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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30278102 No.30278102 [Reply] [Original]

whenever you say something good about her there's always a dedicated redditor that will reply to you with rrats & blatant misinformation
why does he hate her so much?

>> No.30278287

I dunno. But I think you need to make another thread.

>> No.30278312

Threadly reminder pippa antis literally faked a dox to try and bring pippa down and she fucking won.

>> No.30278355

>reddit rabbit who made her own subreddit

>> No.30278377

The Pickme is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a grifter, poser, panderer, a newfag, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a pickme and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.30278597

Because shes actually pretty funny and cute unlike their drywall oshis.

>> No.30278995

Is she actually funny? Most of the clips I watched of her she was saying edgy shit and laughing or screaming at chat

>> No.30279130

Kill yourself Pippa
but first make me cum with your feet

>> No.30279253

Literal who?

>> No.30279450

furry stuff was fake?

>> No.30279519

No she’s a wannabe /here/ pekoe’s and will say anything to get you to like her.

>> No.30279592

Tenma is the only one worth watching in Phase Connect.

>> No.30279801

Nijiniggers hate her because she spoke the truth.

>> No.30279997

phone dad

>> No.30280112

It was all fake. The supposed facedox was lifted directly from a random russian instagram account

>> No.30280737

No that's real, it's just the bald pic which was wrong.

>> No.30280839

>guys please believe me I know we lied about the facedox but the other stuff is totally true
Antis really stoop this low?

>> No.30281014

An unconnected russian girl somehow disproves the accounts that weren't derived from it?

The facepictures were the end result and always derived from shaky secondary accounts(foxdoll), it proves nothing about the main FA/Reddit account.

>> No.30281110

Your point is also wrong since most of the furry stuff was posted before the incorrect facedoxx and always pointed elsewhere, we have her voting records from oregon

>> No.30281225

Oregon votes by mail in ballot only, you lying fucking nigger. There are no paper records.

>> No.30281280

facedox was a fake self-dox attempt from Pippa to damage the believability of the actual doxx

>> No.30281293

Oh god this shilling again
btw your esteemed
>Dox was fake lol
Was also wrong and inconsistent. Now go lick your wounds elsewhere pippafags.

>> No.30281317

Cope. You got caught it a web of lies and are trying to salvage what you can.

>> No.30281393

>pippa is acfually playing 12d time travel chess to fuck with the antis

>> No.30281521

The dox WAS fake. Antis lied, Pippa... well Pippa actually had a pretty good stream.

>> No.30281599

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

>> No.30282616

>facedox verifiably actually untrue
>all other information now stained with the tarnish of deciet and is tenuous at absolute BEST

>> No.30282802

I don't even know who that is? Some nijiwhore?

>> No.30282865

What does dox even say?

>> No.30283032

She's a furry, a redditor and been in a long term relationship with Zaxx

>> No.30283041

ok furry reditor
cool thread

>> No.30283078

Wait so the balding girl wasn't even her? Man, not even KF can get it right.

>> No.30283156

>semiprofessional internet trolls lied on the internet

>> No.30283435

Who the fuck is zaxx?

>> No.30283591 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend and caretaker. He's a good guy. Very accomplished engineer and Pippa is an engineer in real life too.

>> No.30283747

The actual full on cope from simps who think their queen isnt a nasty ass looking hoe who was groomed.

> EL
> OH
> EL

>> No.30284048

ur dox was fake lol

>> No.30284132

You need better eyes.

>> No.30284146

But is she or is she not in a based and trad long term relationship.

>> No.30284347

As do you. Maybe next time you'll spot he cyrillic text on an instagram profile before you accidentally dox some rando svetlana.
No one actually knows. Anyone who says they do is lying or misinformed.

>> No.30284570

>instagram profile
Kek. If this is your only source, boy do i have a news for you.

>> No.30284590

>pippa's discord defense force spamming damage control

Still living together with the pedophile groomer furry that groomed her. Still furry. Still supporting that community.
As her coworker in phase connect said:
>there's no other word I can explain it other than grooming
>a lot of the furries I knew about were geniunelly into children, and into animals
>the community doesnt hold any of these people accountable
>they spend more time denying this happens than doing something about it
She's no better than discord tranny groomers, who she happened to support in her old tweets.
She has you all on a leash, all simping for her. Must be similar to Stockholm Syndrome women who fall for criminals I guess.

>> No.30284680
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I would still slowly lick and taste every inch of her body before proceeding to thoroughly eat her out.

>> No.30284862

>Still living together with the pedophile groomer furry that groomed her.
Niggas be RETVRN TO TRADITION but when someone does they lose their minds. That's how your ancestors got their wheatfield wifes.

>> No.30285981

>That's how your ancestors got their wheatfield wifes
my ancestors didn't have fursuits

>> No.30286052

Yes they did. You think those wolf pelts were just for show?

>> No.30286314

Doxfag damage control. You lost your credibility when you facedoxxed a random russian and now expecf us to believe a 10 year old furaffinity account totally belongs to pippa even though you once again have now evidence to link these things to her beyond your own assertions. You lost.

>> No.30286445

>sending in mail
>no paper records
Holy shit, you might be the dumbest person on /vt/

>> No.30286689
File: 76 KB, 750x1050, 1659777183353183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do the Redditors in here hate her so much?
Because she doesn't fit the reddit mentally of good guy/bad guy. Reddit works on comic book logic where everyone is either a pure hero or an irredeemable villian (hence the upvote/downvote system). When they see people like Pippa and her viewers who can have fun and joke about stupid edgy things without being fullblown evil nazi-communists or whatever it shorts out their programming and they have a meltdown so they do everything in their power to destroy it.
tldr: they hate to see a real nigga having fun

>> No.30286760

that sounds more like twitter than anything

>> No.30288136


>> No.30288658

Pippafags are just rightwing redditors

>> No.30288777

pippafags are just redditors

>> No.30288804


>> No.30289023

Pippa also think that Vaush is center-left and cool kek

>> No.30289174

Pippa is the shoeonhead of vtubers which appeals to rightwings simps

>> No.30289910

No one is falling for that shit.

>> No.30289948

Fuck off already with your shilling before you have another round of internet schizos doxxing and shitting on your rabbit

>> No.30290016

Good comparison. Makes me wonder if Zax gets the Armored treatment in a few years and she ends up dating Khyo or some shit like that.

>> No.30290378

>there are people here who unironically believe we are simpers for the vtubers and not just there for coomsuming entertainment

>> No.30290458

dumb stinky rabbit

>> No.30290555

You know what's cancerous? Ironic goslings like you. You're no better than normalfaggot shounenshitters. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.30290598

Make more threads on her, there aren't enough. This will help scare redditors away and make /vt/ love her

>> No.30290633

and Nasa too because she cute.

>> No.30291326

not that anon, but you are the problem here. you small penis greasy fat simp, you are just angry at some aspie Vtuber for having a bf.
go outside and touch grass

>> No.30295107

I think so.
Clips tend to either steer towards lewd or screaming and since she doesn't really do much lewd screaming is what's left.

>> No.30295449

