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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30262760 No.30262760 [Reply] [Original]

Drop all of your "virtual" e-whores and come back watching classic anime. We're waiting for you on /a/. Come home, lost weebs.

>> No.30262870

Stop flooding the market with shitty cookie cutter isekai trash and maybe I'll consider.

I didn't leave anime, anime left me!

>> No.30263304

Ralph lost

>> No.30263693

I fucking hate anime now. What do I have to look forward to? "You getsu no bitchesu s2?"

Or "Loner degenerate dies and gets a harem #298"?

Or "lonely loser who gets no bitches and stacks nò paper acts like a autismo for 12 episodes"

Yeah no thanks

>> No.30265016

What you don't like "GENERIC SHOHEN BATTLE ANIME SEASON #34563"

>> No.30265203

Haven't gone back since shonen overran the board in like 2010. The seeds were planted earlier, but it became unbearable past then. I'll never forgive moot.

>> No.30265212

>come back watching classic anime
there is nothing better about classic anime, preferring classic only shows youre already over 30 and have issues.

>> No.30265250
File: 105 KB, 580x680, FZBBOqPWQAASvaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa lost

>> No.30265293

I'd rather watch anime alone and not talk to anybody

>> No.30265606

This is like telling twitchniggers to actually go and play video games when all they want is a parasocial react streamer.

>> No.30265630


>> No.30266096

I won't go to your shitty board
I have friends if I want to talk about anime

>> No.30266171

lol yeah

>> No.30266268

I still watch anime sometimes. I haven't read /a/ in like ten years mang
