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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 243 KB, 1000x1250, karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29865123 No.29865123 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good ones or is German such a cursed language that not even natives stream using it? Karen was pretty fun while lasted.

>> No.29868673

You'll find about half a dozen by going through the archives. If you think they're good is yours to judge.

>> No.29870584
File: 368 KB, 1917x1084, deutsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help you, but I have this.

>> No.29871305
File: 783 KB, 582x645, Z4WmvbNx24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most popular deutsch chuubahs:https://www.twitch.tv/jinja
after streams they always raid some other deutsch chuubahs but i cant rememeber any other ones
however theres quite a lot if you filter by german and vtuber on twitch
selphius is on hiatus for some time now
also obviously kiara if she ever does decide to have a german stream

>> No.29871742

Search the relevant tags on Twitter and Youtube.

>> No.29872159

I miss Karen desu

>> No.29872263

Why stream in german ever ? The audience must be incredible small no? Every german that likes vtubers probably knows english too no?

>> No.29872662

It's a niche and one that is hardly being served at that. The number of German speakers is not big compared to other languagrs and limited to few regions, but not to be underestimated. And no, there's still a decent amount of younger population that is not comfortable with English beyond some small talk.

>> No.29872741

I miss Tara...

>> No.29873653

Meine Favoriten,alle auf Twitch natürlich
>ElitaCon(Meine Favoritin)
>FuyumiToba natürlich auch.
Wobei nur Amy, Kiyichu und Elita mehrheitlich auf deutsch streamen.

>> No.29874727

It was always funny to me that Mico speaks German. Not sure how good she is but she seems to know some basic things at the very least.

>> No.29875235

All of these are nice for various reasons. Selphius is a complicated case though, she seemed fun to watch while I was learning German, showed interesting details about covers, etc, but after getting a decent level at German I understood that she talks too much about her boyfriend, politics, her schizo side and normie things. Her twitter is a mess, had to unsubscribe from her. I think she’s got especially bad last years. I have some tolerance but that’s too much. I hope her menhera issues will be cured though. Actually it’s an issue for me with many German vtubers, aforementioned ones included, many of them don’t care about kayfabe at all, they show their faces everywhere, talk about retarded things, and so on.

>> No.29875386

Why the fuck has this hag disappeared? She has a long history of reincarnations so I’m sure she’ll be back tho

>> No.29875469

>Not sure how good she is
She's fluent

>> No.29875911

After watching the clip I’m even more curious about her level, she said she’s fluent enough to communicate but was fucking around afterwards. Kinda funny that German is perceived as harsh and loud for Japanese too.

>> No.29876284

In my experience that is a problem with Germans on the internet in general. They are always late on trends and memes and such, usually overdo them, and often don't have a grasp on what they're about. It's like they are all boomers, which is funny considering that they seemingly aren't able to form a sentence without using english words.

>> No.29877568

This is the reason why I hate most of the German side of the internet as a Kraut myself.

>> No.29877573

That's something we might never know. She's a joker by nature.

>> No.29877877
File: 1.81 MB, 2000x2829, 1643920816382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ich hoffe, dass ich Kiara nie mehr sehen oder hören muss. Ihre Stimme alleine löst bei mir 'nen Tinnitus aus.
Selphy ist 'ne ganz gute Sängerin, aber sie wollte ja auch nie Vtuberin werden und das merkt man.
Jinja kenne ich auch eher als Vsinger, wenn man so will.
Taida ist ne Japanerin in Deutschland, die eigentlich mehr so Clips macht und weniger streamt, aber sie ist ganz amüsant.
this, however...
hating yourself only shows how much of a faggot you are

>> No.29879175

>hating yourself only shows how much of a faggot you are
how can one person be this retarded? He just said that the german side of the internet is dogshit, which is absolutely true. Where did he say something self-hating? Dummer Neger alder

>> No.29881664

Thanks anons, will check them all out.

>> No.29884525


>> No.29885706

I'm German. We've hit the dark ages of internet content a while ago and are still going, so don't expect much...

>> No.29886588
File: 1.63 MB, 1126x1080, Taya_Rex_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's been a long time, but I still miss Taya
I wish she hadn't quit her reincarnation so quickly

>> No.29892489

Will she ever come back?
