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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 547 KB, 754x500, Screenshot 2022-08-14 134621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30834953 No.30834953 [Reply] [Original]

Why sing with this faggot? There are plenty of members who sang this song. Why choose specially this faggot? I supported her for almost 2 years now I felt so betrayed. I thought she would never collab with tempus but now she will flirt with them... Yagoo made a mistake. Should have give us EN3 not faggotsEN


>> No.30835143

He's the only straight one, kek

>> No.30835228 [DELETED] 
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They are

>> No.30835288
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You know all of the other dumb bullshit to get outraged about wasn't enough, this is the tipping point. I'm truly shocked. How could Ame play a recording of a coworker while singing over them. She's out of control and I'm fucking losing it.

>> No.30835388

The girls have realized unicorns aren't needed anymore for a stable income so now you're not needed anymore, they will collab with whoever they want and be happy, it's time for you to grow yourself lr find a new hobby.

>> No.30835425

Where were you all during Amegeddon? Are tourists the only people here?

>> No.30835462

OP is shitposting or he pigeonholed the early days of Myth where Watson was lusting after starsJP.

>> No.30835554 [DELETED] 

Wait... Really? Not even Noir?

>> No.30835616

Noir has evolved past sex, he's a wizard

>> No.30835942

I wait for your apology fucking dumbass team cucks ame wants homo dick and this wont be the last time she does this to you retarded losers grow a spine and walk away if you got the balls something tells me most of you lack the spine and self respect to do it.

>> No.30836014
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as bait as this comment sounds, this is probably the truth
This is called "burning the goslings" in the indie scene as it is a rite of passage, she didn't have the opportunity to do it until now(If you are a teammate, just quit now, it will only get worse until you get the message.)
Then, like all indies who burn their goslings, she will decline and then proceed to have a menhera attack because of her low numbers.
Now this decline might have in fact nothing to do with the male collabs, the decline is just the nature of this business unless a clip boosts you, however literally every single troll post will point out how low her numbers are "now", causing her a mental breakdown, because now the random variations of numbers have a solid narrative that is hard to walk away for. Her audience will believe it, soon after she will as well. This process has already begun.
This might turn into a semi-permanent hiatus which will tank her numbers further. From here, it's either graduation, never collabing with men again, or decline to 2viewship.
Alternatively, there is the Niji route in which you become just an accessory to the males and your audience becomes mostly shippers. This allows you to keep your numbers identical, even might let you incline, but destroys your donations. This is better for their mental health as long as the managers do not berate them for their reduced income, on which they will have to start pandering to unicorns again with ASMR and GFEs (see Fionna).
This has happened a thousand times already and it will happen again.

>> No.30836231

Ame wants to cuck her audience, she's jealous that only vshojo gets to cuck their audience on stream

>> No.30836496 [DELETED] 

Ame has a twisted sense of pride and this is her way of saying "I'll interact with the homos whenever I want, deal with it". She hates being told what to do and she goes out of her way to make that very clear.

No wonder her ex hated her guts. Girls like that can be quite annoying after a while. At some point you'll inevitably get fed up with their bullshit. Good riddance to all the teamcucks abandoning ship

>> No.30836682

Just leave for your own good, you will find something else in life to look forward to than females, it's not worth your time.

>> No.30836742 [DELETED] 

Is that usually what happens over at niji? Thank you for the detailed process though.

>> No.30836757

she's deliberately testing the reaction, are we really confused

>> No.30836767

>Ame is only acknowledging and interacting with her male coworkers as a way to get back at us because she's /here/ and cares about our maladapted capacity for relationships.
You guys are really over thinking this and inserting schizo narrative. And I know most of this is bait, but there's an obvious subsection of the people posting this shit who legitimately think like this and are so deluded they're proud of it or don't realize how truly bizarre it is to witness.

>> No.30836944

Improve yourself

>> No.30836970 [DELETED] 

>No wonder her ex hated her guts.
MY favorite is WATSON.

>> No.30837074

tl;dr women are whores. Welcome to the club

>> No.30837102

Maybe because he's the only one that's (openly) homosexual, and there is no possibility of them shipping together.

>> No.30837109

Look at those actual faggots breaking containment in the comments

>> No.30837200

Teammates are truly pathetic, I kneel Ame.

>> No.30837225

He's literally the least homosexual, he dated a woman just for chili

>> No.30837305

>he fell for the fujobait first impression trick

>> No.30837394

he's possibly the least homosexual of the 4, do you perhaps not watch the streams?

>> No.30837398

>you become just an accessory to the males and your audience becomes mostly shippers
explain selen and her dragoons then, they go insane when it comes to shipping (yes, they even hate the yuri ones too)

>> No.30837637

they're all homos it's difficult to tell between them.

>> No.30837699

Way to out yourself as not knowing what you are talking about. At least Vesper forced himself to read all of twilight and ASOIAF before shitting on them to kingdom come.

>> No.30837771

Kinda cute

>> No.30837816

>things that never happened
Ame hasn't had a boyfriend, don't belive photoshopped images.

>> No.30837824

have you ever heard the expression "gay for the pay"?

>> No.30837904 [DELETED] 

That was like two years ago Anon. Since then he has publicly made fun of her.

>> No.30837933 [DELETED] 

Oh anon...
Yes, very cute. We are seeing the based return of straight shipping

>> No.30838357

>retards finally realizing that enabling self-destructive antagonism is "based" was a bad idea

>> No.30838369
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>I supported her for almost 2 years no
No you didn’t, cumcuck. Jump off a cliff and die.

>> No.30838437

No it isn't. I like where this is going (incels killing themselves)

>> No.30838462

You aren't the gosling anymore teammates. It's the one who has the most gay sounding voice but is apparently straight.

>> No.30838519

Shipping people you don’t even know will never be based.

>> No.30838561
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>> No.30838657

He's the least homo of all of them, and probably the most dangerous of them all for the unicornfags. Vesper has a family (source: me), Magni is Magni and Axel is too retarded to do something

>> No.30838693

Who the fuck is an incel? Go back fucking tourist.

>> No.30838918

>incels killing themselves
keep0 dreaming anon

>> No.30839062

It’s the opposite.

>> No.30839174

This place took a nosedive when people start to respond seriously to esl instead of shitting on them for the shitty english

>> No.30839206 [DELETED] 

Tell that to all the shipfags in Hololive shipping all the girls with each other

>> No.30839267

Either Ame's sabotaging her own career on purpose or she felt like trolling her viewers for some "harmless" fun and doesn't realize she's actually fucking herself up. I hope she comes to her senses and ceases this fuckery before she starts doing 1-on-1 Tempus collabs to dunk on da unicornz and halves her viewership.

>> No.30839532
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>plays LoL with altare all the time in private
>literally orgasms when he sings a song called "I love you" during his monetization stream
>nobody bats an eye
>keeps being one of the mostly successful member of hololive
How does she do it?

>> No.30839559 [DELETED] 
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She is just educating Teamcucks to lick heels and become yes men. Good luck goslings, if you guys need a new oshi HoloJP is always available

>> No.30839613
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>> No.30839649

Anon I hate to tell you this, but Tempus is EN3. They share everything but a general manager.

>> No.30839909

>and halves her viewership
Why are you obsessed with numbers?

>> No.30840289
File: 850 KB, 907x1004, 1656786110945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kson has given the Holos a VShojo shield so they cannot get fired unless Cover wants to give the competition talent for free. The age of the unicorn has come to the end, the age of the degen has come.

>> No.30840343

>I thought she would never collab with tempus
Try to be a bit less transparent next time

>> No.30840420

He's literally me fr fr

>> No.30840519

Ame has friends in VShojo who collab with males and have good numbers.

>> No.30840622

>he dated a woman just for chili
That's evidence for him being a homofag.

>> No.30840705

I think that if there were flags it would become quite obvious most posters are ESL now.

>> No.30840707

Gura, calm down.

>> No.30841084

>another retarded EOP that didn't believe us when we told him his oshi and every other girl interacts with males all the time and has probably had multiple boyfriends
>deluded himself for 2 years before the suspension of disbelief broke
Fucking lol.

>> No.30841170

Gura is probably more upset about being unable to collab with Sykkuno than about the males.

>> No.30841181

That's you buying into his "guys I'm not really into women so it's okay if I collab with your oshi" narrative.

>> No.30841263

Unironically yes. I recently saw a bunch of people asking who are some of the very well known vtubers outside of hololive. Like, you literally need to be a turbo newfag not to know them so yes, this place is full of tourists.

>> No.30841741

I think he is gay because he sounds extremely gay, even before joining Tempus.

>> No.30841760

I was an investigator for a year after her debut until that one member's post where she acknowledged the lack of content post move and asked people to unmember if they weren't satisfied. I did assuming that she would get better eventually and I'd join back up for more content but that never happened. I didn't care for the "improve yourself" but assumed it was more or less a slip of the tongue since the whole stream was pretty off the cuff. I unsubbed today and have no intention of watching her further. I think this is probably the last opportunity to leave before it gets much worse.

>> No.30841812

>shitting on ASOIAF

>> No.30841834

You know the drill, show membership and merch receipts

>> No.30841913

If you are a teamate and this upsets you, you deserve it. You had plenty of chances to stop watching her and move on. Instead, you continue to support this and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.30841965

japan doesn't fire you, it just fucks you until you quit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banishment_room

>> No.30842039 [DELETED] 

Based Cover. Kekson deserved it

>> No.30842053

Vtuber fans think that a woman they've never met interacting with another man is them being personally cucked

>> No.30842104

Yeah, really.

>> No.30842222

take you goddamn meds, anon. you're spiraling

>> No.30842294

it's sad to see

>> No.30842295

>Why are you obsessed with numbers?
Because vtubers survive on numbers and if said numbers fall below a certain threshold it becomes untenable to maintain being a vtuber.

>> No.30842363
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>> No.30842392

how does this practice even work on zoomers? if you ask most of them say they want to do literally nothing all day

>> No.30842403

Selen's audience is special (in a good way). I don't like them, but they have my respect.

>> No.30842412
File: 33 KB, 805x358, niceWordingAme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have dropped her when she made yet another pointless poll, begging her members to tell her it's ok to cheat in the multiplayer minecraft server she shared with her gen.
Cheat once in a world, and you'll never be able to play normally again. She showed she had no understanding of the essence of a game, despite being the gen's "gamer".

>> No.30842477

She's literally having an e-date with him here >>30834953

>> No.30842637

The wording of her poll is so fucking disingenuous, the fuck, literally
>but I understand if you HATE ME and still vote no....

>> No.30842727

>E-date is when you play a clip of someone singing a song and you sing along
They are not even collabing, holy shit take your meds schizo

>> No.30842763

How much longer are you going to keep this shit up?

It's fucking tiresome.

>> No.30842766

Being ok with being bored and useless isn't easy to do.

>> No.30842784

die mad about it lol

>> No.30842825

I don't give a shit about maleshit interaction but this one is disgusting.

>> No.30842854

nothing wrong with being bored and useless as long as you get paid

>> No.30842863

Holy hell
Almost made me member so I could unmember instantly

>> No.30842924
File: 116 KB, 470x380, 1659608023779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why sing with this faggot? There are plenty of members who sang this song. Why choose specially this faggot?
Specifically to piss you off, clearly.

>> No.30842940

if that's the message you got from reading that you have brain damage

>> No.30842955

Have you tried it before?

>> No.30843012

no, because all the places i've worked at have required me to... you know... actually do work and not sit in a room all day

>> No.30843070

She probably chose him to send a message that she's free to do whatever she wants and you can't stop her.

>> No.30843235

they overload you with a lot of useless work, besides treating you like shit and isolating you from your co-workers.
a friend of mine had him review a lot of reports and was asked to be ready by a certain deadline only to have those reports discarded at the end.

>> No.30843521

1/2 her viewers are not unicorns, likely less than 1% are.

>> No.30843795

The funniest part is that after all this, these retarded Amefag Goslings will STILL continue to act like Ame is supposed to be some hardcore anti-male GFE Vtuber who will NEVER collab with males and that all she said and did so far was a nothingburger, completely ignoring how she has been one of the most Homostar-friendly Holos since the start.
I'm already seeing the coping about how this was all just a stunt and she actually doesn't care about Tempus at all.

>> No.30844047

lol lmao

>> No.30844067

>hey, can I cheat instead of playing the game like my genmates? Btw it's REALLY nothing to ask you know, and "no" would make me quit the game , but I understand though... if you hate me and really want to vote against... I guess...

>> No.30844302

Exactly, being useless is actually hard.

>> No.30844596

I don't understand. Is this rail still standing? On what stream did this happen?

>> No.30844891

Holy shit, building rails in Minecraft is simple. That's just pure laziness. They have Kronii's tree farm and Ina's iron farm, so building the rails is easy (plus they can craft bamboo into wood). The only thing she'd have to mine is gold and red dust for the power rails, which is cake with a fortune 3 pickaxe and would maybe take an hour. This is why I really dislike the EN server. After 2 years they still don't have the basics down. It's just "easier" to cheat.

>> No.30844919

Yeah no, I've been on break since the incident, I guess this really does it, I'm out for good. I'm no unicorn, a few if my regular non VT streamers are chicks and they have or have had bfs, that's fine. They're funny or interesting so I watch. But Ame has handled this so poorly it almost feels deliberately insulting.

Be kind to yourself somehow remaining Goslings, improve yourself out too.

>> No.30845002

They can ship each other because its just fun, just like when you say no homo with your friends, but there is a reason Mori said she wanted 0 shipping with the guys

>> No.30845108

yeah that's how he does it, placates you with that voice then fucks every female in your bloodline

>> No.30845162

What if he's Brother Watson?

>> No.30845176

You don't have to be an unicorn to not enjoy a fundamental change in content and vibes

>> No.30845279

Wow Ame still can't sing for shit

>> No.30845436
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This is you.

>> No.30845597

>All these people are just newfags that dont even watch Ame or watch streams
Of course. Go back to your niji thread.

>> No.30845935
File: 23 KB, 738x245, 1652684060723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been pushing this when no one asked, and asking her members on top of that and no question for gura's members.

>> No.30845976


>You cheated not only the game but also yourself.
I can see arguments for and against it.
For it speak mostly matters of practicality. If at the end of the day travelling becomes more convenient or the server prettier, it's better than not doing it at all. Ultimately, I would say no because the other servers manage without it and they built a lot of infrastructure already without ever going creative.
All of these things take a lot of idle time (facing a wall and holding the left mouse key). In her position I would do a MC Superchat reading or make a large collab/relay out of it. But if you are the type of person who prefers karaoke over block game, I can see why you'd vote yes. And frankly, I do not thing people watch Amelia for block game.

>> No.30846096

That's an old member post. Kronii didn't exist back then, anon.

>> No.30846243

roru, rumao even.

>> No.30846293

Imagine being outraged and feeling betrayed when Hololive girls collab with Holostars guys. Literally lmaoing at your life right now. Anyway, back to watching based uncle Nowa.

>> No.30846371

oh nyo

>> No.30846504

>product promises x
>delivers y
>surprised when people are upset

>> No.30846551

Aren't the Holostars the little brothers of the Hololive girls? Why would people be upset?

>> No.30846659

Well she's definitely not a singer, nor an artist, nor an idol, and doesn't actively do GFE either.
If she's not a gamer, what is even left?

>> No.30846712

I never liked Ame. The only thing about her that doesn't feel utterly fake is how irritable she is.

>> No.30846874

Funny how she then shits on Gura for not building Atlantis. Ame really is a cunt and she's terrible at Minecraft. I started playing it during covid lockdown because they were playing it and it's a fun game that has a bunch of mechanics you can use to your advantage. Ina is the only one that seems to utilize them (farms) though and she rarely plays.

>> No.30847141

Man, could you make it any more obvious that you're a friendless autist that doesn't understand what teasing is?

>> No.30847178

At least they're not collabing with Niji or Vshojo or others like Twitch garbage.

>> No.30847200

female. that's enough to make mad bux on the internet.

>> No.30847225

Sharing even eggs and sperm

>> No.30847420

lmao Ame deleted a comment on her newest vod about this

>> No.30847549

>start watching vtubers because I want to see cute girls with anime avatars playing games
>the amount of males keeps increasing
>the amount of males intruding on cute girl streams keeps increasing too
Maybe I'll just give up on vtubers and go back to watching anime. At least I know what I'm getting depending on what I watch and there's no risk of some dude with a fujo-pandering design showing up out of nowhere.

>> No.30847722

>no risk of some dude with a fujo-pandering design showing up out of nowhere
in anime?

>> No.30847794

I'm sure you're just loaded with friends. Bet you're all hanging out in your discord jerking off to Mori right now.

>> No.30847949

I can taste your salty tears, improve yourself bitch

>> No.30848051

>Start watching Vtubers because haha funny anime people
>Enjoy originals like kizuna, siro, oji loli, and others
>Amount of schizos watching hololive for GFE increases
>Amount of Holobronies intruding in everything vtuber related keeps increasing too.

You niggers deserve it. You Cute girls doing cute things fags ruined this hobby, looking forward to MALES course correcting things.

>> No.30848198

>it wasn't even a collab/live/call it was literally just her singing to a archived karaoke
This is what antis are shitposting the board with nowadays?

>> No.30848490

>looking forward to MALES course correcting thing
You can stop whiteknighting for Tempus. They'll never touch your dick.

>> No.30848552

Let's all love uncle Nowa.

>> No.30848595

Explain in detail what made vtubers drop skits to all of us pretentious old fag. According you all the blame resides on the crowd and not your precious streamer. To me all of this is simply narcissism in high dose making these women go for self-indulgence than trying to keep a professional space, they still can ask management to contract a small team of writers and give them advice to role-play or some shit, but none choose that and is not something the audience can influence.

>> No.30849376

Listen here, I don't care if you're gay, a faggot or how much you love sucking dick, but I'm not into that. I'd actually rather watch male fleshtubers than pretty anime boys.

>> No.30850681

Hahaha it's the same as Niji EN men x women collab situation all over again. Niji intern back in the day said the exact same thing

>> No.30850823

Cuck fag say female always happy with the male, who need donation or fame anymore?

>> No.30850906

why would cover actively hire western lgbbqs. Do they want to go out of business?

>> No.30850921

She simply doesn't want gosling anymore. Beta males make her bored

>> No.30850976

1st world women get bored regardless of what they have & how good it is

>> No.30851010

I believed there are good EN women out there. Then I saw Watson and realized you were right

>> No.30851109

Not a single tempura men flirt with other men on twatter, tranny

>> No.30851146

oh my god look at all these retards exposing themselves as having never watched ame. this happened TWO YEARS AGO YOU STUPID TOURIST FAGGOTS.

>> No.30851213 [DELETED] 
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Not like this schizo bros

>> No.30851278

the same it true for the males

>> No.30851338

You know what? Jannies can delete Ame hate thread here, but they can't do shit on anti channels. Digging info there will bring some juicy post to bait

>> No.30851361

She's so shit at singing, how dare she ruin my boy's great singing.

>> No.30851368 [DELETED] 

Sopa de macacos are a mistake

>> No.30851412

This is just fun too bro

>> No.30851483

>not even an aka like the connor supa
why are even amelia's antis so poor

>> No.30851504
File: 132 KB, 428x371, 1300155151494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a faggot, but I just wanted to post this classic

>> No.30851534

are you actually so retarded that you're angry Ame is literally singing along to a recording, improve yourself anon

>> No.30851536

yeah man look at this juicy info

>> No.30851606

Even bodily fluid. Man the homos are given everything they want, basically the most spoiled group of vtuber ever in history

>> No.30851643

Anon, I mean this in the truest sense.
You're being pathetic right now.

>> No.30851717
File: 193 KB, 352x377, 1653374375407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Tempus more than Hololive because they're all like me

>> No.30851739

I mean if the CEO of a vtuber company endorses you, everyone wants a piece

>> No.30851807

He's from Brazil so maybe he just likes yellow

>> No.30851832
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Based anon

>> No.30851864

what are the best anti channels? None ever show up in my recs when I dig into drama stuff

>> No.30851944

Please let the door hit you in the ass as hardas possible on your way out.

>> No.30852150

>member's post where she acknowledged the lack of content post move and asked people to unmember if they weren't satisfied
Oof, you can get away with saying something like "if you don't like this, unsub" in very few scenarios, but lack of content because you moved is not one of them.

>> No.30852264

Try looking at his dick next time

>> No.30852373

Basically all service corpos need number to attract investors. That's why Niji culled their own branch multiple times

>> No.30852460

Ah, I remember this. That is what Gura saw

>> No.30852467

Why are nijiwhores still employed then

>> No.30852545

Imagine getting this asshurt because of Altare

>> No.30852551

Yes, that's how normal people do their job

>> No.30852607

minecraft is boring and shit tho

>> No.30852625

Weebs don't watch normies flirt with each other

>> No.30852632

>Go back to watching retarded female dominated rom com where nothing happens for hundreds of chapters and numerous seasons

>> No.30852694

Yes she cheated even though she can always ask rich women in ID to provide materials

>> No.30852817

>didn't happen to land in the autism crosshairs of angry brony losers

She just won the retard roulette is all

>> No.30852821

EN women can't build, except Sana. JP and ID women are awesome architects btw

>> No.30852862


>> No.30852974

People only against shipping when they're trying to hide their real affection to each other. Mori just shy, push her harder

>> No.30853041

>>literally orgasms when he sings a song called "I love you" during his monetization stream

>> No.30853052

more like
>watch haha funny anime people
>get bored of that and leave, EN reclines
>come back only to insult the real fans who stuck around longer than the first few months

>> No.30853065

Nope, the hobby won't improve by introducing more rot to it. Sorry, even if you hate the pandering arc, it isn't in your best interest to root for this. If you like what happened to Niji EN, then be my guest, else take this small advice from a random anon: Always taking the low road can only lead to a race to the bottom. Collabing with males (as a self serving cause) and burning the goslings is the low road. There's a lot of management pressure, but also social pressure from the western vtuber scene as a whole on the girls since the very start. I'm sure they've already heard the whole reinforcing harmful stereotypes spiel from their peers.

You want the good 'ol time back? /become/ and make an effort to do creative, well thought out, entertaining streams and skits and get popular.
This takes effort, but it is the high road.
I was content with how things were 2 years ago, but even then I saw a whole lot of room for improvement in the scene. There is lots of uncharted ground in this medium. Shame I'm busy.

>> No.30853122

Explain how her mum could give birth to a gook and a Hispanic in America

>> No.30853267

It's just that simple. They want idol company, not another e thots group hiding behind anime avatar sucking simp money

>> No.30853289


>> No.30853338

To connect this back to the topic at hand:
Ame tried - la creatividad - but her ADHD brain or whatever really makes her very inconsistent.

>> No.30853439

Yeah I find myself going back to anime this season too. Aside some self insert fantasies and battle harem, there're plenty of good anime released when I was away

>> No.30853753

hook, line, and sinker

>> No.30853763

Because they're cheap and disposable

>> No.30853883

They want to normalise male vtuber interaction when they got their popularity from pandering to a majority male fanbase who just want to look at cute girls. Not sure why they want to go the nijiEN direction.

>> No.30853901

Yeah, vtuber no longer make content for them because they left vtuber first, no because of whatever unicorn magic they believed in

>> No.30854007

ASOIAF deserves to be shat upon.

>> No.30854111

Sad to see good business practice decline and money grabbing take its place

>> No.30854138

Keep your lazy whores away from my bros

>> No.30854222

>why they want to go the nijiEN direction
they hate money and their company

>> No.30854337

After seeing his pl there is no way he is not gay, would not be surprised if his gf had a dick.

>> No.30854841

>he does not know
I'll give you a hint: Izuru and Astel are the biggest IRL pussy slayers in JP homos. Be very fucking afraid of blue man.

>> No.30855024

Why do homobeggars even watch hololive when Nijisanji already exists. They literally catered to 2 different fans which was perfect as is

>> No.30855160

>Sings better than Watson who can't sing at all.

>> No.30855318

Because the women of Nijisanji are 99% disgusting harlots and the men are bitchy manwhores.

>> No.30855376

nijiwhores are no different than twitch-thots

>> No.30855378
File: 287 KB, 365x486, 1596428105619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go outside and improve yourself. You shouldn't feel this troubled over a woman who will never give a shit about you as an individual.

>> No.30855511

ask coco lol they modded her antis to ban her paypigs

>> No.30855695

Nijisanji is boring when they're not collabing with women.

>> No.30855706

Dude who commissions gay fanart of himself and other male vtuber, friends with Shoto and uses a sparkly bishounen anime avatar is straight? I think this is just weird cope.

>> No.30855740

Just pull membership you cucks, hit her where it hurts and leave

>> No.30855766

Because they want to kill hololive and vtubing as a whole and do not even watch streams.

>> No.30855806

I watch tempus streams, hololive is boring now

>> No.30855872

Her voice really ruins the song. Now I'll need to hunt down the clip of him singing alone.

>> No.30856147

https://youtu.be/I2WdC_7pNII he sounds nice, i think

>> No.30856298

Thanks sis.

>> No.30856354

Yagoo looks at fujo money and demand he need his own Vox

>> No.30856423

He can actually sing unlike Amelia who sounds like a cartoon character singing poorly.

>> No.30856477

Who want this kind of content? If I want to see anime men and women get together I'll watch Nyanner and Niji EN

>> No.30856546

Good. Holo EN start to show their true faces: not much different than Niji EN

>> No.30856558
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holy shit do people actually care if they collab with males i thought we were all joking

>> No.30856640

You all are such fucking faggots, boo hoo anime girl sang with anime boy, stop shitting up the board and just kill yourselfs already.

>> No.30856660
File: 3.09 MB, 564x640, pikamee-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just /vt/ for you....a fucking madhouse, enjoy the show and stay while.

>> No.30856725

It's like five schizos who keep spamming this shit constantly, just read YouTube comments or Twitter posts and you'll see that nobody minds. If anything they think they're cute and laugh at the very few obsessive morons who seethe over it.

>> No.30856744


>> No.30856791

This >>30835388, I bet she knew the rrats people made on the internet, you know her intent when she still chose it

>> No.30856878

that's not what I watch vtubers for

>> No.30856949
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Based af only teacuks call it cringe, improve yourself teacucks, find an oshi who treat her fanbase with respect

>> No.30856959
File: 1.01 MB, 498x280, lois.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lois Griffin. Ame sounds like Lois Griffin.

>> No.30857007

/vt/ laughs at everything except for the things we take seriously which is ... everything

>> No.30857052
File: 35 KB, 528x383, 20220810_034007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find an oshi who treat her fanbase with respect
>fanbase is the one disrespecting the oshi

>> No.30857073

God damn Ame sucks ASS at singing, it's actually pretty funny

>> No.30857132
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>> No.30857388
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>> No.30857668

Yes and in reddit they will tell you they want Hololive like Nijisanji

>> No.30857859

<Holoen will never be like nijien
>We dont like unanouced collabs, we are not cucks
>HoloEN are professionals and know boundaries
Kek, serves you right holocucks

>> No.30857898

you either are retarded or ur just pretending to be. improve.

>> No.30858088

All this hurt could have been avoided if you just listened to Ame and improved yourself

>> No.30858643

>Why sing with this faggot?
Did you even watch the stream? She sang with plenty of other EN girls, she just also happened to sing with Regis. I swear, this whole nothingburger is caused by uninformed clipfaggots

>> No.30859133

Once an e thot, always an e thot

>> No.30859249

You all are such fucking faggots, boo hoo the board is shit, stop coming here and just kill yourselfs already.

>> No.30859302

I... I can't debunk that

>> No.30859556

How the fuck can a person ever be bored? Even if you're in an empty room, you can always work on brainstorming ideas for your current creative projects, and have an endless amount of entertainment through doing that.

>> No.30860318

Being here is rotting my mind. I need to get away from here.

>> No.30860388


>> No.30860506

The right opinion.
The wrong opinion.

>> No.30860729

The big dick
The little pee pee

>> No.30860947

>they want Hololive like Nijisanji
Please god no. Nijisanji, and Vshojo, and other groups/indies(?) all seem like hyper zoomie youtube-like twitch-like faggots that really need to take a chill pill. I can't stand it or their cancerous "culture" and emoji meme spam bs in chat and the garbage that comes out of their mouths. I wish Twitch would stop being popular and die like MySpace. I'm glad at least YouTube/HoloPro is a bit better, except for the GFEfags and incels shitting things up.

>> No.30861015

Hey, I'm a grower not a shower. :(

>> No.30861342
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>now she will flirt with them

>> No.30861571


>> No.30861827

If anything GFEfags are preventing HoloEN to become NijiEN

>> No.30861992

>Big Project in Minecraft
Has she ever done anything in minecraft that's not a hall assed fuck up?
>PPP is a broke piece of shit
>Hyper link rail ruined both Pantsu Express and Kronii's Enderman Spawn.

>> No.30862072

Out of all the boys why did Ame pick the one that explicitly said he doesn't want to collab outside of Tempus? Does Ame enjoy getting ignored by stars?

>> No.30862084
File: 1.76 MB, 853x480, cuckmates [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdiv9fh.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she say "uh-oh" before the song?

>> No.30862972

I've seen what ame looks like irl so I don't care that much is she interacts with a guy. As long as the streams don't become flirty

>> No.30863124

This is the best one

>> No.30863311

M*le V-tubers are the lowest form of scum, I don't want to see them, I don't want to hear them, I don't want to see their names. Anyone who forces me to do any of these things is not worth watching

>> No.30864239

Why watch male vtuber when you can just watch much more interesting male streamers?

>> No.30864473


>> No.30865326

where the fuck were any of you during Shien's 3D or her visiting astel's karaoke or back on /jp/

>> No.30865753

Imagine getting railed by Regis, and he's not even into it, he's just eating a bowl of your dad's chili while he fucks your ass. He's using the chili as lube, and your asshole is on fire from the capsaicin. And when just when he's about to cum, he goes atm with his shit and chili covered cock, and says "yeah, you like my chili dog, bitch?"

>> No.30867410


>> No.30867538

yes 4chan is full of incels high on contaminated water

>> No.30868130

God how the fuck did he mog her this hard in singing talent

>> No.30868273

the worst thing ame did was try to sing over regis

>> No.30868380

Ame will announce her relationship with Altare anytime now...this is how it will logically go

>> No.30871128
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Good thing I'm a JPchad
Everytime I open /vt/, it's just meltdown over meltdown over EN

>> No.30871197

the difference is kobo doesn't do GFE and none in ID too but somehow ENs have these people expecting GFE rumao

>> No.30871340

Ame doesn't do GFE either, all she does is play games and be funny

>> No.30871583

explain that to goslingniggers

>> No.30871727

Ame's been trying to do that, it's just that they keep seething about it

>> No.30872151
File: 117 KB, 332x332, cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe, teacuck. my homie is getting some of that good pooty tang and you cannot stop him.

>> No.30872378

She did early on though.

Coin Game date
Sleep ASMR
Birthday voicepack
Lovey dovey messages in chat and members posts

>> No.30872558

It's been two years, it's time to let go

>> No.30872713

To make you cry

>> No.30872731

Cope and seethe unicornfag, they are just having fun. Tempus bois are pretty chill and cool

>> No.30872920

You are her piggybank, nothing more.

>> No.30872938

god that's hot

>> No.30872953

Yup, for example I look forward to men instead.

>> No.30876105

>didn't watch the stream
typical nijinigger jumping on the bandwagon

>> No.30876365

I honestly feel really bad for goslings.

t. sapling

>> No.30876518

define cuck, describe her fanbase

>> No.30876860
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>> No.30877782

>I think this is just weird cope

lol befriends with someone gay doesnt automatically make you gay too anon, and tbf if you go outside and socialize with more people, cute and dominance men are always gets all the girls thats how the world works

>> No.30877835

Blame the avatar, look at her latest Rust, you can't really tell she is not a GFE vtuber

>> No.30878553

>ame's friend in vshojo
>good numbers
Come on now, you can do better than this

>> No.30878715

Being a lying bitch is being a lying bitch, she can burn in hell

>> No.30878947

That's the thing that slowly started putting me off, even outside of minecraft she has many ideas and projects but almost always lose interest midway and half ass it.
After a while it's frustrating.

>> No.30879279

it's just a videogame dude

>> No.30879421

As a Niji fan I am SO happy this is happening to you unicorn filth

>> No.30879688

What's Niji? never heard of it, is it some kind of indie group?

>> No.30880881


>> No.30880995

Managements who use this practice don't just put you in an empty room doing nothing. They load you with hard and stressful work that has absolutely no value for yourself, for your coworkers, and for the consumers of the company, everyday until you quit

>> No.30881857

This. Unicorns, gfefags, "incels" are the only thing holding these girls back from openly lusting over dudes, flirting, making sex jokes etc in front of the audience.

>> No.30881896

I just realized something, why not just hire a hooker, make her wear a Amelia watson Mask and play an Amelia watson vod while you're fucking and just time your strokes whenever Ame does a grunt, moan or sigh in the vod. Wouldn't help you cope like how Bladerunnerman did?

>> No.30881918
File: 1.58 MB, 193x193, 1638421093935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes me happier than the existence of teakeks. Cope and seethe you obnoxious faggots.

>> No.30881950

More cope from dude watching homoEN

>> No.30881965

lol get fucked loser, maybe you will now actually live a more fulfilling life instead of comfortably revolving your psyche around a virtual anime girl who is playing a character for money

>> No.30882683


>> No.30883584

You guys should go take a walk or something

>> No.30887740

why not

>> No.30887951

Ah yes, yesmates screaming her name are completely different.

>> No.30888438

you're the only one coping anon, you deny the fact he is straight

>> No.30889467

This is the moment I realized she's just in it for money
