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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1617412184551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3079286 No.3079286 [Reply] [Original]

My Oshi read out a message I sent and I can't stop thinking about it. Is there a way to escape from the parasocial relationship hell or should I just embrace it?

>> No.3079301

close the browser right now and go spend some quality time with your wife and kids

>> No.3079306

You have to destroy your computer and switch to a shitty old flip phone. It's the only way.

>> No.3079341
File: 862 KB, 1002x1028, goslinh sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just enjoy it anon, she's officially your wife now.

>> No.3079374

Go outside

>> No.3079391

for what purpose

>> No.3079420

You have a yearning for companionship that only only be fixed by either depriving yourself to harden yourself against it or by finding real companionship.

>> No.3079452

Touch grass

>> No.3079477
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I feel like the weirdo, being content alone and not feeling sad I won't get a gf like my oshi.

>> No.3079483

You keep supporting her and making her happy, which will lead into her being grateful to you and bringing you happiness. Literally no downsides unless you're poor

>> No.3079507

for what purpose

>> No.3079517

It's a much better position to be in than constantly yearning, if you can't actually be in a relationship.

>> No.3079533

embrace the shit out of it. Work out. get a haircut. new better paying job. self improve yourself so much for your oshi that you dont even recognize yourself. Maybe one day, you will be able to meet her in real life and hit it off. youll be so attractive she wont be able to stay away from you. If you dont ever meet her, you have made the necessary changes to find an incredible woman in your life. You WILL make it. I promise.

As a bonus, you will always have eyes for your oshi, so your woman wont hold nearly as much power over you as she would over a normalfag. You will be bulletproof whether she stays with you or not. You will be better than your fellow man if nothing else. Good luck anon

>> No.3079615
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I feel like a lot of it is a combo of her having a lot of qualities I can relate to and find endearing and everyone I'm close to being in a happy long term relationship which I've never had (and have kissed 1 girl in my life in a game of truth or dare 12 years ago). The yearning for a real relationship is pretty much constant when I see how happy they are in their relationships.

>> No.3079618
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>richfag sent an akasupa to my oshi to congratulate him on his birthday
>it was also my birthday
>for some stupid fucking retarded reason I thought she "remembered" my birthday and said that to me
At least I got one happy birthday that day

>> No.3079659

>I promise.
don't make promises you know you can't keep.

>> No.3079684

Your oshi is a male?

>> No.3079709

No, I'm just ESL, is there anything weird on how I wrote that?

>> No.3079776

Oh, I think I understand now. I thought the richfag was wishing a happy birthday to your oshi. But it seems he was asking your oshi to wish him a happy birthday instead.

>> No.3079777

Nah that guy is retarded

>> No.3079820

>richfag sent an akasupa to my oshi to congratulate him on his birthday
The way it was worded made it seem like the “him” and “his” was referring to the oshi. I am not retarded.

>> No.3079857

Going further, it would have been more clear if he worded it
>richfag sent an akasupa to my oshi ASKING HER to congratulate him on his birthday

>> No.3079914

>used "she" later on in his post
>"I wonder what he could have possibly meant?????????"
you're retarded

>> No.3079951

Every time someone akasupas her in a members stream I get a shooting pain in my chest and the red mist descends.

>> No.3079992

Goddess worship is thousands of years old anon. Just think of it as a part of human evolution. Does it make you happy?

>> No.3080016

Not him, but the post was written poorly. No need to be defensive about it. The post about clearing it up is definitely correct.

>> No.3080038

I took the “she” to refer the the richfag and that anon was delusional enough to think some random girl in the chat would wish him a happy birthday. I’m done explaining myself, have a nice day.

>> No.3080087

Dude never follow indies. My oshi indie reads one of my messages atleast 2-5 times every stream. She has praised my memes and shitposts on twitter and she has once personally dm:d ME, DM:D ME to ask a question and thanked me when I responded(I had never DM:d her before). I'll never get out of this. The love I feel is real. Don't fall into this trap.

>> No.3080088
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It is 10x worse when your Oshi is a small indie. They will individually respond to your messages, laugh at your jokes, greet you when you enter the stream, and interact with you on socials. They are also way more appreciative in general.

>> No.3080142

This is the true gosling future. REPENT

>> No.3080205
File: 131 KB, 271x325, 1607237090878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a good chance that they're male/have a boyfriend/will quit vtubbing soon. Enjoy

>> No.3080238

the best thing is probably hanging yourself

>> No.3080248

I would unironically go into a month long depression if she stopped streaming...

>> No.3080250

Dang, that sounds almost like an actual relationship.

>> No.3080283

thanks for the correction, this board is pretty much the only place I use for my english skils, aside from the streams of course.

>> No.3080299
File: 39 KB, 206x219, 1613787991460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a month? Pathetic

>> No.3080329

Are you a dad or a troopa?

>> No.3080349

>Does it make you happy?
Yes, but it still just feels like a cope

>> No.3080356

There is no purpose, monkey man.

>> No.3080379

>go out and touch grass for no reason lol
ogey schizo

>> No.3080399

damn she actually read your message? she ignored mine

>> No.3080404

That’s what matters. We live, then we die. Live happy, and don’t let anyone make u into a normie.

>> No.3080409

I already do lift 3x/week and make decent money (am a hairlet in my mid 20's though so haircuts are pointless). I can already afford anything I want besides property but none of it has ever been enough.

>> No.3080416

Beatani doesn't like dm's
my money is on the turtle
Stop using 4ch if you let mongolians make you feel bad. Go superchat your oshi how much you love her instead listening to those niggers

>> No.3080452
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>> No.3080456

instead of*

>> No.3080473
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I feel you man. I have a good job, house, hobbies, friends, all that shit. But someone feeling actually appreciative just for my company triggered something inside me. I don't care if its all kayfabe.

>> No.3080476

Mine said that she loves me too after she read my message in chat
This. She motivates time to strive to be a better man and not feel sorry for myself.

>> No.3080482
File: 165 KB, 574x741, 1542826484199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's worse? Getting the goslings for an indie who acknowledges your presence in the chat, or for an established chuuba who is so out of your league she might as well live in another dimension?

>> No.3080494

>none of it has ever been enough.
Because it never will be. We are rats running after the next piece of cheese. My advice? Take up meditation.

>> No.3080514

The sad truth is most aren't worth it these days. Assuming you're American, the average female 20-30 is 5'4", 170 lbs, and has a 38 inch waist. I've met some who struggle to breathe sitting down.

>> No.3080564

For fear of my identity I wont say but she does not have any green on her color scheme.

>> No.3080586

The indie is way worse because you can delude yourself to the point of thinking that you can talk to her personally or that she knows you. If an indie says that she loves you it hurts way more because it's more meaningful

>> No.3080624
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It hurts, bros...

>> No.3080683

I know all that and it's depressing. I have nearly a foot on that & am the same weight. There just aren't many women with much to offer me and they all can do even better than I could hope to reach.

>> No.3080714
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Small indies don't do for me. I lose my interest after a few weeks. I just enjoy their comfy streams.
But when ever SHE smiles... I can physically feel the dark clouds over my shoulders vanish

>> No.3080723

stop saying oshi faggot this is an english speaking board say "my favorite vtuber" instead

>> No.3080728
File: 1012 KB, 949x766, 1599837827017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care that much about how they look. Having someone say I love you, enjoy your presence, and really mean it, is so powerful.

>> No.3080740

Your Oshi reads your message most of the time, they might not read it out aloud, but they do read it.

>> No.3080741

The issue is really just self control. Have fun, but know when to stop. Then go back and have fun again. You can give money, but limit it. You can watch, but only for a set amount of time. Balance in everything. Learn that, and you will have peace.

>> No.3080810

It hurts to know she will never see you in the same way you see her. But it is so much better than my life before. Before I was depressed and did not see any meaning in anything, I was bored all the time and nothing in life made sense. Now I feel pain, but instead of coming from the hardships of life itself it is an emotional pain, something much more easy to handle and it feels more meaningfull. Life feels more real now paradoxically. And on top of all of that my oshi makes my happy every time she streams.

>> No.3080834

Is changing your entire sleep schedule to the point of basically being synced to JST despite having a 8 hour timezone difference going too far? Asking for a friend...

>> No.3080889

The indie, cause the acknowledgement gives your schizo brain even more hope for something utterly hopeless

>> No.3080961

I'm not synced to JST, but I schedule my whole life around my oshi's streams. She streams morning here in the U.S. so I always wake up early to watch her stream, lift on my lunch break (or after the stream if I have time before work), then break up my sleep into 2 cycles, one 3-4 hour one right after work and the other at some point in the night so I can get another 4-5 hours before she starts

>> No.3080990


>> No.3081003

If I had a wife and kids I wouldn't be here now, now would I?

>> No.3081007

I looked up and learned the power of taking actually refreshing naps to be able to stay awake until those middle of the night streams. Can recommend it honestly.

>> No.3081033

lmao 4chan will become an English learning center for Englets. Truly a magical place.

>> No.3081047

always has been

>> No.3081059

You're doing pretty good desu, keep up the good work

>> No.3081094

I learned german from krautchan. After visiting germany irl I learned that some of those words I learned were not words that normal people know or use...

>> No.3081147

I wonder if the same thing is gonna happen with my japanese when I first visit...

>> No.3081702

take a break from vtubers i guess, i had the same feeling once but i got busy with life to watch vtubers, now im fine, for now atleast

>> No.3081822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3081844

doesn't work
as soon as come back, you can feel the gosling flowing in your veins. In no time her laugh makes you laugh, her smile makes you smile again.
solution is to either manning up or to stop watching it all together

>> No.3081854
File: 605 KB, 220x253, 1597056638926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts even more when you don't know their language, which just adds an extra layer to the chances of ever being acknowledged by them. Even if they do read something of yours, the best you can hope for is a shitty Google translation which they will probably misunderstand.

>> No.3081881

>Is there a way to escape

>> No.3081890

Maidos are working fast tonight. God speed

>> No.3081965

possibly, i only didnt feel the gosling coming back because i stopped watching the chuuba that cause me to gosling

>> No.3082033

Unless you're browsing 5ch, probably not. For languages in general, most net slang almost entirely exists in the written language in a specific context, like Krautchan. While people can and do use it IRL, it almost never comes up in vis-a-vis conversation with people outside of that net culture. With vtubers, I'd say their intonation is the weirdest part of their speech, rather than the actual words they use.
For example: Outside of a group of friends, when would you actually use "based" or "cringe" in spoken language?
In general you would use something more universally understood to express the idea of approval or disapproval.

And even then it's usually a bit easier to tell if something is net slang or not in Japanese given how word construction goes, and how static the common nouns tend to be.

>> No.3082064

Pikamee noticed be in chat a few times and it felt pretty good

>> No.3082112

it is for the best if you feel like it hurts you
I have passed the point of no return a while ago sadly

>> No.3082177
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I've accepted my fate.
I'm not so far gone and delusional to think i could be with my oshi though and not genuinely despaired by the facts, i just love her
and gosling posting is pretty fun

>> No.3082241

Anyone else have a purely platonic oshi? I think this is quite rare but I feel for my oshi as my best friend.

>> No.3082285

My oshi wants me to call her not my wife but "my princess". I actually think that's better.

>> No.3082369
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Despite the coomposting you see on this site and her ASMR chat, Haachama has relatively few gachikoi fawning over her. A lot of people look at her retardedness and feel they have have to protecc as she keeps fucking up to achieve her vague and ever-changing dreams.

>> No.3084399
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Honestly, that is why I Gosling over her since I'm still a chuuni mid 20's person who thinks I can save her.

>> No.3084554
File: 430 KB, 753x595, 1619444645900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be able to see my oshi for a while and it unnerves me

>> No.3084979

Go to a club and talk to a girl, flirt and go home with her, you will find real women are much better than chubbas. You cam call her after too and ask her out, naybe start dating and stuff. Why didn't you do that instead of making this thread?

>> No.3085043

get a load of this normaltard

>> No.3085083

Just don't think you can do it while tossing money at her without restraint.

>> No.3085116

i'm new to these vtuber things but I'm finding myself getting attached as well. I hope they live happy lives

>> No.3085382

lol faggets

>> No.3085682

I get insulted by women for some immutable physical characteristics. I can't even say hello to women in bars without being called ugly.

>> No.3086486
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I logically know the real person != the character, I will never meet her, and even if I did she probably wouldn't be into me anyways no matter what I do considering my lack of Japanese skills. I don't spend any more $ on her than my membership fee. I just can't help that I am in love with a fictional character.

>> No.3087624
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I'm so far gone that I can't stop checking their roommate's guitar playing streams and song covers every day. And it's impossible for me to fall asleep without listening to their twitcasts first, too. The life of a gosling hurts so much.

>> No.3087748

>learn most of your english from 4chan
>go to english speaking country and be surprised to learn that "nigger" "faggot" "kike" "tranny" and the whole host of /v/ buzzwords aren't commonly used

>> No.3087780

Okay, but how?

>> No.3087873

Get vaccinated and get out while you can. Its an illusion. Treat your oshi like a fun distraction, but remember that nothing can ever materialize between you and her.

>> No.3087881

>Corporation means they're single
How new? kek

>> No.3087955

Get a real doll dressed up as your oshi and bang it out.

>> No.3088042

They should

>> No.3088149
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Kiara's new outfit...

>> No.3088166
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I can relate to that, I just gave my first red sc to her

>> No.3088173

Nothing will ever materialize between me and a real woman either besides some equally false relationship if the girl is a gold digger. I went to one of the biggest party schools in the U.S. and still never had sex, it's probably over for me.

>> No.3088468
File: 15 KB, 200x170, ba2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a month since I knew her, but I really feel it's a fake love. Yes, it's an indie and I don't have meds...

>> No.3088480

I hope you're an ARSfag...

>> No.3088526

A what?

>> No.3088604

Your oshi wouldn't happen to be a cat, would they?

>> No.3088641

>All women that would like me are gold diggers looking for false relationships
>Worships a woman
Hey retard you're oshi isn't some unique 1 in 8 billion. There's probably dozens of girls like her available to you like her if you bothered improving yourself instead of getting hung up over not getting to fuck college sluts with blown out pussies

>> No.3088709

Just enjoy the ride I guess. Wait for android waifus with downloadable vtuber personalities. The more you suffer in this life, the more you will be comforted in the next.

>> No.3088810

The good thing from that is I'm doing /fit/ reps and I almost lost 10lb in 10 days

>> No.3088815
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Argentine peso

>> No.3088952

I'm a burger...

>> No.3089115

Based, life in south america is worse than hell.

>> No.3089176

You are either mentally ill or rich to spend that much in a single donation...
how did she take it?

>> No.3089424

Have you got high standards like me? I haven't been able to do it, but a very wise and rich person that I admire suggests to look for a good woman. Good looks are something you get used to and get bored of, but a good woman can make your life worth living. "No money, no honey" as they say, but since you've got cash, that tells me you just aren't swinging your dick in the right direction. For one, there are places in Eastern Europe where a girl will jump on your lap if you flash them your passport.

>> No.3089900

It's so fucking painful, anon. My goslinging over that cat can't keep getting worse every day.

>> No.3089937

>Mentally ill
>Gosling thread

>> No.3090027

Well yeah but there are layers. The gosling that's in love but feels bad that he won't be noticed is different from the gosling that spends thousands on a single stream

>> No.3090135
File: 18 KB, 480x480, uvvn60wh59c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be normal a year ago
Now, now I'm with you people
You've beaten me and brought me down to your level
I laughed at you years ago, but here I am
And I love her

>> No.3090276

I used to laugh at people who watched Vtubers, now I do the same.
I used to laugh at Goslings, now I'm obsessed with my oshi.
I'm laughing at schitzos at the moment and I'm just waiting to become one. Vtubers are more fucked up than what you think at first sight.

>> No.3090600

100 percent this. Went from going to who's this weird shark girl in all these annoying memes to full blown Gosling.

>> No.3090807

The lowest level is probably a gosling that's still in love but became all rotten/twisted and started lashing out at his oshi, right?

>> No.3090880
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Despite being alone, I don't sulk like you all. I've ascended above and beyond all of you. You weak, pathetic loners still clinging to attachment and feelings. Sad.

>> No.3090958

It loops around. If you become obsessed too much you become an anti. The ultimate gosling would be some doxxfag who kills his oshi on stream

>> No.3090968

Its kinda scary sometimes i get really depresep if i dont hear her voice...this isnt good, i found that filling the void with other oshi helps you to stay sane but the cycle never ends.

>> No.3090989


>> No.3091136

You just haven't found the one yet.

>> No.3091155

i'm starting to develop an obsession with my oshi, but i'm not yet at gosling level. what do i do, bros? should i try to get out now before it's too late?

>> No.3091178

It's already too late

>> No.3091188
File: 227 KB, 463x453, 1610862800533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "one" and there can never be a "one"

>> No.3091263

Take a month break, with absolutely no contact with your oshi. No clips, no art, no threads, nothing.
Force yourself to put some distance and cool down before it's too late.

>> No.3092316

Where rrats piss? Nice try schizo

>> No.3093393

I've done the self improvement meme since I was in high school and am fairly successful, but I'm still miserable as fuck and still haven't ever met a woman I'm interested in who is also interested in me.
High for the U.S. at least. I have no attraction to fat women so that discounts probably 70% of U.S. women and the rest of the 30% either have crazy baggage or can do better. I just don't see any point in getting with a woman have 0 attraction to.

>> No.3093425
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Gosling GIMP template.

>> No.3094297

You need to kill yourself and end it all.

>> No.3095271
File: 245 KB, 498x498, Amelia Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi has a bf, what do I do

>> No.3095294

Meet him in real life and tell him to dump her.

>> No.3095371

>Having someone say I love you, enjoy your presence, and really mean it, is so powerful.
Not the anon you were replying to, but this got me too. I divorced my wife after 8 years because she became an entitled bitch and stopped contributing (no job, no housework, etc). I dropped out of college because I couldn't afford it but have worked my ass off to the point where I'm making six figures and I've not had someone say those types of things to me and really mean it before. Society is fucked.

>> No.3096031
File: 35 KB, 800x435, 1a1c9522d8f8a46e73ed5495ecd3f27c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and gosling posting is pretty fun

Why yes, it is *indeed
