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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30967363 No.30967363 [Reply] [Original]

I thought Tempus were supposed to be failures anon?
They were supposed to be sub-1k streamers...
What happened?

>> No.30967402

they are the XQC of youtube

>> No.30967417

They also supposed to be DOA after Iluna's design reveal...

>> No.30967422

You can tell by the population of vt that stopped shitposting.

>> No.30967578
File: 672 KB, 984x964, 1636679103958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aia unironically had only 500ccv one stream
The tables really did turn....

>> No.30967646

Unironically this place keeps them alive.

>> No.30967673
File: 450 KB, 2826x2272, FZp8bOQUUAENzb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also supposed to be DOA after Iluna's design reveal

Haha remember when Ren and Scarle were revealed and /vt/ collectively pronounced Tempus dead on arrival and exulted Nijisanji's tactical prowess on being able to destroy Holostars EN's debut by showing them up? Remember all those threads shitting on the Tempus character designs?

>> No.30967962

yeah and i remember the same people posting that shit posting in the nijien general about how iluna failed and they should all just bite the bullet and watch tempus. stop being a mark and thinking anyone but shitposters buys into the console war shit

>> No.30967986

>get BTFO and immediately start grovelling for 'unity'

>> No.30968016

oh youre one of them

>> No.30968634

If they're only getting 3k on collabs with multiple people in one stream it's probably not going to be pretty when they start streaming normally and overlap each other.

>> No.30968708
File: 321 KB, 594x594, 1640012271429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only getting 3k on collabs with multiple people in one stream
The last game stream got 6k
The last collab got almost 9k (it was just a zatsudan basically)

They're fine retard

>> No.30968722

They turned out to actually be pretty cool guys.
Noir especially is pretty based.

>> No.30968782

There's only 4 of them anon, they not gonna overlap until HoloStarEN2 enter.

>> No.30968822

Like everything Hololive does, not carried through a good idea or good marketing, but the sheer quality of the talents they have.

>> No.30968956
File: 1.12 MB, 1438x1763, Screenshot_20220801-112004_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some more ads to compensate, Nijibugs!

>> No.30969555

>ars getting gangbang by 4

>> No.30969570

>sheer quality of the talent

Only interesting because he's old enough to have consumed a lot of media and knowledge, not because he's actually skilled in anything that's utilized on-stream.
Only seems entertaining because he screams and shouts more than the others. Drawing is pretty good for the speed and style but not enough where it can be an identity (like Ina). Surprisingly clueless about most things.
No where near of a good singer as everyone says he is. Kiara-level. No other skills apart from speaking Japanese which, on the whole, is mostly useless as an EN streamer.
Actually the most skilled of the bunch, especially as a gamer. Apparently makes an effort to improve but keeps playing uninteresting games that don't showcase his skills, at the worst times. Took the Sana debut approach; skilled but does their own thing instead to look based. That's something you should do later, not whilst there's still hype around you.

They're all nice but nothing special. The EN whores are so bad they make Tempus look better than they are.

>> No.30969847
File: 800 KB, 1297x466, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon Iluna is murdering Tempus in every statistic that's not ccv despite Hololive brand supposedly being so much stronger in the west.

>> No.30969892

>8k ccv
>30k vod views

Meanwhile Nijis with 2k ccv get 50k views. Cute bot farms Yagoo.

>> No.30969968

You're always free to move the goalposts so you don't feel sad about it.
A full branch collab after all the leeching and in the middle of the natural process of losing audience on your first months only gets 6k lmao.

>> No.30970274

>Hololive brand supposedly being so much stronger in the west.
HoloStars isn't, though, and no one sane groups Hololive and HoloStars together. There is a reason why HololiveJP gets 10-30k median while Uproar was sitting in 3views territory and best HoloStarsJP only got around... uh, 2k-ish?
Moreover, the only Iluna's member who clearly has more views than all Tempus members is Ren. The rest of them, including Maria, are only around, maybe slightly ahead of, Tempus level even if we talk about VOD views.
(And don't make me start on >1hr streams vs several hours)

>> No.30970415
File: 1.30 MB, 1407x851, Aia_VODViews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, look at Aia's views (and her streams are a few times longer than average Tempus's streams)

>> No.30970701
File: 84 KB, 220x210, 316e17cb8e12c3ed7e4b02610dce9198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, top of the world numbers here.

>> No.30971493

Anon, they're not murdering anyone in SC. Vods views and subs are what they have against Tempus but those aren't metrics of a streamer

>> No.30971554
File: 429 KB, 1327x478, 1644677585906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, forgot pic

>> No.30973856


>> No.30973959

I agree that guy is memeing meaningless numbers to undersell Tempus, but you'd have to add streamlabs to iluna's SC numbers.

>> No.30974733

its cause of the 1hr stream shit, it boosts ccv as people are more likely to watch the whole stream, thats why ccv is the only thing they have ahead of Iluna

>> No.30975614

There sure is a lot of numberfagging from a fanbase that prouds itself in no arithmosexuality. I think I haven't seen a single post featuring girls as the the tool of comparison in the past three weeks. Why is that? I'm sure /#/ isn't spewing this since those are all considered midget numbers so it must all come from /MANS/, right?

>> No.30975705

>I haven't seen a single post featuring girls as the the tool of comparison in the past three weeks
Maybe because the main shitpost target was against Tempus
And now that Tempus is successful all the retards shut the fuck up

>> No.30979395


>> No.30980070

Careful Anon Nijikeks can't handle the truth and will lash out in anger.

>> No.30986735

>Scarle is actually the 2nd biggest earner of Iluna (merch not included yet)
>Ren is on the lower side
Color me surprised. I thought CN fangirls will flock to him like they did Vox. Is it because he doesn't stream during Asian hour?

>> No.30988868

>What happened?
they performed better than expected

>> No.30991132

Jesus fuck, are they that bad?

>> No.30991455

>What happened?
People saviourfagged what were possibly the two worst models in the entirety of HoloPro. Then it turned out that they were actually pretty good streamers, and the rest is history. Iluna did it the other way around. Set up high expectations with great models and turned out to be (mostly) shit streamers.

>> No.30991527

Streamlabs Anon.

>> No.30991745

Why is their taste in vidya so shit?

>> No.30991879

Are you really trying to say they weren't failures? Two of them already get below 2k ccv and it hasn't even been a month. They got more ads and support than myth and council combined but made them less money combined than a single council member

>> No.30991893

Just goes to show no matter how good the character model is it can not save a bad streamer
