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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 437 KB, 640x800, EtCpKxtU4AAWa-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
269113 No.269113 [Reply] [Original]

Mofu mofu hitsuji da yo!

>> No.269478
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Stupid sexy sheep

>> No.270120

Sheep love!

>> No.271485

Watame love!

>> No.271612
File: 253 KB, 724x1024, 1607109515952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a good thread.

>> No.272429

Bumping sheep threade

>> No.273719

When is next watamecraft?

>> No.274269


>> No.274296

Watame said that today maybe there will be stream since she has been training these days.

>> No.274355
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>> No.274402
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>> No.274444
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>> No.274470
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>> No.275690

I knew it. It's Sakuna today and Emergency meeting on the 8th

>> No.276993

Rice farming time

>> No.277300

Watame is best

>> No.277301

Sheep is streami-
>Rice game

>> No.277501

Can we really say that sheep did nothing wrong considering that her being unable to replace her shitty router and get a backup connection is in fact her own fault?

>> No.277605

>Eating food 1 month after the best before tag
Watame please... Eat properly...

>> No.277675

Watame vidya taste is really good. I bought Void Terrarium after her stream.

>> No.277840

She loves Nippon Ichi games, I hope she gets to stream Disgaea 6

>> No.277860

The devs like her too.

>> No.278027

>vidya taste is really good
>gets roped into meme games like papers please

>> No.278111

Every holo plays meme games like that anon, if you're streaming games for 40 hours a week you need some simpler games in there

>> No.278523

I really do want to know what she'll tell us at the meeting, she's clearly been busy working on something big but I can't think of what it could be

>> No.278564

Watame basically confirmed in today's stream that the memberstream is to update her profile with the Watamates help, just like Aqua's membership stream

>> No.278682

Another stream later today. Maybe Minecraft or Teketeke.

>> No.278999

looking at rice pedogame i want sheep to play Oreshika
too bad it will never happen as it's hopelessly stuck on shita

>> No.279298

Next stream is on 23:00 or 24:00

>> No.279338

Ah she's really spoiling us today

>> No.279395

Can someone explain me the epic "need permission to stream a game" meme? Why would some retard dev not want basically free advertisement? Do western incel streamers need this shit too or it's more Cover's bullshit?

>> No.279421

Japanese copyright law is batshit insane and all the game companies are ran by dinosaurs

>> No.279478

show us Mt Fuji

>> No.280608

Next stream is getting more Smach characters.

>> No.282268

Watame getting bullied by Ivysaurs!

>> No.282325

Watame one-shotting a poor victim!

>> No.283231

fucking disgusting
sheep why

>> No.283996

Japanesr copyright law doesn't have a fair use ckaw, also while most companies ignore indie streamers, all the Holos are affiliated to a corporation and their revenue goes to Cover, so they need to sign a commercial license agreenent with the games' publishers to be able to monetize

>> No.286279

I'm not much of a smash guy but it's fun watching her play it, I'd be okay if this becomes her go to game when she has nothing else for a little while

>> No.287964

Watching the fight against rayman-sonic was pretty fun, as well as all the other ones where she pretty much ended the fight in one hit

>> No.288183

Like other anons said jap law has no fair use clause. And big Japanese game publishers are run by retarded bean counters who probably never played a video game in their life and still think they're in the 80s.

>> No.288248

What is the story behind her catchphrase? What did she do wrong?

>> No.288266

It's a nazi reference. Anyone that claims it's about her internet is lying to you.

>> No.291272
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Which catchphrase?
The ドドドドドド one was on of her earlier tweets.

>> No.291470

Watame was charged as a Class-A war criminal, before being acquitted of all charges at the Tokyo tribunal. To this day, the DoDoDo Unit remains one of the most controversial topics of post war reconciliation.

>> No.295434

Not sure if you're serious or not but if there's any newfriends lurking this is where it came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3kavIJKRy0

>> No.295589

Is it a good idea to leave Siro in charge of 2 sheep?

>> No.296061
File: 147 KB, 258x418, 1584117158020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here miss ppトリオ?
Don't get me wrong i love bakatare, but i really miss their group dynamic during collabs...

>> No.298554
File: 940 KB, 4093x2894, EiChCnBU8AA9gJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, I'm still hoping for her to one day move to the Holohouse and respark those yonkisei bonds

>> No.299027

She was pardoned by Trump in a deal with Abe.

>> No.299133

Having a shit internet connection is her fault though

>> No.303954

All gen 4 feels so scattered. I want a gen 4 collab but I don't see it happening in the near future

>> No.311135

Well there won't be anything until Luna stops being ded at least...

>> No.311531
File: 79 KB, 640x800, Watame was following orders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. She was just following orders.

>> No.313991

Night Fever soon

>> No.314313
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>> No.315117

Reminder that Watame got recently arrested for letting criminals enter the country

>> No.315181

Watame is the only Holo I masturbate to.
Stupid sexy sheep.

>> No.316299

No even despite the design, sheep is pure and barely even has lewds

>> No.317254
File: 442 KB, 2756x2067, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_qianduan_mozhi__e235a703d4ab3999662ba7594694bdfb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.318567

What is so sexy in food? Are you fucking american?

>> No.318615

Am I retarded for having no idea how the Tsunomaki Janken machine works?

>> No.318649

2 buttons one for the song and one for the random jyanken hand.

>> No.318707

Yeah but how do they even see the random hand come out? I just watched Botan playing it and I see the red fuse thing in the block come out but nothing else.

>> No.318746

The dispenser spits out the hand. they either look at the bar below or the items bag

>> No.320772

Watame please...I want to watch the archive already

>> No.322214

Am I wrong or didn't Watame sing aoi no uta at one point?

>> No.323474

Watame night fever was very good again.
A strange lone Chinese spammer showed up at some point, hopefully he will be banned next time.

>> No.323722
File: 601 KB, 1240x1754, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_musyne_xsk__630628b84b4fc2e5561430e69e021a9e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinkoids targetting even the sheep who can do no wrong? Fuck it, I'm enlisting to wipe them off the face of the earth and build an effigy to Watame using their skulls if WW3 ever breaks out.

>> No.323789

Was that the chinese spammer. I was fun during the end when everyone was sending food superchat.

>> No.327039

Holy fuck this picture makes my dick hard

>> No.331355
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Cloudy Sheep 1 million views!

>> No.331390

I love Watame. But those lyrics she wrote for Calli are really fucking retarded.

>> No.331510

What do they even mean?

>> No.331799


>> No.332777

Whenever I hear the english part of cloudy sheep I can't stop thinking about Let's fighting love.
Japs don't care if the english doesn't make any sense as long as it sounds cool.

>> No.332936
File: 277 KB, 372x454, 1610866909020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post this sheep.

>> No.333020

Time to time a zhang appears to try to spam the chat. I wonder sometimes how much the report system takes to auto ban someone because I saw some thread where they say that with only 5 times is enough but it doesn't seem to work in bigger streams.

>> No.333136

What I find amazing is that calli probably didn't have the courage to tell her that these lyrics would sound really corny and confusing to native speakers.

>> No.333491

>Japs don't care if the english doesn't make any sense as long as it sounds cool.
yes, does no one here ever encounter Sawano or something?

>> No.334487


>> No.335694

Hello... ? Is this thing on? Am I all alone?
Is anyone there?
I need a bigger gun
Help if you can
Please wake me up
Not to sound cliche
But this world sucks!

>> No.336714

There's two options
>Watame writes the english part, Calli notices how dumb the english actually is but decides to leave them like that in respect of Watame's creative process
>Calli writes the english part with autistic phrasing, Watame sees it, finds it cool and gives an ok to the lyrics.
Both are possible, considering how much of an autistic chuuni Calli is.

>> No.340186

Aren't they the same lyrics as the april fools version?

>> No.340353

Ai Mai Chocolate hate!

>> No.340426

please don't post images of watame with m*les

>> No.341203

Considering the April fools version exists, I'd bet on the lyrics being finished before Calli even debuted.

>> No.347552

Probably first option then, I wonder if Watame listens to rap or wanted to do something like Libera me from hell

>> No.353317
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bumping for sheep

>> No.353647

She's on that Nico Nico talk show thing with Nene and Flare today so no stream unless you want to buy NND premium and watch it in 480p

>> No.355154

>Nico Nico talk show thing
Which one?
I'd unironically consider paying for it.

>> No.355169


>> No.355194


>> No.355280

Are the videos any good?
They're not that costly.

>> No.356552

Cute as heck

>> No.356815

I like how they aknowledge how tall Coco is

>> No.359876
File: 922 KB, 1567x1200, 1603027422775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame and Coco are now sisters.

>> No.360280

>even have zhangs going after both of them

>> No.360898

Wait what? Well Watame's chat are mostly members. I thought the spammer from the other was just a one time thing.

>> No.361312

one time thing eventually goes into all the time thing

>> No.361399

But it only seemed like they're just testing on Watame's stream and nothing else.

>> No.363096

It's kinda nice seeing Sakichan retweet Watame's tweet.

>> No.366794

Watame no Uta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naESqcniMtk

>> No.370169
File: 273 KB, 1280x1810, a090d9888fcbdf2f16d94378fb43c8b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if it's possible to trick sheep into doing buddhist mantras as voice exercise

>> No.374420

Who's doing the subs for Watame's videos, is it still Coco? Because I find pretty odd how stream highlights have subs but Watame no Uta doesn't.

>> No.374922

Stream highlights? And WnU had official subs for a little while back in last spring, I don't remember exactly when they stopped or why

>> No.375681

Stuff like this has subtitles. From what I remember Coco used to do the subs for Watame no Uta but they stopped around the time Watame no Uta reached the 100th episode.
I take it was the huge burnout that both asacoco and watame no uta had on Watame and Coco

>> No.377542

Last hours to get the 1st anniversary goods btw

>> No.380151

18:00 for Sakuna
23:00 for The members stream

>> No.383552
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>> No.384696

I can't tell if this is Watame's love for food or Asians' love for rice

>> No.385214

it's just autism

>> No.389097
File: 744 KB, 4096x3255, da7a84d1ca0380bdab7ba6f832eb4830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove me that sheep did nothing wrong

>> No.389362

you can't get those member numbers if you did something wrong!

>> No.389392

suisei has big numbers and she did everything wrong

>> No.389455
File: 1.67 MB, 1720x1214, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_ohiensis__da39819c587c56bd12e7639ad8523e95[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove that a being as perfect as her can ever do anything wrong.

>> No.389493
File: 625 KB, 1080x1920, cb0528fcd406857dad2a4df6eed12b1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having bad internet connection is a sin

>> No.393199

Blessed day to spend 2 streams with the sheep, very excited for April

>> No.397661
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>> No.397920


>> No.397986
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Where did the breakfast croissant go?

>> No.398021

Watame...your sleep reps...

>> No.404346
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>> No.407204
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>> No.409175

probably no stream today

>> No.413224

Understandable she's a busy sheep, at least we got two streams yesterday

>> No.414095

bump for cute sheep

>> No.414436

AZKi duet holy shit

>> No.414974
File: 36 KB, 381x351, pounding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks googlechama, can't wait to watch Watame's backstage pounding

>> No.419636

>even google lewds the sheep

>> No.422346
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>> No.425343
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>> No.426257

It was Calli that did most of the English lyrics. The ones she didn't were the ones that were in the original short version.

>> No.426338

The stream highlights were done by this person: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNTc8AT52TfNOM7YzDCsjw

>> No.429255

Whenever she doesn't stream she always seems to oversleep.

>> No.433540

Watame is known to have been a member of Unit 731.
Her crimes are indescribable but due to treaties and agreements between countries nothing can be done.

>> No.434972
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>> No.435845

I want to touch her spiral horns

>> No.436420

>Tsunomaki Watame decapitating chinese prisioners in Nanking, China. 1937 (colorized)

>> No.436975

Where did you get the info? I don't remember Watame talking about that.

>> No.437143

That obviously isn't true because she's not smiling.

>> No.437155

AZki cover at 8:00
Collab at 22:00

>> No.437405

I love these bitches like you wouldnt believe

>> No.438310

those horns are really pretty. Do sheep/goat owners have to shave down horns or do they not just keep growing forever?

>> No.438979

First part of the anniversary SC stream iirc.

>> No.440318

>AZki cover
Good, Watame keeps climbing to reach the singing holos

>> No.442924
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>> No.444053

As in the anniversary proper or the zatsudan after?

>> No.444081

The Zatsudan

>> No.444187

Thanks. I probably need to rewatch some of the past streams.

>> No.444445

Sheep love!

>> No.445220

Fuck, so close

>> No.445377

her involvement in the 2nd world war as a waffen SS officer

>> No.446096

Thanks for a timestamp on it. The chats can kind of blend together and I forget where exactly she says things from time to time.

>> No.446864

I just used the comments and saw someone post a timestamp about Caliope. Also I get that, I was probably trying hard to understand what's happening back then and did notice the Watame said about Cali doing some of the writing. I wish I can understand more.

>> No.446908


>> No.446947

Haato and Botan to fight for the sheep's love?

>> No.446999

Wow. Fubuki playing Minecraft is a rare sight nowadays

>> No.447060
File: 253 KB, 760x911, 1611528441335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino in 10 minutes.

>> No.447757

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ_t-qB4fKI in an hour.

>> No.453043

AZKi and Watame Collab Tomorrow!

>> No.453091

Watame is probably not wearing a bra under that kimono of hers

>> No.453447

BUSTY and BOUNCY sheep

>> No.454757

22:00 JST for the AZKi collab and at 25:00 (I think) is Gariben

>> No.455011

Imagine the smell of the sweaty sheep titties after an 8 hour stream

>> No.455373

oh no

>> No.455579

Smells like heaven

>> No.458530

Watame... your left eye...

>> No.463244

Blessed stream. Sora Watame collab is a future investment

>> No.464425

what was she trying to say on that sign?

>> No.465510

Sleeping on Watame's thighs while she sings you a lullaby!

>> No.466412

I never even had a mommy thing before but Watame gave me one. I still fall asleep to the lullaby and sheep counting from the voice pack almost every night but I would give anything to have her sing me to sleep in person and smell her scent and feel her warmth and fluffiness

>> No.466736

Watame has 100% Mommy / wife energy, she has so much estrogen I bet she actually smells like flowers

>> No.468778
File: 374 KB, 1505x2125, EttqQCZVkAArist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making lots of little lambs with Watamama!

>> No.469729

Watame Nadeshiko

>> No.471566
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>> No.475872

so how long will to take for her to fugu azki?

>> No.476401

First 10 minutes.

>> No.477378

why doesn't watame have more subs? her streams always put me in a good mood.

>> No.478337

Not zoomer friendly

>> No.480952

She does her own thing instead of chasing after numbers, she doesn't make meme videos and spent 11 streams playing Void Terrarium which had horrible viewers just because she really liked the game, she's still 2nd in her gen after Coco and gets pretty good viewers and superchats normally so it's nothing to worry about

>> No.480982

Her streams are seen as 'relaxing' i.e. boring

>> No.482704

>11 streams playing Void Terrarium

This is what makes her so endearingly authentic, she doesn't just chase meme games and plays hype shit she doesn't like, she goes and plays all the Nippon Ichi niche shit aswell and she genuinly enjoys that.

>superchats normally so it's nothing to worry about
This is really important, like Kanata and Lamy, Watame is rolling in mad bank from Supers compared to her low watchers and subs. Super revenue is much more important to the company than views, so she is doing absolutely alright.
Nocturnal sheep has a large % of western superchats btw. And I can fully understand why.

>> No.483465

As far as I remember Watame is around ~36% Foreign SC though.

>> No.485251

>Nocturnal sheep

I am grateful for this sheep to brighten my mornings and noon while the other holos are sleeping.

>> No.485363

Remember to watch this daily

>> No.488290

And here it is.

>> No.488388
File: 205 KB, 349x396, prisonsheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A call for a crusade

>> No.489404

i want to conquer the sheep

>> No.490099

Ah nice, the clip that got me into watching Hololive

>> No.490556

Oh man that cover art is giving me some very impure thoughts

>> No.491248
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>> No.491285
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>> No.491298
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>> No.491319
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>> No.491348
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>> No.491792
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, sheep4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. we are truly blessed by this sheep

>> No.493522

Why is sheep nocturnal if sheep are supposed to be early morning animals

>> No.493560

It's early morning somewhere and there are still wata chips left.

>> No.493564

Looks fun, what's the best way to watch this?

>> No.493623

she will get fat eating so much chips like american fat and not comfy fat

>> No.493663

Wait for the nyaa upload.

>> No.497528

Can anyone see Watame doing gymnastics? Just the idea of Watame doing gymnastics sounds good to me for some reason. Like a majestic potato eating sheep flying on the sky

>> No.497610

Sure, I just wanna see her in a leotard honestly

>> No.498441

https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1360014715624189956 based groomer sheep at it again

>> No.500276

she didn't play ring fit like everyone else?

>> No.500479

No she bought one but doesn't want to play it on steam at least.

>> No.505141

need a jp vpn

>> No.505325

That was dangerous, the board posting speed suddenly sped up alot and we nearly got dropped off.

>> No.507225

Watame / Haato collabs were always so weird to me specially with how full of madness Haato collabs are.

>> No.511358

Something's happening at 18:00

Thanks anon

>> No.511492

Plus King at 20:00 and a zatsudan at 22:00, lots happening today

>> No.511541

Thanks I forgot to add that. I'm still sleepy...

>> No.511544

nothing, it's a hoax anyway

>> No.512289


>> No.512491

Just skimming through Watame content trying to get to know her better, I'm already a huge fan of the little songs and the segments like Tsunomaki Janken.

Everything this sheep does seems so high in production value, and seems very unique. That's what a quality entertainer should be like.

Too bad I can't listen to her big new song because the English makes me cringe into an early grave. I really want more cute content like her lullaby though.

>> No.514031

rate the cover

>> No.514187


>> No.514312
File: 543 KB, 700x990, EuBXtCFU0AEflWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New art from Fumi-mama
It's really good, as sick of I am of that song she did a powerful cover as expected

>> No.514407

Not a fan. Not a musicfag so idk what the issue is but for watame in a lot of cool songs some sounds meant to sound cool come out painful. She's started to fix that recently but this is not there yet

>> No.514865

You need M vibe for King while Watame is S.

>> No.515128

Not him but I did the SM quiz she took with Marine and got the exact same result, people always seem drawn to an oshi with the same allignment

>> No.515944
File: 275 KB, 1200x1600, Es_WaqiVgBA5rwG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep's King cover only makes me more convinced in my schizo headcanon that she is actually is some idol who had to pick the holo gig because reasons

>> No.516052

Starting now

>> No.516612

Chinks are out in force dropping rainbows for New Year

>> No.516736

so is this a good thing or a bad one?

>> No.516897

Oh a good one, just lots of NT$ and HK$ superchats, could be mainlanders with VPNs but there's been no spam or anything

>> No.517650

Red Envelope money well spent lol.
Perhaps the good eggs are clearing their image.

>> No.517654

This is actually the first time I'm hearing King completely.

>> No.517807

If I remember the zhangs and taiwanese (altough it could be zhangs too) were about to leave her, but at the end she ended up dragging them back. The only one that never returned was a gachikoi that everyone suspects he was part of holozhang moments

>> No.519017

Some are calling her daughter now

>> No.519098

The "lovely daughter" guy? He's one of her regulars, drops an akasupa almost every stream

>> No.519430


He's become a regular. although I still think he's fishy. I'd rather stick with Angel G. At least he's not as annoying as he was from the start.

>> No.521930
File: 683 KB, 1280x720, 1601215739767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame bringing out a lot of Jyanken video.

>> No.523426

Will Watame ever have a superchat reading without getting one about someone dying?

>> No.525091

that won't be fun

>> No.528167

No waiting room up yet but she's part of the Momotaro collab along with Fubuki, Roboco, Matsuri, Akiroze, Choco, Mio, Noel and Flare

>> No.529443


>> No.530062

Is participating in Watame no Uta a genuinely good idea to improve one's voice? Just doing her vocal practice along with her. Or is vocal training like this personalized for the actual person doing it? Probably couldn't/shouldn't reach as high as her on the scales.

>> No.531724

>Or is vocal training like this personalized for the actual person doing it?

>> No.533919

just go down an octave EZ

>> No.536398

Slow sleep thread

>> No.537687

as someone who sang before, yes, it actually helps you. Watame no Uta is pretty short tho, a good time to warm up your voice is 30 minutes where aside of the exercises Watame does, you add another ones and also prepare your muscles.
As some anon said, start singing down an octave and follow her, however the moment you feel you start to feel pain in your throat, you either stop or go down an octave.
Don't forget to drink water anon.

>> No.544762

sheep bump

>> No.546372
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>> No.547013

Starting now!

>> No.548994

I've seen so many holos play this game and I still have no idea what this game is about

>> No.549087

Basically Jap Monopoly

>> No.550449
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>> No.552380

The richest sheep!

>> No.553761

>All the jokes about Watame being an economics expert were true
Sasuga Watame

>> No.558286
File: 909 KB, 1984x2807, 59211669cf93bcaa7807a0120455e55f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More bonks when

>> No.559408


>> No.563126

>baka sheep ate all the chocolate

>> No.565360

who doul you think make a good couple in terms of singing for Watame.

>> No.565549
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>> No.568342

AZKi, their song is great.

>> No.574469

Night Fever today

>> No.577253

who was she before joining hololive?

>> No.577365

Small utaite.

>> No.578026


>> No.578310


>> No.579177

papers please is unironically great but not for streaming

>> No.580502

Starting now, get in here sheepbros

>> No.580952

Whenever Watame starts spinning you know she's enjoying the song

>> No.581287

there's lag problems, thanks youtube

>> No.581409

is it lagging?

>> No.581439

i like her song with Calli and Azki

>> No.581457

Guru Guru Time!!

>> No.581554

the songs selection has been pretty good

>> No.581866

>Idol costume

>> No.581956

had to drop to 360p to stop fucking lagging, idol costume hype tho

>> No.582057

Watame loves the Wata family!

>> No.582248

Watame trying not to cry the entier song is good too

>> No.582264

Watame... nakanaide onegai...

>> No.582322

She mentioned on stream before that she joined Hololive to get some ground for her singing career.

>> No.582373

Did she try to audition for one of those idol groups?
She really is moved that they have idol costumes now.

>> No.582462

>*sniff* *sniff* *snifff*

>> No.582525

Can't confirm how many times she has applied to idol groups or send demo to production companies.
She also said that Hololive is job right now for her, not just hobby and she enjoy singing more than playing games. You can find these translated clips from youtube.

It seems like production behind her, gave Watame more confidence to do weekly singing streams and her personality (it seems she doesn't act much through character) makes her community love her even more.

>> No.582780

She's talked many times about her dream to have a solo concert at the Budokan
I only know the basics of her roommate's work but from what I can tell she sang on NND for a decade without much success, and went well past the prime age of a traditional idol. She's still now a way of a solo live at all let alone one at the Budokan, but with every milestone she hits and the more hololive keeps blowing up she takes a step closer to her dream which would've been totally impossible as a not particularly popular 30 something utaite, but as Watame is an actual possibility

>> No.582872

Roommate has ended up on a hanfull of touhou comps over the years

>> No.583043

As Kanata mentioned on her stream few weeks ago, these Hololive "weekly animated shorts" is build after office get member recorded audio clips before deadline.
Members get dialogue scripts for animated shorts, record them at home and send audio clips to office. Faster you do those, more scripts you get. Kanata was a bit sorry that she got lazy with those scripts so office doesn't send her those as often as they used to.

Watame is often used on these shorts, which means she get a lot of scripts to work with. This might also be reason why Watame beside AZKi has dozens of released covers and original songs.
Production seems to trust her work motivation. I just hope Hololive doesn't dump her after she get popular enough to go solo.

>> No.583115


>> No.583184

ai mai chocolate on the menu

>> No.583415

Makes me love her more.

>> No.583527


>> No.583544

I hear these songs and I can't stop imagining Watame in a dorama.

>> No.583624

Ai Mai time

>> No.583693


>> No.583757

Pinky promise with Watame to watch gen 4 idol costumes reveal!

>> No.584512

The thread fucking DIED

>> No.587500

It's not a Watame stream without eating at late hours of the night

>> No.587574
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x928, 333008506c3ab7ebfabc7a85deb4b6cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plump sheep, ripe for picking

>> No.589429

Watame probably going to stay awake all night!

>> No.591573


>> No.592701

second Watamelon thread was not as creative as the first one, and the first one was ended on it's natural peak by the one kraut who wrote a script to Watamelon post at optimal speed.

>> No.592761
File: 196 KB, 1080x720, Wataspeedrun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vid for conversations sake.
Man people get creative for shitposting.

>> No.603283

Finally our sheep becomes a true idol, I really can't wait for this

>> No.611198

I hope she gets a good amount of new hats and accesories
