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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3063913 No.3063913 [Reply] [Original]

chuubas killed whatever has left of my interest in Anime

>> No.3063948

what about anime watchalongs?

>> No.3063964

vtubers are a superior form of escapism

>> No.3063967

literally the only reason why I still watch anime

>> No.3063984

You ain't missing much, in fact you haven't missed that much in the recent years

>> No.3064003

I feel guilty watching vtubers, anime, playing games, anything else, because I know I could be doing something productive instead.

>> No.3064009

Chuubas are literally IRL anime girls, so there's no point in watching slice of life anime anymore. If only they had a full season action anime. Now, I'd watch the shit out of that.

>> No.3064166

Are you me?

>> No.3064285 [DELETED] 

It's apples and oranges, really. They both serve a different purpose and I can enjoy both of them for their own reasons.

>> No.3064864

Good. Anime is fucking garbage.

>> No.3064954

Indie EN Vtubers very often have anime nights on their Discord servers and honestly i never watched that much anime as i watch now.

>> No.3064967

Good. Anime was a mistake.

>> No.3065160
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Think about how much time you spend doing shit you don't even enjoy and doesn't benefit you in any real way. That's probably the first thing you should cut out before worrying about wasting time on things that you do enjoy

>> No.3065277

Stop posting relatable content.

>> No.3065311

are you looking for validation or something because watching someone else play a videogame and pretending to be your girlfriend is still garbage

>> No.3065344

Rather than wait for a new anime episode every week, I'd just wait till its finished while watching Vtubers. Watching anime in one or two seating is better imo

>> No.3065370

Luckily most recent anime are trash, I blame 3D renders that look revolting but is dirt cheap

>> No.3065412

You will overconsume on vtubers until you're fatigued of them and come back watching some animes here and there. Happens to everyone.
There is some good shows this season as well like Super Cub or Shadows House.

>> No.3065416

I cut things like eating and sleeping out a long time ago, anon

>> No.3065474

I'd listen to streams while studying or working out. Even better when there's a karaoke.

>> No.3065505

>Think about how much time you spend doing shit you don't even enjoy and doesn't benefit you in any real way.
Other than being paid to do it, that describes my job. When I try to do things I enjoy that don't improve any skills I can only look back at the end of the day and wonder why I wasn't instead improving myself to escape blue collar hell. It's still sad missing streams when I know I'll never have time to see the vods, but If I'm honest with myself I can't name even three things worth remembering when I do catch them.

>> No.3065782

Same, but I dropped out of watching anime already some years ago. I used to follow about a dozen shows each season, which became less and less over time, and it's not even because of practical reasons like not having enough time as I'm still the same filthy neet with nothing to do, it just became less and less interesting each season (and/or I became more and more jaded). Once every while I still at least check the anicharts to see if something new catches my eye, but 90 % of everything is shit as usual, and the 10 % that could potentially be interesting just seem like inferior imitations of better shows I've already seen.

To be honest, I think that's basically just a consequence of my personality type. I tend to obsess and go deep on a certain thing or hobby for a while, but once I feel like I've got everything out of it I get bored and move on to whatever next thing comes along.

>> No.3065895

I don't even watch any anime for years, and before vtubers boom I just followed jp artists twitter and occasionally read manga.

>> No.3065997

>I pull shit out of my ass
the last season was great, 2020 in general was neat
I can agree that spring21 is not realy worth it desu

>> No.3067505

>so there's no point in watching slice of life anime anymore
There's one good reason. You don't have to really worry about roommates having boyfriends or being a whore.

>> No.3067581

Were all you guys literally just watching anime for cute girls? There's plenty that anime offers that Vtubers simply cannot, I can't imagine abandoning one for the other

>> No.3067608

And yet you are here, wasting time on a mongolian cave paintings website about cute girl pupets shadow theater
Protip anon, an hour watching anime, playing video games, etc IS something way more productive than browsing this hellhole.

>> No.3067658

Same, my solution was to just drop out of seasonal and watch old shit instead that I never did before. It is fun

>> No.3067686
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I'm only here between reps so it doesn't count.

>> No.3067717

I have a list of anime girls I really like and I wish their show would go on. I also noticed, my appeal greatly comes from voice acting of the characters. Chuubas gift you hours of content with their voice. That's a benefit. But the time to graduate for whatever reasons will come for every chuuba.

>> No.3067791

>the last season was great
the only memorable thing is SNK and everybody knows how hard did that flop

>> No.3067822

You have been here for over 2h anon
Get out of /vt/ and go do something productive with your day!

>> No.3068039

Well your taste is shit, can't do much about that

>> No.3068041

Mangachad here. I have nothing more to say.

>> No.3068120

Anime is inferior to all other forms of media in every way other than in female character design

>> No.3068131

Good, anime is shit anyway. Enjoy your chuubas.

>> No.3068140

Based and source-pilled.

>> No.3068178

That happens sometimes. For me I go through phases. Years ago I was watching a ton of seasonal anime, then I eventually started reading more manga. The Kizuna Ai and the original Vtubers started coming out, started watching them but they weren't streamers so they didn't take too much of my time. Then I stopped watching muhc anime and only read manga, then Hololive/Nijisanji got huge over the quarantine last year and I completely stopped with both anime and manga and only watched vtubers. Now I still mainly watch them but also went to a couple shows a season.
Yeah, it happens. Ultimately, I personally feel it is good to have a balance between multiple hobbies, anime, manga, video games, vtubers, etc.

>> No.3071273

this is something people say all the time and i don't get it. your brain only has room for one form of japanese entertainment at a time or something?

>> No.3073548

I don't get it either. I've been following ~20 shows a season for years and I won't pretend more than a quarter of those were really worth telling anyone about, but it's never had an effect on how many vtubers or anything I watch. The only thing I've really cut out of my life is video games and that's only because they're huge time sinks.

>> No.3074266

I didn't even realise it, but I didn't watch anime for months after I found chuubas. They fill essentially the same niche for me, but are interactive. Imagine watching K-On, but you can pay money to ask Yui a question or get her to say something funny.

>> No.3074376

not only that, but they play the video games you love, and have several hundred times the amount of content as k-on. they're also a real person and react to real things, so their personality is much deeper. vtubers are just the best of real people and anime girls mixed

>> No.3074424

>Were all you guys literally just watching anime for cute girls
It's not like anime has anything else to offer these days

>> No.3074472

yes??? what the fuck else is there? anime stories are absolute garbage, there is nothing original and most shows are just filler and fanservice with god awful comedy. vtubers are anime just with the shit parts taken out

>> No.3074761

It's really something to hear these women inhabiting these moe anime personas, but talking in actual conversational Japanese and improvising with it. More vivid than typical moe anime, you could say.

>> No.3074897

>If only they had a full season action anime. Now, I'd watch the shit out of that.

Give it time.

>> No.3079735

Stop watching seasonal shit and take the retro pill

>> No.3079781

legit pity why you'd waste your time on something you totally hate

>> No.3079783

Don't let the Jewish tricks take over your mind

>> No.3079841
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hasn't dug into my anime watching or interest at all. I get pretty different things from watching chuubas and watching anime. Watching something like 3-gatsu doesn't really evoke the same emotions as watching Korone.

>> No.3079882

A lot of anime is shit and I only watched like 10 shows seasonally because I was bored. Now I watch 1 or 2 a season and spend a much more time on chuubas

>> No.3079920
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>not putting your protestant guilt work ethic in the fridge

>> No.3080024

I tried quitting flapping, but at this point I'm too addicted.

>> No.3080767

I want to manhandle Kino

>> No.3082754

This, but I don't really even play video games anymore. It's just chuubas and this place now.

>> No.3082860

There's only 24 hours in a day

>> No.3083280

Vtubers have the FOMO allure. You can hardly post on /vt/ without being up to date on everything that's happening in whatever chuuber circle you follow. Ultimately I don't find it very fulfilling though. No vtuber or stream will ever be as meaningful to me as my favorite anime, manga, games, music, ect. It's good youtube content to pass the time and I have fun posting here but after spending time watching a stream I can't help but feel it was pointless.

>> No.3092115


>> No.3092176

Seasonal anime is pretty unfulfilling anon. And if you say "Then watch good shows." Yes, I already did, hundreds of them. No reason to watch yet another show with all the familiar tropes I know just to check it off a meaningless list.

>> No.3092289

time commitment really
between sleep, job, watching streams, shitposting and my gachas i can only spare so much

>> No.3092320

I don't understand that. I miss most streams when they happen, and just watch clips/VODs at my own pace. There's no stress then

>> No.3092357

This is exactly why a lot of people aren't interested in modern shit anymore. All the good stuff have already been watched, there's nothing left.

>> No.3092634

We are

>> No.3092659

Isayama already did that to me.

>> No.3092747

I've actually started to get back into anime after getting into vtubers

>> No.3092752

I felt the same, but all it takes is one good title to get hooked again. I devoured Jujutsu Kaisen and Higurashi Gou in several days.

>> No.3092920

I think I lost braincells from the amelia watson promare watchalong. all she does is make faggot retard sperg noises
everyone besides eldergod wizards have a huge backlog of classics to watch. shut up
I stave off the guilt with my real job, but I feel that.
I still think you can get different things from watching a CGDCT or iyashikei show but I kind of agree. Depends on the show

>> No.3092979

I can't remember any single great anime from last 5 years, just tons of mediocre isekai, LN adaptions and fujoshit.

>> No.3093022


>> No.3093028

>t. woke weeb with 100 watched show on MAL

>> No.3093275

vtubers are basically slice of life anime

>> No.3093300

>he isn't watching anime and vtubers at the same time
get on my level you lazy faggot

>> No.3093412

Could this be the most brainlet take? Can you not rub two braincells together to appreciate the depths of thought provoking plots, characters and the virtues they hold to inspire and educate us? Are you only watching coom bait? Does listening to a chuuba speak in a stream of consciousness really make you think? Or is it the fear of missing out on something live that keeps you glued to a 3 hour stream. God forbid you become a clipfag...

>> No.3093434

Anime was never good
Manga, on the other hand..

>> No.3094209

>not turning vtubers into something productive by making them your reps

>> No.3094511

Jesus fucking christ no wonder everyone thinks you faggots are bronies come again.

>> No.3095338
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Sucks to be you, I recently started Kanji: Ultimate Survivor and I'm having a blast

>> No.3095412


>> No.3095426

Ah shit, I misspelled, whatever

>> No.3095977
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>Why yes, my only pre-chuuba connection to Japanese entertainment was bingereading completed manga series, how could you tell?

>> No.3096167


>> No.3097211



everyone who gets stressed out from too much input or can't shedule his time is either mentally challenged or a child.
VTubers also don't offer the best quality in their respective field. There are tons of better music/content creators, players and so on. With that being said engaging in discussions about subjective things can be entertaining enough. Even a seasonal Anime which isn't normally worth watching can turn into something great when theres something that's outstanding and generating discussion.

>> No.3097411

Manga killed most of my interest in anime beforehand desu(Then I went mostly for novels)
What's the point of watching six hours of anime when I could get five times ahead of it in the manga with less filter?
Yeah, some adaptations do cool shit or improve on source material but most of the time it's filler
Anime originals on the other hand are pretty hit or miss

>> No.3097436

>reading completed manga series
eminently based

>> No.3098296

Not for me, at least until Thunderbolt Fantasy ends.
