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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29764717 No.29764717 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29764820

what has korone done for vtubers

>> No.29764906

You can spew your faggotry all day err day here anon but dont ever break containment like a mother fucking chink. We dont do that shit here

>> No.29764964

Further proof that holofaggots have the worst fanbase in the world far worse than genshit, BTS or LoL

>> No.29765023
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>> No.29765059

I don't normally support containment breaking. But when I do, it's because someone's being ultra based.

>> No.29765096

why are they like this

>> No.29765132

I assume this was written for marine? What has marine done for Vtubers other than "am horny" and pity baiting "throat hort"?

>> No.29765179

There's nothing based about this. It's just some loser screeching about entirely made up rankings that only he (and the voices in his head) care about. Do you think Korone gives a shit?

>> No.29765189

wrong board

>> No.29765194

>It's been nearly 2 years and he still seethes

>> No.29765235


>> No.29765272

Surely /vt/bros is better, right?

>> No.29765278

>anything worse than the kpop fandom
kek kpop fandom will always be the worst fandom ever

>> No.29765302

I think she would actively dislike someone shitting on one of her colleagues, but apart from that not in the slightest.

>> No.29765309

>le meme sentence structure
fucking zoomers

>> No.29765328

What Korone has done?

>> No.29765333

>Blatant false flagging nijinigger in the wild
I watch Nijisanji but I really hate their fans.

>> No.29765364

Not with what i see here you guys have done the impossible

>> No.29765367

cringe as fuck. don't talk about 4chan outside 4chan. it's never good

>> No.29765369

what has korone actually done for vtubers like the OP pic is claiming?

>> No.29765391

This was written for Gura, right? The 1 Million race

>> No.29765432

I assumed this was an old ass screenshot written for Gura when she got to 1 million first
Was Korone even second? I thought Fubuki was

>> No.29765490

You saw the yubigate comment section?

>> No.29765694

you certainly haven't seen kpop fans on twitter

>> No.29765721
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Did they ever kneel? There are JOPs who find Hololive through Gura's omnipresent Duolingo stream, now.

>> No.29765772

Well that was fucking cringey.

>> No.29765837

You fags do realize this is obviously false flagging bait, right? The "Come find us on /jp/" makes it ridiculously evident.

>> No.29765877

Chumbud falseflagging
>Verification not required.

>> No.29766008

isn't this the start of dogfucker arc on /jp/?

>> No.29766191

korone, with all her mainstream sponsorships with big market names? that one? yeah I don't know
but your "haha overseas sexy guys" totally did a lot of things to expand the vtuber world
the best thing she's ever done was to give haachama her haachama name which helped her bring eops into the vtuber world, contributing to the first boom of hololive

>> No.29766308

Anon if it results in good popularity of course companies will give them a million sponsorships

>> No.29766390

Imagine being this brainwashed by consumerism

>> No.29766446

>some random JP companies
>mainstream sponsorships

>> No.29766609

*cough* *cough* SEGA *cough* Ubisoft *cough*

>> No.29766740

Small now practically dead company, very big
Not JP at least but >Ubisoft

>> No.29766802

ichimi cope is actually sad, they can't fathom the FACT that their whore would literally be nothing without her extensive coomerbaiting

>> No.29766905
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>> No.29766950

I like both marine and korosan but i kinda agree on this. Korosan helps flourish hololive but in terms of uniting the members, marine help in that department.

>> No.29766960
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holy fuck you are depressing as shit

>> No.29766993

unityfags should kill themselves

>> No.29767036

>but in terms of uniting the members, marine help in that department.
delusion, when was the last time your precious marine collabed with a gen 1 or gen 2 member outside of 3D streams? like an actual regular stream
you can tell marine is now gloating at least passively about hitting 2 million before pekora

>> No.29767080

I am willing to bet Korone clips (along with Miko) got a lot of western audiences into vtubers.

>> No.29767107

Marine has a lot of sponsorships too, bro. I dunno if that's the argument you should use.

>> No.29767130

name one

>> No.29767132


>> No.29767144

the yokai watch sponsorship going on right now

>> No.29767149
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>> No.29767156

I wasn't there for that, but weren't some anons in /jp/ claiming that they would falseflag as chumbuds to make Gura look bad?
Fubuki was the one with most subscribers at the time but eventually Korone beat her to the 1 million race

>> No.29767175

that's korone though

>> No.29767236
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sorry you're blind

>> No.29767301

that's like saying Korone would be nothing without extensive masochistic gurofag pandering

>> No.29767304
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>> No.29767363

literally check Twitter, or streams, or Google, or /#/ archives.

>> No.29767379

One thing is doing it because it’s in your character and another because you’re desperate

>> No.29767506

cope, Marine got Toby Fox to work on her music. who has Korone managed to get?

>> No.29767536


>> No.29767542

Fake Type
Also her second original is a million times better than any of Marine’s

>> No.29767579

Nousagi are embarrassing themselves again...

>> No.29767621

>Toby Fox
only an actual child would brag about that, you need to be 18+ to post on this site btw

>> No.29767663

Not a nousagi
I hate thoss faggots too

>> No.29767959

Nousagi deflection thread.

>> No.29769799
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>> No.29770278

well, Marine also got Yunomi, then.
and no, Unison is still way better than either of Korone's originals.

>> No.29770720

unison is fucking garbage
