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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30885976 No.30885976 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30886112 [DELETED] 

Ame is still doing really well. All of this shitposting was/is pointless. She managed to get rid of the worst members of her fanbase without technically doing anything wrong. She's shit at playing games but she's fucking great at playing teamcucks. Masterful move.

>> No.30886225

the shitposting has always been pointless. /vt/ schizos are the biggest pussies since they keep everything here. jp schizos actually take it to the vtuber.

>> No.30886339

Little walking bank.

>> No.30886347 [DELETED] 

>jp schizos actually take it to the vtuber.
sounds based.
someone needs to grab himself by the balls and confront her. there's her personal data somewhere out there, right?

>> No.30886394

I just realized something, why not just hire a hooker, make her wear a Amelia watson Mask and play an Amelia watson vod while you're fucking and just time your strokes whenever Ame does a grunt, moan or sigh in the vod. Wouldn't it help you cope like how Bladerunnerman did?

>> No.30886461

Yeah, I think it was the right decision to purge her goslings. Sure, they bring her money but it's undeniable how fucking annoying they are. I'm glad Ame decided to take this step.

>> No.30886482 [DELETED] 

This is what teakeks get for complaining about inconsequential stuff so much. Now Ame thinks you're just crying wolf.

>> No.30886484

wait so was the condom money sc (to ame) an edit? i thought some of the schizoing did break containment

>> No.30886662 [DELETED] 
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*cof cof*

>> No.30886664

>yo Tyrone, this whytboi is cray-cray. Mf finna pull up with a mask of sum cartoon and played sum vidya of sum blonde bitch. Shit's psycho. We ain't about that. Fuck yeah I took the chedda from his bitch ass.

>> No.30886777

Yeah, some third worlder handed her money just to get ignored. She totally got owned haha.

>> No.30886831
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I've been wondering. I noticed that Teamates often insult greynames. Amelia is a millionaire so there's no need to insult people that won't give her money. Do other HoloEN fanbases do this?

>> No.30886849

it's real, you can see it in hololyzer
number 31

>> No.30886862

eops are retarded, basic knowledge

>> No.30886863

You're thinking of chumbuddies who have to rationalize that Gura ignores grays.

>> No.30886873 [DELETED] 

She read the supa and pretended to not care. For me it doesn't matter, since with that money she can't even buy a condom lmao

>> No.30886883

Greybuds are basically a second class citizen

>> No.30886899
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chumpedos like to do it a lot when gura streams 2 times a week and one of them is a members only. for them it's a point of pride that they give her money and just imagine how much money she already has.

>> No.30886908

Every fanbase is like that.

>> No.30886925

I read this in mind with a black girl's voice kek good one, anon.

>> No.30886938

>S-she was just pretending! I really did hurt her fee fees!
Now that's some grade A unadulterated cope right there

>> No.30886950

Again, Ame is a millionaire. Why give her your coffee money?

I've never seen this behavior in any of the HoloJP fanbases

>> No.30886983
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I just dropped Ame and oshied Kiki as a replacement.

>> No.30887021


>> No.30887057
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Well, is she wrong?

>> No.30887090

get fucked gosling

>> No.30887103

All holo fanbases do that. Not being a paypig is bad for them I guess.

>> No.30887109

No, she's not. I really think she meant it when she said that. No idea why she decided to purge her paypigs all of a sudden.

>> No.30887117

>my waifu didnt love me
>someone plz doxx her
Takey meds

>> No.30887141

Not in my oshi thread

>> No.30887143

>deleted his own post out of shame
Oof, not a good look, Pedro.

>> No.30887163

Holy shit I just found my wife

>> No.30887238

>Ame is still doing really well.
>source: my ass
We'll only see the ramifications of what she did in the coming months. I expect her to have to go back to school like Rosemi did after males. Or resort to coomer begging like Finana.

>> No.30887309

>Lose paypigs for literal no gain
>Nice now she can collab with a stars for no profit once every 3 monrhs

>> No.30887317
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Here you go anon. Also, thanks for confirming that you're just a Nijifag looking to drag Hololive down to their level.

>> No.30887364 [DELETED] 

It's time to move on Teakeks, this is way too pathetic that I actually starting to feel sorry for you :(

>> No.30887382

Her channel if you're really interested

>> No.30887389 [DELETED] 

I sent $2 to see her reaction, but unfortunately she didn't make a fuss. Good thing I jumped ship early, enjoy this mercenary riding dicks while getting rich thanks to cucks like you

>> No.30887405
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Didn't she say this in like, 2021? /vt/ really is on a kick with Ame huh?

>> No.30887426

Next time you want to be mad, blame the little walking bank simps that enable bad behavior from the typical western woman.

>> No.30887442

Literally yesterday she got 350 gifted memberships by doing nothing especial

>> No.30887462

Ame antis are pretty pathetic, even her numbers haven't dropped down, normalfaggs beats you, maybe try harder next time

>> No.30887496

She got 350+ new members playing Rust, her paypigs are still there.
Deadbeats can send aka supa to own Mori, meanwhile Ame anti spent, what? 5 Brazillian dollars? Fucking pathetic & half-assed.

>> No.30887524

holy kek

>> No.30887543

nah, and its really not deserved for any fanbase but gura's. Greys aren't really missing out elsewhere (and I used to be membered to everyone in EN), its just a few watchalongs, maybe a zatsudan once in a while, but they aren't acting particularly different. Gura behind members though is a different beast. She's much more familiar, much less shy, and she really, REALLY, shows her appreciation for her chumbuds. Not to mention she does more member karaoke than any of the others.
If you are watching Gawr Gura unmembered, you really are getting only half the experience, and so deserve to be treated second class, because you don't really know Gawr Gura, until you've been in a member stream or 2.

>> No.30887652

>already resorting to coombaiting
Huh. So she's already retreading her past footsteps.

>> No.30887711

Don't do it anon, Kiki isn't like this anymore at all and publicly shits on goslings and GFE, go Shindo or Rushia if you must

>> No.30887736

t. not membering to Ame.

>> No.30887762

The Kronies do the same. They start freaking out everytime Kronii reads a grey comment in the chat because they want her attention for themselves and gets even more pissed when someone gift memberships even though Kronii allows it. It's pathetic.

>> No.30887858

Teacucks have become the new cuckbeats. Two pathetic fanbases that say yes to everything their owners say. Good thing my oshi is from HoloJP and I don't have to endure this kind of humiliation

>> No.30887870

Anon, I'm a day 1 member (though that's ending come this 25th) and she rarely has member streams, maybe a watchalong or zatsudan once in a while. She did 1 nice GFE ASMR a while back, and never again.

>> No.30887882

Yeah, as a Gura member, one feels the difference.
She even spells it out for idiots like me who wouldn't otherwise notice like:
"oh I'm less nervous when with members"
"I can better just chat when it's us members"
"I think I can say this because it's a member stream"
(all paraphrased btw, but other members should be able to corroborate)

>> No.30887886
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Yeah, schizo, everyone wants to see Bowson's pixelated ass.

>> No.30887913

the last time retards like you did this, she posted it for all to see because she's got life figured out while you're marinating in a mongolian tapestry boutique

>> No.30887997

>Member watchalong.
That's a fast way of saying you aren't a member.

>> No.30888076

This is just sad

>> No.30888084

no? I'm fairly sure she did a few along with that voting thing. I could go look it up again to make sure but otherwise her member content is so sparse there's not much to point to, though I forgot to add a few member karaokes that were scarcely diffeent from the public ones.

>> No.30888086

Are you sure? I've watched Kiki's newer videos and that doesn't seem to be the case at all

>> No.30888209

100% positive, she's trying to distance herself from that and take her channel in a new direction because she doesn't want people to think she's a cult and GFE gets a bad reputation around here, a few months back I would have agreed, but you have far better gosling options around here nowadays

>> No.30888220

he's lying

>> No.30888257

>I can't understand what they're doing wrong because it's not in my language, so they must be pure! Grow a pair of balls EOP cuck and support an EN. Imagine if you saw some JP cuck saying they've made Mumei their oshi to get away from Matsuri's whoreish behaviour.

>> No.30888265

>>30888084 (me)

In anycase, my main point is there isn't much of a difference between members content and public content, you just get a little bit more of the same. Gura's member content is a deeper dive into Gura than you get publically though.

>> No.30888331 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about cleavage, anon. Are you not aware what she did pre-Hololive?

>> No.30888366
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Yeah, last year, you just woke up from a coma? Or has your gifted membership run out?
>her member content is so sparse there's not much to point to
Again, that's a good way of saying you are not a member.

>> No.30888375

She's the only EN where literally everyone knows where she lives specifically. Everyone else is just knowing the country.

>> No.30888431
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>> No.30888463

>still doing really well
>failed to sell out immediately when the omocat merch dropped
>stayed available for a while

>> No.30888497

People expect her cleavage in her #24 Elden Ring stream?

>> No.30888540

Look at the thumbnail, retard. Are you blind?

>> No.30888559

No her worst members are every faggot that posts in her chat. Holy shit is it insufferable whenever I try to read the dumbass shit that they type. It's not exclusive to her though, everyone in any chat acts like a 5 year old with downs.

>> No.30888579

Yeah, it said Elden Ring there, not Ring Fit.

>> No.30888588

I will just wait and see. She still seems to love her viewers that's for sure.

>> No.30888622

when during her stream did the condom super chat happen?

>> No.30888640

Kek the cucked teamate can't even be coherent anymore and just randomly lashing out like the pathetic cucks they are.
Just ignore him, anon. If he doesn't even kno2 that much about his oshi, he doesn't deserve to be called a teamate.

>> No.30888657

My oshi never had collab with men, unlike your western prostitutes

>> No.30888712

so Gura members basically get the experience other fans get for free (zatsudan, karaoke, watchalong, ASMR) while without paying they just get shitty gameplay and ghosting
patreon egirl experience, I guess

>> No.30888755

It's amazing how much worse shes gotten over the past 2 years. Remember 2020 where she did actual creative streams like the ouiji board thing and the thanksgiving parade? Ever since shes got 3D its just been her crutch to stop trying.

>> No.30888790

It's all platonic now, but you're welcome to give her a watch, as a former teamate, and a former Kiki watcher you probably won't find that she fills the void that Ame leaves behind though

>> No.30888803

Digging his grave deeper..
The best streams are the different ones on member..

>> No.30888827

Yeah I think this one is just a retard who didn't do his reps. Perfect gosling for a bitch like Ame, I guess.

>> No.30888833

>Tied with Ina for most sold-out items.

>> No.30888882

anon you don't have to lie to shit on kiki

>> No.30888887

Noooooo Kiki noooooooo I hate Kiki
RRRRREeeeeeeeeee STOP IT!! AAAAAahhhhh

>> No.30888980

the text posting is irrelevant, it isn't stream content, though I went back and checked and there were plenty of streams I forgot about in terms of content so I'll retract that her streams are just zatsudan and watchalongs (and yes there weren't any I was misremembering). Doesn't change that you pretty much got the same Ame in or out of members aside from the hotel ASMR.

>> No.30889044

I think that void has already been filled. I feel nothing but happiness now that I'm with her

>> No.30889052
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>failed to sell out IMMEDIATELY when the omocat merch dropped
>>stayed available for a while
>>for a while
spicmates not sending their best.

>> No.30889074
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I look forward to Ame's collabs with males, can't wait to laugh at the KEKS who bankroll her

>> No.30889093

ehhh if by specific you mean city that's still not enough, we know Ina's city too and half the JP's live in Tokyo. Don't think she's been doxxed any further, not that I really keep abreast of it.

>> No.30889097

Anon, you know as well as I that the good times are over, she 100% is not going to want teamates nor is she worthy of them

>> No.30889195

You can watch this for free, greychama.

>> No.30889226

Anytime you see her name mentioned you shill fags rush in like sharks smelling blood in the water pitching your narritives

>> No.30889258

1 in a 4 million is a needle on a haystack.
25 in 14 million has better odds.. :P

>> No.30889264 [DELETED] 

And yet you gather in droves for that ghosting experience and act like you know her lol.

>> No.30889267

>here's more money, please cuck me queen

>> No.30889289


>> No.30889317

>Most sold-out items in the catalog.
>B-but she doesn't do well!

>> No.30889316

I don't even care about gfe or whatever she calls it, but you're just lying. Show me a single clip where she shat on gfe or goslings

>> No.30889427
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>> No.30889453

Little walking banks are all her fans are to her

>> No.30889466

pretty sure I saw it on the member tab, the others I remember are that townscaper game and the pancake baking stream.

>> No.30889539


>> No.30889664

She sang love songs with every other Hololive EN member in the same exact stream.

>> No.30889724

A couple times in one of the zatsus within the past 3-4 weeks, can't be bothered to find it now

>> No.30889763

>She managed to get rid of the worst members of her fanbase without technically doing anything wrong.
This is such a weird mentality. How are the worst members of her fanbase the ones that were hurt by being exploited, used and disrespected for absolutely no reason? Streamers that treat their viewers like shit does not deserve a single supporter.

>> No.30889793

Male/female romantic baiting is very different to yuri, which is not taken seriously.

>> No.30889928

Goslings just stick in their own lane. I've never seen fucking goslings in a stream chat before, they're harmless.
The shippers that get born from this are the real problem, they're on a completely different level.
People shitting their pants about goslings are literally seething that somehow has more passion in the same thing they do

>> No.30889941

Fish stream, tank planning stream, bts 3D stream, 3+ hours karaoke streams (with a lot of new songs), imaginary date, eating stream, emote drawing stream, & more.

>> No.30889994

no one gives a fuck about twitter as long as she isn't literally saying 'blast my pussy shien'. while this shit was on stream and a love song to a male. I don't really care at this point about her intentions on it, if this is how she envisions 'innocent' interaction with tempus, I don't want to be a member of it from her side, it would just not be fun or entertaining for me to know I paid for this content that I don't particularly care for and I don't know when its coming even on solo streams. I'd rather member regis at this point.

>> No.30889997
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>doubling down on your retardation
Typical teaflection.

>> No.30890107

>I can provide proof.
>You just talk out of your ass.
>Switch to the fanbase now.
Typical schizo with no argument.

>> No.30890127

You're thinking far too hard about this. They're just songs.

>> No.30890166
File: 190 KB, 372x506, 1609723379009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STILL can't read
>doesn't even greentext properly
Fucking spicmates, I swear.

>> No.30890274

this shit is kinda cruel, girls just say this shit with a straight face and extort these loosers

>> No.30890314

are you suggesting something illegal?
because it sounds to me like you're suggesting something illegal.
you're not safe because you say "I was just joking" btw.

>> No.30890325
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>Still talk out of his ass.
>Spicmates (Plural).

>> No.30890410

keep proving you aren't a member, my dude, lmao

>> No.30890453

Its imagination station and not data.

>> No.30890477
File: 42 KB, 134x137, 13ve8i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally digs his grave deeper with every new post
are you deliberately discrediting yourself

>> No.30890483

That's actually pretty fucking based. Like to the point that I might actually member her. Never felt for a minute like it was worth it to member any of them, but if you're actually getting value per month for a fiver....

>> No.30890559

you lost, dude. get over it. improve yourself.

>> No.30890584

Def her all you want, she will never see you as anything else other than walking bank, pathetic teamate

>> No.30890591
File: 252 KB, 463x453, 1638363396101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the post again, retards.

>> No.30890618

who are you quoting?

>> No.30890664


>> No.30890689

Ina just straight up banning them

>> No.30890730

See this again, retard (singular).

>> No.30890750

Again, read the reply chain, retard.

>> No.30890775

Congratulation, you escaped one shit hole just to fall into another

>> No.30890777

do you think the merch sells for more if it sells out quicker or something

>> No.30890829

How you managed to jump to that conclusion is beyond me.

>> No.30890881
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Yes & I'm still waiting for that "Not sold out immediately" data from you.
>Correctly use singular now.
Aaaaw, what's the matter? Embarrassed by your mistake?

>> No.30890921

sorry that you were born retarded, i guess

>> No.30890957
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, kek[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frx2yst.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's just winding you guys up at this point.
Its funny because you keep feeding into it
based fisherman

>> No.30890988

ESLmates being retarded as always.

>> No.30891023

every time i try to watch ame i get too bored, besides her special streams where she does a thing her vidya streams are easily the worst out of the ENs

>> No.30891054

I see she makes herself sexy to lure the homos in.

>> No.30891080

but her elden ring streams are GOAT

>> No.30891120

Teacuck deflection won't work on me

>> No.30891211

Linking verb, ESLchama, try to learn it.

>> No.30891256

Don't need to when I live in a 1st world country. I'll stick to doing my JP reps. One day you'll leave Chile.

>> No.30891440


>> No.30891524

Real e-thot hours

>> No.30891527


>> No.30891625


>> No.30891706
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>> No.30891818
File: 540 KB, 3508x2480, 1659546483012565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home Bro. No girls allowed.

>> No.30891849

where are the sales figures. what does this prove. you do know the other shit was restocked right

>> No.30892115

They already restock everything months ago.

>> No.30892377

no answer? no answer, lol

>> No.30892440

I'm just happy I found her.

>> No.30892806

Except Mori and Ollie.

>> No.30893283

The 2 trashy whores who hang around groups of guys

>> No.30895098
File: 1022 KB, 1280x720, 1634333993679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from the far future to tell you it takes way more abuse for goslings to abandon their oshi.
Numbers will remain unaffected until a month or so after a boyfriend reveal on stream where she will gush for 40 minutes about her new boy toy. People will leave. Superchats will drop. But it will not be inmediate. Sunken cost falacy, most wont drop Ame until they are literally given no choice. She could sing Mr. Brighside live mocking her gachis and they will still take it.
Goslings are the most loyal fans, and they are the ones willing to suffer the most. First, no newcomers will arrive. Then the greys will leave. The last remaining will be the hard gachis, if they aren't replaced by shippers.
This has happened a thousand times and it will happen again

>> No.30895727

I was a gura member and I agree with you but if you read the reply I responded to he was talking about what fanbases treat greys as Non-fans and not what chuubas treat greys as non-fans. That's basically every one of them on this board at least. Chummies might be the biggest offenders of this because they'll treat anyone with a membership of under a year as a grey also but that's besides the point.

>> No.30895745

you can't convince me that this woman has goslings.
Or even viewers at all

>> No.30895899
File: 143 KB, 685x901, 1650742072393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be surprised.
Trust me when I say this: watch an anime woman long enough and you will fall for her. It takes an enormous amount of discipline not to.
Watching vtubers for "entertainment" is the most dangerous game.

>> No.30895961

>sub 2k paying subs
Well you reap what you sow I guess.

>> No.30896343

The most parasocial faggots always insult freeCHADS, like pomudachi(Pomu) and kindred (vox).
It's their one cope to deflect criticism.

>> No.30896371

idk man the fact that its a cartoon character basically makes it impossible for me

>> No.30896450

you need a special talent to fall for a cartoon
Probably has to do with innate abilities to suspend disbelief

>> No.30896778

Definitely. Greybuds can get fucked, but I also pity them because in the lean times they miss like half of Gura's content. I don't mind giving money as long as I'm paying for something. What makes no sense to me and is paypig behavior is the ones that give a chuuba hundreds of dollars just so she'll read his stupid joke or say his name or whatever. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.30897421

Nothing like coombaiting for elden ring lol

>> No.30897792

>Gosh, it's just so hard for me to unironically enjoy things I just don't get it
You people are sad
