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3042872 No.3042872 [Reply] [Original]

Why is gen4 the most controversial gen?

>> No.3042903

They're all great individually, but lack the feeling that they're actually friends. Compare them to gen 5 who are all quite close.
Also, Towa and Coco's yabs.

>> No.3042955

this desu. I like them all individually, but aside from Coco and Kanata, they seem rather distant compared to the gen preceding them and the one after.

>> No.3042960

>They're all great individually but lack the feeling that they're actually friends
As a lunaito it pains me to see Luna be better with other holos than her own genmates. They are all apparently great behind the 2D but they just don't show it.

>> No.3043026

i'd say 4 of them feel super close. only luna feels like she's a bit of an outsider but she's very friendly with some of the girls outside of her gen.

>> No.3043131

>she's very friendly with some of the girls outside of her gen.

Only if you count forced corporate mandated relationship to boost her views. Do you also think Festivaluna is real?

>> No.3043144

>Coco is someone you either live or hate. Most JP viewers who don't like her thinks she's too loud and tries too hard, dominates conversations, and doesn't speak perfect JP. Just like a certain someone else...
>Towa's male voice yab and her generally laid back style doesn't appeal to a lot of gachikois. Most schizos were waiting for their first big rrat and went straight for the jugular on her.
>Luna's baby gimmick is generally seen as cringe and weird, Lunatics are all insane to varying degrees for being able to tolerate and crave it more. Was also a former Niji which got some hate too.
>Kanata has JP saviorfags who generally won't shut up about her even if she isn't there. Least deserving of anyhate next to Watame.
>Wakame saved Gen 4 by being yab free and a parasocial therapy pillow for her viewers and her own genmates. She is one of the only people Coco actually fears upsetting. Has probably the most insane and protective fanbase as a result, which has landed her in hot water on a couple of occasions in collabs.

>> No.3043172

>corporate mandated
I will break your fucking newfag knees

>> No.3043175

In the beginning, it seemed to be real. Especially the parts where Matsuri cried about Luna and said she is a true friend... This recent resurgence of collabs was definitely because they had the Cinderella switch thing.

>> No.3043191

Asacoco helped gen 4 feel a lot more together as Watame, Luna and Kanata would constantly appear. Ark also helped with making gen 4 feel united as they'd play it constantly together. Though they FEEL more distant due to the: increased difficulty of skits cause of manager interference; the long breaks that both Towa and Coco had to go through; and the lack of gen wide collab gamrles they have done.

>> No.3043209

the number 4 is bad luck in Japan.

>> No.3043212

Nailed it except for Lunaitos being insane.

>> No.3043249

To be fair it's kind of unfair to compare them, especially to Gen V who had their bonds reinforced by losing one of their members early on.

>> No.3043269

>"Matsuri-san... It's great that you have friends outside the company and all that. But I think you need to get along with someone inside Hololive as well. How about Luna? She kinda has low numbers and you can help her out"
>"hmm ok, sure."

I'm A-chan and I actually heard this conversation during a meeting.

>> No.3043285

what's up with Luna's legs, they look fucked up

>> No.3043336
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She is bow-legged from riding horses too much, being a princess and all.

>> No.3043356

Kanata is a spy

>> No.3043373

You know the people who say "they're not very close" or "they're not really friends it seems" don't even watch them because it's well known from all of their streams that they're all pretty good friends off camera, they're just fucking weird and don't collab for some reason. Towa especially is the "mama" of the gen as seen by her herbarium streams and stories told by other Holos. Coco & Kanata are obviously close with each other. It's Luna and Watame that are the outliers but it's just a matter of Luna generally being a loner and Watame getting closer with other members like Fubuki and Flare.

>> No.3043400

Kanata and coco are very close for sure, but yeah watame, towa, and especially luna kinda do their own thing

>> No.3043404
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They are at least closer than Gen 1 and 2 will ever be.

>> No.3043439

>Coco's yab
is a joke.
She read a YouTube statistic and 天下 clowns chimped out on her instead of Google because Google is too big to yell at.

>> No.3043463

Everyone and their mother knows already.

>> No.3043477
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>> No.3043479

Outside of Coco/Kanata, Coco/Watame, and Towa/Kanata there aren't a lot of on screen pairings with clear chemistry I can think of.

>> No.3043489

i-i dont get it

>> No.3043493

Didn't say it was a deserved yab. But it was a yab nonetheless that majorly impacted Coco and Cover as a whole.

>> No.3043506

Muscle atrophy from the moon's weak gravity?
Bone atrophy from the moon's weak geomagnetism?

>> No.3043515

desu I've seen some translated posts by the antis and they deadass believe she said it on purpose for the sole reason of causing trouble, and that causing said trouble is the reason she joined Hololive. It's retarded, but it's not just about one word to them

>> No.3043538

It impacted Coco but it's not her yabatanien.

>> No.3043575

>Scripted stream, meaning she knew beforehand and it wasn't an accident
>Turned comments members-only the moment ppl started complaining
>"FUCK YOU AND NEVER COME BACK" at the end of the stream
>Literally just one day after Hachama was flamed for saying it
>Cover's different statements in different languages and late announcement in Chinese

From the zhang perspective everything points to the fact that she did it for lulz and it wasn't really just a little accident.
Cocofags can take loans to superchat her but it surely won't replace the lost access to Chinese sponsorships and a market of millions of people.

>> No.3043585

Her papa Kanzaki just wanted to have her have weird legs I guess, or it was a side effect of making her as she is made of the candy kingdom and the moon making her have heterochromia.

>> No.3043592

For Chinks its less the word and more the response to it that pisses them off. Notice how most of them let Haachama off the hook as they believed it to be an accident. But they never felt like Coco apologized properly, and they believed the "fuck u and never come back" she added at the end of her videos was taunting them. That and the fact that Hololive Moments was mocked by the general western audience for demanding Coco apologize enraged them. They quote "who cares?" which was a response to Hololive Moments and "fuck u and never come back" ironically amongst themselves to this day. To them it was like all of their investment in Hololive was ruined by a political orange bitch. A lot of them stayed Aqua fans as well and were of course pissed that she was associated with it.
Well, it's still retarded and the chinks need to hang. But there was definitely more to it than just the word.

>> No.3043608

Zhang...no need to pretend that you aren't one.

>> No.3043610


Honestly I believe the rrat that it was just a miscalculation to redirect Haato's heat that had far stronger ramifications than she could have expected.

>> No.3043642

you didn't watch the gen 1 collab?

>> No.3043676


>> No.3043684

Fuck off. I just wanted to see Noel playing as Noelle in Genshin and now it's over because of the reddit dragon.

>> No.3043746


Bugmen botw is shit anyways

>> No.3043747

No fuck you you stupid cunt. I don't like the reddit dragon either, but that "yab" was a small accident that literally any other chuuba or holo could have made by mistake. She does deserve the hate and she sure as fuck doesn't deserve faggots like you getting all pissy and moany about it.

>> No.3043777

Yes anon, riding horses, haha

>> No.3043839

Choco did it before too but it didn't hit the fan like this because everyone understood it was by mistake.

>> No.3044081

Coco forced herself to distant with every other girls after the yab. I still remember her promote gen 4 in her streams pretty often before it.

>> No.3044112

Was gen4 in the age list? I can't fucking find it anymore

>> No.3044198

Secret 6th member, starting with a H.
For real, Haachama has more chemistry with basically all of 4th gen almost than Gen 1 (Gen 1 in general is even bigger of a clusterfuck chemistrywise, aside from like Matsuri and Haato)

>> No.3044219

Coco - 3501 years old
Watame - 4 years old (sheep years)
Towa - 17 years old
Kanata - 18 years old (angel age)
Luna - 0 years old

>> No.3044240


Haato has chemistry with most of Hololive outside of gen 1

>> No.3044247

Thats my headcanon...

>> No.3044294

That's a nasty case of pidgeon legs right there, jesus, Luna looks like she just came out of a horse.

>> No.3044322

If she did it intentionally that's even better anon :^)

>> No.3044344

For the record zhangs said they were gonna let Haachama off the hook but they seem to forget the amount of people getting ready to flame her before Coco became the last straw. They only say NOW that they didnt think Haachama meant it but at the time, they were ready for war too.

>> No.3044357

Go back zhang

>> No.3044372

But it still caused Choco to leave shitty chinatube and never come vack.

>> No.3044387

>dominant conversation
Where? Whenever they collab, coco is the one usually doesn't talk too much

>> No.3044398

Idk why the fact Coco basically took a major hit for Haachama is so easily forgotten. Why I'll forever be grateful to her.

>> No.3044421

Coco/Luna. For some reason coco interest with Luna

>> No.3044497

Coco called Luna a true idol.

>> No.3044534

Imagine being this sensitive to everything.

>> No.3044563

1. Because Haachama are retarded
2. Coco are American
3. Coco are embodiment of Stacy aka white girl. Meaning their microphallus can't handle her. So they resort attacking her.
4. Coco play majority part to open western market. They saw it's threat since meaning cover doesn't depend on Chinese money
5. Coco prove the talent like Fubuki doesn't love or care about Chinese audience
6. HoloCN like Artia and the unicorn girl add fuel to attacking coco. They also insane

>> No.3044573

>because of coco
Because of retarded bugs chimping out over Google analytics, you mean.

>> No.3044582

There will NEVER be a gen as good as Gen 3. If you take them out of the equation then Gen 4 is above average in compatibility.

>> No.3044588

Well put, especially the part about Watamates having some serious protectiveness around her - she attracts people with a need to white knight the more she plays up her trauma.

>> No.3044672

>Coco play majority part to open western market
The three most viral clips of Hololive in overseas:
1:Miko nigga
2:Miko Boat
3:Miko stay home
No, reddit meme reviews and asacoco didn't build the western fanbase.

>> No.3044727

Chinese sponsorships are fickle and not worth the hassle, in terms of political expediency causing trouble on the stability of business - investors have been steadily leaving over the funding fraud too, as the Chinese markets was exposed to be massively overrated, causing bulk losses of investments.

As for the market of millions, they are literally less than half a generation away from a massive elder burden, and their buying power will shrink as a result of their East African expansion being rejected, paired with pissing off their neighbors and the countries along the belt and road initiative. From a Zhangs perspective, nothing could go wrong - and that is because they are being fed lies, as that is the only way Beijing can keep a semblance of legitimacy and normalcy.

Get your barbarism sorted Zhang, a hollowed master's degree and good social credit won't fix this.

>> No.3044780

Because they're the gen with the most SOUL.

>> No.3044818

All joking aside, this is part of the reason I don't gel with Gen 3 at all. Out of all gens 3 seems by far the most manufactured and fake ass.

>> No.3044930

The joke here is that all of them cheat its ingrained in their culture and their country does nothing about it. They do realize that when everyone starts catching on to their bullshits their degrees will become useless as nobody can trust that they actually know the content?

>> No.3045152

As long as chinabux remains a thing nobody cares if their degrees are memes or not.

>> No.3045292

Fucking kill yourself, zhang.

>> No.3045311


>> No.3045340

They're the first gen that didn't have to work hard for success. they got to profit hard off the previous gen's hard work

>> No.3045352

1) Yea, it wasn't an accident in showing it in itself, because it isn't anything she should have had to be careful about, the statistics are not yab worthy, and have been shown plenty of times before, both by niji and holos.

2) Yea the 'complaining' of spam, hate, etc. I don't blame her
3) Fuck spammer antis, may they rust eternally.
4) This is the part that is accidental, she didn't know about Haachama showing it, no one informed her, she didn't show it to make a political statment. cover management is bad and slow, you know this.
6) covered by 5, they were sorta screwed here because they would have been criticized regardless, but they did make the worst move by making different statements all around.

Bug market is unreliable as hell. Cover is legitimately better off for leaving it.

>> No.3045406
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Okay but why is Gamers the best gen?

>> No.3045419
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I remember when this was said of Tower, she's really really grown...

>> No.3045490
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Nah you're right but 5 is close

>> No.3045499

For Chinks its less the word and more the fact that she’s american.

>> No.3045542

She knew full well what she was doing. She wasn't the only holo that didn't like the chinese and their arrogance, this was proven by the full support and endorsement she got from most others.
Coco say the zhangs harassing Haachama and decided to redirect all the heat towards her and say a big fuck you to China, she put Covers in a spot, either fire her and kill their reputation or abandon the chinese market, which, by the way, turns everything it touches to shit because of the heavy censoring everything needs to go through to be allowed in China.

>> No.3045565

>Coco prove the talent like Fubuki doesn't love or care about Chinese audience

Its more that she loves her friends more than the audience. I expect it would be the same if EN's sperged at her to cut off contact.

Thankfully the EOP fanbase isn't united enough, controlled enough, and have control of enough levers to make such a demand with teeth. Too many different clipper groups.

>> No.3045596
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>> No.3045724

You all forget that the situation is alot more complicated. Right before the Yab Coco was being a giant numberfag because she was jealous of EN's subscriber Numbers. She even had a stream where pat herself on the back for being the most superchat'd streamer on youtube. Now she has unlimited pity points because of spam and can pass by doing mediocre content like meme review. What's sad is that i used to like her until her fanbase labeled every criticism with a buzzword

>> No.3045823

>Bug market is unreliable as hell. Cover is legitimately better off for leaving it.

This is the bottom line. CCP-land is such shit that even all that potential money isn't enough to make it attractive.

>> No.3045844

Genshin wouldn't make for enjoyable stream content especially since they're going to be releasing regional updates at a snail's pace. It's honestly not a huge loss for Hololive.
t. an unironic genshinfag

>> No.3045917

This is true yeah, I'm not sure what anyone expects of Gen 4. Gen 1 and 2 barely acknowledge eachother and Gen 5 doesn't have any big stars to carry the group like Coco, as much as I love Nene and Polka.
If you remove Gen 3 from the equation because they're honestly as much a fluke as HoloEN was then Gen 4 is pretty above average in terms of both closeness and numberfagging.

The only reason they don't really do offcollabs as much is because Luna is a cripple and Watame has a fucked sleep schedule and lives very far so neither of them ever visits Holohouse.

>> No.3046033

gen 1 for sure
gen 2 at least has some relationships between themselves that are quite tight like Aqua and Shion while gen 1 is about as separate as can be

>> No.3046107

Gamers >>>>>
that's just me though

>> No.3046177

i'd say gen 3 vs gamers is mostly down to preference and/or if you consider gamers nonstandard enough that it's not comparing apples to apples

gen 4 seems okay in closeness: not as separate as 1 or 2, but not as close as any of the close ones (gamers, 3, 5)

>> No.3046252

Maybe if you are a filthy clipfag

>> No.3046519
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My cute daughteru...

>> No.3046523

Severe inbreeding and an entirely candy based diet.

>> No.3046592

Shut up clipfaggot

>> No.3046687

keep samefagging, maybe somebody will believe you're actually japanese

>> No.3046777

A chink insect pulled an assassination attempt on a developer who worked on Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact because of a perceived insult to the Chinese people by not giving them free shit in a gacha for a separate server's anniversary event. They don't have functioning brains, they are just controlled by the hivemind.

>> No.3046838

Holy shit tell us more about this, this sounds nuts.

>> No.3046883

Well I'd the problem isn't even about you being a clipfag, its that you're not even a big enough clipfag because they are translated clips of them being close and doing offcollabs.

>> No.3046890

I'm not sure what your preferred publication is but if you google mihoyo assassination you'll get various sources.

>> No.3047160

Thats why she made asacoco with drugs and period blood with watame. Rrat

>> No.3047215


I think it also had to due with frustrations that China is cracking down on lewd outfits and going into purityfag territory, but either way its hilarious and pathetic. Dude thought he could just use a knife and didn't even make it to the building.

>> No.3047447

He doesn't have the free access to firearms that some other countries have.

>> No.3048982

>did it for the lulz
based coco

>> No.3049071

Massive holocope lmao

>> No.3049097

who do you think you're replying to
whatever clips you're watching are old as fuck, clearly

>> No.3049106

turn off your VPN insect

>> No.3049424

>china copypaste

>> No.3049845

sounds like insects and sjw/snowflakes are no different to one another afterall

>> No.3050829

Babby legs. Please undahstand.

>> No.3052296

That's only really been the case since the yab

>> No.3052544

they're not you chink
