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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30721335 No.30721335 [Reply] [Original]


Previous Thread: >>30425961
Last Stream: Majora's Mask part 3

***NEW SONG: Lyrical Monster***
***Lyrical Live***

Noel's Original Song Homenobi
Sankisei Original Song Interact Fantasia:
NoeFlare Naisho no Hanashi cover:
Daily Diary (Hololive original)

Noel's Twitter:
Song & Clip Archive:

>> No.30722398
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>> No.30724390
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>> No.30725223

Noel won Marine's quiz thing.

>> No.30726423
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>> No.30728265


>> No.30729561

More MM

>> No.30730738

How close is she to the end?

>> No.30733657


>> No.30733684

Then flare probably wins next weeks one

>> No.30733831

I actually think it will be Marine, unless its rigged

>> No.30734140

She's at the start of the third temple out of four. Counting the upcoming stream I'd expect at least three more before she finishes, plus one more if she goes for every mask

>> No.30735585

This does feel like shorter Zelda. I wonder if that's why she picked it. She'll probably be done by the end of the month and then take a break since she's moving in September.

>> No.30736972

and then monhun

>> No.30739233

Nice. Too bad it doesn't look like a Collab. I'd like to see Iroha again or another MonHun Holo.

>> No.30742090


>> No.30743565

She actually should Collab with someone. At this point of the game with how she plays, she'll be taking 40+ mins to complete a quest. Then eventually she'll get to the point where mons can't be captured (which makes quests quicker). She really needs the help.

>> No.30744753
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Me in the middle.

>> No.30746355

There's no way she makes it through MM water temple in one stream without sackbeating or a guide.

>> No.30747909

I'll help her

>> No.30748796

Are you in Japan because good luck with getting good ping online.

>> No.30749045

I've played with Americans for years while being European. I'll live

>> No.30749999

Noel's pretty neat.

>> No.30752483
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>> No.30754922
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>> No.30755005

Noel plays with members? How does she prevent trolls?

>> No.30756529

The same way everyone else prevents trolls

>> No.30759228
File: 369 KB, 410x727, 【#ホロAmongUs】セクシーダイナマイト【ホロライブ_白銀ノエル】 1-26-52 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30760025

I can just imagine people making her fail hunts.

>> No.30760886
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Boob spillage is pretty hot, not going to lie.

>> No.30763770
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>> No.30765947

Starting soon

>> No.30766803

She keeps saying the new outfit is not going to be too revealing but I really can't imagine what it can be other than the swimsuit.

>> No.30767083
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JK Noel.

>> No.30768557

What is it about Noel's singing that's bad? She has a nice voice, but she sounds off. I'm no vocal coach so I can't point out why. Looking for a technical answer.

>> No.30769066

She is tone deaf

>> No.30772531

Imagine her doing this without save states

>> No.30772600

Save States feel like cheating.

>> No.30772907
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Waiting for mikukana to finish this. Posted July 2nd.

>> No.30772943

She needs to get the upgraded sword

>> No.30774948

noel you really need to find a way around this...
offbeat at times

>> No.30776072

Danchou might legitimately be too stupid for this dungeon

>> No.30777516

>over 2 hours
this dungeon sucks

>> No.30778688

noel didn't struggle this much during OoT right?

>> No.30778862

OoT is easy, I beat it at 4 years old

>> No.30782272

she will NEVER get the gilded sword...

>> No.30783617

>save states

>> No.30784269

I've been holding my poop in since the start of the fight, please kill it

>> No.30784655

still better than OOT water temple, shit's basically a straight line when you get the ice arrows
gyorg is just the worst boss in the entire series

>> No.30784855

I don't know if its because I was so young when I played but I really never had an issue with the water temple.
As a kid, I would go through the forest temple enough that I had the Bow and then do the other temples. I'm pretty sure I even managed shadow temple easier than forest temple

>> No.30785077
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I actually fell asleep and her screams woke me up.

>> No.30785142

Why doesn't she just leave and get more fairies. Less painful than watching her fail this 500 times

>> No.30785447

that's because shadow is a literal straight line

>> No.30785450

She's breking

>> No.30785517

How long until she listens to chat or looks up a walkthrough?

>> No.30785544

Just save each time you damage him. You're already cheating by using save states in the first place

>> No.30785587

she's doing it right, she just can't zora swim for shit

>> No.30786170

To be fair, the swimming in this game sucks ass.

>> No.30786300

it would help if she actually pressed B instead of A to just sink down ontop of george

>> No.30787101

i didn't understand why they changed the bosses in the 3ds version
now i do

>> No.30788217

Did she just try to fire an ice arrow into the water to freeze it........


>> No.30788315

She's desperate.

>> No.30788469

Gyrog was miserable in the 3DS version

>> No.30788489
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Remember when Noel was complaining about a sore throat?

>> No.30788699

those were the worst changes, but i guess it made a sense of fight progression so people could tell if they were doing the right thing

>> No.30788749

Why is she still here

>> No.30789502

>tfw never finished 3DS version because twinmold wouldn't fucking die
i fucking timed out because of that, and i can finish the 64 version in 2 cycles
3DS was worse in every single way

>> No.30789547

Oh my god Danchou you are so fucking stupid I want you to get me off with your tits

>> No.30789575

trying to find great fairy fountain
did she ever do the beaver brothers race?

>> No.30790020

She has Monster Hunter soon, I guess she'll do the boss next time?

>> No.30790405

she didn't kill george? i missed whatever happened for a few minutes before she left but i thought the zora band only goes on stage after clearing the temple, or is it just from waking the turtl;e?

>> No.30790483

I may have left the room...

>> No.30790623
File: 160 KB, 2048x946, FaGkEjNaQAELa-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Streams.

>> No.30791330

>had to step out of the room for a few minutes to deal with other shit
>can't rewind
>durr watch streams
kill yourself retard

>> No.30791446

I'm just fucking with you because someone else would and not be joking about it.

>> No.30791570

if this was /hlgg/ i would believe it

>> No.30793258

So we're going from her playing poorly in MM (whether it's her fault or not) to her playing poorly in MonHun (this time it's all on her). I love her, but I can only take so much.

>> No.30793534

Have you considered being less autistic?

>> No.30794039
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Oh, she's using the N64 Switch controller, that explains some of it. The N64 controller was always awkward.

>> No.30794464

She often uses the switch version of the original controller. She did it with that famicon game in that team tournament thing (when is the song that they won coming out????)

>> No.30794894
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This sums up Noel pretty well.

>> No.30795747
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She's live.

Lots of Noel today.

>> No.30796364

>Lots of Noel today.
Its great

>> No.30796653

How will she fair for this hunt?

>> No.30797664
File: 234 KB, 827x1722, 1649444380753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two Noel streams? This is the best day ever! I love Noel!

>> No.30797979

Why is she not carving up the monsters?

>> No.30798307

A lot of Noel like this usually means less Noel in the future. She seems to come in waves. I'm excited for the ASMR but that might be a present before her outfit reveal where she'll announce a break. Remember she still has to move in September.

>> No.30798884
File: 358 KB, 2560x1440, 1660036462956177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one hunt.
I guess Botan's live is soon and she'll want to watch it.

>> No.30798921

All bow to the GOAT of Noel fanart.

>> No.30798928

If she decides to take a break it's well earned

>> No.30799232
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Of course, but it doesn't make it any less sad. We'd miss her regardless.

>> No.30800319

Oh no no no no.

>> No.30800964
File: 1.83 MB, 2559x1440, Screenshot_20220814-034603~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a chestnut.

>> No.30802368

She will get motion sick really quickly... I am not happy about it

>> No.30802705
File: 780 KB, 943x1200, 1660378232801076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rust had accessibility options that can help her. There's also over the counter medicine she can take if it's really bad. I think she'll be ok and she'll have fun with her friends. If it gets bad she'll stop, she's an adult and can make her own choices. We can't always coddle her.

>> No.30804197

>I am not happy about it
Why not? Is it really that bad? I know it can take her out for a day if it gets bad enough but I feel like she can manage. I remember during the Radagon fight in Elden Ring the bright flashes started giving her a headache.

>> No.30805382
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From a kind anon in /hlg/

>> No.30810188
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>> No.30813533
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>> No.30815986

Her zelda art is so nice

>> No.30816123
File: 191 KB, 2048x1448, FZkT40kagAArkK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for all the new ones she's going to get

>> No.30819236

Same. Draque and Zelda produce the best art

>> No.30822354


>> No.30822714


>> No.30823144

if she can get a good faction going, im for it. rust is the new ARK

>> No.30826100
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>> No.30830865
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Just like ARK, the graphics look kind of ugly on stream

>> No.30831890 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1030x1456, 1636621865680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK has dinos so its better

>> No.30835497
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>> No.30837516
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What's next on the docket?

>> No.30839414
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>> No.30839546

more zelda

>> No.30841652


>> No.30842546
File: 462 KB, 2048x1501, 1656782561725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think noel will ever run out of things to talk about?

>> No.30842706

No, why would she?

>> No.30842716
File: 360 KB, 1266x2200, FaIHYdtUEAAAA7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always something to talk about.

>> No.30843918

go away choco

>> No.30847888

Sexy Danchou

>> No.30850077
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>> No.30851564
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>> No.30854004
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I need to marry her.

>> No.30857829
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>> No.30861385

I love her!

>> No.30864077
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>> No.30866727
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>> No.30867370

If it's not lewd or showing skin like a swimsuit, what else could it be?

>> No.30867948

should we expect rust today? I feel like i've missed out on everything major in this arc

>> No.30868061

I think it's her break today. Maybe later in the week or more MonHun.

>> No.30870368

She's recording today.

>> No.30872552
File: 180 KB, 1218x905, 20220814_231206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Noel in Tower of Fantasy.

>> No.30875949
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>> No.30876822

So its actually happening

>> No.30876925

It'll be okay. She'll play for a bit, get sick, and never touch it again

>> No.30877744

Noel on TikTok

>> No.30878699

Can someone tell me how Noel is grooming Rikotan?

>> No.30880598
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>> No.30880781
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>> No.30882159

she is so cute, its like the early days of Ark

>> No.30882412

LMAO her inventory

>> No.30882694

Boys, is your oshi perhaps the worst in english among Gen3? She seems to not even know simple, everyday words

>> No.30882928

>33k viewers


>> No.30884919
File: 1.08 MB, 1092x1696, 6fd53f64a79360a9f8a28499f0574012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys seriously we can't die like this

>> No.30885759
File: 406 KB, 557x640, 1660568746872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her english especially because its so bad

>> No.30888252
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>> No.30892904
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>> No.30895441

>Still streaming
She must enjoy it.

>> No.30895510

She's going to end up learning more English with this game than everything she did on Duolingo.

>> No.30895785

Does Noel know Pekora?

>> No.30897426
File: 464 KB, 220x220, 1654059079068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish my oshi streamed as much as this tit cow does.

>> No.30898776


>> No.30902503

This is gay but this song reminds me of her

>> No.30904298

Yes and she’ll bully pekora for not knowing her prefectures

>> No.30904840

long stream from noel. really got invested in rust

>> No.30907055

I would rather hear the dumb cow doing cute noises damn this hag talking about how wet her cunt is

>> No.30909177
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