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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30614878 No.30614878 [Reply] [Original]

I have granted myself some small relief. It is not merely pure malice when I praise Fubuki in this thread at the expense of Gura. Interspersed with many jokes, I bring up a matter that is no joke. To turn my back on Gura was for me a fate; to like anything at all again after that, a triumph. Perhaps nobody was more dangerously attached to—grown together with—Gura shrimping; nobody tried harder to resist it; nobody was happier to be rid of it. A long story! — you want a word for it?—If I were a moralist, who knows what I might call it? Perhaps self-overcoming.—But the chudly weeb has no love for moralists. Neither does he love pretty words.

What does a chudly weeb demand of himself first and last? To overcome his time in himself, to become "timeless." With what must he therefore engage in the hardest combat? With whatever marks him as the child of his time. Well, then! I am, no less than Gura, a child of this time; that is, a decadent: but I comprehended this, I resisted it. The weeaboo chud in me resisted.

Nothing has preoccupied me more profoundly than the problem of decadence—I had reasons. "Based and cringe"is merely a variation of that problem. Once one has developed a keen eye for the symptoms of decline, one understands morality, too—one understands what is hiding under its most sacred names and value formlas: hollow life (Hololive?), the will to the end, the great weariness. Morality negates life.

For such a task i required a special self-discipline: to take sides against everything sick in me, including Gura, Mori, including all modern "simpery."—A profound estrangement, cold, sobering up—against everything that is of this time, everything timely—and most desirable of all, the eye of Hitler, an eye that beholds the whole fact of man at a tremendous distance—below. For such a goal—what sacrifice wouldn't be fitting? what "self-overcoming"? what "self-denial"?

My greatest experience was a recovery. Gura is merely one of my sicknesses.

Not that I wish to be ungrateful to this sickness. when in this thread I assert the proposition that Gura is harmful, I wish no less to assert for whom he is nevertheless indispensable—for the chudly weeb. Others may be able to do without Gura; but the weeb chud is not free to do without Gura. He has to be the bad conscience of this time: for that he needs to understand it best. But confronted with the labyrinth of the modern soul, where could he find a guide more initiated, a more direct prophet of the soul, than Gura? Through Gura modernity speaks most intimately, concealing neither what is based nor what is cringe—having forgotten all sense of shame. And conversely: one has almost completed an account of the value of what is modern once one has gained a clarity about what is based and cringe in Gura.

I understand perfectly when and indie says today:
>I hate Gura, but I can no longer endure any other Vtuber.
But I'd also understand a chudly weeb who would declare:
>Gura sums up modernity. There is no way out, one must first become a Chumbud."

>> No.30615398

Modifying a Nietzsche does not make you cool.

>> No.30615654

Amazing, OP not only fooled himself into thinking that he's smart he also fooled himself into believing he can write.

>> No.30615728

This fucking sucks delete it and kys

>> No.30616720

Yesterday I wathed—would you believe it?—Fubuki's stream, for the twentieth time. Again I stayed there with tender devotion; again I did not switch to a different tab. This triumph over my ADHD Zoomer impatience surprises me. How such a stream makes one perfect! One's thoughts become a "stream" of their own.

Really, every time I heard "King World" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVaQpUUAzik I seemed to myself more of a weeb, a better chud, than I generally consider myself: so patient do I become, so happy, so un-Southeast Asian, so settled.— To sit five hours: the first stage of holiness.

May I say that the tone of Fubuki's stream is almost the only one I can still endure? That other streaming tone which is now fashion, Gura's, brutally, artificially "innocent"—thus it speaks all at once to the perversion of the modern soul!—how harmful for me is this Gawr Gura's streaming tone! I call it sirocco. I break out into a disagreeable sweat. My good weather is gone.

This other chuuba seems perfect to me. She approaches lightly, supplely, politely. She is pleasant, it does not make me sweat. "What is good is light; whatever is divine moves on tender feet": first principle of my aesthetics. This stream is evil, subtly fatalistic: at the same time it remains popular—its subtlety belongs to the Japanese race, not to an individual. It is rich. It is precise. It builds, organizes, finishes: thus it constitutes the opposite of the polyp in streaming, the "unbuilt Atlantis." Have more painful tragic accents ever been seen on a stream? How are they achieved? Without grimaces. Without counterfeit. Without the lie of the faux-loli style.

Finally, this chuuba treats the listener as intelligent, as if himself a streamer—and is in this respect, too, the counterpart of Gura, who was, whatever else she was, at any rate the most impolite genius in the world (Gura treats us as if——she says one line so often—till one despairs—till one believes it's actually cute).

Once more: I become a better human being when this Fubuki speaks to me. Also a better content creator, a better listener. Is it even possible to listen better?— I actually bury my senses within this stream to hear its causes. It seems to me I experience its genesis—I tremble before dangers that accompany some strange risk; I am delighted by strokes of good fortune of which Fubuki is innocent.— And, oddly, deep down I don't think of it, or don't know how much I think about it. For entirely different thoughts are meanwhile running through my head.

Has it been noticed that Vtubers liberate the spirit? give wings to thought? that one becomes more of a clear thinker the more one becomes a stream enjoyer?— The gray sky of gynocracy rent as if by lightning; the light strong enough for the tiniest details of things; the great problems near enough to grasp; the 3D world surveyed as from a superior dimension.— I have just defined the pathos of chudrage.— And unexpectedly answers drop into my lap, a little hail of ice and wisdom, of solved problems.— Where am I?— Fubuki makes me fertile. Whatever is based makes me fertile. I have no other gratitude, nor do I have any other proof for what is based.

>> No.30616795
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>> No.30616815

Mucho texto

>> No.30616982

can you start making schizo threads about someone else these are getting really fucking boring. maybe try mori she is low hanging fruit

>> No.30617060

Oh boy this next part about Carmen and the essence of love is gonna be rough

>> No.30617234

Hell yeah we don't shit on Mori enough around here.

>> No.30617994

I can't comprehend this thesis

>> No.30618267

I used to ''like'' (try to leech from) Gura when I was a 2 view, now that i'm inclining I can finally drop the kayfabe and say i hate her for people to call me based.

>> No.30619409

It's the wrong way around. Nietzsche would've been a chumbud

>> No.30623979

It actually does. OP is a based well-read schizo of culture.

>> No.30624694 [DELETED] 

Yeah probably, just like Gura can't finish a long game or a Minecraft project, Nietzsche could never build a real theory like Kant, or make well constructed arguments like Russell.

His whole work is a collection of bite sized superficial aphorisms. Even as Gura's career is a collection of cute clips without any real substance.

>> No.30625104
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You do not need human contact
Emotions besides anger are fucking gay.
Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind
Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important.
Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
