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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29524670 No.29524670 [Reply] [Original]

Three autistic losers and one actual retard got into holostars en and are proving in one week that there's an audience for them that loves it.
Anons, you know what this means, right? If they can do it... why haven't you?

>> No.29524825

I’m fucking ugly

>> No.29524853

I would never audition for hololive as it stands right now because of the male/female segregation. I want to talk to girls, not pretend to be at an all boys school for faggots. At least Niji does one thing right

>> No.29524915

If I got in I would emeditaly rape gura

>> No.29524960

I don't have the skill set to be a good vtuber. I enjoy watching them but I don't envy them at all.

>> No.29524964

i have no public past in streaming

>> No.29525003

I'd have a sudden will to rape my genmates, you DON'T want me there

>> No.29525024

Doesn't matter if you're a vtuber

>> No.29525046

regis got in, so you're still good

>> No.29525080

I like how Axel was supposed to be gay furry gimp attracing fujos left and right, but his genmates all just treat him as a literal pet dog.

>> No.29525123

What are you talking about? Have you seen the image OP provided?! They’re sculpted like greek gods!!! How can I compete with that?

>> No.29525128

>I want to talk to girls
get out of your basement then, but take a shower first

>> No.29525153

I don't have a charisma nor sense of humor

>> No.29525328

I tried repeatedly and know I would do a good job. These guys are experienced streamers that could have kept their old personas and let new blood into the scene.
Instead they got in everyones way and brought their old audience with them and called it a 'success'.
It's hard not to hate them.
I'm truly seething over these dickheads.

>> No.29525500

axel was a literal who, keep trying and maybe regis can bully you like you want next year

>> No.29525569

Because I haven't even been streaming for a full year yet. Once I do, I will. I know I can make it in, and I knew I could even before I saw these guys.
What makes me really happy is that all four of them seem like guys I would probably be happy to be friends with.

>> No.29525653

Anon, you'll never succeed at anything if you compare yourself to others. If I were a friend of yours IRL and supported you up to the point of saying this loser shit, I would have no choice but to be honest with you. Your attitude is pathetic.

>> No.29525739

Axel, vesper and altare were literally 1view, not even 2views
They were smaller than Ame's past life, or Kiara's
The only relatively big one was Magni

>> No.29525794

Maybe I will keep trying.
I know. I'm just mad. It's not like they've done anything personal to me and I feel like I should be wishing them luck but I can't shake the fury.

>> No.29525815

Its the sea niggers, the koreans, the turks.
They appeal to unicorns.
None of them show any real significance.
Vox wins.

>> No.29525865

Axel and Altare could have been 1views, but Vesper was a borderline 3view by the time he went on hiatus.

>> No.29526173

I literally don't remember 90% of my life and tastes so zatsu like uncle nowa is impossible, fps skills are nonexistent, no hobbies to discuss, no personality whatsoever. If I EVER got in my streams would consist of 50% swearing, 20% dead air, and 30% embarrassing myself with how shit I am at a game or how little I know on a topic

>> No.29526193

>Brought their old audience with them and called it a success
I hate that you're not wrong

>> No.29526370

I'd say 'retard', 'faggot' or 'nigger' on stream at leaat once before debut week is over.

>> No.29526446

don't you need a resume?
I'm confident I could learn-by-doing but cover would look at my zero experience and bin my cv. I've never streamed anything

>> No.29526612

Which one is the actual retard?

>> No.29526658

Yeah, we'll see in a few weeks gayboy

>> No.29526811

top left

>> No.29526873

I thought that too but Kobo didn't have a computer before applying and iirc Mori didn't either. It seems like it helps but isn't required.
Or maybe it doesn't help. Who knows. They never tell you what they're looking for.

>> No.29526932


>> No.29527037

because I'm not gay

>> No.29527083

You can shake it, though. It'll just take time. Keep trying, man.

>> No.29527103

while that was probably unintentional it is comically in-character for what he's supposed to be. perhaps his arc will involve him becoming a better friend

>> No.29527145

I watched Vesper yesterday and he shared a story where Axel thought that a treasurer was someone who goes out and finds treasure

>> No.29527377

holy shit that was based

>> No.29527434


>> No.29527748

Damn Tempus makes people cry this hard? That’s kinda based.

>> No.29527795

that's fair, clearly the talents come in with different levels of experience. I think selling cover a compelling narrative is probably the most important part of getting further along the process. mori was enticing with her rap persona and kobo is multitalented, clearly able to sell herself well. cover themselves should want to watch you, naturally, before they consider putting you on stage. this extends beyond just skill and talent but the personal, humanizing element of the performer, the things viewers connect with beyond the mask of the anime character

>> No.29528081

>old personas
And that’s why they were hired, they were truly themselves even when nobody was watching.

>> No.29528144

You do need a resume, it just doesn't have to be VTubing or even streaming.
I haven't looked into Kobo's background but Mori had been doing music and animation for years while holding a day job, what they're looking for is the creative drive to put out consistent content and work yourself to death.

And yes, even with that they get the occasional Ayame or Sana. Imagine if they did let newbies in.

>> No.29528947

The segment of their collab where they basically look directly into the camera and ask me directly why I haven't applied yet was very motivating and validating.

>> No.29530297

big pluses on your application

+multilingual (pref. jap obviously)
+consistent content uploads
+streaming experience
+arguably at least one entertaining talent
+a modicum of charisma helps, even if you're a sperg
+don't say nigger
+don't be negative

some of these are more necessary than others YMMV lads

>> No.29530842

Lel if I refrain from being negative and I'm trying to entertain/show my true face I come off as a true yandere. Like a legit one.
I'll just keep trying. I've already put my "heart" into it.

>> No.29531051

Just be yourself, bro.

>> No.29534569

4chan and the internet have conditioned me severely and at this point I don't think I could go through a week of streams without bashing sjw shit, saying no no words, or spouting some memes that would get me canceled.

>> No.29535060

>Want to talk to girls.
That's why you'll never get hired, retard. You'll simp and fag your way in the path of a moving train if it was to appease the girls. These guys are actual men and wouldn't debase themselves like that.

>> No.29535135

Why not go indie if you know you'll do a good job? Do good enough and you'll be a shoe-in for the next try out. Or are you just a faggot?

>> No.29535364

I know this is bait, but imagine walking into a job interview with this kind of attitude.

>> No.29535510

Fungus.....you should have been Sana......

>> No.29535591

still fucking ugly

>> No.29535725

based, and that's why only the autists get in cause we would hatch a plan day one to rape gura and these bozo just want to stream and have fun. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

>> No.29535726

To give a real answer I'm already working a full time job and I'm already in the arts doing small exhibitions and book readings. (Thanks lockdown for killing my momentum btw.)
Working with Cover as a Vtuber would take the spot of my full time job. Starting indie, while I don't doubt I'd be successful over time, is hard to justify to family and my job completely refuses to fire me despite me spending hours on 4chan shitposting.
Plus Cover is Japanese and while they can't provide a visa on their own it's a lot easier to get around if you have Japanese contacts in the area. I don't want to be alone in a foreign country. There's a method to my madness.

>> No.29535777

I have a very high commitment day job.

>> No.29535813

Man Regis is actually really good at Apex.

>> No.29535896

that's what the anime avatar is for

>> No.29535971

Honestly the less autistic version of that argument is valid.
I would never have signed up for the first gen of StarsEN because JP Stars being kept separate is what killed them. They didn't even break 40k until the English audience came in after they were brought under HoloPro.

Seems like Tempus is doing okay, but they really could have been DoA if they had been promoted as poorly as JPStars.

>> No.29536148

>If they can do it... why haven't you?
I have never wanted to be a streamer and a male vtuber even less so.

>> No.29537164

Male debuff + don't care for minecraft + don't care for fotm streamer bait games + just want to play want I want and not revolve my games around stream permissions + bad at filling dead air + mediocre at best singer + can't do ASMR + no other artistic talent + I don't want to use twitter if I can help it + would yab and get cancelled sooner or later

>> No.29537370

nothing to be proud of my guy, you got brainwashed, lmao

>> No.29537557

He doesn't sound proud so much as honest with himself. Where he's wrong is in thinking that he can't improve.

>> No.29537668

If I got in , I would immediately say “niggers” on stream

>> No.29538032

I am going to apply with zero streaming experience and I WILL get in, just you watch.

>> No.29539206


>Imagine if they did let newbies in.

so most of ILUNA?

>> No.29539353

Where's the signup form

>> No.29539467

I would learn to spell first

>> No.29539518

I unironically genuinely want to, but I 100% do not trust myself to not have a schizo breakdown or gamer moment on stream.

>> No.29539534


this is unironically a buff if you've got a different valuable skill set.

what holo and niji are really missing is someone to do semi-educational retard content that can be charismatic over it, like nilered or that cooking vtuber on twitch that has the hand setup w/ the avatar.

>> No.29539591
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Fulgar x Sana ship has sunk

>> No.29539620

Yes actually, NijiJP has had most if their talent DoA because of the shotgun approach for years and ILUNA is a sign that they're satisfied with the success of their early EN waves and are ready to stop putting effort into recruitment.

Expect to have a couple of NijiENs retiring under 25k subs by 2024.

>> No.29539726
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Would you watch a mechanic Oji?

>> No.29539740

gap moe stronk

>> No.29539857

Hopefully Tempus success means we get higher quality talent. I love the boys, but lets be real, only Magni has the same level of talent as Zen from Iluna and Luxiem. Noir I have absolutely no idea how he got it. Management must have really sees his passion or something because he doesnt really have any tangible talent.

>> No.29539884

This isn't Niji hate btw, JP still gets good streamers and EN will too, but you're gonna start seeing massive gaps between members of the same wave as they just hire people at random.

>> No.29539897

I'm not asan

>> No.29539933

seethe you fucking twat. vesper earned his place and if you have a problem with it you should fucking end yourself u moaning cunt

>> No.29540096


i unironically watch youtube videos that are just orchestral music to people doing wood / metal lathe work.

imagine a world in which you have a vtuber crafting their own merch and talking about what they're doing as they're doing it

>> No.29540195

Please let me in, I will be the obnoxious walking encyclopedia who tangents into science crash courses to fill dead air.
I'll do the astronomy streams Sana never got to do. I will stream KSP and spend the entire stream giving a lecture on orbital mechanics.

>> No.29540293

I wouldn't even know how to incorporate my irl skills to vtubing. Maybe if there was a car in a game and something unrealistic irked me I'd bring it up. I would really love to give singing a go, even if I suck, but hey, Sana and Fauna aren't that good but I like them.

>> No.29540349

ESL san....

>> No.29540380

I am literally in planning stages atm for doing some music related stuff i.e (guitar covers, listen alongs) and maybe coding/tech vtuber type stuff as they are the only things I am remotely qualified to talk about. Its also a market like only 2 people have touched hard into and they aren't even en streamers. Should be fun and the college I attend has some equipment that even some top agency's don't have hopefully get to use it.

>> No.29540414

off collab rapefest AIEEEEEE

>> No.29540524

leave retard

>> No.29540526

100%. Ask for Automation perms, they'd love the exposure. Maybe it'd even push them to finish their game.

>> No.29540573

Vesper tells his fans to fuck off and go home at the end of every stream. You're taking up for someone that doesn't even like you.

>> No.29540767

I'm sorry, I meant I'm old and I fix cars.

>> No.29540790


>> No.29540955

are they all? I know 3 of them are, dunno about thrme 4th

>> No.29541025

Idk, but that's out 4, pretty significant

>> No.29541073

Automation is a game about designing cars that gets down to the fine details of engine specs and such. I'd love to see somebody who really knows cars play it.

Hell, games or not I like listening to people talk about things they know a lot about that I'm only vaguely familiar with. An anon above mentioned NileRed and he's basically that with chemistry, I'd just as happily watch that for cars.

>> No.29541084

I sound like a teenage boy. My voice never developed.

>> No.29541152

2 and a half are at most.
Vesper isn't and given Axel's story of how and why he actually learned Japanese he's at most a hafu

>> No.29541597

What do you mean and? That would leave anyone with a hollow feeling. Oh yay I just enjoyed an hour plus listening to an entertainer. Now it's quiet.
I'd feel awful doing that to people and I like when things are cozy like they had just as much fun with you since you were there.
I bet you didn't even get attached to the companion cube in portal, did you?
You monster.

>> No.29541643

This is a Japanese company and the vast majority of Asians in EN are Korean. They're obviously not taking race into account unless this is Yagoo's attempt at reparations.

>> No.29541678

That's a special talent.

>> No.29541715

fuck off to r*ddit already you awkward weirdo

>> No.29541740

He just wants us to flourish into killer peppers

>> No.29541758

You can be the Gura of HoloStarsEN

>> No.29541855

I will do gun cleaning and ammo loading zatsudans and you will enjoy it.

>> No.29541866

do you think he drinks water in front of his dehydrating peppers in some kind of cuckolding roleplay but with peppers?

>> No.29541893

They are alright, consistent numbers but i and many other anons are having fun.

>> No.29541986

I've stuttered to varying degrees literally all my life, it's just some brain thing. So I feel pretty secure in saying I have an extremely good excuse as to why I cannot do any sort of job that requires a lot of speaking. No one wants to hear Jimmy from South Park as a vtuber.

>> No.29542085

I only recently turned 18 years old, I'm not too sure if they'd hire me, maybe in the past but definitely not now.

>> No.29542359

I'm not American but I unironically watch Hitchcock 45 talk about and shoot guns. Do it

>> No.29542410

Those poor peppers. I wonder if Vespers neighorbors hear him when he's screaming at them.
"Dear Lord. Our neighbor is yelling at his peppers again. Don't look son, I don't want you to be influenced."

>> No.29542442

Not sure about this one. I know plants don't have ears, but they do react to sound stimulus. I wonder if they have visual sensory?

>> No.29542593

Aahhh, how do I explain this. I fix cars but I'm not a car guy? All my co workers always talk about exotic shit and I could care less. I just know how to fix most things from repeated experiences. Not sure if a car design sim would jive well with me.

>> No.29542626

>yfw he fucks a spriggan in front of the peppers to induce maximum childhood trauma

>> No.29542679

>I fix cars but I'm not a car guy
is this supposed to make sense, what the fuck even are you?

>> No.29542699

Oh so that's where the saplings came from. I guess Hololive and Holostars lore is connected after all.

>> No.29542748
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>fauna vesper colab
could it happen? they're both green

>> No.29543033

Newfag please
You haven't seen Ayame at her prime

>> No.29543100

My inner empath immediately went nooo think of the unicorns but they do give off similar energy. By which I mean a cool exterior with a lot of inner fire burning just beneath the surface.
I think it'd be a good watch. Dunno if they ever actually would get the details hammered out on the business end but a co op game would probably be fun with those two.
Also that site is a plague. I don't even like thinking about it.

>> No.29543101

Of fucking course they are experienced, do you think even Omega would be retarded enough to give a spot to someone with nothing but empty promises such as "I know i would do a good job"?
Even for the Homos the spots are very sought after and you need to at the very least be able to back up your talk with something, literally anything, before they even consider you

>> No.29543308

That's my point anon, they got someone who was proven to output constant content and she still ended up like this. Imagine if all of their hires were upstarts who burned out in a week.

>> No.29543532

I'm not a car Otaku, I just work on them?

>> No.29543605

all mechanics constitute as car people. you aren't escaping your fate.

>> No.29543612

>Not being retarded.
The alchemists was already like 'what are they gonna do, fire me?' If those streamers get tired of holostars after their contract ends they can go back to streaming under their old persona. Its no loss for them. They have their own audience and now they have the holo audience.
I think cover should have went a more honest route and built their growth naturally instead of what they did.
No hate against the individual guys. Just felt sour.

>> No.29543681
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>> No.29543706

My voice is repulsive

>> No.29543732

Genuinely looking forward to it anon

>> No.29543750

i live in terraced housing and don't want my dad/neighbours to hear me speak.

>> No.29543796

Wild how there are still people who seem to think you have to be an enthusiast for your career and it's not something you do for a significant portion of your existence because you're good at it and it pays the bills.

>> No.29543830

If I were gay enough to wan to larp as an anime boy I'd rather join somewhere like niji where I'd not be lynched for having a collab with female colleagues.

>> No.29543925
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>Seething 2view (forma de hombre)

>> No.29543960

vesper is ugly or at least clearly thinks he is
magni is average looking
axel and regis probably think they're attractive

>> No.29543998

I may not have done enough reps but I think only Mag had enough of a following to quit his day job, I know for a fact Vesper still had one.
Anyone who does a decent year or two with Holo could quit and take that audience back with them, their prior audience doesn't really matter in that respect.

>> No.29544029

I don't have the time. The last thing i want to do after my dayjob is spend even more hours sitting down at the computer.
I also worry my short temper might come out while dealing with viewers spamming dumb shit in chat, even if it's mostly harmless. I'm not afraid to put my foot down, but i tend to be somewhat scorched earth about it sometimes. That might work as an indie but i can see my managers and the holo higher ups having a problem with that.
I did many internet radio talk shows but that was over 10 years ago and the archives of that are gone so i'm pretty much like >>29524964

>> No.29544151

>don't be negative
Unless your entire personality it shit talking things (like most long form vidya critics), I don't think being negative should affect your application.
It's a rule on holopro, but it's also something you can control, just look at Vespie. He has negative opinions that he enjoys sharing, he just toned them down for holostars.

>> No.29544157

I'm not the kind of guy to be passionate about the next new exotic car model or had posters of cars on my wall as a kid.

>> No.29544182

we have no vag

>> No.29544237

nice to see someone as salty as you from 4chan not making it.

>> No.29544265

The draw of HoloStars EN is that there’s less competition (because they’re second class citizens). If you’re a dude in Niji you have a gigantic filter in the auditions phase alone, then if you get in you’re competing for girl-centric content with Vox or Mysta, and if you want to do bro-tubing it’s uncharted territory.

Meanwhile in StarsEN there’s a lot less pressure and expectations. The numbers are smaller (though the difference is a lot less stark than expected!), but considering that 1k viewers puts you in the top 1% of streamers, there’s still a lot of money to be made.

>> No.29544308

'real' car people don't give a shit about nigger cars. I'm talking about REAL cars, like ford focuses and honda civics, volvo's. Actual cars people that contribute actual
GDP to their respective countries use. Not this gay moneysink shit made in china.

>> No.29544326

True, it's more accurate to say you can't be negative about people or cause drama on purpose.

>> No.29544358

Right? That's why I wanna give chuubing a try. I'm literally on my computer after work till I go to bed anyway

>> No.29544576

Truly the biggest setback an entertainer can face in this modern world.
Yes.jpg. I really appreciate the people that enjoy my work though and try to show it so towards them I'm glad it's not a faceless number. I think I really want to do it just to better myself. My heart attracts similar ones and it naturally becomes a hugbox. (Like actual hugs.)
Everything is just so peaceful...surely there's a villain I can defeat?

>> No.29544591

Man I DO like what I do in the broad sense but it's still soul-sucking in a corporate setting. Half of the reason I'd want to make a living streamer is so I can still have the energy to code shit I actually want to after work.

>> No.29544632

Not sure what argument you're making not calling me a 'real' car person when that's what I've been trying to explain? Are you just confused and just agreeing with me? Are you praising me?

Do schizos really?

>> No.29544742
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>Do schizos really?

>> No.29544797

I think he's trying to praise you but his brain is too poisoned to express anything but anger.

>> No.29545391

Lmao, well said OP.
>why haven't you?
I plan to. I have a good voice. I'm awkward but I think I might be charming enough to make it...

My plan right now?
>build streaming PC
>learn guitar
>learn basic japanese (already started)
Thats phase one. Phase two is
>Stream vidya consistently
>Sometimes play / practice guitaro for stream
>reading / language learning streams
I feel like it would work because these are all things I'm motivated to do anyway.
Phase three is to just apply after having built up a good track record as a consistent creator.

One concern I have is having a quiet environment where no one will interrupt me, because I have roommates who often use my real name :/

>> No.29546612

I would watch you

>> No.29546633

Just go ahead and apply dude. Maybe we'll get in together. Who you are now is only a memory to the you of the future.
Besides with their network maybe you'll think of stuff you wouldn't have otherwise.
If you take my spot though I'm gonna turbo salty however. That's a risk you'll have to take.

>> No.29546696


>> No.29547232

Not good at anything in particular. I don't stand out..But I'll be honest, watching them ignited my will to be part of StarsEN gen 2

>> No.29547276

my voice has often been described as that of a "gay nerd's" by people who aren't even trying to flame me

>> No.29547385

Wow I'm glad you didn't make it

>> No.29547879

I always find it funny that people call me sweet, an angel etc. There's a hint of pure (Non diluted! Fragrance free!) malice to everything that I do. Perhaps this coddled world needs a hatred vtuber that would slaughter God if he got the chance.
Of course we'd have fun and I'd entertain everyone, play by YouTube and covers rules etc. I could do it. Yab free etc not a problem.
Love without hatred is hollow and this world made me an empath to absorb the latter to snuff out the former.

>> No.29547939

I auditioned and they didn't even bother to finish watching the whole thing according to youtube. They don't want nobodies. I'm absolutely sure now that you need an undisclosed amount of numbers on youtube or twitch for them to even finish watching your audition at all to begin with or even entertain the idea of speaking to you for a brief interview.
>b-but 2view
Doesn't matter, if you have at least 80-150 viewers on twitch that's good. I guess for youtube they're much more strict and want bigger numbers but the same applies for streams. A constant 100 to at least 200 viewers is good, believe it or not. They could make an exception if they see you poured in money on a good model or something, because it implies you're at least sort of serious about improving your streams.

Which means if you don't have the funds to make yourself a vtuber or streamer in general before auditioning and you didn't blow up at least enough to have SOME numbers, don't audition for holostars or even hololive (I assume the number quota is much harsher for girls than the guys thanks to EN being successful). And if that's the case, which I believe it is, then I literally can't audition again even if I want to because my normal job prevents me from streaming too much and my money goes to bills and helping my family members so I can't just become an indie.

>> No.29548354

I'm too autistic to try streaming unless I have a nice fully rigged model, which I started trying to make but I'm too much of a procrastinator to finish it, and I'm also too cheap to commission one.

>> No.29548380

I'm in the same boat on the job thing. Don't give up like that. I don't get watched all the way through either, but they could be downloading the vid or could start snooping your social media or It could be nepotism. Who knows. Going back to Kobo who didn't have a computer I'm not too sure on the numbers being a big deal.
Let the 3 month timer expire and try again. I'm not even sure the application video is important at all.

>> No.29548401

So you're gonna try to be male La+ or something? Make sure you don't run the gimmick to the ground too quickly

>> No.29548455

he's actually not, not only that he's probably fit or at least he used to not long ago

>> No.29548545

>I auditioned and they didn't even bother to finish watching the whole thing according to youtube.
maybe it wasn't that interesting, if you really are a nobody then you have to start with a BOOM or else nobody's going to give a fuck

>> No.29548593

How do your own farts smell, anon?

>> No.29548618

have you checked Magni's Twitter? girls are thirsting all over his ugly ass model, not only holo fans btw

>> No.29548673

You sound insufferable.

>> No.29548706

It's about content, being limited to collabing with 3 other people sucks, especially if any of the girls and you could possibly have an entertaining dynamic and you can't leech- I mean try to share an audience with the girl members

Wanting to interact with all your coworkers? You'll seem like a team player and they'll love you.

>> No.29548740

Everyone in this thread applying is pure NGMI

>> No.29548776

My voice is so deep it sounds fucking stupid also I'm comically bad at making conversation

>> No.29548818

I’m gonna be honest, his design has grown on me since he’s been streaming. I’ve noticed that lots of Live2D avatars don’t tend to look the greatest in completely static poses looking right at the camera for whatever reason.

>> No.29548892

I'm going to make vague references to this post when I get in so I can grudgepost in front of a live audience.

>> No.29548902

He's raping the english language first.

>> No.29548944

Hell yeah man, thank you.
>If you take my spot though I'm gonna turbo salty however.
Understandable haha. Lets be rivals! >:D
Good luck to you bro, I'll see you on the other side maybe.

>> No.29548971

That's the general takeaway I prefer. I'm not sweet, nor am I an angel of any sort. I'm just trying to see my childhood home. I'm a villain through and through.

>> No.29549187

Nah dude youre just a bitter wierdo.
I too am glad you were rejected.

>> No.29549222

That'd be fun. Every time you think of giving up look to the shadows behind you. Gonna let me win and give up on your dreams? Gonna let evil beat good?
Give me a challenge rival-anon. Keep fighting.

>> No.29549232

damn, you sound annoying as hell. I'm glad you shift the blame to others enough to ensure you will never succeed at anything.

>> No.29549340

According to youtube my audition was watched a handful of times that I know weren't myself, how bad was your video they didn't watch it once?

>> No.29549341

Bitter? Weirdo? I'll agree. You're only unsuccessful when you give up. Put your money where your mouth is and apply yourself if you want to keep me out.

>> No.29549395

You should kill yourself

>> No.29549457

Me too, dude.

>> No.29549459

Alright you might actually be based.
I can't tell if based or cringe.

The line between them is so very thin when anything vtubers is involved

>> No.29549586

>Japanese Multilingual
Even this you can lie like Vesper and Altare did, the MF placed Basic and all they can speak is anime japanese.

>> No.29549830

100% cringe, he sounds like a twitch drama kid who just wants into hololive for the ego stroking and effortless views

>> No.29550061

I'm pretty cringe. This thread has gotten me through most of my workday and I encouraged some people to keep trying to reach their dreams in my own dark way. It's good fun on this end.
I know, I know! I've just got a lot of stuff to do first.

>> No.29550084

Why are you ignoring the fact that most of HoloJP were NND streamers before they joined... Oh nevermind you are a retarded newfag that knows nothing about Hololive

Now kill yourself

>> No.29550104

That kind of lie won't hold up for more than five seconds. They interview you several times before hiring you, plus they look into your PL.

>> No.29550120

Just become an experienced streamer by yourself, if you think you'd do such a nice job, retard
Then when you have a curriculum maybe the biggest player in the industry will consider you

>> No.29550717

I'm a misanthrope. I hate public facing jobs. I have no friends that I hang out with. Every online community I've been to had earned my disdain over one thing or the other. I quit my job last year and it broke my mind entirely. I stopped trying to find a job, stopped learning any new useful skills, and just stopped attempting to improve my life at all. I let every facet of my life get worse this past year. I do nothing but stay alive.
Seeing men make it in the world of chuubas gave me an itch to try, but so did every other cool thing I saw on the internet; and I ended up never bothering in the end, for any of them. I'm not cut out to be a chuuba.

>> No.29550789

These anons are gonna be HomoEN2

>> No.29550997

Already planning to apply once my channel is up and I have a few good streams and edited content under my belt. If that 1 hour limit is still in play, I probably won't play long games until that restriction is over. After that, I'll be beating games left and right and doing Sekiro on stream.

>> No.29551262

Really my applications are for networking. I have money and I could stream, but I can't make Japanese contacts by going solo. They're an insular people and nothing is going to change that. Be nice on application, do a good job, make a friend or two. Head to Japan on my own visa since cover can't provide. Personally I see streaming as a dear diary job. You're basically making an audio diary and entertaining people with it.
Then again, what if I actually get hired? This no longer becomes about the thrill of the hunt and all that comes with it. They should add a 5th character to holostar recruitments to give more people a shot. I'm going to inevitably feel bad for taking someone's chair, so to speak. What if my success leads to someone starving?
My victories are always bittersweet.

>> No.29552477

Tough truth most of you don't want to hear: the bar gets higher with every new gen. If you couldnt even get an interview before gen 1, forget about getting in gen 2 3 4 etc.

>> No.29552911

Technically from Mr. Tanigo's point of view as a company they're on generation 20 or something if you include all of them together.
If you're on the fence and in this thread going through my shitposts, apply. Give it a shot champ. The most popular hand puppets aren't the original ones. I'm just sayin'.

>> No.29553338

We've got a year between gens in EN, that's plenty of time to up your game.

Let's be honest though if you're only starting up to get into Holo you're setting yourself up for disappointment and burnout. Do it because you want to and be content as an indie in the meantime.

>> No.29553609

>brought their old audience with them and called it a success
this part is especially delusional

>> No.29553615

Honestly I would download OBS and do some old-school youtube gaming videos. It's gonna help you get use to talking into a mic and make some convo.
I don't know how many times this has to be stated but Cover isn't looking for just streamers. They are looking for entertainers, content creators, and/or streamers. B-But council. Council did fine, could they be better and have played to their strengths better? Yes, but overall they are fine.
As for the quiet environment thing, its kinda simple. https://www.amazon.com/Novelty-Place-Lights-Remote-Control/dp/B08FHQJPWY Use something like this on your door, to indicate you need to be left alone/not have your real name used.

>> No.29553644

That would be the best gen, I would 100% watch all of them

>> No.29553734

anon axel wasn't even a 2 view.
I'm going to take a stab at what your audition was. "Hi I'm X and I do Y. " And you used mostly a still image with no clips or anything to show your skills off.

>> No.29553832

I wonder at times how many anons /here/ will eventually become a midly successful chuuba

>> No.29553944

Anon the orc was very lucky if he managed to get 50 viewers a stream.

>> No.29553958

We should have a pass code for them to say it on the first stream that only we would understand

>> No.29554033

That wasn't what killed them. Its what didn't help them.
What killed them was holofans being hostile in Miyabi's chat, twitter, and other things. That Kira and Shogun couldn't stream as much due to school and illness.
Actually watch the video where Miyabi talks about this, its fascinating.

>> No.29554629

Brother, nobody who's planning to apply to Holo is gonna want to be a /here/tuber.

>> No.29554666
File: 101 KB, 500x596, tumblr_32a45187a0e4f1398c123439e113ba21_ae5a9e1e_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes aside it needs to be a dogwhistle created on the fly and lost in the sea of discussion, if a whiff of it reaches any kind of management it immediately becomes too dangerous to signal.

>> No.29554874

You didn't watch him. I'm still in his community discord kek

>> No.29555204

because I dont think I have the personality to entertain especially in long format. I feel like id be stressed out in having to come up with a funny or witty comment constantly. I know that you dont need to but it feels like im letting down the people who are giving their time and money to you.

>> No.29555615

Actually on the way to that. A character model and rigging has been commissioned and am getting equipment set up now.

Always liked playing video games, cooking, singing, and learning languages. Having an audience to interact with is just a nice bonus and also can make it less lonely.

Am also bilingual but alas not the JP kind.

>> No.29555681

I always refer to this place as the shadows due to its inherent anonymous nature. It's always worked for me and blends enough into my actual personality that it doesn't raise eyebrows.
Probably won't work for a more sunshiney person however.

>> No.29556846

>don't say nigger
i have few million subs, but this shit is keeping me from holostars. Maybe i`ll just create new channel.

>> No.29557066

post current channel

>> No.29557141

i havent applied yet

>> No.29557289

His attitude is attractive. I mean have you seen some of the characters women online have thirsted over? Sans the fucking skeleton was a sex icon for them for a while. They legitimately don’t give a fuck about looks.

>> No.29557314

i'm adding you to my folder of internet autists. the next time i see someone blogpost and seethe about someone else's success, i'm gonna imagine that they're someone like you and immediately throw their opinion in the garbage...

>> No.29558386

because I'm not gay!

>> No.29558891

Would you watch a chuuba who does comedy asmr?

>> No.29559725

Hey man thank you, I really appreciate the advice. I agree with that; content should be a major focus at this point. Simply playing games for an audience with no added spice may not cut it. I'll keep improving!

I'll look into the streaming lights too, that's a good idea. Probably I'll get some noise dampening wall mounts eventually too.

>> No.29560166

>more honest route
Jeez dude, "more honest"? wtf is dishonest about hiring people with experience? To prove that their brand power is so good that they can hire an ACTUAL non streamer and make them successful? That's not their job.

>> No.29561234

Axel was a single digit streamer. All he probably wrote on his application was that he could speak japanese and sing.
If you start your JP reps now you can probably get away with JUST that.
Vesper's PL was an actual view that barely went past 30-40 viewers.
MAYBE the requirements are higher for the girls, but for the guys it looks and feels very lax.

>> No.29561475

Congrats, Vesper ticks off most of what you wrote. Only things that he and you don't have in common is games that revolve around stream permissions, bad at filling dead air artistic talent and likely a yab.
Everything else, Vesper has already said he doesn't care for, ie: Minecraft, fotm games, mediocre singer and ASMR, and he's too boomer to use twitter frequently.

>> No.29561509

>Vesper has already said he doesn't care for, ie: Minecraft, fotm games, mediocre singer and ASMR, and he's too boomer to use twitter frequently.
Basically the perfect man

>> No.29561641

I think that only applies to Magni.
Vesper and Altare were 2views. Yes I know 50-100 viewers is enough to live off of as proven by a JP streamer, but they weren't hitting those numbers. Axel was a literal 1view.

>> No.29561922

Axel is half Hong Kong half Japanese

>> No.29561936

Me too, but I (delusionally) like to think that it may be a plus if I can be a 33 year old boomer with accompanying taste in vidya but the voice of a 16 year old. Banking on the gap moe angle.

>> No.29562012

>being limited to collabing with 3 other people sucks
>non holo girls from en side

>> No.29562214

They aren’t higher. The thing people keep forgetting is that the numbers don’t fully matter. Yers they aren’t to see what you can do on your own, but the holo brand will bring them in.
What they are looking for is if you have/can gain the skills that will retain and grow it. The scouting team isn’t stupid they know how many people indies are up against so it’s hard to find an audience no matter how well connected or if you do everything right.
Basically they look at what you can do and can learn along with the general personality over numbers. Which is the opposite of niiisanji

>> No.29564015

Shota character doko

>> No.29566818

>tfw have all of those pluses
>except streaming experience, which is probably the most important one
Maybe someday I'll do some small streams

>> No.29571796

All those guys were already streaming

>> No.29575106

Start now

>> No.29576550
File: 54 KB, 870x871, 1657248993966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a mid 20's neet at this moment i have nothing to lose and honestly would be cool to stream old games and shoot the shit with the boys. The whole permissions thing seems like a hellhole though. Also living in an apartment with thin walls and horrible neighbors would worry me to no end if it captured anything random noises. Any anons with streaming experience know how to minimize noise leaking?

>> No.29577753

Egg boxes pasted to the walls, alternatively cover yourself and your recording set on a thick blanket.

>> No.29577882

Permissions are a non-issue when you're small, the bots will pick up copyrighted music or footage but someone usually has to actively flag you for games. It's generally not as big a problem outside of Japan anyway because Western publishers have finally that streaming is a thing in the past five or ten years, Japanese companies are always slower on that kind of thing.

As for noise leaking if you've got some extra money or a friend with power tools you could try making a soundproofed box around your setup. Soundproofing foam is cheap but it's easier to put up some plywood than to cover your entire apartment in it and that doesn't work all that well for people banging on the walls anyway.

>> No.29578003

finally accepted*
Also the above anon's budget options aren't bad.

>> No.29578158

I wonder how many of us are gonna make it in and then be like, "hey were you posting in those threads in /vt/?"

>> No.29578486

Ill have to try the first anons approach first but i appreciate the help. I'll do some sound checks and lucky enough I have some spare egg boxes lol.

>> No.29580372
File: 136 KB, 446x415, 1658800893361048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, Cover dodged a bullet by not hiring you. A male Kiara seething they weren't picked. Kindly go cry in your closet, homo and take your meds before posting again.

>> No.29580567
File: 48 KB, 750x803, seen too much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come off as an autistic weirdo. No one thinks you're a "Yandere". Any guy who calls himself a Yandere is unironically needing meds or a pretty harsh reality check.

>> No.29580669

Go easy on him anon he's 13.

>> No.29580721

t. /wvt/ reject
Guess it must hurt considering the circumstances, huh?

>> No.29582226

Vesper likes cycling, so at the very least he is someone that does exercise regularly.

>> No.29582312

Is this the musical child prodigy again? I think I see why they didn't pick you.

>> No.29582846

There's pretty much no way that isn't the same guy, huh

>> No.29583483
File: 3 KB, 249x85, captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually thinking of trying. I've got a bit of musical talent, can draw and a think I might be able to fill the niche of historical gaming Vtuber. Think Warhammer, shogun 2 and autistmo games like Rimworld. Also I've basically have the same life story as Nowa-Ojisan. My sister is an amateur rigger so she could help me out... either way, if you guys ever see a Mongolian horse rider with wolf themes genki 2 view boy steaming on YouTube in the coming months maybe give him a chance. I'll even sing Yuve yuve yu for ya. Also my fucking Captcha related.

>> No.29583832

Why haven't I? Because they don't pay enough to be perfectly honest. That's literally it. I have money, I don't need said job and I definitely don't need a job where I need to be 'switched on'.

>> No.29584059

this post is proof why you didn't get the job retard lmfao

>> No.29584220

>Mongol warrior vtuber
True heir of Genghis Khan, I kneel.
May the Eternal Blue Sky grant you your chuuba dreams anon
pls play EU4 hordes on stream I beg of you

>> No.29584254 [DELETED] 


>> No.29584356

That's not a bad idea, gives you a theme to work with without being too restrictive.
I've been thinking of doing something similar with a focus on souls-likes, starting with speedrunning to hopefully get some initial eyes on, but I can't think of a model concept that works well with that and isn't a generic knight or something.

>> No.29584773
File: 29 KB, 720x960, 1658642680372725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tempus q&a combined with me finally moving out to live alone soon has finally given me the motivation to commision an artist to become a make a pngtuber for me based on my design sketches. I also have finally stopped putting off the hobbies i've procrastinated learning for years like singing and the guitar, so the Tempus homos have been surprisingly inspirational for me.

>> No.29584870

>1 ironic weeb normalfag, 1 IT boomer, 1 hyper-competent overachiever, and 1 low iq chad got into holostars

>> No.29584958

Isn't it funny how we got tricked into liking idols so much that we now want to be idols? And good on you, anon.

>> No.29586337

>All these retards seething about not getting in
Holy shit how the fuck do you have no self awareness?
You weren't not picked because you didn't have an audience.
You weren't picked because you're an unlikable, misanthropic, internet poisoned schizoid without marketable skills that they deduced wouldn't fit in and that no one would want to actually watch. What, you think this behavior in here is amicable? Or makes you seem like someone ANYONE would want to hear ramble on, for hours at that?

The fact that you can't take a hit on the chin is yet another fucking indicator that you're a huge bitch that is never gonna make it in, by the way. If you weren't, you might, but then you wouldn't be crying about it on here.

>> No.29587456

>All these retards
It's one or two guys and then about a dozen talking about how the boys have renewed their motivation to take a shot at streaming.

>> No.29588414
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