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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 902 KB, 1346x803, Ayunda Risu Spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2980223 No.2980223 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is Risu doing?
One or two a day is fine but this is crazy.

>> No.2980247

she's being based

>> No.2980258

hehe jeb

>> No.2980277

Can youtube detect this as spam?

>> No.2980289
File: 214 KB, 459x451, 1611985076042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I was just thinking to myself the other day how ID seems totally menhera-free. So much for THAT.

>> No.2980294

Taking full advantage of the "Shorts" thing on YouTube.

>> No.2980353

She's starting to believe.

>> No.2980356

Not if you declare it a #short

>> No.2980374

Playing the algorithm.

>> No.2980385

she's trying to weed out fans who can't deal with her shit and so far it's working

>> No.2980394

she is burying her members only streams with those posts so clipfags wont make clips out of them.

>> No.2980429

When she started posting those she said she was giving people soundboard materials. What's weird with that?

>> No.2980433

based Rrisu

>> No.2980440

Maybe she's trying to tell us something? If you string all the video titles together...

>hi honey... woh, hm hm hm? Yamero! Ho ho? Sou desune... STOP. Nani? *click* Yay! Ahaha! Hmmmmm...haha. Dame. Whoops! Ohhh.... Bye.

>> No.2980457

Even before this today, Ollie was already demonstrating otherwise

And Risu also showed otherwise last autumn

>> No.2980462

My Youtube subscription tab is literally all Risu and 1 Coco video.

>> No.2980478
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, RisuDoot [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4wzrgo.ogg].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as coherent as your average Risu stream

>> No.2980492


>> No.2980514

Why does her laugh sound so fake?

>> No.2980520


This. Youtube's trying to compete with TikTok and now the holos can make tons of relatively dumb short videos.

>> No.2980556

After Moona did a break away with being the most famous INdog, Risu lost her mind.

>> No.2980583

If I had to guess, Risu was high on drugs while also realizing how miserable and absurd her life had become. That's what that laugh sounds like to me.

>> No.2980593

Its an ARG you idiots

>> No.2980679

ARK? She's playing ARK?

>> No.2980750

these could just be twitter posts.

>> No.2980778

Were none of you around in November?

>> No.2980800


>> No.2980915

60 whole seconds of videos wow
stop over working yourself Risu its okay to take a break

>> No.2980982

How the fuck are we supposed to take a stream about "health tips" seriously when the person giving it is also this unhinged lunatic

>> No.2981038

WTF is with these hi honey bullshit going, I swear this anime virgins' turn ons are being cucked

>> No.2981082
File: 26 KB, 320x320, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear this anime virgins' turn ons are being cucked

>> No.2981186

If Youtube wants "shorts" to be a thing, they shouldn't lump them in with the rest of their videos. Make a separate tab for them or something.

>> No.2981259

Believe the trre rrat, but never try to understand her, humanity ain't ready yet.

>> No.2981277

Risu is probably busy in her day to day life when she's not streaming, she's manipulating the YT algorithm (and her fans) she's actually 200 IQ other girls like Choco,Mel and Ayame could learn a lesson from her.

>> No.2981940

She wants more dead subs. She's desperate because she fucked up big time with the clippers.

>> No.2981947

None of them are tagged #shorts or are even in #shorts format. This is more likely a backlog since she was doing them daily until about 3 weeks ago.

>> No.2982034

holy based

>> No.2982178
File: 102 KB, 660x1024, 1615749507373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's farming youtube views by making a shit load of 'reaction clips' you can link people to as a response or some shit like that.

>> No.2982238


>> No.2982263

Don't read this if you don't want to see the truth.
She's just lazy. She was doing these daily earlier in the month for All Ayunda April but fell behind and decided to procrastinate until the end of the month to do the rest.
It's honestly a bit of miracle that she made it through NNN in the first place.

>> No.2982275

yeah I wouldn't be able to do that many lines in a single day without having serious health issues. I don't know how risu does it, or where she gets the money for it. nobody should be doing that much cocaine.

>> No.2982299


>> No.2982371

Capitalising on retards like you.

>> No.2982381

If Risu is "lazy" what's Ayame's excuse?

>> No.2982434

Is low effort content for views
It works

>> No.2982455

Lets give that rrat a walk anon, exercise is good. Now spill the details.

>> No.2982469

Having a sizeable number of gachikoi throwing money at her whenever she actually streams.

>> No.2982568

I think Risu started out as shy innnocent women , but eventually the goslings come in and she realizes that yes she is a women, and yes they will simp for her and she goes "wow so like im hot?" And starts milking the goslings for all they are worth.

>> No.2982573

Suisei's one was great and wasn't forced, none of the other ones even come close

>> No.2982591

What I wouldn't give for Risu to milk me...

>> No.2982656

see >>2981082

>> No.2982698

Suisei's english can make a deaf gay man hard. It's not really fair to compare anyone else to her.

>> No.2982764

If she ever saw you she would turn you down. Make no mistake all this girla are menhera but they will want am alpha to date. Not some retardes loser anon.

>> No.2982873
File: 348 KB, 640x673, 1f01836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the sort of reason why I stopped watching Hololive. Combine that with the sexual abuse of their talent (such as Mel) and they're just another grubby idol company with a happy front.

>> No.2982887

Ayame is doing great with her own her life and you're disgusting faggot

>> No.2982927

Rune Factory mod

>> No.2982972

Haato does it = muh creativity.
Ris does it= this thread.

>> No.2983020

ITT: People who don't watch RIsu

>> No.2983111

>Haato does it = muh creativity.
Since when?

>> No.2983269

Check the board.

>> No.2983403

I have.

>> No.2983479

because she's phisically healthy and in shape.

>> No.2983512

>squirrel hands typed this post

>> No.2983558

>next from sneed's feed and seed haha oh wow

>> No.2983623

Boredom: A Study

>> No.2983881

What is wrong with this board? All Risu wanted to do was provide a soundboard for her users to create cool stuff, and you faggots somehow interpret that as her having a menhera attack.

>> No.2983950

>why must you complain about me raping your subscription box with 30 videos in one day
Risu, come on. We won't hate you for this but please try to be more considerate in the future.

>> No.2983987

Sound effects for the upcoming risu game

>> No.2984058

This. Game dev or animator anons must love when chuubas drop clips like this

>> No.2984065

4Channel is home of the schizophrenics

>> No.2984069

Who the fuck checks those?

>> No.2984107

Everyone who uses YouTube.

>> No.2984125
File: 144 KB, 379x382, 1600134246764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I don't even watch VODs.

>> No.2984153

I want to suck on your tits, risu

>> No.2984529

when is Risu gonna cosplay as Makoto Nanaya?

>> No.2984627

She uses /vt/ and talks about the fact that she uses /vt/.

>> No.2984629

rrat: She recorded a whole bunch of these at once, gave them to management, told them to upload a few at a time over a few days, management said "fuck it" and did it all at once.

>> No.2984985

Isn't that supposed to be a soundboard? What's wrong with that?

>> No.2986283

holoID is basically retarded, much like their people.

>> No.2986362

She's nuts

>> No.2986403

she did the 'hi honey' video and it got a lot of views so she made a bunch more while she still had the attention, it's not hard to figure out

>> No.2986435

>None tagged

Then I have no idea.

>> No.2986496
File: 69 KB, 698x258, paramet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she don't want lose to moona by total viewers,

case closed

>> No.2986806

heh. smart rodent. if there's a sponsorship she would be the one who get it becuase look at muh view numbers.

>> No.2987978

Now I'm going to think of this every time she laughs....

>> No.2988023

Take the indie pill boys. Before it's too late...

>> No.2988267

Stop fantasizing about us, Risu.

>> No.2988311

Wow, Risu's being harsh today.
Sounds like she need another round of my BWC (Big White Cock) (PBUH)

>> No.2988337

Heh. I don't even watch Vtubers.
I just post on /vt/
Checkmate, pal.

>> No.2988362

Jokes aside, I actually think Risu is in this thread due to some of the ESL posts.

>> No.2989630

You think Risu would do that? Just go on /vt/ and post in threads about her? Preposterous

>> No.2989947

I hope not, the amount of retards in this thread is even higher than in Aria's thread.

>> No.2994446

she is unleashing her inner schizo

>> No.2994939 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 156x322, 1619526359980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2994982

>Menhera free
They are vtubers

>> No.2995119

Milking views, that's 1 gura stream worth of views there

>> No.2995274


>> No.3001148


>> No.3001384
File: 211 KB, 400x400, 1614265502232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, she's going to make me filthy rich. BUY TREERATCOIN
