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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30318653 No.30318653 [Reply] [Original]

Pretending to like strategy games does not make her any less of a normalfag zoomer.

>> No.30318710

Dont care, i want my dick between those tits.

>> No.30318723

she just a pickme girl

>> No.30318843

I don't like Twitter buzzwords, but this one describes her perfectly

>> No.30319459

Phase connect is growing so much it has dedicated antis now.

>> No.30319507

Pretending not to be retarded does not make you any less of a retard.

>> No.30319588


>> No.30319590


>> No.30319750

great then I pick her

>> No.30319908

Pickme has lost all meaning at this point. She genuinely just enjoys playing strategy/tactical games and bantering with her chat. She doesn't even pander to anyone, in fact she tells goslings to get the fuck out which is based

>> No.30320204
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>> No.30320313

She actually is here in some regard. Like she had to have known after getting invited to commentate divegrass.

>> No.30320317

I think she does genuinely enjoy strategy games but she also genuinely sucks at them.

>> No.30320365

I don't understand the negative connotation of a pickme girl, though. Is there supposed to be a problem with someone who actively tries to find interest in things that they can bond with the opposite sex over?

>> No.30320696

don't care, I will still keep watching her, because her model is sex. now go hang yourself OP

>> No.30320785

yes anon she totally cares and isnt just pandering to you to drain your wallet and get views.
youre fucking retarded.

>> No.30320796

That's rich coming from someone who supports a balding furry married to a literal pedophile

>> No.30320837

Women can't stand when another woman actually makes an effort to appeal to men.

>> No.30320850

>Is there supposed to be a problem with someone who actively tries to find interest in things that they can bond with the opposite sex over?
in the current year? yes, according to jealous man hating roasties

>> No.30321144

>drain your wallet
I don't pay vtubers, I watch them for entertainment
>and get views
If it's entertaining, then yes? Again I don't understand the negative of this.

>> No.30321238

dumbass, that was the wrong person in that image. That person was from europe. They found where that image was sourced. Do your reps faggot, before you comment and look like a complete retard nigger.

>> No.30321379

Unironically, though. Her PL posted regularly on /asp/. Of course, newfags and tourists wouldn't know this.

>> No.30322609

Reminder only roasties say this.

>> No.30322635

will she ever stream on chaturbate?

>> No.30322930

Built for paizuri

>> No.30323251

i hate this word but actually playing strategy games is definitely a pickme big red flag

>> No.30323989

Being a normalfag zoomer does not make her titpussy any less fuckable.

>> No.30324495

>I'm totally against this word, BUT
Neck yourselves

>> No.30324636

I wish this girl and pippa and shadow would stop selfposting here

>> No.30324717

Can you use a different image next time at least?

>> No.30332566


>> No.30333080

>Pretending to like strategy games
I want to see her try Mount and Blade Bannerlord or Starsector.

>> No.30333192

She got drawn into the Warhammer rabbit hole so I like her now. so much opportunities to educate her.
Too bad I'm banned from Phase Connect

>> No.30333586

kek no one cares

>> No.30333674

>Too bad I'm banned from Phase Connect
What did you do?

>> No.30334105

Told Pippa to learn Traditional as I wanted to protect her from Kson's fate, and everything spilled over

>> No.30334247


>> No.30335545

I think the connotation is that she doesn't actually like what she's doing, it just pays the bills. Women would prefer to have mature men as partners whose expectations are grounded in reality, so when they see other women conjuring a puerile fantasy that draws men in and encourages peter pan syndrome, then they feel disgusted at both. The Matrix wouldn't have been a cult classic if Neo had just taken the blue pill and that's the end.
I'm not saying that Lumi actually is a pickme girl. I'm giving the rationalization.

>> No.30335777

Oh hey Henri how you coping?

>> No.30336005
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dont care i want to see her ravaged please share your lumi porn

>> No.30337184

Copious amounts of alcohol to fulfill the pact to become an hero

>> No.30337427

The only thing you really need to know is she will only ever care about her oil barons.

>> No.30337443

At some point I begin to wonder how much her S-tier design plays into me watching her instead of her actual personality.

But then she does her stupid ass gremlin model streams and it's fun.

>> No.30339032

>and isnt just pandering to you to drain your wallet
So, all vtubers are pickme girls?

>> No.30339114

Black male here, I don't give a fuck what she does or doesn't like and neither should you. She's a white women with blonde hair, her interests do not matter, she's made to service cock.

>> No.30339183

those rpgs tho?

>> No.30339589

What the fuck are you even talking about? It's just strategy games. Also, if she wanted to encourage peter pan syndrome, she would be playing pokemon, or singing Disney songs.

>> No.30340125

Mutts law

>> No.30340195

I don't know if she like strategy games or not, but she definitely puts in the effort. Her strategy game streams can get pretty long, she went for like 7 hours yesterday in Shogun 2.

>> No.30341178

She killed cyberlive with her incompetency to the point where all her former coworkers hate her guts. Not a good sign if you ask me.

>> No.30341241

She's a schizo whore and if I could will one vtuber to stop breathing it would be her

>> No.30341266
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>she just a pickamee girl

>> No.30341321

Maybe Cyberlive shouldn't have forced a talent to take up managerial duties then.

>> No.30342244

Damn this thread reeks of cope, niggers are too sensitive to the truth. Under the rug, she's just another menhera basic white girl riding waves of le 4chin orbiters. Of course the drifters flocking to cum buckets to her model wouldn't know a single thing about her baggage. I'm just glad her and Yuri haven't polluted phase connect too badly

>> No.30342321

pickme girls are girls trying to appeal to males by doing/playing what the men want. They don't really care about the game/hobby, they just want the attention from men, so they come across as fake.

>> No.30342417

>What do you mean a woman being a husk of a human being to gain materialistic attention and line their pockets is bad?
We are witnessing the downfall of men more and more each day

>> No.30342476

What do you think an entertainer is? Neck yourself you dumb fuck

>> No.30342526

I've read the kf. Rrats turned out to be untrue.

>> No.30342655

NTA but I'll rope myself before I unironically scroll through the farms of all places for reps. I'll wait till something pops off and the double dipping autists crosspost all the info lol

>> No.30342799
File: 178 KB, 828x676, B41FFCC4-AF6E-4D41-84E7-D8FD856C96A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually being semi unique with their stream game choices
>”reeeeee where’s my jank cheapo asmr stream, where’s my (insert flavor of the month game) that EVERY vtuber is playing rn, where’s her (totally real) shriek of a laugh that compliments her (totally real) voice that changes when something spontaneous happens”
Trannies stay seething and niggers stay weeping go back to your factory churned out vtubers

>> No.30342901


>> No.30343087

Post cute Lumis

>> No.30343358
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hail, brother

>> No.30343481
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>> No.30343660

If someone unironically uses the term "pickme girl" then you should take it as a positive, even though they don't mean it that way.

>> No.30343802

And how do you decide who is genuine and who is faking for attention?
In practice, people who use the word don't distinguish. Any woman showing interest in male persuits is branded pickme, because it's an attack born out of jealousy, and the justifications are just excuses they don't actually stick to.

>> No.30343866
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they're the female version of this pic

>> No.30344282

False equivalence.
Asanagi said it best: Women's speciality is sucking up to men, so a man sucking up to women is gross and insulting.

>> No.30345618

I actually like her streams but for me is a more of a watch if nothing better on the telly show

>> No.30345686
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2100, 44ba7e6819f7d5953d25e9ff15689f0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker hates potatoes and white rice, she called the chat fat fucks that could eat less and called asians "fucking rice eaters"
dare i say fucking based, she radiated extreme amounts of stacy bitch energy

>> No.30345688

Cyberlife killed itself when the castle of cards it was built on started crumbling to the point upper management just called it and closed business to save face and money.
Lumi being forced into a "temporary" management role was them just completly lose control of what the fuck was going on

>> No.30345711

Oh I forgot that she hates bread too, its all just empty carbs

>> No.30345721

Based salad eater

>> No.30345741

I still don't know what "pickme girl" means.

>> No.30345808

Sorry to break your immersion anon, but her mods pick her games for her

>> No.30345874
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>> No.30345879
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jesus fucking christ the /vt/ sister meme is real after all. I can smell your shitty perfume from here

>> No.30345884

>Women would prefer to have mature men as partners whose expectations are grounded in reality

>> No.30346067
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>> No.30346711

I only started watching her a week or so ago, thanks for justifying my twitch sub anon

>> No.30347543

she has such a cute and unique smile, i cant put my finger on why that is though

>> No.30347693

>Vtuber plays whatever's currently popular
>"This vtuber sucks!"
>Vtuber tries something different
>"They're just doing it for attention!"

>> No.30347791

Try reading the thread

>> No.30354398

Strategy games are boring to watch. Vtubers shouldn't enable strategy beggars because then they go everywhere begging every fucking streamer to play point and click army men poorly and poison their views.

>> No.30354678


>> No.30355355

>poison their views
lumi is inclining

>> No.30356358

She managed to keep 700-800 viewers yesterday while streaming shogun 2. That's pretty impressive.

>> No.30356450

Then don't watch them and let people who want to watch them do so.

>> No.30356786

I don't, but I don't want filthy beggars trying to get my oshi to play them.

>> No.30356998

I rather watch someone who tries to appeal to my demographic than someone who forgotten that streamers are suppose to be entertaining and are stuck doing no/low effort streams
She appeals to my taste, so il support her, if someone think they can do it better, they are free to try, the more the merrier

>> No.30357272

Oh no, she have a supportive inner circle who helps her be a better streamer, how terrifying

>> No.30357345
File: 258 KB, 2084x1635, FYMgqF0VEAIgMsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Lumi plays more Warhammer games I will continue to go to the gym

>> No.30357546

Why does every anti-Lumi post sound like it was written by a woman?

>> No.30357570

She emailed Joshua at Creative Assembly to get warhammer keys so its guaranteed to get more warhammer, she likes the nurglings (she cant help to be attracted to fat bastards) and slaanesh

>> No.30358030
File: 243 KB, 402x461, 1649437825524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Death Guard fan this this makes me very happy. Who doesn't like nurglings?

>> No.30359504

You really cant win with /vt/ no matter what you do or how you act. I get trolls and baiters but I believe that the majority of these people are actually bothered by whatever some chuubas are doing.

>> No.30359859

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.30360073
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Lumi will soon be a 4 view and there is nothing you can do about it sisters

>> No.30361006

I can always stop watching.

>> No.30361060

Good as shown by other female streamers if they’re left to their own choices they pick dogshit

>> No.30361357
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While you have spent the last 5~ years arguing about the tastes of children, you have become an old man.

>> No.30361377

We call that "recommendations from friends"

>> No.30366472


>> No.30367769

But her being a normalfag zoomer is the main appeal

>> No.30368071

God I got really hard hearing her say that. I think I've got it bad for her.

>> No.30368100

she calls things weebshit which is the biggest giveaway she's just vtubing because it's new

>> No.30369093

out of all nerdy subpopulations the levels of virginity are probably the highest among 40kfags and they're too autistic and attention starved to even care a bit whether her interest is genuine
all they want is a girl to info dump their lore to impress them with their wide array of knowledge of fictional weapons and fictional history so that she will have sex with them

>> No.30369104

Star woman bad

>> No.30371283

That's not really true. There's anime and there's weebshit. Most vtuber fans are obviously into the latter.

>> No.30376055

how can she emanate such giga stacy energy?
once she goes 4 view soon she will make a lot of femoids seethe

>> No.30376593

She is a bit uppity. It will come to bite her in the ass eventually.

>> No.30382779

Yeah. I'll take a big bite out of that nice ass

>> No.30383012

if her new model doesn't project the bitchy cunt energy just as well she's going to get hamstringed

>> No.30383377

You're right OP, I too want to fuck Lumi.

>> No.30385119

Hope new model doesn't change too much. Hopefully just changing proportions/lengths of torso and legs.

>> No.30385210

Good we pick her not you troon

>> No.30385285

I pick her armpits to jizz into

>> No.30385681

>being unironically groomed and playing the opposite of your game roster is now a good thing
sometimes i forget where i am

>> No.30385863

link onegai

>> No.30385926

enjoy it while it lasts, she's supposed to turn into blonde veibae soon

>> No.30385950

>Having games recommended to you = grooming
Please do forget about this place entirely and for good. Retard.

>> No.30385949

Bro imagine the sex

>> No.30386104

>turned into a sseth fan out of nowhere
>turned into a warhammer fan out of nowhere
>turned into a total war player out of nowhere
keep coping, sei

>> No.30386123

And? Jews infodumped the holocaust and that worked out for them

>> No.30386174
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>> No.30386187

Of course she has to pretend. There isn't a single (biological) female that actually enjoys strategy games (and is remotely attractive). The sooner you accept this the better.
The only thing you can do is either enjoy the entertainment value she provides or not if you think it's boring. Discussing whether she is being "genuine" or not doesn't matter when the answer is obvious.

>> No.30386306





>> No.30386387

I'm still seething at how good at video games Lumi is

>> No.30386450

if you're worse than lumi then holy fuck are you actually retarded?

>> No.30386796

Lumi is easily in the top 20% of gamers, and from the stream where she did the various mental challenges she's probably in the top 20% of people intellectually. There's nothing exceptional about someone being below that.

>> No.30386834


>> No.30386861


>> No.30387157
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>> No.30389015
File: 625 KB, 2218x4096, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

>> No.30389085

Yeah, me.

>> No.30389099

guessing shes getting rid of big boobs and boob window, she always complains about it
Lumi said she is 0-00 size so shes b or c cup, so on the smaller side those days

>> No.30389152

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.30389174

Boob nerf? That sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.30389224

sigma balls

>> No.30389414

She already said on twitter that her boob size has increased on the new model

>> No.30389530

But now it's too big!

>> No.30389571
File: 385 KB, 561x506, 1658540510880066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all the phase shill threads lately?

>> No.30389637

Jeez anons you can never be happy, though it was something to do with her having better proportions than the weird long thin waist she has now that she doesnt like

>> No.30389665

>trusting Lumi
theres your problem
its getting smaller, mark my words, as sexy as Lumi is she dosnt want to do GFE

>> No.30389911

Strategy games with some rpg gear/levelup elements.

>> No.30390649

>Women would prefer to have mature men as partners whose expectations are grounded in reality
The "mature men" you're talking about are the "broken men" 90% of men talk about.

>> No.30392204

Do you have friends anon?

>> No.30392418

>the opposite of your game roster
this IS her roster

>> No.30392817

then why did it take at least a year for her to pick these games up?

>> No.30392888

/here/company with at least 5 /here/ talents, you can figure out the rest.

>> No.30392907

It didn't take a year to pick the genre up.

>> No.30393006

Clash of Clans and Aurora 4X are both strategy games.
Fans of the former don't really play the latter.
And same goes for Lumi. Total Wars are not her main picks.

>> No.30393046

Her backlog is fuckhuge and has to swim through it all.

>> No.30393821
File: 102 KB, 205x225, 1652000710305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now it's backlog?

>> No.30394090

Is lumi actually the first woman to ver do that?
Seems like a completly untapped market for her

>> No.30394130

Regular tactic now for inner circle to falseflag these threads and the pickme argument to for free advertising on the boards

>> No.30394189

please stop posting about yourself lumi

>> No.30394277

It's the thighs for me.

>> No.30394538

Yes, if you actually watch her shes constantly talking about her backlog

>> No.30395051

A girl that is actually attractive to men and makes thots seethe.

>> No.30395349
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How many times does this bitch gotta play strategy games for 6 hours without losing any energy and play things like AoE2+4 offstream for fun before you 2views stop vomiting menstrual blood over this board seething about her actually liking them

>> No.30395361

Pandering is a good thing though.

>> No.30396626

There are no boring game, just boring streamers

>> No.30396928
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>> No.30397291

> knowing about fallen of Cadia
>doesn't know about Horus's heresy.

I will shove about Lamenters in her brain and if she understand and remember them that I will forgive her.

>> No.30397646

hi lumi schizo, I did not miss you

>> No.30402087

do you have the full version?
