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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3052855 No.3052855 [Reply] [Original]

Why are clipfags like this?

>> No.3052932


>> No.3052954
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, Smug Koyomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having to work when you can just coast off of clips.

>> No.3052953

Why are you hating?

>> No.3053014

I hate clipfags but honestly I can't blame them. Some of them probably make some decent money for how low effort this all is.

>> No.3053083

Use cover's report form to report him. Cover clearly states clipfags aren't allowed to monetize clips.

>> No.3053086

honestly, good for them. If some random kid can make several hundred bucks off of telling me to buy grammerly for the 500th time, more power to them

>> No.3053094

I wouldn't mind them but then they do shit like what I see up there. Stuff like their "voice reveal" or "face reveal". No one gives a shit about you they watch for your shit clips

>> No.3053177

Report those clip channels for using other peoples property.
Cant expect Cover to do all the work.

>> No.3053181

They really aren't allowed? I've seen many channels that do monetize

>> No.3053369
File: 261 KB, 1131x919, Dont you have something you want to tell me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to put up or shut up opchama https://cover-corp.com/report/en/#lang

>> No.3053801

Article 4 section 2.6

Also a lot of seaniggers that barely speak Japanese are using hololive clips as a source of free money.

>> No.3054060
File: 214 KB, 820x1064, 1619667120759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... I don't want to give them all that information anon

>> No.3054245

Gura the company you work for isn't going to doxx you probably

>> No.3056000

Report sent.

Does VShojo have a report page? Their legal page specifically forbids monetizing clip compilations and it'd be great to have two companies shitting on him.

>> No.3057117
File: 204 KB, 463x293, loli sees your dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to protect yourself or your oshi?

>> No.3058929

>Article 4 section 2.6
Imagine being this guy.

>> No.3059120


>> No.3059161
File: 1.37 MB, 600x901, aquaboogey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally wouldn't give a shit, but fuck clipfags. I'm going to report each clipfag channel I see from now on.

How new?

>> No.3059297

I know someone who basically paid all his debt and his uni just from clipping vtubers. Can't blame him when he so cornered and can't do anything other than that with a shitty laptop.

>> No.3059424
File: 7 KB, 249x202, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting money
i'm using ublock

>> No.3059460

If he were actually clipping interesting content, I'd happily let him make money off of it. But he only clips retarded memeshit, which only attracts retarded meme-spouting faggots. He shouldn't be allowed to make clips, let alone make money off of them.

>> No.3059632
File: 155 KB, 764x185, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also consider how they're getting burger dollars when they have to live in SEA.
you might think it's not big money but $3,50 is already 50.000 RP (indonesian rupiah, which is in itself a tenth of the meme that is indian rupiah approximately)

Flats in Jakarta go for 3 billion RP, or just shy of $200k, now try rural Indonesia

found 29 ha of land for 950.000 RP, or 19 Big Macs.

>> No.3059768

It's not like it costs Cover anything. As for the quality, true, only actual work should be rewarded, but who's to judge? And meme-spouting faggots' views are still views.
The only thing I would report for sure is any kind of misinformation, be it through mistranslation or through clipping out of context.

>> No.3060447

incredibly based reportfag

>> No.3060477

Must be all polluted and shit, there's a trick there

>> No.3060632


>> No.3060638
File: 154 KB, 322x315, 1617410283843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already posted when I found out it's square meter prices, anyways youtube is a good income for them.

>> No.3060640

Industrial land, so probably yeah. Also you most likely have to use it for industrial purposes or else you can't buy it.

>> No.3061988
File: 1.92 MB, 1550x1113, firefox_64JRf0oFX4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level of attention whoring from this seanigger

>> No.3062029

This is real???????

>> No.3062053
File: 536 KB, 1242x1884, vtubersimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/ qdY4PdafFVE
Yes. But don't go opening it to give him views and adding him to the algorithm.

>> No.3062071

He has enough money for figures

>> No.3062312
File: 805 KB, 1080x1937, Screenshot_20210313-2138482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gay btw

>> No.3063224

He does realize that people only watch his channel for the vtubers, right? He doesn't actually think that people are subscribed for the person who runs the channel, rather than for the actual content, does he?

>> No.3063260


>> No.3063517

How do you know if the video is monetized? Youtube can put adds on your videos even if you are not partnered.

>> No.3063651

In this case, the dude is literally announcing that he’s monetized. But in other cases, who knows?

>> No.3063735

Checked. Based trips of fucking over a clipfaggot.
It would be cool if someone linked the actual Report page so lazy anons would be more likely to do something.

>> No.3063963

>the amount of filters on that photo

>> No.3064032

Wait hold up. I thought you needed to have your videos be longer than 10 minutes in order to have them monetized. Since when is this different?

>> No.3064072

It costs their talents views. How many forgo the streams in lieu of the clips?
No sympathy for clipnigs.
The ones that actually do some fucking work like translate to another language is one thing, but clipping say an en girl without translating to another language is another matter. Thats just leeching.

>> No.3064175

You are thinking of midrolls.

>> No.3072403


>> No.3072965

Why doesn't cover hire a couple of actually competent translators and shut down the shitty clipping cabal?

>> No.3073036


>> No.3073174

Cover being Cover

>> No.3077542

Because it'd be too expensive to pay people to make clips at the same rate that clip channels currently put them out, and Hololive's success is directly connected to how much exposure they get. They do have translators, for multiple languages, for videos uploaded to the main Hololive channel. They even occasionally do clip compilations to highlight all of the members. But it's infinitely cheaper and more effective to let fans make clips on their own and handle any major problems when they come up.

>> No.3077853


>> No.3078056

Dangerously Based

>> No.3079147
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1619733925352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber SIMP

>> No.3079243

Thats the trick, i'm latinx and used to work freelance charging 100usd for a project. With 200usd i could pay one month rent (in fact more like 150 or so), i could do 5 projects in one month and earn more money than the top 15% of my country... and i still got american freelancers shitting on me for charging cheap lmao.

>> No.3079257


>> No.3079261

Is he 13?

>> No.3079321

reminder not to put all clipniggers in the same basket
translators, even shitty ones, and people that actually go through the trouble of editing various clips together are valueable members of the community
the rest deserve to be nuked, especially the clickbaiters and doxfags

>> No.3079416
File: 997 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20210225-2250562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Honey <3

>> No.3079459

>my fanbase
is he serious?

>> No.3079557 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1080x1913, FB_IMG_1614267355111-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my current looks

>> No.3079677

I didn't know monetization is illegal wow

>> No.3079701

As much as hate to admit it, p. much all decent holo subs were being made by chinks. They eventually got the divine punishment for using EOP poison to boost their oshi's number.

>> No.3079828
File: 6 KB, 511x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked homo

>> No.3079977

Fucking based.

>> No.3080693

I kneel

>> No.3080731

Do these faggots think people actually care about them? Fuck these parasites.

>> No.3080845

Hololive should start filtering some of these clippers, they're all seaniggers that barely have intermediate level of English.

>> No.3082644

Just report them, here's the link >>3053369

>> No.3084118

>cover dmcas them
>claims ad revenue for themselves
>make more money for hololive then any of the fags in these threads
I don't get the problem OP. Is your oshi coming off as too much of a whore?

>> No.3088875

Youtube puts ads on videos whether you monetize or not, so idk why you guys go around reporting people trying to jew google.
I do however support reporting SEAnigs who can speak neither english nor japanese

>> No.3090705

>Youtube puts ads on videos whether you monetize or not
No, they don't. lol

>> No.3090799

I'm pretty sure it is now automatic. The person you are replying to is still retarded though because the fag in OP is celebrating being monetized.

>> No.3090854

uck off

>> No.3090898

praise be

>> No.3091032

>I'm 13

>> No.3091034

>I'm pretty sure it is now automatic
Do you have any proof that this actually happens, ignoring copyright claims? As far as I know it's just a bunch of people whinging about youtube changing their terms of service.

>> No.3091061

>making money by clipping and editing streams
Pretty based if you can manage it

>> No.3091183


The average chumbud

>> No.3091551

I want his channel to be fucking gone so damn bad ngl

>> No.3091572

Had me until

>> No.3093754

>as a creator that’s not in YPP, you may see ads on some of your videos

>> No.3094157

Again I am asking for proof that they are doing this. Just because their terms of service says they can, it does not mean that they are actually doing this. Feel free for yourself to go to a number of unmonetized channels and you will see that there are no ads on the videos. I've done it and I do not see any ads.

>> No.3094171

They supposedly aren't allowed but Cover leaves them be anyway. Clips are what get recommended to new viewers, not streams. So if a clipper gets money out of clips, it means they'll be more likely to make more. Hololive Moments used to be the big source of Hololive clips, and they supposedly got more than a million bucks out of ad revenue

>> No.3094490

Shows me ads here for example. I don't know how to check if a channel is monetized by the owner or not but Afghanistan is excluded from YPP so at least that channel can't have a partnership.

>> No.3094496

>fag in OP is celebrating being monetized
>I do however support reporting SEAnigs
I want this guy gone too lmao

And yes youtube puts ads on unmonetized videos, they admit it. Why wouldn't they? It's passing up free money. They also get to keep all of the money if they don't have to split with the video creator.

>> No.3094529


>> No.3094628

>but clipping say an en girl without translating to another language is another matter. Thats just leeching.
For the most part, you are correct, but there are a few redeemable channels that actually do editing from various streams rather than just trim their youtube-dl output

>> No.3094876

Some of the clipper simps like the attention they get from the chuubas.
The non-cringe way is Vtube Tengoku. The cringe way is Osekkai.

>> No.3096589

I checked that channel and I deduced that they are putting ads on their videos. You can tell because they carefully place the midroll ads during the transitions animation they play when they switch between segments, or presenters, or whatever.
>And yes youtube puts ads on unmonetized videos
Yet, I have never seen proof of this happening. All I hear it is supposedly happening, but no once can point to a case where it actually has happened.
>Why wouldn't they? It's passing up free money.
I don't know. Perhaps they want to give creators the option to not have their content interrupted with ads.

>> No.3096688

>HoloEN profile pic
what an unholy combination

>> No.3097098

Vtubers made me hate SEAdogs

>> No.3098595

According to Google channels registered in Afghanistan can not be added into the partner program. So I'm not sure about that.

>> No.3099132


>> No.3101284

You're 1/8 Mexican at most. Dial 8 and then rope faggot.

>> No.3101856

This guy sees your oshi as just a tool to promote his own agenda for popularity.

If you like this guy you are a cuck

>> No.3101923

Respect the hustle, or are you that salty you didn't think about it before?

If you are an ESL friend there might still be time to start a clip translation channel

>> No.3101953

No you are not you pigskin

>> No.3102031

Yes, let's all stand up for Cover Corporation! Take away money from random nobody clippers that promote their talent and probably make pocket change in comparison.

>> No.3102078

based spic beaner

>> No.3102110

No it is just dirty that this guy is making your favorite chuba his own personal meme slut for cash

>> No.3102158

The only thing dirty about all this is that he's acting like it's his fanbase watching these vids and not the pre-existing VTubers' he translates.

>> No.3102167

Suck my dick commie. I'll report every single one of you.

>> No.3102278

reminds me of whenever i search for "Haachama" on youtube, the first result i see is a clip and the channel is around 5 results down.

>> No.3102303

Cry about it seanig

>> No.3102492

>He doesn't know
How new?

>> No.3102614

Latinx basado, haciendo que los gringx's se cagen los calzoncillos

>> No.3102697

How's Cover Corp's semen taste, faggots?

>> No.3102702
File: 1.54 MB, 1192x1536, 1619442194394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't what they do count as advertisement for hololive?
I mean they clip highlights of the streams so that newfags can get into them.
We shouldn't act like crabs in a bucket.
Except for clippers that help Vshoujo, those deserve to die.

>> No.3102797

If they're actually translating (and don't have ESL grammar or just use Google translate) I can accept them making some money cause translation is an admirable effort. Clipping random funneh sounds is not

>> No.3102798


>> No.3102837

Yeah, I agree with this. By TLing a clip, at least some work and value is being brought forth by them.

>> No.3102975
File: 225 KB, 615x544, 1618856686502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on and milk more of your "oshi" fag

>> No.3103112

Yo buddy I think you got the wrong website, Reddit is two blocks down. People actually think "bootlicker" posts are original content there because they're all unemployed 12 year olds like you.

>> No.3104929

I'm not a Redditor, a translator, unemployed, 12 years old. Most importantly though, I'm not pulling moralfag shit over some random corporation that doesn't give a rat's ass about me. TLed clips promote their talent by existing. Who the fuck cares if those translators make some money off it? Take a step back for two seconds, and ask yourself who is this hurting (the answer is no one) and why you're sticking up for Cover when they can't even step in to help their own talent deal with shit like anti-spam and harassment, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3105107

>I'm not a redditor
Yeah ok redditor.

>> No.3105204

No argument? I accept your concession.

>> No.3105341

This isn't a blogging site faggot

>> No.3105401

It's three sentences, anon. If you can't respond, just don't.

>> No.3105439
File: 190 KB, 961x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because you keep watching clips

>> No.3105444

>three sentences
It's five.

>> No.3105474

Shit. I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.3106196

Hopefully the vtuber simp faggot will get a strike so you can cry for him somewhere else.
You shouldn't monetize what isn't yours.

>> No.3106486

I was going to say who cares if he monetizes his videos until I saw this. What a faggot lmao

>> No.3106607

I'm not crying for him, he's a faggot for treating his viewers like their fans of him. I just don't see the issue with monetizing his videos, and none of you retards are even trying to address my points. Contribute to the conversation or shut the fuck up.

>> No.3106800

I don't know about youtube but I know twitch forces ads and doesn't pay.

>> No.3106994

why are you like this

>> No.3107849

Speaking of clips, Ame said multiple times she wants to hire someone to make highlights for her channel. She really needs to set something up for people to submit their channels to get picked. Hopefully it's someone like Oniikami or Kowkarot.

>> No.3108366

I don't know about you, but I like getting paid. For these clippers, they're getting paid for doing things they enjoy doing. Sure, it's not actually viable enough to be one's main source of income, but it's nice to have.

>> No.3108511

I’d love if she did this and was successful.
Show cover that they need to do shit like this which big streamers have been doing for years.

>> No.3108724

ez money wtf? aight, I might steal this guy's videos and upload them on my channel with new titles and see how that goes

>> No.3108823

That's pretty brilliant. Just mirror all the clippers clips onto one channel and take all their revenue.

>> No.3108912

>People doing it for free
Holy shit your literally doing their job for them. Your literally all 4chan jannies at this point. Its Cover's fault for not making official clips themselves.

>> No.3108999

Well they are probably breaking the rules in order to get access to money. Most people like money. As I mentioned before youtube would not automatically place prerolls like it does on their videos.

>> No.3112236

is it really possible to become rich by doing basically nothing?

>> No.3112527

why would it do that? the simps wont stop donating $100 to the actual performers every day just because someone made few clips of them to youtube

>> No.3112630

nah. get fucked simps

>> No.3112739

i think that he is a chad for making money of the weebs. pathetic cucks are those who one can constantly see donating $100 to the vtubers
