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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 88 KB, 750x268, 7C8B4672-B4F1-4B9D-A42B-99D0A8552077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29883507 No.29883507 [Reply] [Original]

Connor condom superchat STILL living rent free in Mori’s head.
I fucking kneel

>> No.29883543 [DELETED] 

she really wants to suck his dick lol

>> No.29883727

>one time
member when she dug up the cuckbeat comic almost a week later
member when even reddit was telling her what she did was stupid

>> No.29883875

Mori...it's time to let it go

>> No.29883954

Mori’s always been a bitch. You could make her cry just typing mean words in chat I guarantee it

>> No.29884024
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>> No.29884033

Repeat reminder, the consom SC isn't the one she's really seething about but rather the members sc that sparked off the whole shitfest in the first place. Condom chat was just a symptom, the root cause was the other chat.

>> No.29884046

that was the 1 time she is referencing, yes.

>> No.29884079

KEK . Nicely done

>> No.29884139

You heard her guys, if we breed enough drama she'll finally quit!

>> No.29884143

pretty sure that's what she means retard

>> No.29884186 [DELETED] 

Except those people are stupid. She was close enough friends to attend Gigguk and Sydney's wedding. Why let mentally ill people dictate your content?

>> No.29884203

It's not the superchat that lives rent free in her head, it's that one time that she decided to respond to a troll comin on twitter that lives in her head. Which is good, because she's learned from it.

That's the mistake she's talking about anon...

>> No.29884267

She’s dumb. I mean like, REALLY fucking dumb

>> No.29884332

Fuck I lost it

>> No.29884400 [DELETED] 

The superchats living rent free in her head are why she gave the twitter troll a blowjob in the first place. It's all connected. But as already mentioned in this thread, the condom superchat was after the original superchat pissed her off. And that superchat was completely benign which shows that comments people had made before were the real source of her anger. Realistically, every negative thing she's ever heard lives rent-free in her head because that's her personality. She brings these things up all the time, most of the time she just sees her bringing them up as her "owning the haters" and thus not a mark on her personal character. And she'll continue to see it that way while she's surrounded by yes-men.

>> No.29884520

>And that superchat was completely benign
no it wasn't, it was literally a bait sc

>> No.29884718

Mori respected and kneeled even called the anti comment “high-level superchats”. Knowing how she is I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted other trolls to send her money in hopes she respond. Thus creating a cycle of never ending ‘high level’ superchatflow

>> No.29884904

It doesn't matter if it's connected, it's not what she's talking about in OPs screenshot.
> Realistically, every negative thing she's ever heard lives rent-free in her head because that's her personality.
Okay, here's the thing, this is actually most people's personality. Most people will remember when people say something shitty about them. I don't care about how cool and collected you pretend to be. So, yes I suppose it's technically true that it's probably living rent free in her head. But it's not what she's talking about.

>> No.29885087 [DELETED] 

If Mori never got into Holo she would probably end up as some DSP or WingsofRedemption type of streamer where people watch them just for drama and to see them argue with their own viewers.

>> No.29885101

>replying to the supa, bringing up the donation, commenting on the comic, arguing with reddit, and then her Twitter damage control was just one slip up
Nice try, Mori.

>> No.29885190

The majority happened within the span of a day, they are all a part of the same event

>> No.29885264

Technically that was all one thing, or at least started from one. The cuck comic was the big one.
If she had just left it after the SC, it would've ended fine.

>> No.29885327

spoonfeed me

>> No.29885360
File: 434 KB, 516x540, 1656367544237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Connor and Mori STILL living rent free in /vt/'s head

>> No.29885392

What the FUCK is Goku's problem

>> No.29885422

it's been close to 8 months and you'd think autists would have let it go by now

>> No.29885443

>it'll take more than drama to get me to stop doing my job.

you hear her anons, sharp the knives and throw your meds we need to be balls deep into schizo mode to take down this bitch, so tell all the voices inside your head to come up with the most insane rrat they can muster

>> No.29885471

There's nothing else going on right now, OP is suffering withdraw from the lack of Mori Yabs

>> No.29885472

Goku is stupid in DBZ, but he went full fucking retard in DB Super.

>> No.29885505 [DELETED] 

>be woman
>ride the carousel until you're 35
>now you want to settle down
>"men are chuds for holding my past against them!"

>> No.29885515

did it really get into her? I thought she only responded to give /vt/ and /jp/ some funny content to laugh at dead hours

>> No.29885518

Discordbeats defense force came in faster than expected.

>> No.29885517

You’d think mori would too

>> No.29885553

he's a based retard. Same can be said for Mori

>> No.29885565

She wears this shit like a badge of honor. Proof that she's experienced and overcome haterzz. She sees it as legitimising

>> No.29885572

We need to hit her where it hurts the most. Think hard sisters.

>> No.29885586

“Hey it’s that guy, didn’t he shit his pants at the school assembly?” Some things you just never forget. You don’t think about it daily but when it comes up or you see them in public, the pants shitting just comes to mind.

>> No.29885621

>i don't know what rent free means
She was literally prompted for the response

>> No.29885668
File: 811 KB, 715x715, On the Mind of Mori - Ogey Rrat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fspk8x3.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically all you need to know is
>connor condom fund
>the situation was so fucking retarded some anon made a diss track for her

>> No.29885719

and the diss track has such a goofy voice attached to it, guy got roasted beyond belief, scrubbed it off the net and the following ones were TTS

>> No.29885768

seachads are based

>> No.29885784 [DELETED] 

Her fans

>> No.29885786

I can't believe this is the kid that killed king piccolo because the world was in danger.

>> No.29885814

Who could possibly forget Yung Skelly

>> No.29885853

>Mori gets asked if there was something bad
>Mori talks that something bad happened and she had to change how she acts in response
Get a life fagaloon.

>> No.29885917

Christ woman, it's been over 6 months from that. Move on already.

>> No.29885932

Please understand, this is the only contribution to anything he will ever make.

>> No.29885985

Rent. Free

>> No.29885999

Why are there so many deleted posts in this thread?

>> No.29886044
File: 322 KB, 397x667, connorshort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found a recap on all of it an lmao hololive fans are such autist retards. they got big mad at her for giving a friend and a colleague the benefit of the doubt over saying something dumb? then took that as a personal insult? then got even bigger mad because she laughed at a poorly drawn comic of deadbeats being cucked? how are her fans such fucking losers? it's like english holo fans live up to all the worst aspects of jp fans

>> No.29886058
File: 33 KB, 750x563, 1644216920157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what the actual fuck do you want? She was literally asked a fucking question and she answered it.

>> No.29886060


>> No.29886063

i really wonder if she ever actually saw yung skelly

>> No.29886110

Thanks for chiming in from the Trash Taste subreddit

>> No.29886137

No one gave a fuck outside of this board which only cares because its funny to troll her with

theres like 4 guys who took it personal on the whole internet.

>> No.29886146

i don't watch trash taste i'm just surprised mori fans are that schizo

>> No.29886186

keep crying about imaginary ghosts

>> No.29886214

the fans stood up for her and just told her not to fuck with the trolls
literally only this place had been losing its shit

>> No.29886257

I guess you ignored the part where she says it stuck with her till this day

>> No.29886291

This is still an unironically good diss track. But hard to fuck up with a Nujabes backing track.

>> No.29886309
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What's she talking about? Who's Connor? Is it a friend?

>> No.29886332

Yes, that's the fucking point you fucking retard. She remembers the lesson she learned from it. Again, what the fuck do you actually want?

>> No.29886354

holy shit

>> No.29886378
File: 1.01 MB, 1121x846, sig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how improving yourself is supposed to work
I know it is an alien concept to you tho

>> No.29886445

Vegeta explains this after getting beaten up by Zarbon.
Saiyans magically get stronger after fighting tougher opponents.
So when Goku purposefully allows opponents to reach full power, it benefits him in the long run.

>> No.29886474

>you'd think autists
Well there's your problem right there

>> No.29886499

retardchama, those are all events that are tied togheter, it started with the superchat and finished with the lean tweet

>> No.29886592

I have not watched any of Super, how much stupider does he get?

>> No.29886602

So you admit she still thinks about it now or no ?

>> No.29886615 [DELETED] 

I don't like Mori because she's a fat girl. And fat women smell really weird and really bad. And the wigger shit is undeniable cringe.

>> No.29886776

It's really only the EOP deadbeat fans, they're all a bunch of overly sensitive women. That's why Mori prefers her JOP fans more.

>> No.29886849 [DELETED] 

Nothing burguer spam again?
>Do cuckbeat even

>> No.29886877

>so, concede?

>> No.29886918 [DELETED] 

>smelly ass
>smelly feet
She's a fucking goblin.

>> No.29886958

Nice argument

>> No.29886998

Yes, she remembers it so she doesn't so something like that again. Do you not understand how this works?

>> No.29887017

Someone asked about it in a members only stream, she started reading the question then burst out laughing so hard her L2D broke and then she just moved on to the next question.

>> No.29887033

Either someone went full Mark David Chapman on her or the only reason she stops doing her job is herself and she can blame no one but herself. Maybe, there's also a chance she was accidentally exposed to fentanyl, I don't know.

You can see it as a way to cope from her perspective. All of these dramas are taking a toll on her, but part of her refuses to give up because to cave to her haters is the worst thing she can do. So, she has to find a way to cope.

>> No.29887075

Ok that’s all I wanted to clarify

>> No.29887165

He doesn't know how to make baby.

>> No.29887288

It's shit precisely because he used a nujabes track

>> No.29887310

Mori views the entire cuck beat saga as one incident. I am sure she talked to Gura at some point about the idea of just not being a retard and not engaging with drama. Gura basically got everyone to forget about the party yab and when Gura decides to shitpost like Mori did with the condom money and cuckbeat shit, she does it in a way she won't get in trouble, like delaying a stream to make a straw poll that said sweden on it so that one indian faggot from /ggg/ had a schizo fit while no one else got it.
And while I don't like connor (nothing to do with what he said, I don't even know what he said, I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh), her retarded reaction is 100% in character. She literally did the same thing with the whole cuckbeat thing as she did with the homobeggers telling them to fuck off, eat shit and not pester Gura or any of the other girls.
mori is a retard and I don't really like her, but all of her yabs are understandable if not defensible

>> No.29887529

She doesn't think things through, at all.

>> No.29887636

I think I am the only person who thinks it was cool how Goku trusted Gohan enough to give Cell that senzu bean.

>> No.29887762

she has the will and heart of a chad, but she is weak when it comes to dealing with the outcomes of her actions

>> No.29887773

I can't be the only one who thinks responding to the cuckbeat comic was funny. People were full on seething over some schizo anti narrative it was totally fair to ridicule them.

>> No.29887923

Watching antis and cuckbeat whiteknights was the best part. They both are fighting an unwinnable fight to this day.

>> No.29888053
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>I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh

>> No.29888060

also because JOPs still think Calli is super kakkoi and not a dork

>> No.29888140

Seeing the cuckbeats having a mental breakdown was marvelous.

>> No.29888266

I don't even understand why people were mad about that. Cell can just regenerate anyway.
And Goku had a good idea, Gohan would've held back if he thought Cell didn't have the upper hand.

>> No.29888302

it's you
you were having the mental breakdown
in fact, you still are

>> No.29888397

i didn't wait long, thanks anon.

>> No.29888456

goku loves to fight just like how you love to shitpost.

>> No.29888660

She can cope by hitting some lean though

>> No.29888691 [DELETED] 

she is literally too busy getting riced to care and she probably gave this answer because the question reminded her of it then went back to doing RM shit

>> No.29888752

>We could kill the guy RIGHT NOW but hey let’s just get me killed so gohan becomes traumatized and gains his “full potential”
>I guess we could ya know, just train normally but this is smarter and the risk of the world ending if he fucks up is worth
Nah gokus a dumbass and terrible parent

>> No.29888785
File: 33 KB, 680x680, 1608553967844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fuck, my sides have been fucking obliterated KEK

>> No.29888892

Do we even know how the ''rice farmer'' was feeling throught all of this? man sounds like hell for him too.

>> No.29889111

They have no time to train after it and Cell can tank anything they throw it him. If they don't play along or if he thinks he's losing, Cell blows up the Earth.
So throw Gohan in there, make Cell think he's still in control, and then have Gohan overpower him before he tries anything.
The only bad part of the plan was Gohan taking too long.

>> No.29889161

I like that one part when she autisti-calli snapped at that one dude in chat complaining about her shrek jokes in the elden ring collab

>> No.29889486

by the "one time" she meant joining hololive

>> No.29889545

I'm going to mail Mori a fan letter with a condom in it and a 1000 yen bill with the text "Condom money for Connor" in Comic Sans.

>> No.29889611
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>(nothing to do with what he said, I don't even know what he said, I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh)

>> No.29889672

I really don’t see the problem with this, do you guys really forget big times you fucked up? That isn’t even possible in my mind

>> No.29889766

they are circlejerking a """victory""", let them have their moment

>> No.29889778

But if we're living rent free in Mori's head
And she's living rent free in ours
Then is it an infinite cycle of habitation?

>> No.29889899

mori get help and get off the lean

>> No.29889928

Thanks for conceding, Jeremy

>> No.29890048

Thinking of it like us 69'ing each other

>> No.29891598

He kept quiet through the whole thing because it wasn’t his business. Hell people are still debating as to whether or not they’re still farming together because all anyone got was that instagram post.

>> No.29891852

Hi Thatcher

>> No.29892298

She has to keep going anon, yab or no yab. How else is she gonna afford all that alcohol and ramen.

>> No.29892354

>I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh
King shit

>> No.29892379

She should cope by going to the gym once in a while.

>> No.29892524

Yes, we ""concede". You ""won". You're totally ""not"" seething and coping.

>> No.29892598
File: 3.75 MB, 2456x3473, 90590334_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli had a hard life... and yet she doesn't blame anyone but herself and just keeps going... I love her so much!

>> No.29892610

which said what?

>> No.29892702

I wish I was rich enough to constantly focus on the (comparative) minority of people that hate me over the majority of those who don't.

>> No.29892793

>(nothing to do with what he said, I don't even know what he said, I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh)
Hmm, based, yes.

>> No.29892863

Has Mori fixed her lying problem?

>> No.29892867 [DELETED] 

Now that we're on the subject. I do have a question on the connor condom money thing.
Is giving her money for condoms to have sex with connor a cuck move or a chad move?

>> No.29892890

As a Deadbeat and former ghostling it's disappointing she's let antis shape her so much. She should be promoting herself in this interview, not feeling sorry for herself. It's the same deal with a lot of her music. I hope she changes direction and lets go of the past so we can see her real side.

>> No.29893017
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>(nothing to do with what he said, I don't even know what he said, I just hate him on general principle because he is welsh)

>> No.29893050

I mean, she was just answering the question in this case.

>> No.29893053

I don't understand the sweden poll bit

>> No.29893074
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>> No.29893180
File: 171 KB, 584x792, 85F30C95-9D31-46DF-B0F4-A5C05175F1B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 deletion by cuckbeat janny

>> No.29893210

Nooo, I think she prefers Japs for a different reason.

>> No.29893259

Is this a picture of OP?

>> No.29893289

>do you guys really forget big times you fucked up?
Absolutely. The fuck do I need to carry around that baggage for? So I can feel bad at random moments? To hell with that. Fuck up, forget it, move on.

>> No.29893303

What's wrong with the welsh?

>> No.29893331

they're fundamentally bad people

>> No.29893404 [DELETED] 

kekbeat janny deleted my post so i'm asking again.
Was the condom money SC a KEK move or a CHAD move.
Also fuck off, janny

>> No.29893439

Yeah, just keep making the same mistakes over and over again!

>> No.29893531

Nothing. Anime youtubers are trash and any excuse to hate their stupid normie asses is legitimate in my book.
It's just that some excuses are more legit than others.

>> No.29893535
File: 313 KB, 900x1317, Vinland Saga v08 c51 - 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really now? The only knowledge I have comes from sheep memes and Vinland Saga.
Keep in mind if you're Anglo I don't trust what you have to say about anyone.

>> No.29893640

por que no los dos?

>> No.29893650 [DELETED] 

it was based even if the guy regretted it
also, fuck jannys

>> No.29894149

She does still get superchats about that fiasco to this day, of course shes gonna bring it up since its only one thing, it wasnt even a mistake, she should have doubled down and drew the schizos away from her. Its funnier that /vt/ cant forget this incident though. Gachikois just cant move on, keep giving Mori supas, its just gonna make her more successful lol

>> No.29894154

What is this from?

>> No.29894418

Gura made a poll and it's location of creation was in Sweden.

>> No.29894647

Stop using words you don't understand the meaning of stupid nigger.

>> No.29894693


>> No.29894793


>> No.29895127
File: 21 KB, 1406x575, MullvadVPN_logo_Portrait_RGB_Color_positive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a paranoid schizophrenic who uses a VPN at all times.

>> No.29895273

Anon I still see people parroting ancient Kiara rrats.
People don't let ANYTHING go here.

>> No.29895320

I still can't believe that was real.

>> No.29895552

It's the leftie Twitter thing where you randomly choose a white ethnicity to be mad about for laughs, usually it's French

>> No.29895655

>vt filled with twitterfags
not surprising

>> No.29895694

he's hyper based

No son of his will have a participation trophy

>> No.29895830

>it'll take a lot more than drama to get me to stop doing my job

>> No.29895972

This is her real side

>> No.29896174 [DELETED] 

Because a guy she has talked to and played games with online is from from Sweden. His online name is BarbSe. She's played with and known him since before Hololive. Around the time of the
Sweden poll thing,the Barb rrat got a lot of traction even though he has been known about for a long time. She did ditch chumbuds back in February 2021 to play Valheim with him. Gura has some kind of fetish for European males. She's been linked to 2 European men, Jay and Barb

>> No.29896346

I am a little late can someone post the QRD?

>> No.29896498

>Gura takes extra precautions in case she gets doxxed
>Creeps attempt to dox her and get a fake location
>She's a paranoid schizo for correctly guessing perverts were trying to backtrace her ISP

>> No.29896606

>seething this hard

>> No.29896748

How would someone "backtrace her ISP" through a poll? Still, you're right, using a VPN is good practice and Sweden has very strong privacy laws.

>> No.29896778
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>> No.29896843

Yup, you've got it ""right"". I'm clearly ""seething"".

>> No.29896935 [DELETED] 

Nothing really, they just hate connor in general because he's a succesful tall white man, Sea niggers here kinda hate that because they can't be like him since they're forever brown. Its just Jealousy really. There is no reason to hate on Connor and I'm saying this as a Seanigger.

>> No.29897395

Why is it Connor money when Connor is actually dating that Puerto Rican mami

>> No.29897901 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 2233838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny leaves up off topic posts about Mori, deletes off topic post post about Gura that was answering a question. Kinda biased. Might as well post something actually worth being banned for. Jay and Barb get to suck on these mosquito bites. I know it shatters your "Gura is a lesbian" fantasy janny, but the truth needs to be spoken

>> No.29898145 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeat seething

>> No.29898254

I think a good portion of /vt/ wants to fuck this guy, represses it, and then gets angry at anyone they see as a threat to them getting the dick. This board is full of actual women.

>> No.29898317

holy samefag falseflag combo

>> No.29898364

Wtf she still collects these?

>> No.29898389

Holy projection faggot

>> No.29898485 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1080x2025, Screenshot_20220803-000033_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29898555

I can inspect element too

>> No.29898631

If a vtuber interacts with any m*le, and that m*le is not Yagoo....then they're fucking.

>> No.29898648

But you can't count the posters numbers

>> No.29898976

This implies Goku thinks about anything that isn't just fighting. Which he doesn't

>> No.29899141

I like her but this will never stop being funny, hopefully she's learned that trying to own antis just makes them more rabid

>> No.29902562

You rarely see threads this heavily moderated, damn.

>> No.29902852

You do when it's Mori threads. Can't have people say anything negative about her.

>> No.29903003

Heeee, sugee naaaa, you look like you'd be really strong fighting at full power Connor-san. Here's a senzu, let's fight! Waku waku!

>> No.29903041

I’m actually surprised the deadbeat mod even let this one stay up . I imagine he’s been defending her itt

>> No.29903426

If you do your reps you learn about a certain boat song she made

>> No.29903629

Can you remember which stream I really want to hear that

>> No.29911357 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 827x180, 6EA2D832-8A0D-4551-8EB7-0A5D56439579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only true deadbeats know

>> No.29911671
File: 759 KB, 974x415, 1635098921852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people still believe that TT is hated only because they are leeching men?

>> No.29911770

No, I recall the guy who made the cuckbeat edit out of the Rental Girlfriend template hated them because the faggots on TT shat on mecha anime and said it was a dead genre. He didn't give a shit about Mori, he just wanted to get TT in trouble.

>> No.29911786

But this whole thread is anti thread? Wouldn't be easier time to just delete the whole thread?

>> No.29911805

I don’t like this guy and Connor because they have massive egos. The other guy is cool and I don’t really care about him

>> No.29911887
File: 211 KB, 350x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when someone sent a superchat doxxing Kiara as an escort back when Kiara was in Japan, and Mori, instead of ignoring it, chose to address it and send that money to Ironmouse instead?

>> No.29911947

Forever in my mind.
Everytime I see her, all I can see is a whore thirsty for male interaction.

>> No.29911962

t. sheep

>> No.29912011

It was some really lukewarm super chat, not even really rude, that pretty much just kind of talked about being careful about who she hangs around citing Connor and his scams and such, and Mori let it live in her head rent free since. She massively overreacted to it, which let trolls and baiters know where to aim, and said she'd give the donations like that to Connor in the future, hence why it said "Condom money for Connor.", he knew it'd go to Connor in the end.

>> No.29912058

Other than being anitubers?

>> No.29912077

Well, the welshman is dishonest, he cheats when he can. He's little and dark, more like monkey than man. He works down the mines with a lamp in his hat he sings far too loud, for too often, and flat.

>> No.29912104

You guys are really that starved for yabs, huh

>> No.29912114

I think "can I please have some fun." was the main slip-up, maybe that's what she means.

>> No.29912194

No, I think that too. That's clearly what that was supposed to communicate too. Goku's still fucking nuts but he has a heart of gold.

>> No.29912208

Rent free in your head cuckbeat

>> No.29912257
File: 1.01 MB, 1041x909, 1647685800745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the funny brown people

>> No.29912267

get her sister to be a vtuber and then get her regular ccv higher than moris lol

>> No.29912293

that label requires them to have watched anime

>> No.29912307

>Hard life
Sure pal…

>> No.29912345

Change her music? She’s been on the same shit since day one. Get real.

>> No.29912419

come on discord sisters, let's keep bumping the dying thread by replying to hours old posts

>> No.29912557

No they get stronger after ha ing nier death experiences, not fighting stronger people. It's why he had Krillin blast a hole in his chest and then heal him with the dragon, to basically double in strength.

>> No.29912589

Not really. Just do anime related youtube videos and you are now anituber.

>> No.29912665

I dont want her to be harmed but I wouldn't mind if she was harrased in real life by someone because she doxxed herself yet again and because she keeps linking careers. Scare her into not being retarded.

>> No.29912667

I think we're not saying the words rent free enough. Rent free.

>> No.29912723

This one didn't happen

>> No.29912887

oh, but it did

>> No.29912981

Anon, Kiara left Japan last year not this year.

>> No.29913009

she had literally no idea what that one actually meant lol

>> No.29913023

are you retarded? are you an esl? having problems reading? need some help?

>> No.29913065

I don't think you realize this anon but like 90% of the unicorn posting here is bullshit being played up as either bait or shitposting.

>> No.29913082
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I'm not saying you're wrong. She's half the time drunk, half the time high and full time retarded.

>> No.29913212

they're competing for my JP oshi

>> No.29913389

>I can't be the only one who thinks responding to the cuckbeat comic was funny
I don't think anything Mori's ever done has been "funny" to me in the way a normal person is if that's what you mean. It's more like when the party whore throws up on herself and you get to laugh AT her kind of funny. The anons who got angry about it instead of just laughing their asses off at her missed out.

>> No.29913450

A schizo was shouting in /ggg/ about how Gura went on a vacation to visit her supposed E-boyfriend in Sweden, fucked him and brought home a cat (chubi) she got from him. The poll being in Sweden was making fun of that since the rrat died immediately after.
See above, but the poll being from Sweden was a coincidence and she used a VPN.
Either way the rrat died immediately because it turned out the vacation was the myth off-collab.

>> No.29913573
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1630582088048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hated that Connor guy. Why? Well it's because he's white
>/vt/: omg BASED! King shit, you're just like us!

>> No.29913606

the whole thing was a trashfire spectacle, and anyone who felt emotionally charged on either side is autistic by default and requires a dose of bullet

>> No.29913750

do you mean free as in free beer?

>> No.29914346

A welshman is closer to the dirt that I walk upon than they are to the white race. A white man carries himself with grace and pride, a welshman stumbles along filled with hatred for the world and himself. To say that a welshman is white is to say that red paint is blue, it is simply false. Ask any white man "would you like to be welsh?" and they would give a resounding "NO!". Correct yourself immediately, and if you happen to be welsh, please understand that the only correction you could make would be to commit immediate suicide.

>> No.29915627
File: 16 KB, 391x455, 1641782584861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of cope found in cuckbeats is truely insane

>> No.29915697

What cope?

>> No.29916359

White people are the ones complaining about idol culture, forcing feminism into anime culture, and making WhoreTubers who talk about getting gangbanged by an entire fraternity and then drinking their cum on live stream so yes I do hate that Connor guy because he is white and yes this is a based opinion to have. If you disagree with me you can always just go to a vShojo thread, I heard kson is going to get double penetrated and nakadashi’d by two black guys on live stream soon, it seems like your kind would like that

>> No.29918439

Is that what "addressing" the superchat means nowadays? The only thing she mentioned is the person doesn't seem to like Vshojo. It would've been better if she ignored it but come on.

>> No.29919311 [DELETED] 

>Connor condom superchat STILL living rent free in Mori’s head.
And given the deleted posts ITT, it's also living rent free in the cuckbeat janny's head

>> No.29919658


>> No.29919763

>I don't want her to be harmed but I want someone to get up on her fucking face in real life.
I cannot comprehend the mind of a seaschizo.

>> No.29919862

She's a lesbian now though

>> No.29920544


>> No.29920788

Remember when Mori lied to Lui during Valentine's Day and then to try and cover her ass she made 'Homie' chocolate to not be Friendship chocolate but at the same time not be Love Chocolate?

>> No.29920892

I love Mori

>> No.29920948

The truth comes out.

>> No.29921124

>Wow we live rent free!
>No she lives rent free!
>No U
>No U
>No U
>No U

>> No.29921335

>One has taken the lesson she learned to heart and never did something this stupid again.
>The others still say the same things over and over again expecting new results

>> No.29921670

Is anyone ever gonna post the evidence for this doxx

>> No.29921922

>Mori STILL living rent free in /vt/sisters' heads
I kneel

>> No.29922089
File: 548 KB, 779x817, 1642996455562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29922626

Didn't expect Mori to be this mentally weak. lmao

>> No.29922742
File: 399 KB, 665x724, 1655701660745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 Us

>> No.29922863

The housing crisis is finally solved

>> No.29926851

you can easily find it.

>> No.29927098

No one cares about dragonball. Only DBZ and everything after.

>> No.29927168

Jesus christ, anons. It was on page 11. Just let it fucking die.

>> No.29927335

sorry, I won't bump it anymore.

>> No.29927380

Why you anons think she's so affect by this? Maybe there's some truth behind it? Connor is single yet all the women around him lust for his 4 inch dick. He's fucked Kaho and I bet Mori too.

>> No.29927417

Vegeta was worried about missing his daughter's birth and Goku straight up told him it's no big deal since he wasn't around when Goten was born.

>> No.29927439

What, are you afraid of a 3 day vacation? Archive reps are showing a lot of talk and no pics

>> No.29928536

No delivery as usual, low energy antis, sad!
