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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30235277 No.30235277 [Reply] [Original]

>Low effort bait thread started by a bored SEA who first tried out the bait in /hlgg/ and mixes truth and actual reasonable opinions with rrats and completely schizo takes. Usually about whatever Holo has done something recently.

>> No.30235380

you cannot point out the truth SEA jannies will get mad at you

>> No.30235387

>String of samefag posts attempting to make it look like an actual discussion is happening

>> No.30235401

Anon you should check Gura's past discord activities

>> No.30235496

>More posts, some complaining about the quality of the thread, others from actual tourists who have gotten roped in and don't know better.

>> No.30235535

Why are chumbuds like this? You're the victim for people making fun of your factually lazy oshi?

>> No.30235544

honestly i just stick to some of the generals because seeing seaniggers seething on the board constantly about every little thing is tiring. i try to avoid the catalogue when possible

>> No.30235611

>Accusation that poster is a Nijifan
>Accusation that poster is a Holofan
>Accusation that poster is a Holofan pretending to be a Nijifan falseflagging
>Accusation that poster is a Nijifan pretending to be a Holofan falseflagging

>> No.30235701

>Accusation that poster enjoys the same corporation that I do but is from a different fanbase within the corporation so therefore they are scum.

>> No.30235803
File: 31 KB, 496x379, 1612091604859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuds are on a literal suicide watch. That makes me sad. You can cure my sadness by doing some sweet backflips.

>> No.30235822

>Roommate doxx

>> No.30235982

>abayo nigga

>> No.30236080

I never knew what people were talking about when they talked about "SEA niggers" other than where those guys were from. But holy shit it just took watching a Kobo stream, how can they be so retarded? They are similar to sand niggers or indians

>> No.30236087

>Wall of text usually starts out with "I know this is a bait thread but I'll bite" followed by overly long and thought out response to the shitpost that nobody will actually read

>> No.30236138

>white knight replies "nothingburger" to a wall of text with links
>another white knight says he hates /vt/ while browsing it 24/7

>> No.30236263

>randomly mag this thread

>> No.30236285

>As a x I absolutely hate y

>> No.30236287

Don't get so uppity now boy. SEA owns this board.

>> No.30236634

>Random shill for some 2view nobody gives a fuck about

>> No.30237313

>Phase Connect shill

>> No.30237542

>posts "Legitimate" membership badge which he saved from global

>> No.30237576

>take the myfavoritevtuberpill
