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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 380 KB, 583x237, ayamelazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30459741 No.30459741 [Reply] [Original]

streaming is hard because.... IT JUST IS OK????!!!!!!!!

>> No.30460066

Streaming can be hard, I'll give her that.
What vtubers need to do however is very easy. Incredibly easy. Vtuber streaming is only hard if you don't have any of the equipment and need to jurryrig stuff. Ayame definitely has enough money to not need to do so, considering it's her job and she's been doing it for years now.

I say job, but it's been two months without her doing anything so.

>> No.30460131

She's playing League.

>> No.30460192
File: 299 KB, 360x360, 1614712326266.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced 80% of these vtubers overthink it.
Streamlabs isn't too hard to use and art is subjective. Sometimes a シ works just as well as a fully rendered 3D smiley face.
Content you're too nervous to create never exists. Sometimes you've just gotta scribble. Plus Vtubing has the added bonus of not being tied to your identity. Who cares if you mess up.

>> No.30460478
File: 362 KB, 1024x1024, 97727139_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is a real sperg

If you watched her streams regularly you'd understand she's not fit for exposing herself to criticism or attention that isnt overwhemingly positive or else she retreats in her comfort zone away from Twitter and streaming.

>> No.30460597

then why did she sign up for this?

>> No.30460681

What motives women to do anything? Money.

>> No.30460687

why would you do a job that makes you uncomfortable when you do it correctly? And didn't she stream consistently when she first started?

>> No.30460742

Watch archives when she had 100-200 viewers, she's extremely playful with the chat, bordering GFE, she's still a holo that interacts a lot with chat but she was really chatting and playing with her viewers.

Popularity broke her unironically.

>> No.30460865

point camera at your face, turn on OBS, play a videogame. It's not like she's an actual youtuber that has to write a script, structure a video, and edit it

>> No.30460930

Women cant stop themselves from reading what people say about them

>> No.30461040

meanwhile xQc streaming 17 hours a day every single day

>> No.30461267

first off, fuck you, I don't care about xqc, kill yourself
second, you are absolutely correct why the fuck can't Ayame stream more than once a month?

>> No.30461351

streamers also need a personality too.

>> No.30461417

>male streamers
Ayame literally just acts cute and that's enough. If you don't like that, then I'll say "she already has her act. She just needs to use it."

>> No.30461435

It's hard for these girls because they search their names on twitter and get sad at every negative tweet. And they get depressed.

>> No.30461602

So she's just thin skinned? I think even worse of her now.

>> No.30461754

All women are.

>> No.30461848

Whats hard about it? You just have to turn on OBS and hope you dont call someone a nigger.

>> No.30461907
File: 327 KB, 1006x1350, FKCGJ97UYAM78RM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally this.
The clip in the OP is one of her menhera moments when she doesnt want to acknowledge her antis yet is obssessed by them.

>> No.30461960

That's harder than you think anon. I tried it once, I immediately called something "retarded nigger faggot" and stopped. OBS makes you 50% more racist.

>> No.30461970

Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.30462170

desu this list reads more like she is depressed out her ass and is going to an hero

>> No.30462174
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>using streamlabs

>> No.30462371
File: 89 KB, 1080x247, ayame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early 2019
She really loves her job

>> No.30462370

I get that, but this lists reads more like a series of her being uninterested in the job itself. More like a realization she doesn't need to do anything to get paid.

>> No.30462439

God what a bitch, do pretty much she is on pension mode already in her 20s. Even if she didn’t want to stream why not put to good use her fan SC and use it for music projects like Marine does. Is Ayame even a good singer and/or dancer?

>> No.30462657

Streaming isn’t hard. Streaming as a Hololive vtuber especially isn’t hard. The girls make it hard by having boyfriends AND even then it’s only a problem because they get exposed.
Or they make it hard by responding to every negative comment.

>> No.30462681


>> No.30462725

Streaming can be hard due to a few things.
Good equipment, though as a big name like being under holo, this one's pretty easy
No dead air or very little. A lot of holos fail at this one. Comparing Marine or Noel to the likes of Kronii or Mumei and it's just evident.
Having the actual energy or charisma to keep a stream going. This one is also difficult and not easy to fake without sounding cringe. If you sound like you're dead tired then your stream will naturally feel very bland and boring.
t. nameless 2view doing their streamer reps to apply for the next holo audition.

>> No.30462740

Try not to cause drama (women mode) [Impossible???]

>> No.30462817

>>30462725 (me)
Forgot a big one, might be relevant to some, but being as family friendly as possible. As someone that can easily relate to the likes of Axel, this one's really hard. I swear a lot, no niggers or retard but it's possible to get heated in the moment.

>> No.30463169

As a other (failed) nameless vtuber, I can say that this is definitely the hardest. Not saying nigger is easy, but not saying retard? Incredibly hard. Especially if you're used to saying it in the environment you're streaming from.

>> No.30463301

>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
Based ojou.

>> No.30463396
File: 504 KB, 1297x1729, 1628471382345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I saw they want you to use paypal. Honestly I'm just going to stream for free until I can get YouTube to hand money stuff off to my personal bank. I definitely comfy enough to not need to worry about it.
I'm just the type of person that creates for the sake of creating. Fuck the money. Once you start creating for money you're just a poser or a sell out. Do it for the craft, y'know?

>> No.30463496


>> No.30463610

>but not saying retard? Incredibly hard.
Streamers say "retard" all the time, even coco said once

>> No.30463679

Exactly. It's incredibly hard not to say it. Cause somethings are just retarded.

>> No.30463698
File: 163 KB, 2048x1164, 1642426042175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for someone like ayame, she has to be doing something else behind the scenes. maybe her IRL life has something going on. maybe she's doing recordings for the studio. maybe she's out with someone else. who the hell knows. i can agree that streaming isn't just "oh hey, put this on and i'm good to go", its a lot more on "what am i gonna do today to make someone care for my stream? What am I going to do to make somebody member me?"

>> No.30463760

I understand the autism. But you have to do it for the money, even if you don't want to. There's nothing worse than complacency, you can't just do it for the craft. Don't cut corners, but don't hold yourself back needlessly.

>> No.30463794


In 2020 Ayame pretexted a gastrointestinal infection for her long break.

In 2021 Ayame pretexted moving to a new home and her depression following her lack of progress in her singing performance.

In 2022 Ayame pretexted her grandma illness, (her death ?), her mom being diagnosed with cancer for her longest break

Can't wait to see what she has in store for 2023

>> No.30463802

She worked on the scenes of Bloom, i remember this.
But most of all she's a hikkineet with additional dancing and singing lessons.

>> No.30463818

56 days anon. We're not rashing on someone for taking a two week break every now and again. We're talking about multiple multi-month long "breaks".

>> No.30463895

Don't talk shit about my oshi, she just need some time.. ok?

>> No.30463964 [DELETED] 

Remind me of Gura

>> No.30464153

if this was a tweet you just know Gura would be the first one to like it lmao

>> No.30464210
File: 728 KB, 1152x718, Popfilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying some extra stuff like this Popfilter since my voice is on the "not been used in 10 years" side of things. I'm only using one monitor so I'm probably going to play my games in the OBS screen but family wants to buy me a second desk so I can use that to buy a gaming computer/second monitor with a capture card after I get the basics worked out.
I think I'm going to go the "Narrator from Stanley Parable" route to fill the air. Worse case scenario I'll look silly in front of my zero viewers, but I'm doing it on YouTube so there will be VODs and I want people to actually like it so...
Eh. Plus creator's curse is a thing. My cards are basic paint creations with no frills, but I see a lot of Vtubers just putting the game full screen where my stuff mimics the Holo setup that Irys/Kiara have when it comes to games.
I've got a big ass microphone hanging off my desk saying "USE ME" So no backing out now.

>> No.30464230

Gura is probably in this thread. She's probably >>30463698

>> No.30464279

how the fuck am i gura

>> No.30464282

I've seen some people using donationalerts instead after getting banned from sl, seems to work ok

>> No.30464321

shut up cunny shark suck my dick

>> No.30464341

Sounds like Gura

>> No.30464370

>press on button
>play game
>maybe interact with chat
>bonus: play with someone else to just talk
wow. so hard. How many hours has penguin put in this month already?

>> No.30464417

then you do it

>> No.30464419

t. Hasn't steamed a single time in xem life. Kys troom

>> No.30464564

When your father thinks your a disappointment and the only thing else to do in your rat hole country is to snap your neck on a spot of black ice its pretty easy to stream 17hrs a day.

>> No.30464660

I remember her saying she doesn't want to stream yet because she isn't confident in her singing voice and is attending voice training to better it some time back in 2021. Then some months passed, she came back for a singing stream and good god she got noticeably worse than before her hiatus.

>> No.30464687

She could literally title the stream ASMR, start the stream, and stick the phone in her purse for an hour, and people would still pay for it.

>> No.30464784
File: 293 KB, 500x500, 1622948277652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, I've bookmarked donation alerts and will fidget with all that jazz sooner rather than later. I'd have never known about it otherwise.
Sure would be cool if platforms stayed neutral instead of injecting their opinions into their products. Nobody cares or remembers what was important 10 years ago, and 10 years from now nobody will care about what's going on now.
But no Mr. Streamer company helper thing. You're totally not making things harder than it needs to be.

>> No.30464785

She recently (within the last Idk 2 weeks or some shit) tweeted about doing voice training over from the very beginning

>> No.30464801

>[ASMR] POV you are Ayame's wallet being filled by all her fans

>> No.30464802

Haven't kept up with Holo in some time but this is sad to read. Is Ayame still good friends with the rest and others? I remember she was good friends with Inui too, and called when lonely (... in 2019).

>> No.30464812

Oh yeah the big fat money bags hololive reeled in back in 2nd gen

>> No.30464925

Well cover is pushing the music group meme and shes in one with Fubuki and Mio and during the concert stream they had good chemistry but then again maybe Fubuki and Mio can be professional infront of their disappointing daughter

>> No.30465029

If by “league” you mean “penises” then yes.

>> No.30465230

At this point the only one who cares for her is probably Mio, and that's only because she cares for everyone.
I just don't understand what is she even busy with, assuming that she's telling the truth. In case of people who rarely stream, for Suisei she has her weekly radio program, and is constantly recording music with her connections(recently Midnight Grand Orchestra). For Marine she was able to at least upload some shorts while she was absent and put out 2 high quality MV. For Aqua she needed to record the lines for her own game which is going to be fully voiced, while she also uploaded song covers periodically.
Like, just what is Ayame doing with all these break? Some Hologra skit where she talks for 10s?

>> No.30465333

She likes FPS games and singing. But, she can't handle any criticism or comparisons to the other girls.

>> No.30465515

You forgot the tweet she made about Rushia following Holofes 3.

>> No.30465615

>I just don't understand what is she even busy with
She doesn't give a shit about streaming. That's all there is to it
If you believe excuses from people like Aqua you're beyond help

>> No.30466140

only her significant other

>> No.30466623

How does Cover even allow this? It can’t be just because she was one of the first holos. Would that mean her having seniority she gets to do this? Can Sora do this if she decides “fuck it” one day? I don’t get it.

>> No.30466850

Yes. That's how jap companies work. Every so often you might hear or see someone in a high position who shouldn't be there. Like, they're retarded or something. It's cause they simply have a lot of seniority.
Also, what's the harm about it? Ayame makes them money, she isn't really hurting the company (other than people making fun of her), and she still, barely, follows corporate orders (as far as we can tell). That said, she's a stupid bitch for not just playing a game every now and again just to keep her ass out of hot water.

>> No.30466886

It's probably a simple cost/benefit analysis.

>> No.30466989

They'll probably allow it as long as the talents are profitable. Ayame brings in a lot of money even if she doesn't stream.

>> No.30466993

If they tried to force her to stream she'd probably just quit

>> No.30467013

I just don’t think it’s fair to her fans. She drops in once every blue moon to collect super chats from her lashed retard paypiggies then disappears again. I guess it’s more nip culture I don’t understand.

>> No.30467046
File: 9 KB, 212x203, 1556913703833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seniority in anything means you can do whatever the fuck you want after a certain point. It isn't limited to only Japanese companies either.

>> No.30467094

It also would be a bit of bad PR. I can see some fags really getting upset over the fact their oshi's employer is making them work.

>> No.30467115

>I guess it’s more nip culture I don’t understand.
Being in a state of deep denial is very common amongst English fans too
People will hold onto the flimiest excuse

>> No.30467179

But their fucking Oshi isn’t even working to begin with. How Ayame still has fans I’ll never understand.

>> No.30467342

I'm not disagreeing. Ayame is literally doing nothing, or whatever she's doing is completely unrelated to her career with no explanation given. Even a few short streams a month is better than absolutely nothing.
It's incredibly rude. I don't mean to sound preachy, but she's really letting her fans down. Especially since no explanations have been given, it's messed up to go radio silent for as long as she does.

>> No.30467424

Good luck anon. On a side note, what mic would you recommend? asking for a friend haha

>> No.30467523

I don't give a shit about excuses, they can give whatever excuses but as long as they give results then that's what matter. Suisei gave excuses, she gave out result with MGO. Marine gave excuses, she gave out result with her high quality MVs. Aqua gave excuses, she gave out result with her own game that's going on sale in October. Now Ayame gave excuses, but where is the result?
Live streaming isn't the end all be all for Vtuber, more so in current year since they can star in some commercials or even invited into variety shows so only expecting them to be full time streamer is downright retarded, but as with everything result must follow suit. All the other 3 I mentioned have their results, but not Ayame, she isn't producing anything. Why even lie about being busy at this point? Just say that you won't have a consistent schedule and don't attach any reason to it, those drunk in Nakirium will still follow anyway.

>> No.30467680

>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
That's the thing that hits me. I'd understand not liking streaming but Ayame really appears to be a huge hypocrite relying on her ---cuteness--- to solve everything.
And the worst part is that I can understand it. If you can just get away from everything all the time by acting cute you'd be a fool to not use that card.

>> No.30467735

I don't think any anon would disagree. Going even further, I wouldn't even call those situations "excuses". They're explanations for what's going on. And excuse is when you need to delay a stream for no reason other than a personal one. "I have a headache/ I'm not doing well (aka period stuff", "I won't be able to stream for a while because I need to move", "I overslept, sorry" are all excuses.
Furthermore, Ayame has gone beyond the point of excuse. She's gone sympathetically bankrupt, only her most loyal fancucks stay around as they're the only ones who can handle it.

>> No.30468172

JP Gura

>> No.30468576



>> No.30468601

Ayame has no real power in the company, they let her just because she is still profitable and she still need to show up for "official" stream and such, streaming is not their only thing

>> No.30468657
File: 45 KB, 1024x580, 1637022576058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to use HyperX Solocast with the microphone cup I posted earlier. Audio is by far my Achilles heel but it seems the simplest to use and is the most cost effective.
The only downside is when you're not using it the red light that says "hey I'm connected to your computer" stays on so if that bothers you, you need to unplug your microphone from your computer.
It comes with a little stand but I bought an Innogear microphone stand so I can shove my microphone up my nose and be heard.
I'm sure there's a million different ways to do it but I try to simplify things as much as possible.

>> No.30468980

Ayame was never fit to be a streamer. She has openly talked about only wanting to receive positive comments, not wanting fans to reply to vtuber conversations on Twitter, and just wants her fans to shut up and accept their once per month nakiri dose.

I would not be surprised if she was the most hated member within Hololive, cause she hardly carries her own weight. Hardly any of the other members talk about her, and the only times she does collabs are for sponsored/corpo shit for the most part.

Hell even Azaki who streams even less than her, feels more apart of Hololive than Ayame ever has. She is just a relic of Hololive's past at this point, because she has been lazy ever since 2020. Probably just triggered that Hololive chose Coco over China, cause Ayame was almost as popular as Aqua on Bilibili.

>> No.30469044

I got curious so checked up on Playboard her streaming history to see where her activities fell off the cliff, here is the monthly streams/song releases

>Sep 2018 : 10
>Oct 2018 : 15
>Nov 2018 : 13
>Dec 2018 : 27
>Jan 2019 : 14
>Feb 2019 : 6
>Mar 2019 : 23
>Apr 2019 : 26
>May 2019 : 26
>Jun 2019 : 19
>Jul 2019 : 19
>Aug 2019 : 21
>Sep 2019 : 18
>Oct 2019 : 22
>Nov 2019 : 16
>Dec 2019 : 6
>Jan 2020 : 5
>Feb 2020 : 9
>Mar 2020 : 9
>Apr 2020 : 8
>May 2020 : 10
>Jun 2020 : 8
>Jul 2020 : 8
>Aug 2020 : 11
>Sep 2020 : 14
>Oct 2020 : 4
>Nov 2020 : 10
>Dec 2020 : 11
>Jan 2021 : 7
>Feb 2021 : 8
>Mar 2021 : 8
>Apr 2021 : 7
>May 2021 : 5
>Jun 2021 : 0
>Jul 2021 : 6
>Aug 2021 : 3
>Sep 2021 : 5
>Oct 2021 : 1
>Nov 2021 : 1
>Dec 2021 : 7
>Jan 2022 : 3
>Feb 2022 : 4
>Mar 2022 : 2
>Apr 2022 : 1
>May 2022 : 2
>Jun 2022 : 3
>Jul 2022 : 0

>> No.30469055
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I like the song, but I'm sure every artist has felt the sting of working themselves to the bone day and night and someone else comes along with corporate backing and just rockets to the top while you're just sitting there like. Yep. That's life. Then when you try to sign on to publishing house/record company/etc etc they're like tee hee nope. You're not "good" enough for us. That's a story at least 100 years old.
To wrap that back around to the topic I think that's another reason why people want this Vtuber to stream so much outside of being a fan.
Some indie is sitting there Vtubing their heart out and this one just appears once a month and makes bank. Life is fair when you sell out.

>> No.30469058

>it's as easy as sitting and playing games all day! I do that too!
shut the fuck up incel

>> No.30469155

i think half the battle is just not reading what nerds on twitter say about you

they essentially all admit to ego searching constantly

>> No.30469248

>Some fag with the IQ of a parsnip streams a lot
Cool story.

>> No.30469788

it really is thou, in general if you are streaming weekly let alone daily its hard cause people get burnt out quickly
even harder if you are some literal who 2view

>> No.30469958


>> No.30471022
File: 95 KB, 535x1070, AyameStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My turbo autism kicked in and I needed to crunch these numbers. Assuming they're legit then I want to point out some fucked up stats.
1: Ayame has only streamed for 461 hours out of 47 months (roughly four years.
2: The rounded average hours Ayame streams per month is only 9.8, that means she only streams roughly 2.5 hours per week.
3: Each month she should stream for about 7.5 +/- 1.1 hrs. Her range of streaming per month is between (6.4 to 8.6).

I legitmately am baffled by how low these numbers are. I think I've seen certain insects with a lifespan as short as this, but I'm not sure. I think even those guys average something like 10 hours of adulthood per month.

>> No.30471242
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>> No.30471278

You can’t even type no wonder you’re a 1view

>> No.30471427

Try playing a game while talking nonstop for an hour. You will die.

>> No.30471576
File: 1.53 MB, 480x480, 1655265659359.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streamers die if they talk for an HOUR?
Faufau is in trouble!!! Uuuu.....

>> No.30471633

Not really, you either pander to coomers with sex jokes or be cutesy wootsy for doomers and unicorns (for non-vtubers it's just live reactions 24/7)

>> No.30471725

I work a job where I'm expected to stand and talk to people for 6 hours. I think sitting at home and playing a video game while talking for 1 hour is pretty easy to do. Even more so if I can pick easy games like minecraft to just vibe with.

>> No.30472355

Watame, Koyori and Kaela all do that in 3-4 months. That's really pathetic. It's even worse since she tells her fans she's been working on her singing yet continues to get worse.

>> No.30472901

It's so incredibly low I'm just sad. I know my maths says "2.5 hours per week", but it's more common for that to be a flat out impossibility.
6 months account for over 30% of her total stream time over four years. If you remove them, her total hours drop down to 316 hours. If I were doing legit correction, I would remove them due to how much of an outlier they are to the dataset.

>> No.30473028

so she basically will never get past the initial stages of being a popular streamer/content creator as many people in similar positions have grown past being fearful of that shit by continuing to put out content

>> No.30473300

Lets be honest, you wouldn’t be entertaining while doing it. Thats the difference

>> No.30473521

Ah, sorry if I confused you anon, those numbers weren't hours streamed for each month but rather stream frames / song (cover and orisong) releases per month. The actual amount of hours is probably higher.

You can see the list of streams including those still lost to the Copyright Apocalypse but for those it doesn't show the stream length.

>> No.30473631
File: 8 KB, 181x124, EvenCapAgrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame literally does nothing. In fact, there's multiple months of literal nothing. If you're even willing to stretch the value by a bit, there's 5 months of her doing less than two hours of work per month. I'm not going to listen to your retardation of defense. Would I suck? Yeah? But I would do something. A week of me streaming would carry almost two years of Ayame's stream lengths.

>> No.30473762

ITT: 2views seething

>> No.30473870

Aw shit. That was my bad. I say numbers and assumed hours. You wrote it right, it was me who fucked it up.
Still, if we make an assumption and say each stream lasted for three hours, the math scales up correctly.
Or you could interpret my math to be "streams per month, streams per week, etc.". Still extremely low values for someone who's main job is to stream.

>> No.30474029

the reality of streaming is that it is really hard, it's not just turn on a Webcam and play video games for 3 hours, you'll get nothing but a subpar stream at best. look at the hundreds if not thousands of 2view twitch streamers and then go to any streamer who acknowledges the difficulty in the job. the marathon streamers like xqc, korone, lulu etc are outliers in a difficult industry.
but yes, over a month without a stream for a streaming job is pretty shitty, not excusing her for that one there.

>> No.30474138

Streaming is NOT hard
Streaming as a job and getting money from it is hard.

>> No.30474465

I was about to blogpost and then this anon >>30474138
makes the point in two sentences. We're all talking about Ayame just needing to stream. No matter how much of a burden you make streaming to be, there's an absolute limit to how much you're able to get away with. And Ayame crossed that long ago to the point of it being a meme now.

>> No.30474875
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Ignore what everyone says about doing it for the money, Anon. If you want to do it for that reason, that's fine, but it shouldn't be your reason. YouTube was built upon the backs of those who created content because they had a passion for it. A lot of them were shit, yes, but a great amount wanted to make content they enjoyed and were proud of. While we see everything as extremely corporate nowadays, there still exist creators who create what they do out of passion. When you're creating a product solely for the purpose of generating money with zero interest in it, people can tell. When you pour your heart and soul into your content to make something you can be proud of, it will show.

>> No.30474910

Neither is Hololive kek

>> No.30475419

Ayame hates streaming.

>> No.30475503

It's her job?

>> No.30475704


>> No.30475839


>> No.30476608
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I'm really happy someone understands where I'm coming from. The only reason anything I make is for sale is because it's the only way to get it out there. Most of it is because...I wanted to make it.
Freedom from working about 'will this get me likes' or 'if I do this, I'll get x y or z'.
Streaming is just going to be another challenge in the arts for me, but since we're posting songs~ I won't win the league, but I'll do my best with my fuzzy kitty cat (electric rat) on my shoulder.

>> No.30476942

It's not even about streaming. If you don't want to stream then fine, she's a corpo Vtuber and nowadays it's not just about livestreaming, just make sure to do some other stuff that give exposure while you're not streaming. But she literally did jackshit.
People call Aqua a lazy whore, but she's actually doing a lot of stuff outside streaming, with her own game being the most prominent example. People call Marine a lazy whore, but she still kept her audience entertained while she's away with shorts and came back with high quality MVs. But Ayame? Away for nearly 2 months for what, 10s appearance in Hologra? 1h appearance in fanclub stream? She isn't even shilling anything, like the fuck?

>> No.30477741

>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra,
when WAS the last hologra featuring her?
She might already be treated as Madogiwazoku in the company (窓際族 - undesirables in the workplace who get to sit at one of the window sides in the bigger offices and get constantly ignored because you can't fire them contractually, was big in the 70s)

>> No.30480242

This is actually far weirder than I thought.
Technically, the last Hologra featuring Ayame was "Air Force Oni" which was June 5th, 2022. But she wasn't speaking at all. There was one word ever said which was "me" at the very end, the rest of her "speaking" was just autistic screaming that I can't even be sure was her.

The last time she talked, as far as I can find out, was in "Careful What You Read". Which aired November 21st, 2021. She says quite a few lines in it. Here's the link for it as well.

So, to answer your question anon, either two months or a nine months. Yknow. The fact it's been literally nine months has me worried. What if she legit got pregnant and had a kid?

>> No.30480536

Scratch that. She did another one I missed. She wasn't in a thumbnail so I didn't know. It was June 26th, 2022. This time she did talk for a bit. Still, weird. Maybe I missed some others but oh well. Who gives a fuck?

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d4LnRn1jds&list=PL1NeGg1woXqngQytLzL8lJJLYwmzk1Wuq&index=107

>> No.30482133

meanwhile my oshi is streaming everyday to the point her throat is fucked every other day

>> No.30483302

this excuses works only if you are working an obscure job that no one knows about, meanwhile thousands of people have no trouble streaming

>> No.30483851
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It's fucked up how some get a free ride from a blessed design.

>> No.30484074

To be fair, pre-recorded videos aren't recorded on the same day of release
So maybe it's still been a long time since Ayame was even in a studio at all

>> No.30484122
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>If you watched her streams regularly

>> No.30484149

At the start, she was actually doing her job correctly. A little shakey, but pretty consistent. It wasn't until early 2020 did she really stop doing anything.
See >>30469044
Replace hours with streams for this post for number breakdown >>30471022

>> No.30484289

That is true. But I'm willing to believe this was at least recent given the fact it had a HoloX member in it.
Speaking of which, I didn't even know they existed lmfao. I thought it was a weird collab.

>> No.30484939

I'm still suspicious honestly
The video you posted was the hologra debut of Iroha
HoloX debuted in November, and we also know new members hang around for months before debut so who knows what they do in the meantime, maybe they record hologras many months in advance
After knowing Ame and Nabi's cover song came out a year after recording and something similar happened for the holoEN country roads, you never know how long things take between recording and release
To be fair to Ayame, that could also mean she's at least somewhat busy working on recordings and concert appearances *now* behind the scenes, that will only come out months later

>> No.30485337

Thank fuck, this will kill that "AYAME STREAMED A TON IN THE BEGINNING" bullshit that newfags are spouting like they know..

>> No.30485544
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Also do not forget to buy her expensive new figure, ok?

>> No.30485774
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That is true. There's quite a lot of bts stuff that we won't ever really see. We don't even know if that audio was recorded for Ayame talking to Swordgirl. It might've been Kiara instead but was then reworked.
I'm only saying it because why would they reference Admiral Perry for two japanese people? Given the quick quip about time, it could've been Ame or Kiara (only other sword member coming to my mind right now).

Seperate topic, here's the previous list broken into a graphical visual. It looks like a fun slide. Use it as you see fit.

>> No.30485778

Remember, Hololive wasn’t huge back then like it is today. Back then it was probably a ton of fun and like many others they didn’t expect to become industry leaders.

>> No.30486204

I think videos and streams should be separated honestly, if she does a quick 2 min video, that shouldn't count.

>> No.30486374

Hopefully Ojou stream this month? I miss her

>> No.30486615

I got into the EN girls after mostly following JP and it feels so slow, even the ones who stream more often feel like it will take them ages to finish anything that isn't a short game

>> No.30486682

I didn't pull the original data, I'm just the number autist guy. Even then, it's not really possible. Using >>30473521 provided, we can see how many videos were made. But most of them have been removed due to bs copyright claims. Even at a quick glance though, a lot of her videos that are left are all really long in length. The only short ones that catch my eye are songs, which are fair to be included due to the effort needed.

Though I get your point. If possible I'd create a more detail spread, but unless someone is willing to comb through 211 left on her channel, we'll leave it as it is.

>> No.30487073

I'm studying to be a data scientist in 8 months (super beginner level right now) and I'm anonymous so I might as well ask
You made this graphic yourself, right? How do you collect/gather data like this and how do you make graphics like this? You had other calculations before and I imagine data science is just this but non-hololive related

>> No.30488261
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Ah, fair. I'm not a data scientist, though I do have a B.S. in Physics with a certification in Quantum Information. So take what I say with a grain of salt since different fields, no matter how close they may seem externally, will operate differently while you're in them.

I do almost everything in excel, including handeling some of my book keeping finacing. You most likely will be exposed to eith R-studio or Mathlab. Hell, you could create your own in Pyton, C++, or Java but such uses are kinda weird. I've needed to make some for 3D time plotting of Sana's fat ass crashing through the solar system. Regardless of what you use, there'll be ways to graph your data in various ways. What matters most is the context you'll use your graph, since I know my graph will be shown publically I added some neat lines to it so people can more easily follow it's path. If I were doing a more formal presentation, I wouldn't use such a data representaion and would've opted for a trendline instead, probably a linear regression one given the context.

Enough nonsense and onto the heart of the question. Just set up your data correctly and then Excel handles the graph work pretty easily. If there's one take away I can teach you in this mindless rambling is this: Focus on keeping everything organized. There's no greater curse than dealing with jambled data, for both you and your computer. You won't be carving a brand new path, there's thousands upon thousands of different permutations for data entry, there'll be a set up that works best for you.

Best of luck kiddo, you can do it.

>> No.30489297

>3D time plotting of Sana's fat ass crashing through the solar system
Lmao that sounds epic
Thanks for the explanation, I have a math BA (theoretical, not so much numbers stuff) and I've never worked with any of the technologies you've listed, just studying python for now
My question is, how do you get data? I have no idea how to use Playboard and like, I look at those "top 50 most played hololive songs in the past week" compilations and I have no idea where they get their numbers either
I look at impressive videos like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBK3phLcYkI and I have no idea how they're done or where the data is gathered from, yet I'm pretty sure "good data scientists" would probably consider stuff like this a piece of cake

>> No.30489519
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>If you watched her streams regularly

>> No.30489810

streaming is hard because you can't have sex on stream and have to wait till your stream ends it's so hard being a whor... i meant woman

>> No.30489903

only ojisans from ons in love hotels or in undisclosed locations like abandoned schools

>> No.30490795
File: 600 KB, 2178x1100, DataPeak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the source of your data. Sometimes, for as stupid as it sounds, you just need to sit there and manually count it. To do that, you first figure out what values you want to pay attention to, so for your video example the three values you want to keep track of are:
1- Time, in this case date
2- Amount, in this case number of subscribers
3- Subject, in this case channel owners.

Then you need to find a way to measure your data. Since we're talking about a past action in the case of this video, they would probably use something like SocialBlade (I just checked and that video does use it). SocialBlad automatically logs popular channel's information every so often, so going back in time is relatively easy. You may need a paid account to go back really far, as I can't figure out how to. For something in real time, that's a much harder question to answer as that's more so based on your experimental set up.

However, the data that video uses is not as scary as you think. It's not filled with thousands upon thousands of data points per each second. They're most likely using a simple "lerp to" function to make it go from 60,000 to 60,940. You can think of it as a simple counting function. Something like [While I is in Range(0,939)-> Count= 60000 + i, print(Count)].

It's a bit hard to answer your question fully since it's really broad. How you get data is defined by your experiment. Your experiment defines what type of data you can collect. They go together. As a result, it's important to keep track of what other aspects of your experiment will interfer with your data. It may not always be obvious. I'm also not at my peak since it's like 3 am where I'm at, so I'm sorry if my answers aren't the clearest.

The Sana graph is really simple, but if you'd like to see it then here's the catbox link: https://files.catbox.moe/ekhuzz.mp4
Attached is a general set up for how the data is saved. Sadly, I don't have Sana's stuff saved anymore so most of it is useless to that video.

>> No.30491192

So she lasted around 1 year and 3 months doing her shit and now has been slacking off from most of 2 years and a half.

>> No.30491469

Thanks for the detailed explanations databro. SocialBlade in particular sounds useful and that "lerp to" thing too, I feel like if I learned how to use those two things then I can make videos like that too for other sorts of purposes
For now I'm gonna keep working on python and eventually machine learning and hopefully by next year I'll be earning 6 figures, cause that's why I'm going into this data science thing after all

>> No.30491559

Looking at the graph, it almost appears that she was originally trying to take a break from December 2019 to the start of February 2020. Weird enough, it matches the start of Covid so that's probably related. It looks like she took it easy during that time and then tried to come back in September 2020.

Then she found out there's no point. She earns the almost the same whether she streams or not, since people save up to spend on her. From there she declined. So in fact, it's worse than just stopping. She actively decided to not do anything after seeing how much she could leech. Maybe that's harsh but I can't think of a better way to phrase it atm.

>> No.30491726

No problem man, I hope my rambles helped out at all. Keep at python, it's a good middleground between computation speed and graphical capabilities. There's plenty of resources online so don't be afraid to look things up. When you make 6 figs, make sure to do some stupid shit with it. Like calling Ame a gluten bitch.

>> No.30492588

it would certainly be one way for me to see her more than once every two months

>> No.30492890

Unless she doesn't like playing game, and can't find topics for zatsudan

>> No.30493886
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>tfw I'll never get a Nioh 1 or 2 collab with Iroha and Ayame.

>> No.30495264

>Dropped off a cliff in December 2019.

That was when the whole Youtube adpocalypse thing happened. It pretty much buried Choco. Not sure how it would've effected Ayame, but pretty interesting nonetheless.

>> No.30497947

Is she going to graduate or what? Is she pulling a Sana?

>> No.30498836

>can't find topics for zatsudan
women can talk about inane shit for hours

>> No.30501732

>she’s getting bukkaked by ojisans hourly
don’t care she’s cute
>she streams once every other month
don’t care she’s cute
>she’s using your sc’s to pay for condoms and abortions
don’t care she’s cute
>she doesn’t think about you at all until her bank account runs low
don’t care she’s cute
>what little time in the day she has not getting gangbanged by every old man in a five mile radius is spent on the toilet
don’t care she’s cute
>you’re a cuck
don’t care she’s cute

>> No.30502039

I was going through playboard while waiting for morning streams to start up and found that while you couldn't directly view stream length for the privated frames, that data must still be stored somewhere as the duration filter actually works on them. I guess if someone wanted to spend enough time they could figure out her exact streaming hours but here is a short summary of what I found while playing with the filter

>5+ Hours : 7 streams (0 privated)
>4-5 Hours : 14 streams (2 privated)
>3-4 Hours : 19 streams (0 privated)
>2.5 - 3 Hours : 22 streams (2 privated)
>2 - 2.5 Hours : 45 streams (13 privated)
>1.5 - 2 Hours : 73 streams (32 privated)
>1 - 1.5 Hours : 198 streams (138 privated)
>45 - 60 minutes : 53 streams (44 privated)
>30 - 45 minutes : 6 streams (3 privated)
>15 - 30 minutes : 8 streams (7 privated)
>Less than 15 minutes : Combination of 16 songs, short videos and short streams.

>> No.30502162

You basically need
>genetics - voice, endurance, volume
>upbringing - human, acting talent, personality, charisma
>a good model/support
>int/wis - how to not talk shit, how to interact with other vtuber, how to deal with bad situation, how to not talk about your bf/bulls etc.

>> No.30502869

You are pathetic
