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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 160 KB, 1100x1000, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3097799 No.3097799 [Reply] [Original]

I don't mean normies, but those weebs/anime lovers who stubbornly hate Vtubers.
They simply believe they're being superior existences than us by NOT watching Vs, even though they're fapping 20 times a day on anime girls as well. They simply hate real human beings, girls, or believe they hate them saying they're doing it only to rip off their money. It's ludicrous and sad.
While my position always boils down to
>B, but even children are watching them!
>Hey Calli is actually a Christian!!!
what your arguments would be like?
Thank you.

>> No.3097841

I just reply with susussususususususususysysusususussyusysusysimposterisussuususususususususususussysysusususy

>> No.3097880

do not convince people to watch vtubers

>> No.3097894
File: 218 KB, 300x300, 1611411763970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh social outcast
They're cringe but so are you.

>> No.3097904

Nothing. It is a glass house and both hobbies are pathetic, just enjoy your niche and let others enjoy their shitty niche in peace too

>> No.3097915
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>> No.3097930
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Anon, plz. Stop caring about what other people on the internet think about your hobby.

>> No.3097969
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, okayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't wanna see my fellow weebs becoming losers sticking to outdated pre-taped anime.

>> No.3098047

Nothing, lmao just let them pass its just like about anything, you wouldnt know if you would really like it or not if your not gonna try it in the first place.

I'd rather talk to someone who tried ro watch vtubers and then give their honest feelings about why they dislike it, not to someone who they just decided they dont like them because they dont know a thing about them and their cringey because they have a 2D avatar

>> No.3098084

Its just funny hearing weebs say shit like get a life, go outside, get a gf etc. peak irony

>> No.3098184

The only thing I've done is the occasional clip link which usually gets a begrudgingly good reaction. Trying to convince someone to like something they irrationally dislike is not worth it.

>> No.3098272

OP why are you using the same Towa image

>> No.3098303

You can't, just doxx them until they fuck off

>> No.3098340

"Have you tried watching them?"
"These are just usual streamers with anime avatars"
And show them a relatively normal one (i.e. atolive member, HoloID, NijiID etc)

>> No.3098388
File: 75 KB, 1334x750, 20200811_211012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't want to learn about (((it))) then leave them be. If you force them into VTubers they'll just turn into degenerate schizo posters.

>> No.3098808

just call them niggers. there is no comeback from that

>> No.3098912

This. Fuck the "rabbit hole" mentality

>> No.3098936
File: 48 KB, 1024x576, 1532736766947m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start rrat posting with them until they become psychotic.

>> No.3099372

>anime lovers
go back to your fb group flip seanigger

>> No.3100585

can you imagine someone with this mentality out in the open? Theyll try to convince you that reality tv is better than tv series or films. Absolutely annoying

>> No.3100634

Fun things are fun

>> No.3101218

There was one time on this Fate thread were I don't know what exactly happened but some CEO did something related o Gura and of course that triggered a flood of Gura pics and eventually other hololive pics, they got mad and went to /jp/ to complain in the hololive thread, now hear this, there was a point in the discussion were gachafags were mocking the hololive fandom for simping and giving away money to some roasties behind some avatar, yep, I'll repeat it again, gachafags making fun of somebody for wasting money, of course there were people who pointed out "is not wasting your money on streamers as useless as wasting it on PNGs?" And of course they claimed that PNG's were better for some reason, in conclusion, tribalism is a hell of a drug, it's better not to force your shit on everyone else and also don't be deluded that your shit is better than someone else's when, while they might not be the same shit in colour and texture, they still are the same thing, shit

>> No.3101633

I don't know anyone who watches anime and probably wouldn't be friends with anyone who did.

>> No.3101679
File: 52 KB, 739x415, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3101706

I don't talk to people.

>> No.3101858


Natgeo documentary, pretty based.

>> No.3101880

"i see cute girl i watch, simple as"

>> No.3104334

Commit a mass shooting and put in your manifesto that it was to fight the injustice Towa faces for being a whore in the idol-space. They'll have to check it out after that

>> No.3108859

just tell them to kill themselves and increase the %

>> No.3110508

that is not flip though

>> No.3111252

>Hey Calli is actually a Christian!!!

>> No.3111431

no hate for the vtubers but much hate for the attention whoring simps that throw $100 at them all the time

>> No.3112018

Isn't it nice that people have different views than you? I get that you want to share things you like with your friends, but sometimes it's nice having things to yourself.

>> No.3119812

It’s ok if it’s “that’s not a thing of my tastes” after checking it in person.
But what they are doing is just conflating information and nurturing prejudices just to hate things.
We shouldn’t be permissive to this kind of ignorance in our society.

>> No.3122021


>> No.3122434

you need to be atleast 18 years old to post here

>> No.3129356

Holy fucking go back.

>> No.3132590
File: 415 KB, 463x635, PEKURSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We shouldn’t be permissive to this kind of ignorance in our society.

>> No.3133279

its people like you thats why i pretend to hate vtubers
