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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30685802 No.30685802 [Reply] [Original]

>the first holostars collab is with the worst member of en
do you rike it?

>> No.30686105

I was thinking about watching it but realized that Magni or even Noir won’t be able to make Mori tolerable.

>> No.30686310

No. I'm becoming a Nijinigger now.

>> No.30686396

I'd rather they collabed with Bae instead.

>> No.30686490

I fucking hate how it's Mori who's collabing with Nowa-oji. Anyone else would've been better.

>> No.30686493

Nope, I will never watch anything with Mori.

>> No.30686605

Nope. They did my boys dirty

>> No.30686660

Any other EN/ID girl would've been better honestly. I don't care about the gender separation but I don't get why they made an exception for Mori of all people

>> No.30686779

I remember before Tempus debuted, Mori said she wasn’t going to collab with Tempus anytime soon so they can have time to grow. Guess that was another lie.

>> No.30686927

Bae, Ina, Ame, Fauna, Kiara... All of them were very welcoming to our boys. It should have been one of them.
ID girls too except Ollie, she's obnoxious

>> No.30687101

The way /vt/ talk about Mori you’d think she killed your parents or something

>> No.30687425

I don’t have a throbbing hate boner for Mori like most here. She’s annoying but I just don’t watch her. If it’s gets more eyes on the Tempus boys then good.

>> No.30687468

>even reddit hates it

>> No.30687500

she did and made a song about it

>> No.30687512

That's literally what the collab ban is, retard.

>> No.30687549

Go suck Connor’s cum out of Mori’s pussy, deadcuck.

>> No.30687582

I don't even like Mori. But getting upset that she's collabing with Tempus after she's already collabed with Holostars and fucking Connor/Gigguk is like getting mad at the sun for rising in the morning.

>> No.30687604

collab ban means shit ever since en comes around. it means less than that after en2 debut

>> No.30687640

I’m not even upset about her collabing with Tempus, just calling her out for saying she wan’t going to collab with Tempus anytime soon even after the collab ban.

>> No.30687700

It was 3 weeks since the Tempus debuts. It's probably shortened but it's still in place.

>> No.30687714

So you believe she was stating that she wouldn't collab with them for the time she wasn't allowed to collab with them? I mean... really anon? That's such an obvious thing that she wouldn't even need to say it if that's all she meant. She's free to do what she wants, but I cannot in good faith believe that's what she meant when she said that.

>> No.30687857

yeah but I like tempus and would prefer that mori doesnt collab with them because I don't like mori

>> No.30687871

based, keep nowa away from that whore

>> No.30688364

Ohhh no chumcucks it's over

>> No.30688555

No fucking respect to the starJP

>> No.30688643

anon part of that was a cavet that they needed to establish themselves first.
Which they did.

>> No.30689228

I mean, she's the most obvious one they could collab with because she's been labelled their "dad". I don't really see the issue because they'll do like one or two collab streams that'll be either okay or a bit awkward and then presumably just go back to how things were before.

It's good promotion for Tempus, and Mori's fanbase is probably the least likely to freak out about collabs with men at this point, so I think it's fine.

>> No.30689290

Tempus sisters... Are the boys whores? They're literally just outright cucking us

>> No.30689513
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Nothing wrong with our boys having fun! I just want them to land a good girl that will apprecciate their personalities, not these fucking FILTHY FUCKING WHORES who will just use them.

>> No.30689517

I think you need a 3-digit IQ to enjoy Nowa's streams. Her fanbase may not cut it anymore. After being repeatedly forced to listen to her talk about Shrek, their brains are practically leaking from their ears.

>> No.30689575

They're doing this because Mori is a lesbian in all but name. She's basically a man. Therefore this collab is MEGA GAY

>> No.30689709

StarsJP numbers is low that why

>> No.30689907

Nah, Noir can definitely dumb down his convo skills. His favorite movie is Happy Gilmore afterall, so he’ll get along with Mori just fine.

>> No.30690639
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>If you apply for StarsEN and get in you'll be forced to play along that Mori is your dad

Can you do it, anon?

>> No.30690772

>Actually you need a very high IQ to enjoy Vesper Noir

>> No.30690868
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End of Hololive

>> No.30690884

Anon, I don't know how to break this to you gently. So I'm just gonna come out and say it. 100 is the baseline average.

>> No.30690934

Why does a hololive fan care about "promoting tempus"?

Are you a hololive fan, or a cover-corporation fan?

>> No.30691580

I will ignore any and all Holo tweets and not reply to any of them. The only exception will be a tweet by Mori making mention of her worn out "dad" joke, which I will reply to only with
and proceed to continue ignoring her existence.

>> No.30691670

based, can't wait for the debut

>> No.30691686

Uncle Nowa himself is fine but his fanbase has quickly become one of the most obnoxious on the board.

>> No.30692991

his fanbase is literally everyone here, please get over yourself

>> No.30693180

Lol, it's the opposite. I'm a fan of Tempus. I have pretty much zero interest in female VTubers aside from music collabs with the male ones, so promoting Tempus is pretty much the only reason this collab matters to me.

>> No.30693486

kys faggot

>> No.30693538

And you’ll get your ass beaten down by management

>> No.30693608

Mori reviewed cuck art of herself, I think I'll be fine deadbeat lol

>> No.30693823

So what will be Mori's big yab this time that she'll inevitably blame on her drinking?

>> No.30693902

She’s going to tell people to tune in to her DD debut on twitch at the end of the collab.

>> No.30694631

Probably nothing big. She'll try to worm someone like deadmouse or some other vshoslut in there like that one terraria thing she did, or maybe bring up dragging a girl that doesn't want to collab with the guys into a collab with them and pu them in an awkward spot because of it. She seems content to make everything she touches shit slowly now.
