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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.13 MB, 2551x2551, ayaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30506823 No.30506823 [Reply] [Original]

>Barely streams
>Has no personality
>Never collabs
>Mostly streams fotm games and apologetic zatsus
>Seriously, what even is her personality
>Still hasn't graduated
>Probably will never graduate
>Still able to reach 1.3 Million Subs

How the fuck does she do it?

>> No.30507067

By being woman and cute

>> No.30507224

She does 3D lives and the occasional hologra, I think she also has licensing deals.

>> No.30507259

literally the face of the most famous song cover hololive has produced

and not even on purpose she just happened to be the one they left up when they stopped changing the thumbnail

>> No.30507375
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Her looks and nothing else, like a true ethot.

>> No.30507506
File: 136 KB, 1080x2160, 1629288919586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute looks, fitting voice, entertaining

>> No.30507567

What is entertaining about her? Sure I can understand the cute looks but for the love of god, you can barely get anything out of here since she barely streams, it's the same energy as Sanalites have.

>> No.30507606

Her*, not here my bad

>> No.30507620

I'm convinced no one complains because she's the insurance against being held to any standards in the JP branch.

Also they probably use her as a toilet or punching bag and that's why she's tolerated by some of the tryhards.

>> No.30507974

I mean, what does the quantity of streams have to do with how entertaining someone is?
I can still enjoy the work of musicians and authors, and think of them as a talented, even if they only release one work and then never produce anything else.

>> No.30508092

She used to stream 24/7 anon thats how.

>> No.30508137

Can I add one?
>lives rent free in anon's head

>> No.30508319

She is primarily a streamer, how can you say she is entertaining when she doesn't stream? Again, it's the same thing as Sanalites saying Sana is entertaining because they like her music and the art she makes off hololive. It's histerical. If a streamer barely streams, you can't make a connection with them unless they are already an estabilished personality, and that's why I genuinelly think Ayame is one of the least entertaining holo members, since you can barely know what the hell she wants to do with her channel, viewers and such.

Sure I agree with you that you can enjoy the musc she makes, but you have to realize that besides her voice, her songs are not just an Ayame thing, there is a gigantic team making lyrics, mxing, tuning her voice and such (That goes for any chuuba, but that's my point)

>> No.30508326

I want to fuck Nakiri Ayame in a love hotel and spend 100,000円 a night

>> No.30508381

I would agree with you but I made this thread specifically because I forgot she even existed and wanted to understand what is the appeal and why she is still part of hololive when she is not even present.

>> No.30508463

Has she ever had any on screen interaction with any EN members? I think she might be the only HoloJP that hasn't.

>> No.30508489

Did she used to stream more? Sure. 24/7? Not even close. She used to do a ~20 1-hour streams a month. See >>30485774 and >>30502039

>> No.30508553

cute design, and whoever is in charge of her bits in hologra is a genius

>> No.30508843

She might have had interactions with Kiara but I might be schizoing too hard on this one, so I'm not sure.

>> No.30508942

>primarily a streamer
she is whatever cover pays her to be, not going to go into her work ethetic vs her supposed illness because that is a different topic but at the end of the day the girls can choose their focus and always have been able to

>> No.30509031

I don't have a "connection" to her - I watch her streams because they entertain me. I like cute girls being excited, playing games, making jokes, and she does that well.
Since the music analogy didn't work, I'll try a more obvious comparison: I would eat a piece of chocolate if I had 20 of them, but I would also eat it if I only had one piece. Having only a little doesn't mean it's not worth it.

>> No.30509477

If that's the case then that's fair, if it's as simple as watching cute girls do cute things then I literally cannot say anything against her. I personally prefer watching a streamer when I have a "connection" - As in, they already estabilished what they want to do for entertainment sake and how they will spin their personalitites into different situations. I simply cannot get this with Ayame, since she generally has no direction to what content she wants to make.

Sure I agree with you in the sense that she is whatever cover wants her to be, but I really doubt cover wants her to just be a only merch machine that creates barely any content.

>> No.30512781

>no personality
>most streams fotm games
literally not even true

>> No.30514664

>Fall guys
>Among Us
Come again anon?

>> No.30515074

Do you know what flavor of the month means? Those are just staples at this point.

>> No.30515234

A game being a staple doesn't mean it can't be the flavor of the month. I do understand what you mean by that but I still think these games can be very FOTMy due to the big updates they can get and such.

>> No.30515314

she never played minecraft when it was the big fotm
she never played ark
she never played <latest and greatest single player game>

>> No.30515377

>I personally prefer watching a streamer when I have a "connection" - As in, they already estabilished what they want to do for entertainment sake and how they will spin their personalitites into different situations. I simply cannot get this with Ayame, since she generally has no direction to what content she wants to make.
With Ayame it's more of an event feeling, really. As soon as she goes live people react like it's Christmas

>> No.30515511
File: 119 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it anon
Say the fucking name
Let's open that can of worms and wait 3 seconds for the Das2 shills to be summoned from whatever board they are on

>> No.30516539
File: 277 KB, 1770x2073, Hayao_Miyazaki_cropped_3_Hayao_Miyazaki_201211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers were a mistake. They make tons of money without even having to do anything.

>> No.30521244

>Never collabs
I'm pretty sure she has more collabs than solo streams this year.

Also, she cute and she makes money, which is probably why she makes people from a certain area of the world seethe.

>> No.30521458

OMG she's so cute let me open my wallet and call my bank to get a loan

>> No.30523689

>I'm pretty sure she has more collabs than solo streams this year.
I mean when she barely does solo streams that doesn't say a lot.

>> No.30524284

>how can you say she's entertaining when she doesn't stream?
because she's entertaining when she does stream.

>> No.30524590

Her laugh is out of this world. I could listen to it all day.

>> No.30524745

It's literally this. She is the most transparent example of brand buff plus cute female buff. Look at her and remember that this industry is not a meritocracy.

>> No.30525202

she's funny sometimes.

>> No.30528752

Why put obviously wrong points in the OP? Just stick to seething about her not streaming much.
Well, you're supposed to work smart - not hard. Making money without doing anything is the goal.
Any industry dominated by major corporations is no meritocracy, really. They both have a headstart and strong advantages over their competition, and usually only fall to major bouts of incompetence on their part.

>> No.30529230

whenever I am sad I play some clips of her laughing and then I am no longer sad.
She is more effective than therapy, and I have since redirected all mental health funds into superchats for her. I have spent $17,500 USD on her streams in the past 2 years and I do not give a fuck, she is my hobby, my medicine, and my light in the dark and I stand by her until she retires and graduates

>> No.30530709

>Tell me you're a KFP without telling you are a KFP.

>> No.30530852

Kinda based.

>> No.30533741

KFP wrote this post. They're desperate to make themselves seem human so they try to tack their autism cult onto random things so people see it and think "hey maybe KFP isn't so bad."
