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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30843341 No.30843341 [Reply] [Original]


Nazuna joins the discord call of some guy she rarely knows at 5 in the morning while still saying things like "I'll never talk to a male on stream."

>> No.30843504

>Nazuna joins the discord call of some guy she rarely knows at 5 in the morning while still saying things like
Yeah, me

>> No.30843549

Call me a cuck, I deserve it for defending this whore for months.

>> No.30843564

I’m sure this thread is going to be full of reasonable and level headed discussion by functioning members of society! Good post!

>> No.30843609


>> No.30843660

Im brown

>> No.30843685 [DELETED] 


>> No.30843783

This changes nothing. Fancucks won't mind or deny it happened, and antis already knew about her whoring before this.

>> No.30843823

Not like this should be a surprise after the GTA leak.

>> No.30843856


>> No.30843888

This is what is going to happen:
OP is going to falseflag with his cellphone pretending to be hurt over this. His phone is the third post btw

>> No.30843892

I said its only a matter of time before she gets railed on stream by Aethelstan. Its not that bad but its close.

>> No.30843916

She is burning the last fans she had rumaooo
What is her end game?

>> No.30843937

Im black

>> No.30843977

Teammate deflection post.

>> No.30844012


>> No.30844125

at this post if she was honest about it shed probably get alot less flak

>> No.30844205

can someone give me context of this? so i can form my coping strategy.
but for now, Teacuck deflection post.

>> No.30844364

Come back tomorrow

>> No.30844400

no one will give you an honest context on what the video really is. all rrats thrive through misinformation.

>> No.30844489

Show me your gaping anus first

>> No.30844592
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>> No.30844821

Man who gets sexually aroused upon seeing their Oshi get railed by another man.

>> No.30844881

So what is the status of the actual fans? Are they now ok with males?

>> No.30844994
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>> No.30845204

I'm fine with Males, because it makes it more likely vtubers will become sluts who please their fans with their bodies.

I'm against vtubers getting into monogamous relationships.

>> No.30845383 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 764x522, 1660396560473837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancucks told me that she would never talk or collab with males. What happened to her promise?

>> No.30845798 [DELETED] 

She got raped by the vwhore tranny and got infected with westernwhorism. It's over.

>> No.30845821

That retard ignored the rest of the transcript, where she said she would collab with men.
Then she collabed with men.
Got what he deserved

>> No.30846170

Oh well, the difference now is that this happened right about the time japs are waking up, contrary to the previous yab.
Also contrary to the last yab, they can't fire her for spreading confidential info about their coworkers and such... unless I'm missing something here.

>> No.30846218 [DELETED] 

What was the reaction of her fans to this collab? She will probably do the same as Ame and filter the unicorns through interactions with males

>> No.30846223

The guy is having a call-in stream where people can call and ask for advice with their worries. Nazuna calls in saying she needs help making friends. They hit it off and laugh together very quickly so I'm sure what kind of trouble she's having, seems very sociable. She's there for over an hour and other people come into the call as well, I can't be bothered listening to everything.

>> No.30846288

HAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO NAZUKEKS???? Isn't this the same girl who said she's too scared to speak to males and totally did not try to cuck her fans with mafumafu??? HAHAHA IMAGINE BEING A NAZUKEK RIGHT NOW KEK

>> No.30846346 [DELETED] 

*male friends*

>> No.30846743


>> No.30846779

Public call in a random advice stream because she brain rotted herself to oblivion and where almost everyone can publically join in
>Anon are you fucking scottish because your shit is filled with unicorns

>> No.30846890 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1660182721362287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vwhorejo shills were saying that VSJP would take the idol route and have no interactions with males. How nice to know that this nest of snakes will have a pathetic and painful ending

>> No.30846941


>> No.30846987

B-But Fancucks told me should would purify and un-whore Vshojo??

>> No.30847004

No wonder the schizos can't get a bite

>> No.30847006

Damn, bro, you're such a cuck!

>> No.30847107 [DELETED] 

Another day, another bait thread
[sploiler]and relatable issues[/spoiler]

>> No.30847117

Didn’t she say she’d collab with men? She’s also clearly not trying to hide it unlike the mafumafu fuckup

>> No.30847207

>Didn’t she say she’d collab with men?
you're joking, right?

>> No.30847215

Personally I never said that, from the start I've been hoping for a corruption doujin route where she eventually becomes an even bigger whore than Mel, Vei or Silver ever were.

>> No.30847236

Another day, another bait thread
and relatable issues (this time with correct spoiler tags)

>> No.30847245

Somewhere between 4-10 days ago(life is just a blur for me) she did a fall guys tournament thing with a ton of streamers, she was in voice chat for that too.
Antis need to watch more streams.

>> No.30847349

Why would VShojo or most of its fanbase care?

>> No.30847430

>filter the unicorns
If she filtered the unicorns would she have any audience lleft?

>> No.30847518

>fallen angel
Look at her fans and laugh

>> No.30847541

The guy is almost in tears while samefagging for an hour trying to get someone to take his bait. He is trying everything lol. It's just pathetic.

>> No.30847789


>> No.30848062

She literally did a Fall Guys collab with this same group of people two weeks ago. No one cared then and no one cares now. Holocucks baiting because their ENs are also male collabing

>> No.30848307

Are you going to upload this to your banned /vt/ memes twitter account too, bro?

>> No.30848700 [DELETED] 
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Being honest, if the Nazukeks did their -iketog- reps, they already should know what's ahead of them. Literally asking to be cucks, they're beyond help.

>> No.30848887

Don't forget that she tried to hide this from her fans by asking the host to not name her in his tweet about it and she didn't announce this or acknowledge this in any way

>> No.30848961

>she tried to hide it from her fans
>she didnt hide it from me though

>> No.30849117

Why kirschtort of all people lmao. Did they have a collab?
Not even a customary "I'm here!" tweet that streamers usually do when dropping by in a collab. Just bam, out of a nowhere. And she stuck around for an hour until it ended.

It's a nothingburger but it's still weird.

>> No.30849181

The only reason anyone knows about this is because of an anti who kept an eye on this guy after the Fall Guys tournament

>> No.30849275

It was a call in to talk about problems and get advice on them.

>> No.30849301

>by asking the host to not name her in his tweet about it
so she said this publicly for you to find, in a complete contradiction of your claim that "she tried to hide it" or did she say that privately and you heard the whispers inside your head?

>> No.30849475

She joined this call completely unannounced, after spending an hour or so in here when things were wrapping up, he asked her if he could put her name, and she asked to be anonymous
Source: approximately 9:28:18 of >>30843341
Obviously if she didn't want to hide it, she'd just do what she did with the Fall Guys tournament and put out a tweet saying she's gonna show up here, and she certainly wouldn't ask to not be named.

>> No.30849498

Nazuna has a dick so it's okay

>> No.30849539

Ah, so it was the voices.
Not a surprise.

>> No.30849576


>> No.30849595

>join Vshojo
>become a whore
Every single time.

>> No.30849603

>literally says to not be named

>> No.30849618

So she showed up to this random guy's call, completely unannounced, requested to not be named, and that to you doesn't seem like she's trying to hide it?

>> No.30849695

It was a joke and if you'd look at his tweet he only tagged and named members of his group, no one else who called in.

>> No.30849734

Do you even understand what you're saying? Are you perhaps not English?

>> No.30849782

You're coping.

>> No.30849840

He asked the question, idiot. It wasn't a joke.

>> No.30849856

Nah it's great that you've clarified it as much as you did, it makes it clear that you're schizo.

>> No.30849892

How am I a schizo? I described everything exactly as it happened.

>> No.30849973

Well, she didn't contradict herself.

>> No.30850013

Oh okay. Fall guys. Got it.
But now I'm still confused, why is she being buddies with the common riffraff? What's in it for her?

>> No.30850174

Dunno who are the bigger schizos at this point
nazunaspergs or nazunafags

>> No.30850200

It doesn't even make sense.
>Join collab
>be there for an hour
>"you wanna be in this announcement saying you've been here like the past hour?"
>"No I am trying to hide that I have been here publicly for the last hour"
That's the type of timeline a schizo might perceive but that's pretty much backward to how such a thing would happen.

>> No.30850311

Because none of her fans follow this guy, the only "interaction" she's had with him was randomly joining his Fall Guys tournament. Like I said, if an anti hadn't posted it, no-one here would be any the wiser because she didn't make any attempt to tell anyone what was happening.

>> No.30850366

Why didn't she say yes?

>> No.30850372

That's not how the internet works.
How did you learn that Abe died, anon? Through mutual follows?

>> No.30850419

Was this fall guys tournament you all talk about, streamed with nazuna's POV?

>> No.30850437

Why didn't she say she was going to show up to this then? Why did she reject being named? Why hasn't she said anything about it yet? How are you, the random fan who isn't following anything this random guy is doing, supposed to know that she was there?

>> No.30850454

? Because of people like you?

>> No.30850482

I learned it through 4chan, buddy, in this same board
NTA btw

>> No.30850501

So you don't have an actual answer and it wasn't a joke.

>> No.30850538

You know that is not an argument

>> No.30850544

The guy tagged no one except people in his group anons. Nobody else that was on the call.

>> No.30850563

Yeah, that was my point basically.
To communicate with me you need to take your meds

>> No.30850595

This is why she is dropping viewers every stream, she even said it on todays niconico stream that she regrets joining

>> No.30850629

What are you talking about.
It's the exact type of thing thats presented itself earlier today with the Ame thing.
Because Ame didn't care much about her fans, they get attacked by schizos and antis.

>> No.30850645

The retard trying to undermine the fact that Nazuna was in there is like if a faggot demanded that a whistleblower obtain their evidence in a legal way.

>> No.30850650

And? He still asked her, and she said no. Why didn't she say yes?

>> No.30850710

So she was expecting her fans to telepathically figure out that she joined some random guy's totsu 8 hours into the call and with 0 announcement tweet, 0 tags or namedrops anywhere on social media, and 0 acknowledgement after the fact.

>> No.30850726

Oh so she was protecting her fans by saying it! But wasn't it a joke just some minutes ago?

>> No.30850733

Exactly. Real fans obviously heard through the grapevine almost instantly when she showed up.
Antis had to wait.

>> No.30850903

That's your method. The internet is most peoples way.

>> No.30850945

And what effort did she make, using the internet, to inform people about this?

>> No.30850987

What effort did Abe make to tell you that he was shot?

>> No.30851143

It's not exactly complicated. Word of mouth is literally the best advertising. Particularly the best within a like-minded community or fanbase.
An announcement is directed at everyone, even people outside of the community/fanbase.

>> No.30851169

Today we learned teamates have more of a spine than fandeads

>> No.30851232


>> No.30851299

What did the teammates do?

>> No.30851385

They made a lot of threads telling people how upset they were

>> No.30851460

I think Abe might've been a little bit preoccupied, what with literally fucking dying, but even he told people he was going to be doing a speech there.

>> No.30851501

The point was that even though he didn't try to tell you, you heard about it.

>> No.30851579

At 8h3m he asks if it's okay that her name is visible, she acts a bit panicked and he tries to hide it, then they just laugh and she introduces herself. Seems like it was just a joke, if she was serious about hiding her name then she doesn't seem very upset that he fucked up. Not that hiding her name would have accomplished anything, her voice is very recognizable and this guy seems to have a pretty big audience. If she chose to call in that means she's okay with people knowing about it, including all her simps.

Bottom line is that Nazuna had a one-on-one conversation with a guy publicly on stream, very casually and friendly, with good chemistry and no worries, like it's a perfectly natural thing to do. She'll probably do this again. If you're seriously threatened by this, now is the time to kys. Or you know, just drop her and move on with your life.

>> No.30851617

What is this completely ridiculous deflection? How do you expect Abe to tell anyone he got shot if he was bleeding out? How is the situation comparable in scale to this in any fucking way, is she the fucking ex-prime minister of Japan now? And like I said, he DID tell people he was gonna be there, which is more than she did.

>> No.30851671

You didn't hear that he was making a speech.
You heard that he got shot.
You heard it from people.
If this is too complicated for you, take your meds.

>> No.30851711

Whore will be a whore no matter what happen

>> No.30851822
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>Me watching the fancucks at maximum copium right after HoloEN self-destruct.

>> No.30851824

Itt: discord

>> No.30851911

It's really not complicated at all, she joined some random 2 view's stream, she didn't tell anyone she was doing it so there was no way for any of her fans to know she would be there, the host even offered to tag her so people would know and she rejected it, and now the only reason anyone here knows about it is because antis posted it, not her retarded fans who had no idea because she didn't tell them and didn't put in any effort to let it be known to them. Stop coping.

>> No.30851998

Why did she even do this anyway? How would it help her?

>> No.30852093

Coca-cola san, tasukete!!!

>> No.30852183

>has 100k subs

don't be disingenuous

>> No.30852191
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>what he thinks he looks like
>what he actually looks like
>now the only reason anyone here knows about it
As if.
It's brash to say but you've literally been btfo'd on this topic.

>> No.30852285

>NOOO Why are you trying to make friends! you should be miserable and isolated!

>> No.30852508

Interesting. So she's trying to break away from her "I will not talk to men" image as a Vtuber, eh. Good for her I guess. People that know Mike, know that she never shied away from actually being friends with male. Only fancucks convinced themselves of that with Rushia, even though they were shown it's not true.
But she better not try to do GFE again, with that attitude.

>> No.30852599

Show tits

>> No.30853095

I don't see her there though?

>> No.30853381
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>I-i-i'm not coping! It's you!!
Less crying, more copium, it's entertaining.

>> No.30853413

Don't cry wee man

>> No.30853449
File: 82 KB, 410x227, Ct194653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as Rushia managament would have never allowed her giggling with a male like a whore in heat, she is no longer an idol, just another regular thot
also thread theme https://youtu.be/YBQjDxTo4LE?t=51

>> No.30853472

Why didn't she say she was going to be there

>> No.30853517

Read the thread

>> No.30853551
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NTA but i didn't knew anything till that guy bring it up, so it's your loss. COPE HARDER.

>> No.30853620

Why hasn't she acknowledged that she was there yet

>> No.30853632

Aye that's good, let your emotions out.
It's good for women.

>> No.30853702

Not an argument. I accept your concession.

>> No.30853732

>I accept your concession.
Kek it's him, still never won an argument pal? Diddums.

>> No.30853788

The schizophrenic scotcuck is here.

>> No.30853816
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>> No.30853863
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Your copium isn't considered an argument to begin with.

>> No.30853919
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>talking to a man makes you a whore

>> No.30853972

Mate it ended like half an hour ago, Nazunachads won.

>> No.30854041

Holy reach, she's not in the call, and OP is a fucking faggot.

>> No.30854076

>Proof next thread.

>> No.30854144

I'm sure this anon is totally not cutting their dicks off while having meltdowns on twitter about how he hasn't been called brave in the last 5 minutes!!

>> No.30854169
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>Delay the pressure brother staying pure
>Look at me dead unicorn
>Delay the pressure
>Brother stay with me
>Take my hand dead unicorn
>Delay the pressure brother staying pure
>Look at me dead unicorn

>> No.30854180

Holy fucking copium

>> No.30854195

There was a few different argument topics.
The last one was the nonsense about tweeting about the stream, ended about here >>30851143

>> No.30854266

But she isn't though you turbofaggot. This is a deliberate reach.

>> No.30854286

Why did she announce she was going to join Kirsch's tournament? Why didn't she just let "word of mouth" do all the magical work for her?

>> No.30854392

It's a more organised thing right.
That's a useful thing you brought up, inadvertently showing that she isn't trying to hide anything.

>> No.30854393

Who is this?

>> No.30854429

they have to be, otherwise their whole "mafumafu was just a good friend" cope doesn't work

>> No.30854506

My nigga she joined a free call in, a call in we can confirm she didn't know about considering it was for about 9 hours and she did a twitcast in between that time, in the Twitcast she was watching a comedy I believe. Probably joined on a whim considering she wants to make friends and she stated in the call her problems where about how to make friends and wanting to make friends. The tournament was pre-emptive because it had to be planned ahead of time, the call was on a whim.

>> No.30854529

>being a gosling for Vshojo

You idiots made the choice.

>> No.30854545
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>> No.30854620

should have used gachikoi
gosling has an odd definition, where you accept that you will never be with this person but consider them the perfect person for you

>> No.30854708
File: 195 KB, 308x286, riariaria1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>30854286
It didn't end at all.
>It's fine if she interact with males, as long as i don't see it!
>I don't care about she interacting with males at all.
>It's ok if she collabs with males.
>Flirting with them is fine too! Fuck the incels!
>She called her friend "babe" by accident! Lol.
>It's cool that she has a BF now!
>She brought her BF on stream again, i see no problem with that!
>A-a-at least they used condoms... right?

You either leave or accept it, simple as. Going full Nyanners route and no level of copium you have will prevent it.

>> No.30854718

This is the exact scenario which fancucks spent months saying would never happen because of various bullshit like "she doesn't get along with men" or "she knows how we feel and wouldn't betray us", and now that it's actually happened, it's just cope after cope after cope

>> No.30854756

I follow the real timeline, not the schizo one.

>> No.30854822

>This is the exact scenario
no it isn't

>> No.30854832

Serves them right, they trusted a whore!

>> No.30854850

Fandead can't catch a break kek

>> No.30854853

So she called into some dude's stream it's not like she had a collab on stream or did offpako like you terminally online unicucks think everyone does. She's still my wife and I love her.

>> No.30854860

ya'll niggas both cucks and haters need to get laid lmfao

>> No.30854890


>> No.30854979


>> No.30855161

>months saying would never happen
Faggotsan she did a fall Guys tournament and an interview with a previous group before with males and females in it in March I believe. Furthermore she does interact in the comments section with some males on Twitcast, people who've been with her since before February are slightly annoyed but the stream was her asking about making friends and a call in, she's already stated in the past that she doesn't see call ins as collabs btw(strange as that may sound but that's her logic not mine) and in watching it, aside from the call in itself which I'm annoyed by, nothing bad actually happened in the stream.

>> No.30855184


>> No.30855221
File: 142 KB, 746x226, fandead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit what happened now, must be juicy
>it's just a call-in to someone she interacted with weeks before and no one cared
pic unrelated

>> No.30855955
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Tourist confirmed or just retarded?
Anyway, Nazuna is dead. Find a better oshi.

>> No.30856192

Stop replying to bait and love wife.

>> No.30856535


>> No.30856775
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>> No.30859615

This is a nothingburger so normally I woudln't mind if it werent for Nazunafags shitting on other girls just because they talked about the possibility of collabing with guys.

>> No.30861175
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>> No.30861533 [DELETED] 


>> No.30861678

rushia talked to a man on stream

that's literally it, the biggest nothingburger of the year

>> No.30861796

You said she wouldn't do that though

>> No.30861854

some anti who misinterpreted what she said did that, not me

>> No.30862107
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO this is fucking KEK!

>> No.30862338

holodrones and "terrified by talent freedom" is not an act huh. i thought vt most of the time being satire.

>> No.30862379

She spoke to a man. And thats what the antis are getting worked up about? Jesas lmao

>> No.30862586

What do you expect? She the goddess of GFEs

>> No.30862828 [DELETED] 

ikr? what's next, getting mad over male collab? lol lmao

>> No.30862839

Not even her gachi give a shit about this nothingburger. She spoke to men as Rushia before and nobody cared.

>> No.30862993

We troll the cucks with Lamy now, get with the program

>> No.30863118

>me browse /vt/
>saw nazu yab post
>go twitter for the yab
>nazuna trending
>browse the zanu trend
>its nazuna from an Anime

>> No.30863781


>> No.30864221

NazuRushiNeko is a perpetually online hag and has literally video chatted with a shirtless man on nico nico in the past. She has no issue talking to strange men. It's just kayfavbe bro.

>> No.30864943

At least with the Masketta man she actually took her shirt off. This is literally just a discord call

>> No.30866439

>its real
I thought it was like a mistake but she is actually talking to the dude.
Jesus fuck, I actually cant believe she keeps fucking up like this after what happened.

>> No.30866676

She's gonna produce NSFW content; the destiny of all vshoujo whores

>> No.30866765

So the problem was the black company after all.

>> No.30866816

>So she's trying to break away from her "I will not talk to men" image as a Vtuber,
No retard, she isnt. Thats the problem.

>> No.30867014

How do Fandead still exist?

>> No.30867216

Damn.. I actually kind of feel bad for her and her unicums

>> No.30867253

Sunk cost fallacy of historical proportions. What would it take for you to drop a vtuber that you have donated 6 months salary worth of akas to?

>> No.30867644

might kill myself soon idk

>> No.30867939

As a ex fandead, I asked myself that many times.
I dunno how anyone could keep going after the mafumafu thing.
She seems to still be doing HEAVY GFE and they keep eating it, despite situations like this still happening.

>> No.30868011 [DELETED] 

Just checked their split to see how they're coping... oh boy

>> No.30868135

antis have harassed people she's followed on twitter and instagram so that's what she's worried about. there have been times she turned down invites to events because she's worried the people running the thing might get attention from her schizos

>> No.30870827
File: 647 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think there's so many cuck threads on 4chan? They're closeted cuckolds, not many of them have managed to admit it yet, but deep inside, they want to wear dick cages and be cucked by Rushia. Imo, it's very unhealthy and they should come to terms with their personality asap. Being a cuck is bad, but being a cuck in denial is dangerous.

>> No.30870936

holy lmao

>> No.30871076

I dunno why she would worry about that. Clearly her cuck fans do not give a shit about her being with males. I would bet they would like her to do even more with males on stream so they can watch.

>> No.30871112

Let this thread die

>> No.30871834

Orca... please, he cant take this again!

>> No.30871882

kek fankeks

>> No.30872159

It's Kirschtorte - the Priest would plays FPS games with Kuzuha (from Nijisanji JP)

>> No.30872197

*who plays FPS games with Kuzuha

>> No.30872291

Some people are really just retarded

mikethreads were still full of people calling her "WIFE" after that mafumafu incident

>> No.30872340

you sound so sure, how do you know?

>> No.30872553

You can still find her entertaining.
I do find it weird, though, that some fandeads still deny Mikeneko not wanting to have a relationship outside of them. She has been caught red-handed multiple times throughout her career of wanting dicks of other streamers/ecelebs, but some fandead still think that they are her number 1.

>> No.30872838

ok lol this wins

>> No.30873048

By the power of pure delusion and selective hearing

>> No.30874353
File: 969 KB, 1228x684, 1645547677856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need help making friend
Dramas and memes aside, she really miss her old days of interaction and doing random shit with holos right?

>> No.30875416

She's positioning to take over melody fanbase to replace hers, slowly so not to anger the commen rabble

>> No.30875500

>I'll never talk to a male on stream.
She meant her own stream

>> No.30875625

Bae was right, people who watch vtubers have mental capacity of 12 years old

>> No.30875647


>> No.30875706

>OMGGGGG /vt/ sisters did you head? Nazuna talked to a man! graduation when?
We need a final solution to the spic problem

>> No.30875793

Has she collabed with CDawgVA yet? I just want to see it happen, I think they will have lots of fun together

>> No.30876131

Ironmouse won't let Nazuna cuck her

>> No.30876422

Shit. Now that you mention it, its gonna happen isnt it?
All the english training must be for that.

>> No.30876475
File: 292 KB, 501x585, 1653479148557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg vtsisters did you hear she's learning english? It must be to fuck connor omg what a slut

>> No.30876654

Nobody even said anything about fucking you retard.

>> No.30876722

I'm backing you up bro. Nazuna is clearly going to fuck connor she's learning english specifically to collab with him because she finds his welshness irresistable. We got them now the Nazucucks are fucking FINISHED


>> No.30877255

Hell, the perspective in the thumbnail made me think they were playing Tibia for a moment. Tibia chuubas when

>> No.30878108

I think you should take your own advice, you seem to be obsessed with another man's dick

>> No.30878333

Then why are you here?

>> No.30878520

spoken like a true 12-year-old

>> No.30878536

I see mikecucks have completely accepted male collabs now after months of denying any possible off stream interactions with men.

>> No.30878656

The gachis are just panicking in their IRL bunker they made underneath the shrine near Mikeneko's house

>> No.30878702

>No argument
Yeah i think i'm done with you

>> No.30878836
File: 243 KB, 391x438, 1638265575955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after months of denying any possible off stream interactions with men.
She bought her groceries off a male cashier. omg the fucking SLUT, i knew she was interacting with males off stream

>> No.30879097

I'll do you one better

>> No.30879249

Comments are a goldmine for doxxing antis

>> No.30880746

didn't he get most of those after the kuzuha leeching
not saying he's a 2view but i had the impression he lost his momentum

>> No.30882325


>> No.30882936
File: 186 KB, 590x469, they calling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i was probably one of the anons you argued with when defending her. You know what? It doesn't matter. Better late than never.
Welcome to the right side of history.

>> No.30883805

Yeah, he fell off. Looks like he's a low-end 3view nowadays.

>> No.30884068

fancucks lol

>> No.30887083

Bumpy bump.

>> No.30887198

The absolute state of Fandeads

>> No.30891230

Based cuck

>> No.30891902

This thread has disintegrated in to nothing more than an anti circle jerk

>> No.30892141

talk like a man and not a 12 year old girl, faggot

>> No.30893469

Kirschtorte a member of the group "Blast Project", which is produced by Iwanaga-chan.

Iwanaga-chan is the "Strategy Advisor" of VShojo JP.

So this was most likely a planned appearance.

>> No.30893546

>she talked to a man
>its over bros
Sincerely hope you retards kill yourselves

>> No.30893913

Teacuck deflection thread

>> No.30894272

you WILL enjoy the connor collab, and I will go to the rumina general to ask how they enjoy it, then laugh. They'll be coping that mouse and kson are there too so its ok.

>> No.30895394

What matters is that you've corrected your mindset Anon. Now you know not to believe anything she says.

>> No.30896061
File: 942 KB, 1212x1079, 1659644288971824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another "massive yab" nobody except the biggest autists on this board gives even the slightest shit about

>> No.30897664


>> No.30898068

Fandead here (former, but will always treasure my time with Rushia)
I don't know. I saw the writing on the wall and decided to leave before it got to this point. When she joined Vshojo I knew it wasn't ever going to be like what it once was and I thought I'd rather think about the good times we had instead.

It's easy to fall for her, but now she has literally broken a solid promise she gave her fans just months ago.
I don't expect 99% of the people on this board to care or for them to ever have been fans of her in the first place, but for those few who were it stings to see where she ended up and what's happening to her.

>> No.30898344

Don't care.
Still love my wife.
And my wife loves me.

>> No.30898466

Black stain on the so called "purity" of JP vtubers.

>> No.30898645

I don't watch her and she was dead to me after she did the suicide bait but is calling in to Kirschtorte's totsumachi really that bad? He's a pretty famous chuuba.

>> No.30899883

Well from what she said on the timestamp, she has trouble making friends so she joined on the call hoping to make some friends.
the other guy was visibly nervous, his entire chat was going えええ and dude was sweating after ending the call.
Kinda felt bad for the dude, must be stressful being in the limelight of both her fans and antis.

>> No.30903364


>> No.30905520

>Only fancucks convinced themselves of that
bruh all holofans have this retarded mindset of the girls being in a CGDCT anime where penis havers don't exist, it makes it so easy to mess with their fragile heads

>> No.30908837

You're fine anon, I fell for her bullshit for two years, the important thing is that you've seen the light and escaped her clutches no matter how long it took

>> No.30909367

Cuck but you made the right choice.

>> No.30909588

I want to watch her get dicked and impregnated. Someone has to do it

>> No.30909725

I volunteer

>> No.30910229

Based. That means she will be willing to be in MY discord call

>> No.30910567

Is being a whole a requirement to join Vshojo or is it the agency turning women into whores?

>> No.30911418

Please go and stay go

>> No.30911654

This is a learning opportunity, cuck

>> No.30911714

I hope they find a cure soon

>> No.30911837

>Rarely knows

Only when he pays for the hotel fees then

>> No.30912029

Get to it, anon.

>> No.30912058

I hope more fancucks realize that she is a whore

>> No.30914590

Bae was always based
