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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 406 KB, 593x626, 1655351724869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30721381 No.30721381 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhhh, what the fuck? Normies are you feeling ok?

>> No.30721420

Normies don't know what they're looking at.

>> No.30721423

I don't knoe mr. Hyde, you tell me

>> No.30721438
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Delet this

>> No.30721464

>using Cunny
You know damn well no one outside of lolicons use that word.

>> No.30721471

>Nyanners disavowed pomf only for a tweet with "cunny" in it to get 30k likes in 2022

>> No.30721731

Is this Mori with Tower's body?

>> No.30721987

>Calling /vt/ normies
Is this the new Bait Strat Meta?

>> No.30722027

Tater Tots...

>> No.30722037

I'm calling the 29k twittertards who liked a post with the word cunny in it normies

>> No.30722103


>> No.30726584

Is this all based ojisans or ignorant retards

>> No.30727002

We can correct her before she goes down the wrong path and becomes the Mori we all hate.

>> No.30727086


>> No.30727100

I think its mostly JOPs

>> No.30727636

Hyde is a lolicon?

>> No.30727681


>> No.30727744

exactly, fucking lazy edit

>> No.30727899


>> No.30728082

how much before Twitter removes the crying emoji?

>> No.30728190

they do, the cunny meme has propagated through the anime/vtuber side of reddit quite a bit already, a whole subreddit with high traffic was made around japanese tweets like uooooh and need correction.
arknights livestreams are filled with the ToT emoji when suzu comes on stream.
t. knower

>inb4 go back

>> No.30728628

My theory is that Hololive fans from Twitter and Reddit are starting to use it because when you are fan of a VTuber company where half of the members are into loli then it's inevitable that you'll becoming accepting of cunny memes
Kek, I didn't even notice it

>> No.30728754

>My theory is that Hololive fans from Twitter and Reddit are starting to use it
This is true, but not because of the reason you think. It's because those Twitter and Reddit Hololive fans lurk and post here so they started picking up 4chan mannerisms

>> No.30728774


>> No.30728826

I mean that's true actually, but why use "cunny" when it implies that you want to fuck lolis?

>> No.30728837

Personally I think its just faggots stealing words from here without knowing the real meaning.

>> No.30728844


>> No.30729040
File: 43 KB, 626x256, EA9B01BB-D796-4A54-B139-01DBFB11C2DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in this case they would know what it entails, right? Right?

>> No.30729086

>gaming communities

>> No.30729278

everyone plays videogames nowadays grandpa.
i think you had enough posting for today big guy, let's wheel you back to the retirement home okay?

>> No.30729318

>plays games
>plays "games"
There's a difference.
That's like saying someone reading a magazine is educated.

>> No.30729669
File: 217 KB, 378x359, 1636215789095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably just think it's a funny loli word and not actually a word used for real little girls as well.

>> No.30729671

>implies that you want to fuck lolis
Not necessarily. Also, they are probably newfags that don't fully understand the meaning of 4chan words yet. They probably think cunny is just another word for loli

>> No.30729684

Probably the ironic type of lolicon who believes that loli means short woman and doesn't know that the cunny meme started in /tv/.

>> No.30729831

Irys also liked it

>> No.30729940

Probably, but I'll not complain about it since it works as a filter for the moralfags
You're not in good company

>> No.30730044

>all these likes for a bad photoshop
Is it truly this easy

>> No.30730085
File: 33 KB, 626x256, 1635913281017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just telling you how it is, cunny isn't another word for loli and it has been used to refer to real girls for longer than it has lolis.
Even the uoh meme comes from an actual pedo.

>> No.30730129

people aren't even aware it's a photoshop with towa, so yes

>> No.30730174
File: 137 KB, 532x1207, 191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.30730257

They probably think it really stands for "cute and funny"

>> No.30730264

I'm perfectly aware, but do you think they care about that? For them it's just le funny meme and it's going to remain that way
Lazy bait

>> No.30730289

lmao get rekt whora

>> No.30730329

>no, don't pointing out that the words being used to refer to drawings of children come from people who want to fuck children
Don't look up where loli comes from

>> No.30730432

I know and I don't care, you're not in good company

>> No.30730468

The fact that you don't care has fuck all to do with the discussion, dumbass.

>> No.30730495

meme that got run to the ground

>> No.30730512

Mass quoters deserve the rope.
Also, you are the one with reddit caps, you go back.

>> No.30730529

Pedos ITT

>> No.30730542
File: 61 KB, 1080x370, 393581893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually forgot how infested with normalfags this board is

>> No.30730594

This board is the most tourist friendly newfag board on the site.
The next is /v/ and /a/. Yes, /a/. /a/ was ruined by the dumb alienfags just like /v/ was.

>> No.30730721
File: 52 KB, 512x384, 1AA8256B-2D22-4D67-A89F-D3EF3F90F171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply don't care about your "true" lolicon faggotry, get lost

>> No.30730773

Ohhh no /vt/Bros we got too cocky

>> No.30730849

No one was saying anything about "true lolicon", you just started rambling about it for no reason.

>> No.30730850

Again, that has literally nothing to do with the discussion, retard. I merely pointed out that the normalfags using it don't know the origin or significance of the words to reply to the question that you yourself asked and you immediately got defensive like a little bitch, even though I never referred to you.

>> No.30730910

You keep using that word, I'm not sure you know what it means

>> No.30731009

It's an art post of a cute Mori, they probably just liked it and moved on

>> No.30731108
File: 304 KB, 1191x1078, 7682A44E-5975-469E-A163-074F4482B1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I apologize then. My mind went to another place
Anyway, normalfags couldn't care less about any of the UOH and cunny memes originating in /tv/. It's just something that escaped from 4chan like most memes from this website and lolicon normalfags liked it and became popular with them

>> No.30731173

Well duh, moot killed /a/ when he repealed the ban on naruto discussion. Should've done the opposite and banned all WSJ series, their 90 IQ fans are a cancer

>> No.30734138


>> No.30736608

There's a guy who's going through all the Holo girls and fusing them with Towa.
Naturally, the tweet in OP's picture isn't even the original and yet it's getting more traction. Actually now that I look at it, the repost didn't even change anything, just made it lower quality.

>> No.30737038

It is, so I don't see where the cunny comes from.

>> No.30738791

it does
language is a cunny thing if you repeat something enough it eventually becomes a real meaning

>> No.30738858

The most tourist friendly board is /pol/.

>> No.30739971

/pol/ is a mere drop in the ocean compared to /a/ and /v/. Not because of those boards separately, because they have other "sub-boards" for specific sub-interests in them that people did flock to back when both boards were so fucking fast threads could die in seconds (more so on /v/ in that regard)
/vg/ unironically saved /v/ from being essentially impossible to use.

>> No.30740218

/a/ is decently slow these days and one of the few boards actively hostile to the 2016 election tourists.

>> No.30741815

cunnyposting will be the way pedos worm their way into lgbt acceptable mark my words

>> No.30742499

>Japanese company allows for Westerners to enjoy sex-segregated youthful-virgin-glorifying entertainment.
Thank you Glorious Nippon

>> No.30743671

I thought he was quoting a 2d loli art in that tweet.
Even the rape correction tweet was about an idolm@ster cunny screenshot.

>> No.30743786


>> No.30744185

If you’re over eighteen and still buy into the us vs normies/normalfag shit then you need to take a break from sitting alone indoors at the computer for a while.

>> No.30744363


>> No.30745909

It's gap cunny

>> No.30748405

i love cunny

>> No.30748975
File: 847 KB, 1000x768, 1625847442384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30752785


>> No.30755531

He is, he just happened to be a pedo too

>> No.30759762

I love cunny so much

>> No.30760621

I hate jannies so much
