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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29785719 No.29785719 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29785828

>just wanted her viewers to be smarter
>was criticized for it

>> No.29785935

your right finana youve motivated me to finish school and get my masters thank you

>> No.29786051

Educate myself? In what?

>> No.29786495

Send this to Ren right now with the caption, something about Twitter etiquette. It's a golden opportunity.

>> No.29786574

>shits on unicorns while pumping out gfe bait

>> No.29786784
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>> No.29788273

wrong girl, that's ame

>> No.29789690


>> No.29789770
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>> No.29790187

Quantum physics

>> No.29790311

>holding a grudge against vtubers
This board really does house some of the most pitiful people the world has to offer.

>> No.29791115

They're just trolling at this point.

>> No.29793536

/pol/jaks cannot live without constant, irrelevant conflict
these are the “people” who pick fights in gas station parking lots and grocery stores over dumb shit

they are savages

>> No.29793585


>> No.29794557

well I'm fucking edumacated now
time to get my teeth whitened
Thanks for the idea

>> No.29795233

I did I learned to get a better oshi. Have fun with your one trick egg gimmick for the rest of your life, egg girl.

>> No.29795572
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>be vtuber
>blatantly disrespect your fans
>treat them like shit
>Insult them
>wow this is unfair, the creator I'm supporting is treating me like shit

>> No.29795655

I’ll ‘like’ Moona

‘Like’ her with my unprotected cock

>> No.29795705
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>> No.29796078

Get a life bro.
If someone does something that turns me off to them, I just stop watching. I don't hang onto the "transgression" for weeks.
Also grow some thicker skin. You act like Finana banning the word trap was a personal attack on you.

>> No.29796327

I don't even watch her and it's because of the blatantly disrespectful behavior like this. Hell I wouldn't have even minded so much that she banned trap if she didn't then go on to smugly say "educate yourself."

The problem is it isn't one transgression. Fianna keeps acting like a smug asshole repeatedly to her audience and the resentment is starting to show. If she didn't want people to be this mad at her, maybe she should have the most basic principle of don't shit on your audience every chance you have.

>> No.29796682

lol so you're getting butthurt over someone you don't even watch? You feel that disrespected and still hanging on to it?
Like for real, get a life and put your focus on positive stuff.

>> No.29796712

Get off 4chan, Fianna. You're not helping your case here

>> No.29796737

I've been improving myself before Ame said it but since she did i've been doing an extra mile for her.

>> No.29796751
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>> No.29796785

You enjoy living that life of yours buddy.

>> No.29797185

Just stop watching if you feel offended. No need to become an anti.

>> No.29797220

aint none of you'll cowards will read the first chapter of julia serano's the whipping girl

>> No.29797344

I've never watched a niji stream in my life and I'm going to anti Fish girl just to spite you.
I think fish girl SUCKS.

>> No.29797374

This is woman behavior

>> No.29797410
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I hate parasocial relationships and think their pathetic. I also believe Ame acted vindictively and bit the hand that feeds. I don't think she was right to insult her fanbase and should've been professional and kept her mouth shut. Just my 2cents as an unaffiliated party and longtime streamer.

>> No.29797465

Finana's voice is SEX but yeah, shame.

>> No.29797496

>noooooo you can't just point out Fianna's shit behavior! That's not fair if you don't watch her!

Industry is never going to improve unless we come out strong against this shit. I wouldn't tolerate this from my oshi and I won't tolerate it from any other chuuba.

I want Fianna to succeed. This is not how you succeed. If you think it is, you deserve this.

>> No.29797522

Only incels take a message like "improve yourself" and see it as an insult

>> No.29797738

It wasn't meant earnestly though. It was passive aggressive and backhanded

>> No.29797836

>one tries to police your speech because twitter faggots are trying to appropiate internet slang

>the other wants you to be all you can be

>> No.29797843

People like to talk about things that annoy them from time to time. Educate yourself

>> No.29797901

She actually apologized for being wrong on this particular matter after we educated her on what the words meant, so there is actually no grudge to be held. I guess people don't like how fickle she seems to be, though.

>> No.29797973

>If I act like an sjw then the industry will improve

>> No.29798052

are you guys even checking on her? I think she is being professional and streaming as she should right now.( not bashing any side, no politics...etc) I dont watch her, only came to say somthing about the trap issue. Now I lurk to see. I can get deciding not to watch, cuz you watch who you like and who you resonate with. But this "educate yourself" whatever is old news and should be over. Same for "Improve yourself". You guys are dwelling on it too much.

>> No.29798124

Vent to your coworkers, friends or family as much as you like. Only an idiot does it to their customers.

>> No.29798221

Apology was not sincere, but it was enough. She is woke and has different beliefs. It could not be sincere.

>> No.29798421
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>Everyone that calls me out for being a retard is Finana

>> No.29798456

>banning the word trap is fighting sjws

Do you hear yourself right now? What should she mandate the use of pronouns to fight the sjws too?

Only because of the backlash though. The backlash all the Twitter faggots whined and bitched about. So no, I'm going to hold this over her head because I know she's not really changed.

>> No.29799480

>shit on someone because you want them to change their behavior
>person changes their behavior because you shat on them
>"doesn't count, she only did it cause I shat on her"
Yes, this is SJW logic. You have to be willing to accept people's concessions if you want them to change on the inside.

>> No.29799595

So said the girl who did not know boys can have hairy balls.

>> No.29799984

I await the day that some brave vtuba will stream kiseki.

>> No.29800100

God no. We already have enough retards as it is on this board. Last thing we need is for Kisekicucks and their Hahaman to flood this place too

>> No.29800218

Retarded fish should kill herself. She is a disgrace to vtubers. Think of all the good and non political vtubers (mostly from the original japanese Holo branch, mind you). In comparison to those, Finana is not even worthy to be called scum from the sole of a shoe. She is beyond moldy scum

>> No.29800315
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I educated myself and arrived to the realization that Finana is garbage.

>> No.29800443


>> No.29800514

Finana is sexy for tag teaming and spitroasting

>> No.29800555
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for me it most definitely was because I happen to be a cute boy on the internet. I will not stand for such erasure of my identity nor will I turn a blind eye to trooners encroaching on our form of expression. more like finana had no place opinating on something that doesn't concern her in the first place.

>> No.29800981

If she were that woke she would have stuck with the tranny beliefs. She just buckled to the side that put more pressure.

>> No.29801350
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>are you guys even checking on her?
No. Checking on her is something for 2234 staff and chubas to do. I'm just here to sexually harass her on a jamaican barbeque chicken recipe sharing kickstarter.

>> No.29801874


>> No.29802050
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>I happen to be a cute boy

>> No.29802217

i instantly unsubbed and marked her channel as malicious when she did that fagmonth heelturn. the funniest part is that i heard from a friend that she went back on it as soon as fagmonth ended. this is the vtuber you fags deserve.

>> No.29802646
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who will win?

>> No.29802974

the universe runs on the source engine
>quantum tunneling is literally wall clipping
>entanglement is using the weld tool
>superpositions are literally 'its not in render, let it bug out in the background'
im not taking no for an answer

>> No.29803121

post bmi trips bro

>> No.29812038

So are their numbers crashing and burning?

>> No.29812114
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>> No.29812372

Ok then, teach me how to jerk off

>> No.29812598

>put sharpie in pooper

>> No.29812800

Go fuck yourself

>> No.29814345

waste of dubs

>> No.29815908
File: 31 KB, 500x500, artworks-ywcx1pUzUGGvjwmH-BUNWRA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>improved himself
>did it for her
>was ready to ascend
>risked his life to steal away his oshi's
Say what you will, but the guy had massive balls, pure intentions, and walked the walk. He was willing to die for his oshi. Never let it be said that her fans were just a bunch of pathetic, weak-willed cucks. For better or worse, Grimgram lived and died a beloved inspiration.

>> No.29816426

I wonder if Finana will educate herself on how she crashed her views

>> No.29817148

I hate education, so no. I also like traps.

>> No.29817407
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Surely vtuber fans aren't that crazy... right?

>> No.29817656

>facing consequences of ones own dumbass actions

>> No.29818481
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Really makes you think. Celebrities are definitely an unhealthy obsession. /vt/, /jp/ and /tv/ should probably be shut down to get rid of egirl, idol and movie star fans. Do it for her, hiroshimoot. Those boards need not exist.

>> No.29826616

no u
