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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30806916 No.30806916 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think you guys are talking about the mythical animal. What is a unicorn in this context? I'm a little new here.

>> No.30806963

Do your reps

>> No.30806986

But we are talking about the magical pony

>> No.30807037

Unicorns are only calm near virgin women

>> No.30807059
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Unicorns are cringe, and most of them never had any relationship with real girls


>> No.30807065

I am a Unicorn. Pure bitches love me. WIHIHIHIIII

>> No.30807085

I'll spoonfeed you. Unicorns in myth only allow pure virgins to approach and ride on them. They kill non virgin women with their horns. Hence, fans who throw a tantrum at the very idea of a man being near/being mentioned near their oshi is a unicorn.

>> No.30807086
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>> No.30807107

To make it easier and relevant with your post; Fubuki is married. If you're unhappy with it, then you're a unicorn.

>> No.30807166

The Unicorn is the informal designation for the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam developed as joint project between Anaheim Electronics and the Vist Foundation in the early-mid 0090s to create a full Psycoframe mobile suit along with being the carrier of the NT-D program.
A suit with extremely solid performance in standard mode and extreme performance in NT-D mode, which can only run for 5 minutes due to strain put on the system and pilot.
Its iconic equipment was the Beam Magnum an extremely powerful beam rifle which blurs the line between beam rifles and mega launchers with just how high it's output is.

>> No.30807331

Based UCbro

>> No.30807341

I no longer wish to meet a unicorn in this life. If they were real, you have effectively saved my life. Thanks

>> No.30807479

>She doesn't mention it
>She has a respectful and professional relationship with Stars
>She is sometimes married to her gachikoi.
This is why Fubuki is great and Unicorns don't hate her unlike the EN Whores.

>> No.30807640

Also stop namefagging

>> No.30807837

my apologies.

>> No.30807996

Unicorns prize the purity of their idols above all else. A related term that is often incorrectly conflated with it is gachikoi, who will overlook past indiscretions if they refrain from interacting publicly with the opposite sex in the present and future.

>> No.30808004


>> No.30808572

Didn't they also rape said virgins? I mean it's Greek mythology and well if you're a woman you're going to get raped by some mythical creature or Zeus sooner or later.

>> No.30809357

Zeus really would fuck anything with a pulse

>> No.30809567

The Unicorn Gundam's purpose was to combat filthy zeek newtype whores. If the enemy was a pure oldtype, their weapons couldn't be turned against them. However, if some psychic whore showed up and tried to henpeck Unicorn with her orbiting drones, the mech would shift into Newtyoe Destroyer mode and destroy her with the might of her own hubris. In that sense, Unicorn Gundam lived up to its name.
>Unicorns don't hate her
Not hating someone doesn't mean you like them. Fubuki is simply irrelevant.

>> No.30809662

Unicorns don't let non-virgins ride on them.

>> No.30813368


>> No.30813649

They are fans of MLP

>> No.30813938
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Hardly anyone gets the term. Unicorn hunting is a term that’s been used waaay before vtubers was a thing, people keep implying It’s the fans.
Thats is what the fan is seeking, the fabled creature that fills all their criteria. One persons unicorn might not be anothers. Vesper is the unicorn that brotuber askers were looking for, as Lamy us for GFE enjoyers. Rushia or Ame breaking the illusion is like getting sold a unicorn and the horn falls off after a while(actually happened in history)

>> No.30813969

aren't those brownies?

>> No.30815430
File: 37 KB, 1902x180, Fandead stalking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia or Ame breaking the illusion is like getting sold a unicorn and the horn falls off after a while(actually happened in history)
If Rushia had been fucking the alien, sure. But literally everyone involved in that incident confirmed that didn't happen and she's retained nearly all of her gachikoi. Not going to comment on the Ame thing since I don't follow the EN girls

>> No.30816335

Nobody uses the same definition, so who really knows?
Some say it means the vtubers have to be literal virgins (no confirmed ex boyfriends)
Some say it just means that they have to be single as a vtuber (presumably provided that they weren't overly promiscuous in the past)
Some say that it only concern on stream appearances and that unicorn friendly girls can't collab with men
The definition is essentially some combination of all of those three traits, but that's what makes it a pretty retarded term.

>> No.30819501

They all have a common theme though, they reject the idea of their oshi interacting with a male.
I don't think it's that ambiguous.

>> No.30820181

I mean, techincally speaking, couldn't a non-virgin roommate be a super unicorn friendly vtuber? I'm not sure if there are any hardcore examples of that, though.

>> No.30820253

Its a pony. There are no actual unicorns and idolfags in this board. Just zoomers who are attracted to this concept and are larping as one. They also think idols only means a sex service called Girlfriend Experience.
You can't accept "idol culture" without accepting that most times purity was a lie and behind the curtain there livelihood depended on sleeping with old men. Kinda like girls doing GFE are often the ones exposed to have boyfriends. Yeah, they pretend to be lesbians. You don't believe it because they are too good at pretending.
Idolfags and unicorns used to be mocked at in /jp/, now we have newfags pretending its some cool shit.

>> No.30820309

lurk more, we didn't even invent the term.

>> No.30820464

Too bad only a Newtype could fully use the suit to it's full potential.
Funny that huh? It's like The NT-D was made for Newtypes to use.

>> No.30820500

>Idolfags and unicorns used to be mocked at in /jp/, now we have newfags pretending its some cool shit.
M8, nearly all of the newfags here are anti idol/GFE posters from r*ddit and Discord.

>> No.30820504

Amano Nene, comes to mind.

>> No.30822450

It is called tripfag, but i guess youre trying to explain new thing to newfag so understandable

>> No.30825647

mentally ill faggots who think they're the majority

>> No.30827180

The absolute irony of this post.

>> No.30827404

>Spoonfeeding newbies about the UC project
Why is Neo Zeon like this

>> No.30827437

Me, I am

>> No.30827641

>Ame breaking the illusion
What illusion?

>> No.30828572
File: 74 KB, 1644x926, A1DA00D5-49FC-4E6C-834D-74F99397430A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't spoonfeed newfaggots who blatantly refuse to lurk more or do their reps for such basic terminology

>> No.30832983
File: 7 KB, 212x238, happyfubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pretty happy that they were respectful and understanding enough to give me a hand. Thanks!

>> No.30834792

It's a bicorn except in reverse

>> No.30835904

Bronies are degenerates.

>> No.30838669

Gatekeeping is for losers I will spoonfeed all day

>> No.30840953

This place is already dead man.
