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29490313 No.29490313 [Reply] [Original]

first she collapsed on the floor from exhaustion

then she made a stream talking about her depression and discord notification PTSD.

now she's on the fucking hospital

>> No.29490544

Performers, especially idols, can get into really unhealthy habits.
Nene really wants to make it and seemingly isn't able to balance her stress about needing to do more with her actual health needs.

>> No.29490607

She got COVID you fucking idiot.

>> No.29490618 [DELETED] 

Not as much as Niji abusing their talents. I mean look at how fat Selen is.

>> No.29490677

that's not abuse, they just earn a lot of money

>> No.29490894

Holoan you're going to have to do much better

>> No.29490896

She wants to do everything and become a very popular Idol, period.
Pointing fingers don't make you righteous FAGGOT!
They word hard because they have gold unlike you, an Unemployed Gossiper who only does in life is to make rrats to drag everyone on your Very Low Bottom Level.

>> No.29490945

OP doesn't even know what is Covid,

If OP is a Teamate, he needs to grow himself.

>> No.29490961

lmao she got the COVID you retard

>> No.29490978

Yes they are, just look at Marine and IRyS.

>> No.29490984

I love her but Nene is a fucking retard
you're gonna need a better excuse if you wanna shit on Cover

>> No.29490994

Selen did that to herself before Nijisanji.

>> No.29491029

Ayame would stream more than once a month if that was the case

>> No.29491136

Same thing with gura about the notification discord, what do you think was that?

>> No.29491150

lmao cover shills working overtime ITT

>> No.29491226

i guess having a million husbands is wearing her out, what a surprise

>> No.29491282

(self) I forgot she has COVID so I'm stupid and incorrect. I don't think I was completely wrong about habits and stress though.

>> No.29491397

selen is fat?

>> No.29491505

>catches the latest strain
That's so Nene. I hope she recovers quickly. She's too cute to go through this much suffering.

>> No.29491749

Kek. No wonder they couldt find a fitting outfits for her

>> No.29491840

She was fat even before Niji. However, look what happened to braphog after joining hololive.

>> No.29492209

There's no problem in being fat, staying fat is. Niji hasn't done anything remotely close in keeping the health and wellness of their talents. I mean just look at Himawari. She fucking ballooned to 55kgs, might be at 60 now.

>> No.29492403

> 60kg
she's a fucking skeleton

>> No.29492489

this is why you don't spoonfeed "qrd?" faggots,

>> No.29492502

Coco collaped, shocked and half- paralysis in November before she graduated. She survived because Kanata found her in her room and called ambulance.

>> No.29492531


>> No.29492617

That retard overdoses on sleeping pills though

>> No.29492705

>Covid=over working.
Holy fuck I knew some of you faggots only browsed the catalogue and did nothing beyond that but seriously why make a post if you are just gonna show you are this retarded

>> No.29492865

Fuck you , Overdose sleeping pills not cause this.

After she safe, she told that overwork and lack of sleep cause nerve symptom and she must admit to hospital

>> No.29492961
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, 400ku1Wf8m2XIkM4-RHbVzZq60nR6erY8PtKdfpVtrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming she can handle 5 at once, and an average time to climax of 5 minutes, that's approximately 1 husband a minute, or 720 husbands a day(assuming a daily 12 hour orgy to leave time for streaming and lessons).
With her current count there would be a well over 2 year waiting list, and each month she's absent over 21,600 men miss their turn and have to wait.
Even if she can take 2 or 3 at once for six hours at a time while she's bedridden, it'll take a fortnight long 24/7 gangbang taking 10 dicks at once to catch up! And I don't know if she can handle that kind of strain without relapsing.
I think in the long run she's going to have to implement a tier system and have non-members edge themselves before penetration so they only take 5 seconds each. That way she could work through the backlog and get the waiting list down to a single month, or 2 months to allow for weekends and a reduction to more manageable 8 hour sessions.

>> No.29493106

Anon... even Dayvigo hasn't side effect about shocking or paralysis. Kanata confirmed cause from overwork and lack of sleep not from overdose some drug.

>> No.29493148
File: 250 KB, 850x1202, 1657427151071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 at once
aren't you forgetting something anon?

>> No.29493241

Why are ksharts all ESL now?

>> No.29493318

>dual orexin receptor agonist gang, rise up
sorry I work in insomnia research so this was absolutely jarring to see

>> No.29493483

Nene is a heavy cocaïne user who needs a line before every stream so she can act happy. Her heart probably gave out.

>> No.29493508

She never overdosed on them, she just had a couple instances where she took them and then didn't go to bed immediately, resulting in her basically streaming while sleepwalking. Also she used them long before Hololive.
>Why do Japanese people like Kson? Don't they know about our EOP narratives based on bad translations we pass around here?

>> No.29493550


>> No.29493605

>on the fucking hospital
Why are you spics such subhumans? Seriously people blame SEAnigs for bait threads but you guys are so obvious it is painful.

>> No.29493608

Kekson overdosed not overworked

>> No.29493689

They knew she even mention these rrat in Twitch yesterday in directly way

>> No.29493775

Overdosed was seperate incident and Kanata, Cover and hospital confirmed about overwork and lack of sleep

>> No.29494231

I see Kson has learned from her friend how to gaslight her fanbase into these near-retarded levels of cope

>> No.29494431


>> No.29494687

>Do my reps
>On this pseudo-medical approach to Kson not overdosing
>Which has no record of existing beyond the voices in Anon's headcanon
Just like with plebbit, you read from your provided script without any context

>> No.29495389


>> No.29495531

She said which medication she takes before and also described this doctor visit in question. If you think you know better from reading a tweet describing one symptom than her doctor who met with her IRL does then I don't know what to say except "how embarrassing" lol.

>> No.29496242

Every thread full of schizo rrats, using infomation that appears to be based on watching Youtube Shorts and finding out of context Twitter screen grabs, is full of people that can barely use English. They also flocked to Chloe threads to insist ghosts were real, without a hint of irony. They will reply to this is broken English and pretend not to be from some third-world shithole.

I'm glad I filter and hide 90% of this index. Good day.

>> No.29496756

hope you got your ego boost twitterfag

>> No.29497082


>> No.29498714

You're not. Nene, like a lot of holomems, joined Hololive because she wasn't quite making it in her previous life and vtubing presented a second chance at stardom. She wants to be successful and famous-she wants to be idol- and she's willing to work to get there.

>> No.29499732

Understandable. I also want to abuse some of their talents.

>> No.29501562

I think more of the bugs have figured out captcha

>> No.29502346

black company

>> No.29503349

>5 at once
You are forgetting tits, feet, armpits, and there probably are husbands that are into knees too.
She could optimize to 12 at the same time.

>> No.29504238
File: 380 KB, 573x539, 681af3aade3c2a14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She took the jab

>> No.29504302

I don't think cover is abusing their talents, I think they are just so hands off with the talents that it causes stress from lack of support and direction.

>> No.29504356

Why the fuck would they have to babysit their employees over what and how much they choose to eat?

>> No.29506359

Anon, do you know what covid is?

>> No.29506575

Holy ESL

>> No.29506675

Never thought id call an ESL based but here we are

>> No.29506692

They hire mentally ill women then put a huge pressure on them with the insane popularity. Of course they break.

>> No.29506741

I hope none of the girls die from Covid. The long term effects are a massive fucking pain in the ass. I still can't taste shit and it's been six months. At least I didn't die, but fuck me.

>> No.29506819

>At least I didn't die
nobody under 60 dies from it assuming no health complication

>> No.29507054

This, Delta anon here popping in. On the JP side Cover hires girls with extremely high work ethic and who have failed or been critically overlooked in their past lives. The positive is these girls finally get the exposure and recognition they craved while also receiving rather nice pay. The downside is a lot of these girls are constantly afraid they are letting down the fans who support them and Cover who gave them the chance.

Now I do not like Cover but they do not overwork their talents at least where we can see them. Cover managers are always checking on talents and making sure they are not over working themselves. Still behind the scenes these girls are BUSY. If Delta and Nowa are reliable sources then just making a Cover with an MV is an extremely long process taking approx 100 hours to complete. That is just 1 of many things these girls do I don't even want to get into how frustrating merch is or how draining it is if something goes wrong and you lose a song you were working on Delta lost 3 original songs last year and had a mental break down due to all the lost time and feeling like she let people down. She is doing EXTREMELY well now. Actually that was something that worked out in a positive way. Since the fans finally had a sit down with Delta and told her she needs to slow down we are not expecting you to die for our entertainment and she has seen extreme improvements. This is also how Polka operates.

The reason I am bringing this all up is because Nene and Delta worked close together and they both have that same "OH MY GOSH THESE PEOPLE ARE SO NICE I DON'T DESERVE THIS I NEED TO WORK MYSELF TO DEATH IN ORDER TO REPAY THEM!" mindset.

>> No.29507145

you type like chris chan

>> No.29507872

>ESL couldnt even bother to read her past tweets
