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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29585659 No.29585659 [Reply] [Original]

>chuuba tells (you) to strive for a better you
>instead (you) shit your pants and cry on /vt/
why are (you) like this?

>> No.29585689

kys ame

>> No.29585696

But I'm not like that.
I thought it was good advice.

>> No.29585714

I simply took her advice and moved on. Where’s the issue?

>> No.29585796

I don't want advice coming from a condescending slut like her.

>> No.29585824
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>> No.29585834

>Capable of striving to be anything better than dregs of society that shit on anything that doesn't perfectly align with their ideals
LOL. It's a hard truth to swallow, but nobody that uses this board will amount to anything other than perpetual basement-dwellers that actively shit on the very hobby they claim to be "fans" of, no matter how many blind retards will try to convince you otherwise. As far as 4chan go, only /pol/ and /b/ are worse than this shithole, despite the blind retards here who love to make up "rrats" will pretend otherwise

>> No.29585848
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, gosgiveup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame, please...

>> No.29585892

Calm down there Cover Shill. Do mean words really hurt you that much?

>> No.29585945

Kys OP
and next
after self-improvement realize vtubers is like a gacha game industry minus the fact that you technically don't get what you pay for realize that its all rng and you realize that gambling is bad

>> No.29585949

touch some grass grandma

>> No.29585952

Watching cute anime girl on computer is escapism. I don't need her to tell me things people already tell me in real life.

>> No.29586084

A classic /vt/ tactic to try to always deflect to the anon calling out their bottom-feeder behavior instead of genuinely reflecting on why literally every other board on 4chan considers /vt/ to be an absolute laughing-stock

>> No.29586216

>I don't want to talk about ame, I want to seethe

>> No.29586243

Imagine taking 4chan seriously.
Mental illness.

>> No.29586273

She told to improve myself so I shit my pants and made a better oshi out of my own stinky poop

>> No.29586276

Every other board laughs at this one because it’s white knight central in here. You literally have people paypigging and wasting their time defending someone who sees them as chat on a screen.

>> No.29586387

Oh no bros the /v/irgin, /pol/cels, /a/utists and /b/astards are laughing at us. How will we ever recover? We got too cocky sisters...

>> No.29586457
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imagine letting someone tell (you) what to do with your life.
enwhore needs to graduate asap.

>> No.29586482

I don't want to be better. I want to be worse. I want to be as bad as humanly possible. When I walk down the street, I want people to react with disgust and anger. I want the birds and the squirrels and other various wildlife to attack me on sight. I want every various deity to throw as much bullshit at me as they possibly can.

>> No.29586603

They're legit schizoids. It's not that they don't need to better themselves or anything; rather, they're completely incapable of it.
They need serious therapeutic help.
And a complete breakaway from the online spaces that they frequent.

>> No.29586680

I don’t watch ame so i rlly dont care. Next thread

>> No.29586864
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BASED. Look at all the Seething losers here. The Unicucks that have pretend GFs. The faggots that make up rumors like 50 year old Karens. The NEETS that clearly have never worked in their entire life. Its hillarious.

>> No.29587007
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Coz it funy

>> No.29587076

There's probably like 40 guys in a board of hundreds who autistically post like that.

>> No.29587077
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fr fr
but not until she collabs with men in estudio de ame

>> No.29587083

>Tells people to improve themselves
>Throws a shitfit and gets angry when people tell her she needs to improve as a streamer
Why is Ame like this?

>> No.29587101

she's a woman

>> No.29587106
File: 411 KB, 641x546, your (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actively shit on the very hobby they claim to be "fans" of
consuming something and giving it negative feedback arent exclusive things. the fact that you cant handle criticism is entirely a (you) problem, faggot.

>> No.29587626


It's posts like this that make it obvious a lot of the seethe against vtubers is rooted in jealousy of how much the 0.01% of them earn. Vtubers are probably one of the most poorfag ways to waste your time. You get 99 percent of their content for nothing, and the paid stuff is usually dubiously better or outright worse.

People really take the current state of affairs for granted, it's almost like they're begging to be screwed so they can convince themselves that something isn't too good to be true, and if they can't find it, they make things up. Well, streaming bandwidth and infrastructure is the thing too good to be true, and the trust in marketing departments to not make up bullshit numbers for how their advertising dollars contribute to sales. Don't worry, the real profit isn't being bilked from you and your supposed hapless weakness to "emotional manipulation" , it's from advertisers.

Ironically if it was a cable TV model where you had to pay 50 bucks a month to watch a vtuber company "because of game licensing and streaming costs" so many people complaining about self-imposed financial obligations for watching public streams would probably lose all their objections because they're finally satisfied that they can see the dildo rammed up their anus.

>> No.29587654

Improve your singing bitch

>> No.29588169
File: 155 KB, 508x491, 1638109235549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you leave if you don't like it here? Plenty of other boards for (you). Hell, there's a thousand other imageboards you can use besides 4chinz.

>> No.29588299

Like where?

>> No.29588365

Has she shown any sign of improvement lately?

>> No.29588412

Fuck off Ame, I am a magnate now

>> No.29588489

>Doesn't even fucking know the actual name of the fanbase

>> No.29588572

she is more or less a clown you pay to entertain (you) because you are bored af, she has a role to play to be a detective not a therapist

>> No.29588586

She told her most devoted fans they're losers, they're wrong for liking her, and they should stop watching her. That's a major fuckup no matter how you slice it, OP. Now to be fair I doubt that's the message she intended to send but it's still the message she sent.

>nobody that uses this board will amount to anything
Stop using this board and touch grass lmao

>> No.29588662

Same. I just laughed it off and took the advice while everyone else took it as a personal attack

>> No.29588695

She should improve her wordings

>> No.29588759

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.29588765

You first.

>> No.29588787

Imagine being told by a clown that you need to improve yourself.

>> No.29588805

Yeah, that's how you know that you're all sorts of fucked up.

>> No.29588912

I want Ame to piss onto my chest

>> No.29588925

clearly vtubers rotted the brain of the posters of this bored you needed a wake-up call your life should not revolve around them; their life should revolve around you because you are the viewer their job is to entertain you... personal opinion: i think vtubers is cringe af imagine being parasocial to some girl you don't even know where the fuck came from.

>> No.29588955

educate yourself, chud.

>> No.29588976

>tell fanbase to touch grass and have sex
>surprised when they are angry because they live in malaysia and the grass is full of snakes and orangutans ready to rape them

>> No.29588995

In that case, why the hell should i take condescending advice from some random e-thot?

>> No.29589017

Okay anon, this was actually pretty funny. This is the only good post in this thread.

>> No.29589035

That's not what she said. She said I need to accept male collabs or I'm a huge loser. That's expected from your typical Twitch whore, but not a Hololive idol.

>> No.29589043

You were supposed to continue paying for her lifestyle while she talked down to you.

He's a normalfag. You can tell because they try to apply realworldisms to the internet. Oh no anon, your e-rep is suffering!

>> No.29589048

the answer to your million dollar question is "you dont"

>> No.29589054

/pol/ is filled with retards who have bought into the self-improvement grift where all the problems of the world can be fixed by cleaning ones room and regularly washing ones penis. I think you'd feel right at home there.

>> No.29589059
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>>29585659 (…)

>> No.29589086

No, she said that if you were losing sleep over the mere thought of her potentially collabing with a man and are experiencing huge amounts of anal pain from it, then you're all fucked up.
Which is true.

>> No.29589111

I don’t really get the impression that other boards think about /vt/ very much at all outside of getting annoyed when someone attaches a random, unsolicited vtuber picture to their post. And “vtumor” I guess.

>> No.29589122

Anon, they don't care. They just want to shitpost. I doubt that anyone actually seetheposting about her is actually a teamate / watches ame in any capacity.

>> No.29589123

No, you added all those extra words in your head. Watch the stream again.

>> No.29589186

Yep, and they're losing their influence fast. "Fuck off back to /pol/" is pretty much the uniting board culture for the rest of the site at this point and nearly every board is back to being fairly staunchly leftist at this point. They really overplayed their hand with the GrEaT MeME WaR!!111 bullshit and now everyone can see that they're voting against their very own economic interests and are extremely low IQ.

>> No.29589266

no need to go political bruh its a joke

>> No.29589357

Aye, I may have gotten carried away but I do so enjoy shitting on chuddos that may still be lurking. We should never let them feel at home here.

>> No.29589551
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>implying people have a choice

>> No.29589651

MuH BoTh sIDes!!111!!!!
When you pull yourself out of the alt-right rabbit hole you will cringe so hard at yourself. I wish you luck.

>> No.29589682


>> No.29589695

>she has a role to play to be a detective not a therapist
Why yes, the rapist role is mine and mine alone.

>> No.29589739

Low IQ post from a useful idiot

>> No.29589773

Damn /vt/ still seething about the most basic life advice

She was not condescending, you're just too low that you feel like it

>> No.29589792
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based shizo i kneel

>> No.29589803
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>MuH BoTh sIDes!!111!!!!

>> No.29589809

Is Ame improving or not?

>> No.29589900

>Do mean words really hurt you that much?
The irony in this sentence, have some self awareness. lol

>> No.29590015 [DELETED] 

Oh, chud. Remind me again who stripped women of their bodily autonomy, is literally in the process of genociding transfolk, has gay marriage in their crosshairs, and is trying to legalise child marriage? I'll wait.

>> No.29590072

>they're voting against their very own economic interests
People don't just have economic interests they also have societal interests. Not to mention that voting for a modern left-wing party means you get higher taxes, more immigration, more gender neutral toilets and kids being exposed to tranny-propaganda in school. Where do the economic interests factor in? The modern left is not for the working class, it is for an upper middle class of bourgeois elites.

>> No.29590122

>Remind me again who stripped women of their bodily autonomy, is literally in the process of genociding transfolk, has gay marriage in their crosshairs
What does that have to do with their economic interests?

>is trying to legalise child marriage
If there's one thing rightoids are paranoid about it's pedos. Clearly you do not interact a lot with these people.

>> No.29590156

What you wrote is not true. It is the right who act like temporarily embarrassed millionaires and tick the box for every boot licking policy imaginable. Billionaire simps I call them. Simps for daddy Elon.

>> No.29590224

most of that isn't even happening
>is literally in the process of genociding transfolk

>> No.29590230
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>implying the progressive left is not filled with consoomers who eagerly defend their corporation of choice because they put a rainbow flag on their twitter and told them how important social issues are to their cause

>> No.29590239

>If there's one thing rightoids are paranoid about it's pedos
Every accusation is a confession. GOP = gaslight, obstruct, project.

>> No.29590277

Not him, but as someone who is kinda politically illiterate, shouldn't you be dropping pretenses and realize that you have similar ideals?
The "chud" seems to want equal freedom for many, why make this about "us vs. them"? It's the same tribalfaggotry like the retards in this board staning corpos
I agree in one thing though, fuck /pol/

>> No.29590291

>is literally in the process of genociding transfolk
God, I wish

>> No.29590290

Tell me how endless waves of immigration helps the middle class?

>> No.29590312

best advice i can give to (you) if you live in 1st world country work and save around 6digits and live like a king in a 3rd world country

>> No.29590336

I'm not talking about the party, I'm talking about the voters. The political right is filled with schizos who are convinced that the world is run by pedophiles. As I said: you clearly have no idea what you're talking about because your idea of what the right is, is based on hearsay. And I say this as someone who feels nothing but utter disgust for the average boomercon (for different reasons than the average leftoid though).

>> No.29590368 [DELETED] 

Dems are very far right, but cons are fascists. I am coming from a leftist perspective, which is hard for chuddos to grasp. Still, there is a big difference between a the right wing (dems) and the fascists and pretending there isn't is a tactic we like to call "gaslighting" (that's the G in GOP).

>> No.29590433

I moved on, that's why I keep making threads about her and will continue to do so. If I see another Ame thread, I will respond because I've already moved on. I am also improving myself by never leaving this board.

>> No.29590447
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>cons are fascists
i wish

>> No.29590470

arguing with lefties is exactly the same as arguing with russians

>> No.29590493

Didn't catch this stream/late to this shitshow. Can someone explain what happened?

>> No.29590495

Its funny how the vtuber who has been declining and getting shittier since her 3 month is telling people to improve themselves

>> No.29590549

>literally in the process of genociding transfolk
i fucking wish

>> No.29590622

Okay, but name something that isn’t a good thing first?

>> No.29590632

*he says, while he jerks off furiously to transgender sexworkers while crying*

>> No.29590706

>That one seething rightoid samefag trying to create a false consensus that the board leans right
Nice try, but make it a little less obvious next time.

>> No.29590740
File: 290 KB, 1500x501, 1649826488121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was true

>> No.29590834

Salute to kekistan, my fellow 2016 electionfriend! And what an epic meme war it was! We're really sticking it to the SJWs with our racist edits of vtubers who are literally leftists irl.

>> No.29590837

this. People are so autistic about their chuuba that even when somebody makes a obvious joke some retard shows up asking for proof

>> No.29590844

The voices in your head should be telling you to head on back to the bunker, but for whatever reason, here you are, shitting up /vt/.

>> No.29590868
File: 21 KB, 480x456, 1649265172004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to assume that others want the same thing from life that you do

>> No.29590884
File: 257 KB, 1814x1000, 1650861385289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a regular in the NatSoc generals well before 2016 newfriend

>> No.29590889

If you faggots could resist the urge to discuss politics and remind me of the real world I'm trying to escape through low-resolution 2D anime girls puppeteered by mentally ill 3D roasties, that'd be fucking great.

>> No.29590952

You should stop projecting your own failure

>> No.29590990

Did you fall for the O9A meme yet?

>> No.29591057

I hate those fuckes talking about politics every single time they have the chance but anon: go watch streams faggot, what are tou doing in /vt/ crying instead of watching the 2D girls? fucking dumbass

>> No.29591170

I was hoping to find out what the fuck Ame did this time. I've been out the loop for a bit trying to pass as a normalfag. But as usual, VT vague posts to make anyone who didn't watch X stream feel like an outsider.

>> No.29591237

I'm the best me. Get back to making cute noises for free you harlot.

>> No.29591257

>Board built on waves of men who want to tell a women to put on a costume, what to do, and how to behave
>Many of which gladly "punish" them financially or socially if don't they comply.
Is this really a board you want to try to "own"? Not that you ever could, even though people like you could never get that through their thick skulls. One dense guy like you in almost every board, I swear.

>> No.29591458
File: 415 KB, 1111x777, 44ED8148-B08E-44FA-9C11-DC58AD6BE933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can own deez nuts, globohomo

>> No.29591488

Some people don't have the luxury of just "ignoring politics" unfortunately. Life is political when our mere existence as transfolk is political, it turns out.

>> No.29591551

>Many of which gladly "punish" them financially or socially if don't they comply.
You say that as if is our responsability and obligation to give money to a e thot hiding behind a anime girl who also happens to hate her fanbase, if you dont like her anymore, you dont give her more "donations", sinple as that

>> No.29591606

What the fuck did she type that's got everyone so pissy? Are people seriously getting mad over what I assume is 'I want to see you improve!' motivation posting? Did you not wish the same for your Oshi?

>> No.29591659

There's some Marshmallow question from one of Ame's talking streams that asked if Ame is ever going to collab with the boys and then question kinda implied that her channel will be different after this, Ame then took the opportunity to shit on the Unicorns by making fun of them and ending it with a "Improve yourself at the end" it was good content and the unicorns havent recovered from this ever since.

If ypu need more context just search for "Amelia Watson answer question tempus" on YT, you can kinda feel the person asking the question is shaking and is hoping for an answer he expected lol

>> No.29591710

I improved myself and now I watch Fauna instead uuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.29591712

It was a troon stirring up their bullshit all this time, that explain everything, go fuck yourself to twitter or kill yourself, this is not your little safespace to come and talk about politics, but seriously make a favor to this world and kill yourself.

>> No.29591731 [SPOILER] 
File: 290 KB, 590x693, 918D6081-6781-4F76-BE1A-DABFC26D1D05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody wants to watch troontubers
your life is a fucking circus you delusional schizo


>> No.29591784

Already with identity politics from their streams, yeah I dont want to watch this lol

>> No.29591813

Yet trans vtubers like Ms. Peep regularly get more views than /here/tubers. Curious.

>> No.29591895

How do you feel about the boys?

>> No.29591916

>think like a mutant
>look like one, too
I guess it’s a full circle?

>> No.29591918

That's not even remotely true, kek

>> No.29591929

faggots and trannys are not people

>> No.29591973
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>Numberfagging 2 views
Pippa is shit but god damn did you mention a train wreck. Why are you gonna come on this board and lie?

>> No.29591974
File: 13 KB, 346x339, 1658610099034357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did and now I watch Jordan Peterson. Now I clean my room and wash my dick every day, thanks Ame!

>> No.29592007

And this is the part where we tell you to fuck off back to /pol/. So head on back.

>> No.29592050

Look mate, I know you're mentally ill but you really should take the pills your doctor gives you so the voices stop.

>> No.29592058

You know that goes for you too?
Go back to /lgbt/

>> No.29592109

technically if i watch larping anime vtubers im already escaping real life responsibilities
then she literally tells me to fuck off
what the fuck was her problem?

>> No.29592149

If he took them all at once, his depression would be cured.

>> No.29592171

buttsex and HIV awaits you

>> No.29592243

how can anyone not think that was condescending. pretty much the same as “touch grass”

>> No.29592259
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>> No.29592297
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>> No.29592298

I like them, been based so far like Axel from earlier said he hates fat people, That's based.

>> No.29592299

Fuck off, it's summer and the economy is shit. I'll get a job in the fall but not a day sooner

>> No.29592317

Ame's chat overwhelmingly reacted positively to that. It's really just here that has an issue. Like did this hurt her at all? Or is there just 20 schizos here getting upset

>> No.29592351

There is a severe lack of #Rope in this image

>> No.29592393

No one really goes there, i cant blame this tranny, they dont really care about "trans rights," they just want cloit, they never really care about their "own kind."
If I were trans Id want to stay away from those freaks too.

>> No.29592400

It's too late. I grabbed a handful of grass and it did nothing. The grass died and I'm still a fucking weirdo NEET.

>> No.29592456

Shit on unicorns but love taking their money, a classic

>> No.29592466

I speak more about the leftist idiots that keep trying to claim ownership of boards. Every board I go to that has them always one of them freaking out over somebody not following their line, leading them to go on a rant about how it's "their board". Such a failed understanding of 4chan comes from these people so often and is expressed so similarly, you'd think it's the same guy.

Even for boards like this, built by people whose ways ot thinking which could be so negatively painted in such a way that would have you thrown in the digital gulags if you shared them with your "allies". I mean come on, the camp that openly antis vtubing as a whole the most are leftist social media goons.

>> No.29592483

Technically, it's more like he hates people with a bitch mentality; complaining about not getting stuff they think they're entitled to but never actually putting in any real effort to obtain whatever it is they're bitching about. Fat fucks just happen to fall into that category

>> No.29592497

Ah, the next step for that is to disembowel yourself away from everyone, you'll see results within the next 30 seconds. Its guaranteed to not make you a neet

>> No.29592591

Anon... whenever there's some big stink that seemingly only /vt/ cares about, they aren't actually fans of that streamer, they just want to shitpost. It's classic cataloguecuck behavior

>> No.29592603

Yeah Unicorns love cucking themselves lol

If they wanted anyone to love them unconditionally they should just get a dog, it will never betray them, but I wouldnt a trust a unicorn with a living thing, theyre mentally challenged afterall.

>> No.29592974

I mean you say that, but if an oshi's boyfriend could randomly be heard on stream, it would completely break immersion. Prove me wrong.

>> No.29593251

Doesn't bother me, in fact I want her to introduce him to the stream as a bit, more content. I dont any suffer parasocial problems.

Though what's immersion breaking is them being obvious about lying who that person is, now that I don't like. Any kind of "non-genuine" interaction is immersion breaking for me.

>> No.29593327

anon why are you here? you are mentally healthy af

>> No.29593380


>> No.29593743


Yeah, I'm not really sure what you're getting from this. The selling point is parasocial relationships and wish fulfillment, as it is with any streamer. Like if I wanted to watch a female streamer with a boyfriend, I'd just watch Pokimane at that point. For me, the content isn't a real girl using a 2D avatar, it's an anime character being voice acted in real time, so the voice actor bringing on her real life boyfriend destroys the character.

>> No.29593796

Found the personally injured fag

>> No.29593838

/pol/ stuff really should be banned

>> No.29594255

>tfw took her advice and moved on
>holohomos EN end up being brotubers with better advice than ame could ever give, so i ditch her for them

>> No.29594616

Those streamers dont really know anime and dont really care the game theyre playing, all they do is react streams, at least chuubas are entertaining and make bits of everything. A streamer having an anime avatar help immerse myself in the streams more. Cover is good at choosing their talents, all of them know what theyre talking about so far.

>> No.29594790

You could argue that not being able to get views from wearing low-cut tops would lead to having to actually develop an engaging personality. I guess I see what you're saying, dude.

>> No.29596229

who fucking cares, those aren't the important stuff. Politics are more than just sex, faggots and trannies

>> No.29597549


You should've stayed on reddit with shit takes like this (which has fuck all to do with VTubers).

>> No.29597772

Some boards have a "discussion of politics outside of /pol/" as a report option. Why isn't it spread out across the whole place is beyond me.

>> No.29598433

She's a seller and her audience are the buyers. It wasn't her place to tell people what to do with their feelings. Nobody asked her for an advice and she even created a strawman to ask that question instead of picking from chat, basically digging a hole for herself. It was unprofessional. But I have forgiven her. It wasn't a big slip up or anything, so I don't know why people are still mad about it. Her advice was really solid in a vacuum but boy she was hurting her own income. Ame's career died so we could improve ourselves, so I better see everyone here IMPROVE THEMSELVES.

>> No.29598566
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But nobody cares. The only people who are pretending to give a shit are the same 5 people who make these threads and whatever random anon notices it on the catalog and decides to shitpost in it for bants, despite having no strong feelings either way.

>> No.29598749

Go to allchan and see for yourself.

>> No.29598771

That's the fun of vtubers. Women have to care a lot less about apperance on a daily basis and can inject any amount of acting or personal self as they want into their 'character'. Some lean heavily into their act, others talk a lot about their (curated) personal lives, and people pick and chose their favorites based on the mix that they get from the streamer. On top of that, there's a nice 'they like me for me (and my cute avatar)' vibe with vtubers as well.
There's always going to be simps, both the motional and the financial kind and you're never going to stop that, on either side of the gender aisle, but that's expected and fine.
I personally choose Hololive/Niji because they push most of their talents to not talk about whatever the stupid hot trend on Twitter is in regards to politics or human rights bullshit. I come to the stream for fun, lighthearted garbage that I can consume like popcorn, and it keeps the streams a lot more barable. There's little bits that slip into the character of my Oshi from time to time but I can usually just laugh them off because they're relatively innocuose.

>> No.29598953

can someone give me a qrd on what really happened with her?
i don't follow EN tubers but her design is very nice so i'm interested
thanks a lot!

>> No.29599040

Here's a qrd: LURK MOAR and do your reps

>> No.29599154

Literally nothing happened. The OP image is from her sleeping past a stream deadline. People are just pretending she said something for laughs.

>> No.29599167

>I don't know why people are still mad about it.
They're still mad at it because they feel like they were personally attacked, because they really are that strawman.

>> No.29599187


You are the only one on here repeating retarded radical leftwing talking points. Most people on /vt/, along with the rest on the website don't agree with you you dumb fucking commie faggot.

>> No.29599387

Ame was asked in a marshmallow if she was going to collab with the new starsEN, Ame said probably not but anyone who gets upset at her for possibly doing so should redirect that energy into more productive things like improving themselves

>> No.29599415

The EN in question is Amelia Watson of Hololive Myth.


If you've got 2 minutes, this what a select few are feigning to be outraged about for the past 2 weeks now.

>> No.29599476

An actual autistic femoid twittard here, wow.

>> No.29599560

They are still mad about that ina "Loser" joke she did a year ago.

>> No.29599583

thanks for answering guys, she does have a nice voice

>> No.29599636

You are suffering from a mental illness, stop asking everyone to fulfill your delusion by turning you into a chinese bootleg version of the opposite sex.

Genuinely neck yourself.

>> No.29599671

Quite the copypasta fusion you've put together here.

>> No.29600283

What happen?

>> No.29601260

Amelia Watson endorses this comment.
