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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30211847 No.30211847 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread dedicated for the friendship circle of Gawr Gura, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronni and Nanashi Mumei.

Links coming soon.

>> No.30213588

Why no more Myth members?

>> No.30213735
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>> No.30216550

I'm not surprised

>> No.30216644

Let’s kick out Gura

>> No.30217570

sana... bae...

>> No.30219964


>> No.30220038

SNOT is not worth a thread.

>> No.30220065

From Myth. Gura belongs in Council.

>> No.30220097

they can't, otherwise it's Council minus Bae

>> No.30222939

Better than chadcast

>> No.30224256

Why does Kronii have to be there? Why couldn't she have graduated and Sana remained?

>> No.30224740

As someone who watches all 4 of them, why does this need to be a thing? Also, you don't have enough pictures for a new OP every time.

>> No.30225670

I support this general, if only we could get more SNOT

>> No.30226183

Because they are clearly friends and have the friendship in EN

>> No.30227047

And? That doesn't require a general. What does this general bring to the table that can't be discussed in /hlgg/, /ggg/, /who/, /inf/, /uuu/ and /cope/? Also that OP is apsolutely hideous. Not even a /snot/? I refuse to post in a general where a breadmaker did such a half ass job.

>> No.30227529

What does SNOT stand for?

>> No.30228012

I get the feeling that the only people who spam SNOT posts are chumbuds.

>> No.30228852

Because they are. Council fans enjoy whatever, and often have really fun collabs. So don't feel the need to attach a label onto it. While Chumbuds are basically like "l-look Gura can also hang out with the cool kids. Haha, that's SNOT which includes Gura. D-don't forget councilbros, Gura is part of your group too."

>> No.30228961

They are the only legit friendship in EN.

>> No.30229218

I support this general. I'm glad goomba found friends that can be as autistic as she is.

>> No.30230055

Because Kronii actually streams unlike Sana. Nobody cared about Sana when she was around. Why do you care now?

>> No.30232268
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This. The NOT is an actual clique and Gura is a passing tourist. Chumbuds are retarded if they think they can bring saplings, kronies and hoomen under one roof. It just shows you how isolated they have been from other fanbases.

>> No.30232383

Myth didn't work out for Gura.

>> No.30236029

>implying Gura considers Australians as people

>> No.30236172

Kronii can't stand Mumei, so this group won't survive much longer

>> No.30236317

Chad Cast friendship is more real than SNOT. Goomba didn't even call in on Moomer's bday stream.

>> No.30236394

Real friends would call in to their friend's birthday totsu.

>> No.30236750
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>> No.30236782

Real friends don't doxx their friends and then proceed to leech off of their popularity

>> No.30238075

I mean yeah, that's why Ame dropped Gura. IDK what that has to do with SNOT though.

>> No.30244605


>> No.30250094

Don't mind the hate

>> No.30252108

I wish Mumei would leave and get replaced by an actual entertaining member. Maybe we should have inflated the Dan Dan thing more to graduate her.

>> No.30252227
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maybe you would drink the nailpolish remover in your mom's dresser drawer

>> No.30252516

While I am not sure about the Gura/Kronii friendship, Gura is in some weird fucking sexual relationship with Fauna where she calls Fauna "Mommy" off stream often enough that she calls her it on stream despite thinking it is cringe (Shondo also calls Fauna "Mommy" which leads me to think this isn't just Gura doing it on purpose). Plus Fauna is a chumbud
Gura and Mumei both have the same type of retardation/autism

>> No.30257406


>> No.30258581

I hate to break this down for all of you.
But the voice in my head told me that EN management won't tolerate SNOT any longer.
SNOT make Bae, the leader of Council, look like a member that is being excluded from the group for being in different country intentionally .
It was fine before because Sana was there too, but after Sana left, Bae will be the only one left alone, while the rest of Council are having fun growing their numbers with the most popular vtuber on the world

>> No.30258626

Bae had CHAD first though...

>> No.30258975

Why they are friends? Do they hang out together offline, or do they discord each other, or what? I'm not against it, if anything. Just wonder, why they're friends?

>> No.30259095

Most number of collabs, mentions, discord chats and the best chemistry of EN. They are basically bound by blood at this point.

>> No.30259342

i don't buy this. i think they had one fun collab and i think the fans just kinda ran with it.

>> No.30259345

Mumei Fauna and Kronii got bound together by being the NA members of Council, developed a lot of chemistry early on, and have met IRL a few times now. also Sana went MIA and Bae formed her CHAD clique. meanwhile Gura is Fauna's oshi, vibes really well with Mumei, and is horny for Kronii.
that being said, SNOT is really just the NA members minus Ame and Ina, who both have collab autism. Mumei's actual best friend in EN is Bae, and Kronii's was Sana.

>> No.30264732


>> No.30267278

Who is Gura's best friend?

>> No.30269865

What if we replaced Gura with IRyS though?

>> No.30270140


>> No.30270303

Eww corporate mandate collab.

>> No.30272214

lol the butthurt when gura graduates is gonna be glorious

>> No.30272592

What the fuck is a snot?

>> No.30276669

SNOT video from expo doko?

>> No.30281586

This makes me wonder, SNOT just formed recently in March-April, yet they got a chance to record a skit for this expo
