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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29291134 No.29291134 [Reply] [Original]

Thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji.
Talk about your favourite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly. Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous thread: >>28942396

>> No.29293596
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>> No.29293659
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Yurufuwa art for Tanoshiba, Tocci, and Yog:

>> No.29293713

Busy busy catalog, and Aim Higher is still awhile from now.

>> No.29293748
File: 108 KB, 400x400, FYmmXxaaIAA1F_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i was so dedicated to trying to keep the last thread alive, but fuckin burger hours

>> No.29293765

No, only you can only watch the pre-live archives but not the live itself. You still need the ticket to watch the whole thing.

>> No.29294281
File: 199 KB, 735x1029, 5fa89c3579495d82f3c7b78e243f3b20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old fanart but it's still cute

>> No.29294350

5 hours left
I can't

>> No.29296158
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>> No.29296247
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>> No.29299480
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snowboarding down prof's giant shoulders!

>> No.29301893


>> No.29303691
File: 344 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_20220727_051706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant idea how to romanize フラフニ? MTL spout Flavuni, Flafni, Hulafuni, Hulavani but none of them are chuuni enough. Searching using the kana only leads to lieverse/Nijisanji related pages.

>> No.29305781

I'm not ready... Reality hasn't set in for me yet.

>> No.29305805

My chuuni take on this is Phlaghnee. We'll have to wait for an official romanization.

>> No.29306400

hoolahoony "fraphne" jumps to mind as the most normal way to read it in english, but I know fuckall about translating so hopefully they'll give us english names sometime, maybe the manga will get an official translation?

>> No.29306493

I don't know. I instinctively read it as Flafni or something

>> No.29308218


>> No.29308983
File: 332 KB, 1884x2048, FYnsZ_2UUAE4TF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that makes this easier is the fact that in the course of this month, i've come to terms with the fact that leaving nijisanji seems like it's truly something that will improve mayu's life

>> No.29312982

This is me now. On the day when he dropped the announcement sure I was sad and denial but now Ive come to accept that he's doing it for his own growth the stream he did with the psychiatrist made me realize that during his long hiatus last year was really hard for him mentally. I just wish him all the best and happiness in life here on out.

>> No.29313997

Less than one more hour... My heart hurts.
It's the same for me. I would rather him be able to live without the stress he's dealing with now than stay where he is. The fact that he can still be friends with the others helps it be more bearable for me as well.

>> No.29315880
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>> No.29316376

Pretty sure video and comments are mostly just a joke because VR is a very straight guys branch

>> No.29316391

So, no clips? Guess I'll stay awake then.

>> No.29317248
File: 187 KB, 1100x1300, FYn0BcsacAANTMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29318127


>> No.29318712

I'm gonna miss mayu
do people normally put themselves in the frame while streaming their graduations? I've never seen it done before

>> No.29318994

no, it's just mayu's sense of humor since this is his funeral. this isn't technically his graduation stream since he'll be streaming twice tomorrow as well.

>> No.29319372

all the superchats making his stream lag like hell lol

>> No.29321363

It really does feel like the end, even though it isn't his last stream... I'm almost glad most of my negativity will be drained by the end of this one. I'm glad I'm able to laugh at his antics, even now.

>> No.29321516

>37956 dropped of 75160
good thing I'm blind as a bad and cant notice

>> No.29321528

who are the people that came in already?

>> No.29321598

we're on the first one
at 10 minutes each were looking at a 6 hour stream

>> No.29321818

how many do we expect to visit?

>> No.29321851

first was nagi, currently yaguruma i think? (i don't watch her so i don't know her voice at all)
in his stream with shacho yesterday he said he intends on keeping each call at around 10 minutes and thus expects them to last around 600 minutes, thus 10 hours

>> No.29321896

I mean 60 based on the title, unless its a troll
My mistake I went to pee and didnt notice the change

>> No.29321931

lol, that imitation.

>> No.29321988

I just thought 600 minutes is 6 hours, opps

>> No.29322686

If the stream really last that long I guess I can go back to sleep, still I'm sad to miss it

>> No.29322922

Uiha.. and yet mayuyu doesnt waver at all..

>> No.29322942

i'm sure people will add timestamps once it's over so it should be easy to come back to them. also, i personally get the vibe that those closest to him will call toward the end--iirc currently he said he's waiting in the global discord so only those who pay attention to the global discord will call rn. mayuyu would want you to sleep.

>> No.29323160

its sweet to see how revered mayu is by all his kouhai even the kr livers

>> No.29324164
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>> No.29324258

check his dubs

>> No.29325912
File: 894 KB, 900x634, FYpQ8vhakAAAhvq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29326669

they listened to my prayers and are having one last run of mayuyu's perfume
it's currently going for 20k+ yen on resale sites

>> No.29326938

>you will never get drunk "I fucking love you bro" DMs from mayu
I hate it

>> No.29328627

it's sincerely touching that he's chatting with even puchisanji creators. i've been following this artist for so long; i'm so happy for her that she's getting recognition from the man that kickstarted her career.

>> No.29328848

was that Millie in the chat or just a fan?

>> No.29329164

that was her

>> No.29331483

mayu is more patient than me, half the time I mute when indos start using English

>> No.29331880

mayu's voice gets so soft when he speaks english. it's cute how hard he's trying to meet taka midway, though i think he vastly overestimated poor taka's japanese level.

>> No.29332150

taka was also pretty nervous he's usually better than that

>> No.29332983

someone link the photo when she posts it, I'm to brainlet to hunt it down

>> No.29333203

mayu's an hour behind at this point lol there's no way he's getting to 60 people in ten hours

>> No.29334184

someone posted it in the main thread but in case you don't check there, here you go

>> No.29334621

those vtuber aruaru shorts are fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmGc-y9OCio

>> No.29335747

taka tried his best
it's truly inspiring to see how many people mayuyu has touched and how sorely he'll be missed

>> No.29336144

Oh yeah he hasn't taken a piss break this whole time

>> No.29337458

This person sounds like shes eating her mic. It's cool how nice the chat is being to all the gaijins

>> No.29338934
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>> No.29338976

So this is just a break and he;ll get around to the other 30 something he needs in 15 minutes right

>> No.29339042

in typical supportive mayuyu fashion, he's taking a break until after the concert and then will start again once it's finished. he also seems to need a bit of a mental break since some of the calls really affected him.

>> No.29339288

Looks like robin hood here

>> No.29341102

How many left does Mayuyu need for his totsu?

>> No.29341233

he only has 17 so far, so 43 to go.

>> No.29341244

if he intends to go the full 60 like another 40ish

>> No.29341682

damn... how long would this take?

>> No.29342461

https://pastebin.com/A0xd6PEX re

>> No.29342720


>> No.29342746

best anon

>> No.29342779

I'm not him please don't give me credit...

>> No.29342841

The fucking athleticism

>> No.29342842


>> No.29342875



>> No.29342892


>> No.29342902

fuwacchi so bouncy
i see, bless than anon but thanks for sharing here nonetheless

>> No.29343094

how do you download this

>> No.29343151
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>> No.29343237

url doesnt work
Or ami doing it wrong help

>> No.29343267


>> No.29343430

Are you using a vpn or something?

>> No.29343657
File: 671 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29343684

jesus christ he's cute

>> No.29343686


>> No.29343698

Kanae new 3D

>> No.29343742

This outfit reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on what exactly

>> No.29343761


>> No.29343798

his hair suits him

>> No.29343823
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>> No.29343849


>> No.29344081
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>> No.29344094
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>> No.29344114

Love that braid.

>> No.29344117


>> No.29344126


>> No.29344326
File: 122 KB, 1080x453, tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maji tenshi

>> No.29344438

John Lennon?

>> No.29344497
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>> No.29344505

cute claps

>> No.29344530

kanakana gets so winded after each song... adorable...

>> No.29344569
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>> No.29344859

Yup that's it

>> No.29345243

the emotional whiplash of this concert being sandwiched between mayu's funeral, but here's the waiting room for part two

>> No.29345610
File: 2.03 MB, 1862x1022, 02395723059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29346029


>> No.29346044

kuzuha just not giving a fuck about any of the enjou and name-dropping lauren anyway. the real king.

>> No.29346053

>Kuzuha mentioning Lauren after Kamippoi

>> No.29346592
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>> No.29347153

How is Kuzuha Channel pure sex? How does he do it?

>> No.29347461
File: 1.48 MB, 1844x1020, 5768934978329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29348035

Now it's Mayuyu's funeral again

>> No.29348139

Great Live

>> No.29348450


I'll spoonfeed here since it's a smaller thread. Aim Higher will be uploaded later when I get back from work.

>> No.29348922

thanks man, really grateful for all you do

>> No.29349490

im crying so much right now im ngmi

>> No.29349873

You're a life saver

>> No.29350811

Nah, that's good. On the contrary, cry or you'll ngmi.

>> No.29352217
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>> No.29352306
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>> No.29352769
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>>29303691 (me)
I checked the first PV again, turns out the name flashed for few miliseconds and the official romaji is "Fulu-Funi." Who the fuck choose this name, Shachou?
Other groups got cool names like Walhalla or Butterfly Effects and these dumbasses go with Fulu-Funi.

>> No.29352853

Amazing fan video of my wife

Their other one is excellent too. Both filled with tons of references from his streams

>> No.29353823
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>> No.29355683
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>> No.29356013

in other news Ex ass is getting worse

>> No.29356109

hope his ass gets better..

>> No.29356155

please stop fucking ebio

>> No.29356754

wow these 2 are annoying

>> No.29357020
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>> No.29358808

First 8 mouth ulcers now this, my man can't catch a break...

>> No.29360500
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>> No.29360541

I just noticed he stopped pulling the incense sticks with the numbers for the past couple guests

>> No.29360908
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>> No.29363647

Too much anal..

>> No.29365812
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>> No.29367947
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>> No.29372294
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>> No.29375987
File: 97 KB, 1133x1427, E2PmvD9XEAAuK4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29378461

hes ran out of icons how am I supposed to know whos talking

>> No.29379865
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>> No.29380348

>step out for a minute
>miss tamaki
can I get a rundown?

>> No.29381226
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>> No.29382069

Late but thank you so much

>> No.29384200
File: 255 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20220727_051507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really didn't come, huh... They did talked off stream semi-recently, but still...

>> No.29384267

You think it's over?

>> No.29384434


>> No.29384597

what are they saying about 2ch

>> No.29384815

Mito wanted to do 2ch copypasta reading with Mayu.

>> No.29384884

he said he's stop at 8am since it's approaching 12 hours but i think he should aim for 80 people
yes, i'm continuing to move the goalpost because i don't want him to go. but i guess he still has two streams today, so i'll try not to be too sad.

>> No.29385428

It's almost 8 am... I'm losing hope

>> No.29385471

Surely he has more video messages to share and peanuts wasnt the only one

>> No.29385853

CHUU anon love good luck at work

>> No.29385855

>>29384884 (me)
he's extending the stream to a third part after a break since it seems there are a lot of people waiting that he'd still like to talk to

>> No.29386288

new waiting room (starts in around 30)

>> No.29387471
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>> No.29388121


>> No.29388238

he's fanboying so hard but honestly mayu deserves everything

>> No.29388455

150 times

>> No.29388552

mayuyu's so sweet, always wanting to sincerely compliment people back when they say nice things about him...

>> No.29388896

The boy loves Disney. Hope they get to go together.

>> No.29389788

How much longer will this go
should I grab dinner

>> No.29389863

a while probably, he said before the break a lot of people were still waiting their turn

>> No.29389865

until no one else calls in I'd bet he's never gonna say no to anyone who wants to talk

>> No.29390143
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>> No.29390454

I’m way too weak for this

>> No.29390532

once one of those 2 call in im gonna cry

>> No.29390613


>> No.29390657 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 291x272, 1653649429860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like:
im fucking gay general #109

Thread dedicated to me being fucking gay

Talk about your gay livers, ask for gay recommendations, post gay images, keep it gay

Previous thread: >>28942396

>> No.29390927
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>> No.29391385

>the end is never the end is never end is never the end is never the end is never end the end is never the end is never end is never the end is never the end is never end
This is triggering my anxiety...

>> No.29391936
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>> No.29392314


>> No.29392324

Sweet he's still at it, who gave the card, it wasnt there when I left

>> No.29392384


>> No.29392487
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>> No.29392955

Went back and listened to Mayu's call with Ichijiku since I woke up just as they'd finished the call and everyone was talking about how sad it was, and fucking oof. There's just something about the way he apologized that felt so heavy.

>> No.29394609
File: 581 KB, 2270x2650, FYqTBQbaUAAgakI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29394961

Is this the famous psyche from 2 days ago?

>> No.29395018


>> No.29395560

this editor sounds cute, its clear he means a lot to her.

>> No.29397197

Kanae in Mayuyu's totsu

>> No.29398490

That conversation with Kanae left me feeling so empty... It hurts.

>> No.29399147

The two men that dragged me in this hell saying their final farewells im left in shambles. I'll miss my kanamayu crumbs so much

>> No.29399505

Kanae or mister skelly

>> No.29400056

oh no this one is going to ruin me

>> No.29400061


>> No.29400070

oh no... dont think i'll be able to survive this one

>> No.29400125

Is this the sadest guy so far? have any of the other guys cried?

>> No.29400227

Kanae sorry i went back for a bit lmao then when i went back real time its mr funeral parlor lmao

>> No.29400294

this is destroying me, he's trying to hard to hide the fact that he's crying and it's so fucking obvious

>> No.29400312

many of them, most obviously bonnivier and oliver

>> No.29400459

It's way too early for me to be crying...

>> No.29400523

This is unbelievably painful

>> No.29400802

some of these "we're still friends, lets play games again sometime if we happen to meet" are fake, hopefully not this one

>> No.29400891

they'll still hangout, fuck off, kill yourselves they're still friends.

>> No.29401127

Why did he have to use sonny boy music. This is demonic levels of soul crushing.

>> No.29401437

lmaooo the poor dude who had to follow akina.
as an akina oshi, i'm proud of him for calling in. i sincerely didn't expect him to, since even though he's an emotional guy, he's bad at expressing his emotions when he can't just brush it off as a joke directly afterward. i guess it's a symbol of how much mayu means to him that he was willing to be so openly vulnerable in front of so many people. in my heart, i hope we'll get lots of stories of them going out to eat together in the future, but even if we don't i have faith that they'll remain friends.

>> No.29401986

100% agree I hope he mentions him every once and awhile that would be enough for me

>> No.29402677

It was hard enough to listen to Kanae's bit but god, Akina... It makes me so emotional when he gets sentimental like that. It was equal in part easier and more difficult to take in knowing how close they are; I'm sure they will continue to be friends for a long time to come, but Nijisanji is a big part of their lives and relationship with each other, so it's inevitable for things to change with Mayu's graduation.
There's no chance Akkey wouldn't have called in for this. I hadn't expected him to be so openly emotional, though. The things he said about Mayu being his inspiration and all that... I seriously just had to sit and cry for a while after that.
I'm sure he'll still bring him up in the future. Things will still change, but hopefully not too much.

>> No.29402678

We're actually at the end

>> No.29403403

He really didn't come...
I know the chance were slim since he almost never appear on n totsu except when actually called, but still I was hoping he'd at least called and had a talk on stream one last time.

>> No.29403449

There's 2 more streams
which feels weird
this seems like a final

>> No.29403865
File: 61 KB, 894x836, FYt5Ut3aUAA27xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29404172

The last two streams are Blues and solo (the actual last stream). Blues is obvious, and I don't think anyone will come to those the last streams outside of comments and maybe mentions like when Mayu mention Shellin was the one who recommended "Stray" to him. I just wanted to see them talk one last time.

>> No.29404936
File: 1.38 MB, 2479x1756, FYuT7nnUUAAFcGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29405197

i'll miss you, mayuyu. we were very lucky to have met you. i wish you all the happiness you deserve

>> No.29406208

all good things must come to an end

>> No.29406273

So is this last stream or is there another one lateR?

>> No.29406802

he's taking a long break and then he'll have a collab with blues, and then after that he's going to have a solo stream with just his viewers. he told gwelu he wants his final stream to be chill and it may go late, so i wouldn't be surpised if it goes until midnight, at which point he will be officially retired from nijisanji.

>> No.29407267

what is this

>> No.29407604

Gewlu wanted to interview the new boys. He intended to do it tonight, but didn't want to overlap with Mayu's final stream so he moved it to tomorrow.

>> No.29408575
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>> No.29410743
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>> No.29410890

mayuzumi living funeral visitors list

>> No.29412547

lmao alelu-coach.....

>> No.29413072

if I miss these last 2 streams sleeping for the next 6 hours I'll be pissed

>> No.29415631
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>> No.29415630
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>> No.29417908
File: 263 KB, 2583x1722, IMG_20220727_051713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29418211

what time are his last two streams?

>> No.29419910

He's still sleeping

>> No.29419977

nah he's awake now


>> No.29422612
File: 1.32 MB, 1536x864, IMG_20220717_204408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29424035


>> No.29425261

akina's having a self-care night. he deserves it.

>> No.29426856
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>> No.29428509


>> No.29429521

what happened in the first 20 minutes I missed it

>> No.29429719

he was just answering questions from chat
>what will you do tomorrow?
>"sleep, watch other livers, leos 3d" needs to learn how to use bilibili
>will you leave your archive up?
>"yes, for the most part"
>will you still use twitter?
>"no" but his account will not be deleted. sub account will be deleted.
>what are some games you're excited about? <-you are now here

>> No.29430585

wait why is he doing pottery?

>> No.29430809

just suddenly felt like it while he was going through his steam library

>> No.29432000

holy shit i forgot leos 3d is tomorrow

>> No.29432689

Kek did Millie show up to the chat but not the call? My poor little shy witch....

>> No.29433186

It was one of the those popular short games that everyone did at some point, but he didn't, like the yakiniku one.

>> No.29434227
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>> No.29434249

mayu played it

>> No.29435247

It's hitting me all at once now. I don't want him to go.

>> No.29435455

Yeah he's such an integral part of the group dynamics that it's hard imagining him not present.

>> No.29436449


>> No.29436574

I was coming to terms with him leaving but its hitting me back i dont want him to go ;;;;

>> No.29437202
File: 249 KB, 852x1280, FYwZSoeacAALHnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i'd entered the acceptance stage of grief but somehow i can't stop crying

>> No.29437896

he can still say it was just a bit and he's not leaving right? ...right?

>> No.29438388

this is exactly what i feel. I like mayuzumi however i was never a regular watcher, big fan or anything, but i know he was one of those livers that liked to expand on lore and stuff, his character is great in group dynamics as you said and it just feels like we lost one of the pillars of nijisanji. But well, i respect his desicion nonetheless.

>> No.29439733

The final few minutes with Mayuyu...

>> No.29439836

it just hit me and my heart's aching wtf

>> No.29440632

fuck bros i'm ngmi

>> No.29441174

I can't believe this is really the end right now, I thought I managed to get over it after the announcement, but now idk what to think
At least the music is nice

>> No.29441408
File: 14 KB, 450x116, THE END.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29441525

I can't stop crying. I knew it would be hard to lose my oshi, but god it hurts. Watching all of those memories scroll by like that was so surreal.

>> No.29441683

I didn't watch him that much but this really affected me, won't be able to watch anyone else today

>> No.29441912

He locked down his Twitter.

>> No.29442038


>> No.29442084

Bros ive been crying too much for the past 24hrs idk how will I ever watch anyone tomorrow I'll miss Mayuyu so much

>> No.29442333

whats this

>> No.29442364

what is this?

>> No.29442413

Of course this had to happen the one day I needed to be on campus at 11am. Watched the final in my car and cried a bit
>oh he's switched to the videos page, is he gonnna show privating/deleteinng everything?
>holy shit he's playing all his videos in chronological order as the credits, this is so final
>a massage on the command line, maybe this is leaving the ray of hope that he can come back
Ouch. This is painful

>> No.29442461

i was holding it together pretty well until he admitted that he had to hold back his tears when he was talking to ichijiku and akina and blues. i don't think i stopped crying after that.
mayuzumi kai was a brilliant existence; i'm glad i got to spend these three years with him. thank you, mayuyu.

>> No.29442530

I'm worried that this menhera will finally commit the bus after this

>> No.29442537
File: 560 KB, 1462x2048, FYLz1P7aQAEsWff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you anonchans. make the memories he left us your treasure.

>> No.29442712

used to be his free chat. the title and description were changed after he concluded his story last year (the poll he made us vote in). notice it says 2021.

>> No.29442812
File: 97 KB, 1178x524, 9348753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a combination of heartwarming and devastating watching everyone's reactions, from both fans and livers. such a weird mix of celebrating mayu and having to accept that he's really gone.

>> No.29444918
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and so life goes on

>> No.29445330
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>> No.29446071
File: 1.50 MB, 1661x2756, IMG_20220728_173759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music about Mayuyu

>> No.29446321

Of course. <3

>> No.29446426
File: 567 KB, 780x469, 1639270638687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29449546

I overslept....

>> No.29449959

Well you can watch the archive (if you wanna be sad)

>> No.29450650
File: 283 KB, 613x244, ill never be complete without you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the final goodbye but it felt like it at points. I have so much merchandise both official and fanmade featuring Meschers. Life goes on and it's not like they'll never talk since they're always alluding to times they met up or whatever across the years, and they're amazing on their own, but still. He's done so much for the company and for friends, even people outside it. So many international collabs. Fucking hurt hearing him complement the ID and ENs Japanese or when he mentioned he enjoyed learning English for once, considering his history and life.
Kind of cemented that I don't know if I can enjoy vtubing the same way again.

>> No.29451665
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>> No.29452869
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>> No.29452980

man... that was a ride

>> No.29453694


>> No.29453785

BBash_Shell archive

>> No.29453904

Thank you so much

>> No.29454002

>>29453785 (me)
Was going to also do a screenshot of the entire page also, but I unfortunately didn't get to do the entire thing. This is all I have. The ZIP file is huge by the way because it also includes the media he retweeted.
https://litter.catbox.moe/3cg2jk.png (Only available for 12 hours)

>> No.29454385
File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, E87Z0gaVUAAuJgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless thank you, for also saving the media. I had my own archive of his twitter but I didn't know how to keep the media

>> No.29454724
File: 498 KB, 1536x2048, FYubazfVUAAcYgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got into Mayuzumi because I don't have the language skill to consistently understand JP streams, but I watched a bit of his final totsumachi and it was heartbreaking hearing how emotional everyone got. He really meant a lot to many people, and I'm really thankful to him for being one of the first JP members to reach out to and support the international branches. I wish him and his fans here all the best.

>> No.29454964
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x2299, 1547834195767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you need to learn japanese

>> No.29455026
File: 145 KB, 532x337, meshas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly only checked EN out closer after his involvement with them, and Petra ended up being my favorite. I know he was there when they'd play in that private Minecraft server, I can't remember who hosted it if it was Rin. And the discord shenanigans, the icon, etc. But Petra's call-in really drove home how friendly he is to newcomers... going to miss that sorely

>> No.29456948
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This makes me realize how fragile vtubers are as a hobby, and there's nothing that I'm into as much right now
My oshi said he won't graduate, but I know it will inevitably happen one day and just this thought is making me sad
Anyway, let's enjoy anon's scientist wife's 3D tommorow

>> No.29457046

when does step 3 not feel rolling the boulder up the hill

>> No.29457542

Genzuki twitch account

>> No.29458908
File: 83 KB, 1920x1080, 20220729_040848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still hurts but I still have to catch up on the totsumachi on part 2 I didnt get to hear the convo with his illustrator/mama and Genzuki may all anons have a great day today.

>> No.29462530
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>> No.29463333
File: 300 KB, 2048x1141, han_juku_medama 新たな門出が幸せなものになりますように #黛灰を笑顔で送り出すタグ #灰画.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>29454002 (me, again)
I just realized the archive is missing a few tweets. You can see the last few I didn't get to save here.

>> No.29464406
File: 48 KB, 1200x1200, FYw2XDiVQAE4_Sy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you

>> No.29465204

dont cry meshers fans

>> No.29465475

literally commuting to work right now so i can’t watch them (my eyes are already so swollen my vtuber fan coworker is going to see me and laugh) but the mere existence of these videos is going to haunt me all day

>> No.29465794

>my vtuber fan coworker is going to see me and laugh
I wish upon immediate graduation of your coworker's oshi, should that ever happen

>> No.29465949

>dont cry
too late

>> No.29466616

I've been crying the last few days and these meshers vids started another round... It'll feel weird not seeing Mayuyu around, but I really wish the best for him and hope he keeps in contact with people even if behind the scenes. Trying to focus on appreciating the present and not get too sad, so I'm looking forward to my wife's 3D tomorrow and hope it lifts some spirits.

I'm hoping his wife Oliver shows up with the rest of Eden-gumi. And want all sorts of mameneko like in his opening sequence, erotic bouncing on a balance ball, and for him to cry and scream. Really looking forward to what he planned for tomorrow.

>> No.29470163

My heart... It hurts so much.

>> No.29471893
File: 93 KB, 882x842, IMG_20220729_064933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He woke up and already screaming over Marika's new courses. Sasuga Marika oji- Onii-san

>> No.29474261
File: 215 KB, 2048x1448, FUzSH_jaUAAzLBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29474708

Even though I'm depressed I wouldn't miss Leos 3D for the world. Would be nice if Lauren called in or something

>> No.29475308

Thank you for supporting my wife, let's enjoy together also I hope so too... it was a bit lonely not seeing him in the other Eden-gumi's 1st anniv celebrations, unless I missed something

>> No.29476072

doesnt he have the coof?

>> No.29476098

I thought call-ins are pre recorded? if not then fuck

>> No.29478586
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>> No.29479181

Have a nice day and stay strong, anons.
I've never watched him before and I probably never will, but I can feel it deep in my bones that a truly loved man just left a community that adores him. So strong I feel the obligation to visit and pay respects.
May he be given back for all he has given.
t. your neighbour from the other company's male branch

>> No.29480586

Stars love, always have and always will

>> No.29482372

How bad is his coof anyway? Just talking for a bit shouldn't be too taxing.

>> No.29482894

last time he tweeted he said he had a fever over 40 degrees, so pretty bad

>> No.29484133

Marika Onii-san

>> No.29488438

hearing Ex again makes me so happy

>> No.29489881

did he say anything about his ass

>> No.29491734
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>> No.29494866

Aim higher was so fun, and Fantasia is just a few months away. Can't wait.

>> No.29496923
File: 229 KB, 1630x1055, IMG_20220729_064950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29499087

i wish he would tweet just so i know he’s not dead

>> No.29500780
File: 319 KB, 1159x1563, yon44141-1550559270055211008-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for his 3D. I might as well stay up all night since I can't sleep anyway. I even rejoined his membership so I can support him even more.
