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29709982 No.29709982 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29710102

rabbit bros...not like this...

>> No.29710163

ok pikora get naked in front of the camera

>> No.29710321

Schizos: get fucked numbersagi, she must seething about being surprassed, she even bought a monkeh to boost her numbers and still got fucked, etc.
Pekora: sleeping since is almost 3 am in Japan and she had lots of fun today.

>> No.29710651

unironically she probably is seething she can be really fucking petty over basically everything and numbers would definitely be one of them

>> No.29710974

Sure thing bro

>> No.29711071

I wonder what kind of pekora lives in these people's heads, I'm still waiting on the seething from the mario kart tournament that never happened

>> No.29711079

what the fuck happened?

>> No.29711166

Pekora just beat the Cat god in battle cat, the amount of dopamine is more than enough for her to not feel jealous

>> No.29711174

I'm sure you know her personally and she has confessed her deepest insecurities to you.

>> No.29711180

>the voices in my head told me this

>> No.29711224

Nousagi niggers having a meltdown like always

>> No.29711482

Seems more like schizos have Pekora living rent free in their heads and making them seethe by merely existing and being popular, so they try and fail to make nousagis seethe.

>> No.29711785


>> No.29711964

peko is a giant numberfag
peko has history of petty fights (aqua incident for example)

>> No.29712232

Qrd on aqua incident?

>> No.29712333
File: 562 KB, 1301x502, 1638243439133 aqua pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29712394

Pekora will kneel before the might of HAG POWER

>> No.29712537
File: 149 KB, 1080x833, 1DF3B41F-9CF7-42C1-A6D8-D0023F747F67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will stop the count

>> No.29712571

>the voices in my head continue to tell me this

>> No.29712590

if there is a holo that doesn't know how to lose, is definitely Pekora (and Aqua)

>> No.29712815

I hope her bushbaby pees everywhere

>> No.29712843
File: 334 KB, 873x766, fau stop the count[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg2i6ze.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29712925
File: 54 KB, 463x453, 1655855689546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko really fell off huh
she's not as creative as she used to be

>> No.29713151

Weird because Pekora didn't throw a tantrum after losing on MK like Aqua did.

>> No.29713489


>> No.29713735

The Hare & the Hag

>> No.29714426

based fauna

>> No.29715177

She's enraged and probably strangling that ugly monkey as we speak.

>> No.29715386

>The voices, I can still hear them

>> No.29715809

we do not care

>> No.29715945

What is peccola's end game? What is his goal?

>> No.29719252


>> No.29719490

I hope Marine and Pekora both hit 2M subs during their off-collab

>> No.29720856

marine's been mogging her at every milestone, I kinda feel bad for her

>> No.29720930


>> No.29721693
File: 10 KB, 480x360, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't be stopped!

>> No.29721765

Why wouldn't Marine get more subs after a new song drop and 3D? That's what usually happens when the other members do it.

>> No.29721963


>> No.29722171

whether or not we care

>> No.29722237

remember when pekora got btfo in rust and immediately cried to management forcing matsuri to make a public apology

but sure go ahead and think that she's not a mentally ill sore loser rumao

>> No.29722778

And i thought that her being a sore loser was part of the appeal, she's one of the best ones to bully specifically because at how pissed off she gets when things don't go her way
One of her main shticks as always been acting high and mighty before getting a sweet dose of karma and seeing her being all cute while fuming, it's not as fun when things actually go her way

>> No.29722849

This. It's one of the many fun things about her.

>> No.29723018

It looks like she and Marine tried to bury the hatchet with a Rust collab but interestingly that one seemed to hit hidden bumps in the road behind it where Marine made up an excuse to dip at the last minute and it had to be rescheduled. I don't recall if the channels changed but I'm pretty sure they did. I don't recall if it was originally solely going to be on Marine's or on Pekora's channel but they wound up both streaming it. Could be however that Peko has a habit of not actually saying what the stream is until the last minute while we could see Marine scheduled it though.

>> No.29723093

She unironically acts like a whiny bratty kid overall it seems, she also messed with Aqua a bit too on her birthday years ago on niconico.

I don't really mind it though, I think it's funny and suits her persona perfectly, whether she wants to be that way or not. Actually I'm pretty sure she doesn't wanna come across like that but it just shows anyway.

>> No.29723106

Pekora and marine are dating

>> No.29723358

Kill yourself 35pagpag, your mudhutt is falling apart

>> No.29724330

>he lacks critical informazione

>> No.29724491
File: 567 KB, 1600x1200, __houshou_marine_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_homura910210__19bcd3607f0924f6426271ec4b57d261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredible the amount of seething these two can cause by just doing nothing

>> No.29724580

How humiliated do you think Pekora feels right now?

>> No.29724861

Homura.... I miss that bitch..

>> No.29725138

What is being voted on?

>> No.29725187

there's only 3 nousagi on this board their thread is usually dead it's dramanigers shitting things up as always

>> No.29728444

>spells her name obviously wrong

Gosh I sure bet this was serious and in no way just a cute joke. It's those damn ESL's at it again! Remember, if something looks like a joke, it actually means they don't understand english
