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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29997179 No.29997179 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29997211
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>> No.29997316

why did she do it?

>> No.29997350

To this day i'm convinced that this is what really killed AmeSame. The whole "I won't be Gura's sidekick" narrative Ame was pushing took off shortly after this.

>> No.29997413

>this is what really killed AmeSame
explain this then

>> No.29997639

Sorry, what's the context of this image?

>> No.29998168

extreme bitch move. immediately dropped her after that and never looked back

>> No.29998272

Where is this from?

>> No.29998914

I think Gura wanted revenge for the "plural of Moose" incident and took it too far in her autism.

>> No.29998957

Ame has a lot of integrity to not just turn around and say Guras actual birth name right back to her. It wasn't some kind of inside joke, it was malicious. People were repeating the name back in Ames chat for days like it was some kind of meme too lmao.

>> No.29998974 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.29999074

what happened?

>> No.29999196 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.29999286

Gura asked Ame if she knows anybody by the name of "Rachel".

>> No.29999543


>> No.29999580

gura casually doxxes her out of spite. no holding back no denial just straight up, cold bitch style

>> No.29999621

Towa baby.......................................................

>> No.29999626 [SPOILER] 
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have the clip instead (potential doxx info)

>> No.29999753

Jesus Christ

>> No.29999819

That can't be her actual name right? I feel like if it was it would have put a way bigger strain on their relationship but seems like didn't have any effect on anything.

>> No.30000432 [SPOILER] 
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It's not even a first time Gura doxxed Ame on stream. She has a history of doing this, pic related.

>> No.30000625

Remember when she doxxed her genmates on twitter, leaving the tweet up to this day?

>> No.30000669

Gura doxxed me the fucking bitch

>> No.30000713

Twitter itself "doxxes" them by nature of them not wanting to be known for Hololive in the first place.

>> No.30000899

Rebecca, not Rachel

>> No.30000930

To my deathbed I will forever be plagued by the question: Why did she do it, bros?

>> No.30000973

Funny how you talk about it as if all her info wasn't dug up in the days immediately after her debut. Yes, Gura said her real name, deliberately. Crystal clear into her microphone. Broadcasting live for the world to hear.

>> No.30001087

I mean there's absolutely a chance that she didn't know that was actually her name, or she wasn't aware how much had been doxxed.

>> No.30001208

I'm not even convinced it's her name. We all know ame's old twitch and have seen her face, but I'm not aware of her real name ever being doxxed there. I certainly can't find it. Hell, just googling her old twitch name and "rebecca" doesn't return any results with "rebecca" in it. Seems like this is just drama bait.

>> No.30001234

For her to pick a random name in that circumstance that just so happens to be her actual name is a lot to swallow. In context with her being teased gently about past life stuff earlier, it's the least likely possible explanation.

>> No.30001295

It's the exact same thing as "Name 5 things that aren't Jackie Chan" but in real life.
She had specifically 1 thing she couldn't say and because of that restriction it was the only thing she could think of in the moment.

>> No.30001311

You're looking in the wrong archive, we were on /jp/ back then.

>> No.30001506

Holy reps

>> No.30001539

that's a man

>> No.30001629

>wrong archive
I was checking a lot more than just 4chan archives, lmao
okay, I just looked through the /jp/ archive. Literally the only mentions of her being named Rebecca are people reacting to this exact clip and making the claim completely unsubstantiated. Hell, there were a couple people linking the twitter of a fucking journalist (who is still active, btw). I'm not even more convinced that this is just gaslighting.

>> No.30001642

I'm not saying the info couldn't be available, but how could Ame still be on good terms with gura if she crossed such a line? I mean they're co workers so they probably would still have to pretend to get along, but from their interactions they seems like good friends at least.

>> No.30001697

Gura is not intelligent
Gura real personality = Nyanners

>> No.30001712

She has done credited VA work and has old accounts she must have lost her password from a million years ago where she used her name, and her face.

>> No.30001758

That's basically the heart of the whole WDSDIB. Glad you're up to speed.

>> No.30002278


>> No.30002393
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Why did she do it bros?

>> No.30002401
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>> No.30002424

kys nijinig

>> No.30002448
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>> No.30002972

It was a False flag

>> No.30003215

>credited voice work
Okay, so the journalist twitter, as it turns out, shares the same name as an IMDB voice actress listing. Two roles listed, one for a fallout mod and one for background voices in a love live dub. Checked out the mod, definitely her. I'm not listening through a season of love live to pick out a background character, but she's said that she once did background vocals in a love live dub, so at the very least, this IMDB listing is definitely her. Where did they get the name, though? The actual voice credits for the fallout mod has her role uncredited and the only place I see this name being credited for the love live dub is on a fucking voice acting wiki (no actual article for her, just a name), nothing from any official source. I have yet to see any of these accounts using her real name, but I'll conceed that she would have likely wiped them by now.

And I just now thought to check wayback machine, and yeah, that name actually used to be credited for the fallout mod, but it was changed to uncredited at some point. They also link to her old, now deleted twitter.

I stand corrected, her name is likely Rebecca.

>> No.30003755

It's only uncredited because she read the thread digging through her old stuff as it was happening. After anons discovered it she had her credits removed as soon as she could. It was within hours or at the most a day from what I recall. She even left us cheeky messages on her old shit as it was being wiped. Shame you missed it.

>> No.30003863

Also, if you google her name and look in images you'll find an extremely cringe old pinterest account she apparently can't delete lmao. Kinda cute.

>> No.30003865

It was funnier when Mori reacted to them calling "Karen" when they were talking about a ghost in phasmophobia.

>> No.30004029

Link? This gon be good

>> No.30004111

It was worse than that. She just lapsed into referring to herself by her name unprompted.

>> No.30004289

>nooo stop doing a le heckin doxxerino in my heckin chubba!!!!!!!
Jesus you niggas are fucking gay

>> No.30004447


>> No.30004556

Top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.30004750

Proof next thread?

>> No.30004826

you should be gutted like a fish

>> No.30004925
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>> No.30004972

lol, lemao even

>> No.30005211


>> No.30006713

Rebecca is just a stage name, Gura knows this which is why it wasn't a big deal for her to joke about it. Her real name is Ann.

>> No.30008704

Its kinda creepy that you did all that work just to find out her name
Reminds me of the story of that idol who was doxxed and stalked by a “fan” who used the reflection in her eyes
Stuff like this is why Ame is paranoid you know, she avoids anybody she thinks might know who “Ame” is

>> No.30008965

I remember when she talked about when she saw people on the streets wearing her merch and immediately hide herself even tho nobody would be able to identify her

>> No.30009118

>I stand corrected, her name is likely Rebecca.
again, this was known from day 1 lol. you spent all that time for nothing just because you're a "everything that's said on /vt/ is a lie"-fag.

>> No.30009444

she still to this day have a few breadcrumb trails left that are very deliberate. she's cute like that.

>> No.30009667

it is
