based to live in the world of cringtubers

>> No.3117219

They hate her because she spoke the truth

>> No.3117297


>> No.3118049

Her fat ass is mine

>> No.3118376
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note kinda confirmed it that it was her kek

>> No.3118503

she cheats at mahjong

>> No.3118887

I really wonder what you think is happening in that screenshot.

>> No.3118983

Honestly I never knew her as Sio, I only ever watched her when she was Tama. Took a break just before .LIVE fell apart, so I missed that drama. Anyone know any legitimately good Mahjong VTubers? No dudes though because that is homoshit

>> No.3119160

>No Dudes
I honestly don't understand this mentality. You aren't going to fuck the chubba and she doesn't care about your existence so there's literally nothing homo about watching A FUCKING MALE!? instead. You have to be mentally ill to think like this, but this is the board for the mentally ill.

>> No.3119226

Senba is really good. There are also a lot of decent players like Tenkaiji, Hajiki, Gundou (despite me not particularly liking her) and Luis Cammy.

>> No.3119240
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, b7b98474-5fbf-4384-b111-561f469e997d_base_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senba Kurono.
Celestial Rank in Mahjong Soul (Ranked on top 50 on JP Mahjong Soul).
7th Dan on Tenhou.

>> No.3119378

Senba Kurono: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC7WY5VP-P-rSb2ES5npk8yA

Plays Hoou room on Tenhou and friendlies with viewers on Majsoul.

>> No.3119583

I mean it was mostly a joke, I watch Tsukasa and Niji males from time to time. I have no illusions, just like hearing a female voice. My question was for a Tama/Sio replacement, figured if I didn't add the no males part then I'd get nothing but males in response or something

I'll check out Senba, thanks for the rec

>> No.3126409

do your reps

>> No.3126601

NaruCHAD didn't really defend her, he just said that just being a shitposter didn't warrant such hate.

>> No.3126637

>got the boot
they left anon, not booted.

>> No.3129217


>> No.3129278

TokoNoki forever..

>> No.3131008

Since she has nothing to lose will she rape Towa?

>> No.3131195

Am i the only one getting filtered by her speech pattern? I had to go watch other people like Sakino Moco because i can't stand it for more than 5 minutes, which is a shame because she gives so much insight on the plays she makes

>> No.3131502

Since no one cares about her anymore, will Towa rape her?

>> No.3135999

Sio will rape Towa and after a few yandere fingering, Towa will take control and become top.

>> No.3145788

Pekora collabed with Sio. How did that come about?

These days. It is doubtful that Hololive will allow collabs with Indies anymore.

>> No.3145980

Sio is exceptional. Not every indies is as evil as she is.

>> No.3148308
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>>Still collecting money from her gachi in Nico Nico despite not delivering any content.
You think someone would do that?
Just go on the internet and lie?

>> No.3148367

Doxing others was bad but shitposting on korean pictograph forums is a god-given right

>> No.3148391

>they left anon
That's what .EVIL wants you to believe

>> No.3148526


>> No.3148539

Did she reincarnate or did the roommate threw the towel?

>> No.3148553

go back

>> No.3148681

Calling chuubas whores? She's just like me bros...

>> No.3152679

That’s what Virtual Voldemort wants you to believe

>> No.3153043

Ofcourse he's right again.

>> No.3157189

Do you think she's pulling a deluta and has her own place where she streams to her supporters behind a paywall?

>> No.3157229

I see literally nothing wrong with any of this

>> No.3157313

Narukami is a fucking idiot, but he's our kind of idiot. Based.

>> No.3165436

You forgot the part where she tries to debut as a WACTOR chuuba but is bullied into pre-retirement.
