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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29467157 No.29467157 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find a 2view that isn't shit? Youtube has the most shit browsing for channels that I've ever seen. Twitch is way better but, I mean, it's fucking twitch. Plus 99% of the channels I find are dogshit. Trannies, trash mics, trash models. How do you do it bros? I've found one that I like and she streams less than Gura

>> No.29467307

There's no such thing as luck. ALL 2views are 2views for a reason. There are no good ones. If you want someone to groom, you should become a sexpat in a seanigger country instead.

>> No.29467384

Youtube gaming is the actual livestreaming part of yt

>> No.29467391

The sad truth is that most good streamers never make it out of 2view but most 2views are 2views because they're shit.

If there were a reliable way to find the good ones the good ones wouldn't be 2views.

>> No.29468134

I can save them...

>> No.29468771

Go back to r€dd|t twitch idiot. There is almost no good vtuber on twitch so I don't know what are you complaining about youtube

>> No.29469208

you have to cope with some scuff for most 2views but browse the vtuber tag on twitch and give the ones with 25-50ccv a shot. those are the ones who are barely starting to get a grasp on livestreaming. 50-100 is usually a poor livestreamer but good enough content. if certain minorities bother you just filter those tags out. anyway

>finding a good/decent 2view in a sea of disliked 2views but not linking


>> No.29469644

Basically all big chuubas that started as indies were 2views at some point. Your numbers = quality argument is wrong on multiple levels.

>> No.29470517

You should give prims project a try. They are really good. This weekend one of them is going to celebrate her 50 k subscribers with an special stream.

>> No.29470602


>> No.29470812

I obviously said I hate browsing for channels on youtube, not that I prefer twitch you illiterate fuck

>> No.29471077

>finding a good/decent 2view in a sea of disliked 2views but not linking
True. https://www.twitch.tv/beloved_enemy
>inb4 twitch
I had spent like 2 hours on youtube and found absolutely nothing. Twitch has options for finding more channels, regardless of my platform preference.
She's not amazing or anything, but after wading through the sea of trannies and human waste, finding her was nice

>> No.29471109

try purple site, filter vtuber tag, order by viewers and scroll

>> No.29471536
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But anon, the whole point of the idol experience is that they start as trash and you slowly see them become better.
When HoloEn3 gens rolls in I will be ready. This is why you go down to /wvt/ and grit your teeth through the bullshit until you find the ones worth your while.
I'm already a protovestie.

>> No.29471660
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Does Uno count as a 2view?

>> No.29471831

Anon... I don't know if I have the strength to deal with that. I.. I kneel

>> No.29471921

look for utawaku tag

>> No.29472272

>How do I find a 2view that isn't shit?
Quit looking at EN streamers, for a start. There are quite a few good small corp or indie talents out there, they just don't speak english.

>> No.29472420

I know this board thinks that 2 days of reps = JP fluency but I'm eop and it's going to stay that way for the current time

>> No.29472671

Based. I was sceptical of /wvt/'s taste of vtubers, but they provided so many different new vtubers that it was owrth a try, and lo and behold i found what i consider now my oshi despite being a 2view i wouldn't have find out otherwise.

>> No.29473144
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/wvt/ is remarkably good at producing good vtubers because it filters most of the worst crowd since they fear associating with 4chan and it also has a tendency to eat the weak.
You will find no politics there, nor real-life pics. Sadly the thread itself is not worth hanging out on because of 2view male schizos pestering the thread doing vtubing ironically or just to groom the girls, but the talent itself is mostly above average and some of the big names on lig now started there.
It at the very least show vtubers what not to do by demonstration and it trains them on mental fortitude, which makes them mentally stronger than some Holos.
Avoid the clear NGMIs, no matter how cute or talented they are, and soon enough you will find yourself as a founder badge of someone who became huge later on, almost guaranteed.

>> No.29474950

Based anyaposter

>> No.29476539
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Genuinely curious, why is twitch so hated? I only use youtube so I see people shitting on it but I don't really know

>> No.29476685

Because SEA phone plans only have free data for youtube.

>> No.29477204
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>> No.29477704

That anon is gaming the system. He's probably drowning in vpussy

>> No.29477707

Its just a bandwagon, there is no real rational reason behind it. Both websites have good and garbage channels. Twitch has the emotes which can be annoying but chatting becomes shit on both websites once a channel becomes big enough so it barely matters. Twitch actually recommends small channels to people and makes it easier to search for stuff hence why most western indies use it.

>> No.29478066

>How do I find a 2view that isn't shit?
Twitch used to be alright; I found some absolute gems dumpster diving in the low viewer range, but thats over. Last time I tried, I found a cute newbie and chatted for a few minutes, but then a 2 view m*le vtuber jumped in and started manager larping

>> No.29478301

For twitch: Start from the Walfie Whitelist and get recommended similar vtubers through raids until you find the perfect one for you

For youtube: aggressively train your own alogaritm by blocking/not recommend every single vtuber you don't like and subcribe to enough media until yt "gets" your tastes. I occasionally get vsingers recommended in my end and I like it.

>> No.29478424
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Looking for groomable 2views? Try Phase Connect!

We Have:
>Dumb Bimbos
>Discord Groomers
>Girls who never stream
>Normies who don't understand the internet
>Cunny that denies that they're cunny
>Cunny that wishes they were cunny-er
>Japanese women

Check out https://phase-connect.com/ and find the 2view that's right for you!

>> No.29478624
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I just scroll down on the recommendations tab of any Vtuber stream, already found 8 great 2views, 3 of them already recognize me everytime i talk on the chat and i already played with one of them a couple of times

>> No.29478937

This. /wvt/ is a great place to not just practice as a vtuber, but improve your chat interaction reps as a viewer as well. Why yes I am also a protovestie, and I have watched Bae, Pomu, Tenma, Shiina, Menace, Rosemi(twice), Fauna before they were in their respective places right now.

>> No.29479455

Tenma's /here/?
Tenma advertised here?

>> No.29479599


Recommend Koragi, PurityValentine, Moriko, Kongou, but they aren't 2views. For 2views, maybe try Lala, Ain, Sloth, Mashi, or Hespera

>> No.29479700

rindou yuuki

>> No.29481563

damn where in the SEA you could find a free data for youtube

>> No.29482411
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>> No.29482663

Arguable, but I used to watch her when she had a weird non-anime alien l2d model that was linked a few times in /wvt/.

>> No.29482799

>Tenma's /here/?
She literally said on stream that every vtuber browses 2ch and is close friends with pippa you retard.
>Tenma advertised here?
No. Not everyone that is getting watched self posts. Not really one of the main thread darlings, but she was regularily posted. Her Tenma content was always better though.

>> No.29482900

>If there were a reliable way to find the good ones the good ones wouldn't be 2views.
It's not like you can openly advertise yourself anywhere because either it's disallowed or you might end up having to deal with schizos.

>> No.29483049

Pre-allocated data is much cheaper in SEA and they're assigned to youtube, facebook, tiktok, and trashy SEA mobile games compared to unallocated data you can use elsewhere. It differs with the service providers but some deals let you use data as much as you want but only for specific sites, like youtube.

>> No.29483607

my oshi is literally 1view she stream for abt 2 years now, she is a lewd doujin artist debut as a vtuber who sometimes stream her drawing session. NiinoBRM

>> No.29487942

Don’t use common sense on this board anon

>> No.29488861

Because getting fucked by YT's incompetence is very slightly better than getting fucked by Twitch's hypocrisy and malice.

>> No.29493720

Corpo chuubas are the way to go. Less unpredictable

>> No.29496062
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Yeah, FUCK Ribet! Screw that guy.

>> No.29496231

I would recommend Athena Nightingale from Akioair

>> No.29496320

look for our general in the catalog

>> No.29497472

this explains a lot

>> No.29497558

You find a random one who has a model you like and groom them to be perfect.
