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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2931676 No.2931676 [Reply] [Original]

So how do I stop being a concernfag?

>> No.2931737

Stop watching dead braps

>> No.2931753


>> No.2931758

Look at your own life and realize there's better things to worry about than e-thots

>> No.2931936

There no reason to be concern about her, she living her dream which the deadbeats help her to achieve, and living btr life than 90% of us here.

>> No.2932155
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Speaking of that, is anyone really surprised that Mori has no interest leaving Japan?

>> No.2932166
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Realize that Mori is a grown-ass woman who can take care of herself and has been for the last 7 years

>> No.2932174

Realize that every single one of them is a grown adult, with their own free will. Even close friends don't deserve that kind of fucking treatment, it's infantilizing.

>> No.2932209

She has "I can literally buy health" money.

>> No.2932223 [DELETED] 

Go do something for yourself and stop obsessing about vtubers

>> No.2932297

Become a schizo anti falseflagger like: >>2931758

>> No.2932329

Step 1.
Everything will be daijobu
Step 2.
Play some relaxing music
Step 3.
Tulpamance to believe that your favorite vtuber is there
Step 4.
Your mind will distort your tulpa to a grimdark abomination nightmare
Step 5.
Everything will be daijobu
Step 6.
Have a cup of something hot
Step 7.
Relax in a warm bath
Step 8
Grab rope because you can get rid of your tulpa nightmare

This PSA is here to help inform you to not Tulpamance. Do you know a friend who's obsessed with 2d being real? They might be susceptible to tulpamancy.
>What is tulpamancy?
Tulpamancy is the art of creating a tulpa, aka hypnotizing yourself and your mind to believe something fictional actually exists and takes up physical space. In this, this can influence hearing, sight, taste, touch, and even smell senses. Due to the unpredictiveness of an individual's mind, tuplamancy is often advised against such practices as such could lead to suicide or serious obstruction of normal every day life.

>> No.2932366

99% of celebrities want you to like and follow, drop a comment like “I love this” and then shut the fuck up. You’re not friends with them, you’re a faceless supporter. Trying to make decisions for someone thats probably more successful than you is retarded.

>> No.2932548

No... theres a reason she came to japan in the first place, she is a misfit in anywhere else other than japan.

>> No.2932718

A wigger rapper in japan is absolutely a misfit but in Japan they actually think she's cool.

>> No.2932809

Alright fine, I admit this is more accurate.

>> No.2932832


Referring to this >>2932718

>> No.2932845

I am not surprised either. She gave that kind of vibe from the start.

>> No.2932859

I have way too much in common with Mori at this point

>> No.2933160

You can't.
These girls are just too broken to not be concerned.
They need your help, but please remember that their favorite color is red.

>> No.2933220

>but please remember that their favorite color is red.
could you go into more detail on this part?

>> No.2933284

the wigger goes to the most xenophobic country in the world, to fit in. They don't even except people who are half japanese because they're "watered down".

>> No.2933351

In japan she is a cool wigger girl making rap music, in the US she is an awkward white women trying to insert herself in place she doesn't belong, and she would get harrased by black people.

>> No.2933452

If it weren't for the fact I was a cripple and a NEET I would've done the same thing a long time ago.

>> No.2933456

I get the feeling that she became a 'wigger' after going to Japan

>> No.2933535

She a wigger before going there... do ur rep

>> No.2933627

She's a wigger and a weeaboo.

>> No.2933694

Correction: she became a wigger due to her weeb tendencies thanks Persona 3 and THHK

>> No.2934423

Well she still seems to be really enjoying living there with her having no interest going back to USA.

>> No.2934487

She's gonna die alone by karoshi, though

>> No.2935562

Not if i have something to do with it.

>> No.2935973

She stayed in japan while literally speaking basically no japanese and working in a grocery store. No way she's gonna leave now she actually has money.

>> No.2936013

>grocery store

>> No.2936066

She also worked retail at some points.

>> No.2937561

A little, but hearing her say she found a place to belong makes me happy for her.

And makes me wish I could find such a place myself

>> No.2937690

her music is doujin music with rap.like some atlus shit. far from actual hiphop or "wigger" stuff

>> No.2938123

Are you asking how to stop feeling empathy

>> No.2938981

If you are watching vtuber to the point of being emphathetic to them, chances are, your mental state are no better than them and should direct that concern to yourself.

>> No.2939708

if you cant find a place, make one, and people will come to you

>> No.2939854

Give it 30 more years and they'll be waiving the "Refugees welcome!" flag. They've been liberalizing for awhile ,sadly.

>> No.2940430
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Very well, I shall create a country for myself and the people like me. Free from those that would throw us away.

>> No.2940634

They will need to open their borders anyway to combat the declining population

>> No.2940715

Open borders are like trying to cure cancer with painkillers.

>> No.2940884

They should just give incentives for Japanese populations outside of Japan (Brazil and Hawaii) incentives to move there if they want to keep Japan as Japanese as possible.

>> No.2941708

But people are saying her japanese sucks? how?

>> No.2942281
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>> No.2943932

It's pretty much impossible to entice immigrants who willingly moved away to move back, and the possibility of succeeding is basically zero once those immigrants have kids because the kids won't want to go back.
Also, at least in america Asians tend to do very well (this is including east and south asians), so why would they ever move back to there country of origin when they've likely achieved a better life in their new country? Plus, it would piss off the native population if people who had already left the country were given benefits to move back while they received nothing.

Japan needs to fix it's horrible work culture and implement more policies to reward those with children like in russia, or they'll be forced to start accepting immigrants. We all know the latter will happen eventually anyway, there's no developed country that can stay racially monogamous for long since that whole line of thinking is considered outdated.

>> No.2948165

Knowledge of the Japanese language is only a secondary requirement. Its how they lure in the otaku fresh out of college. "Wanna live in Japan? You don't even need to be N3!"

>> No.2948577
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She can take care of herself, she survived there not even making a fraction of what she's making now. I felt really sad for her when she talked about having to sell her art to make money.

>> No.2948846

Anybody has a clip of calli saying connor teach her some apex i just wanna prove some nigga wrong

>> No.2948945

I don't understand the infinite growth mentality. Every country is overcrowded. Let the population shrink. We're getting all these social problems because a few very powerful people want their bank accounts to be fractions of fractions of a percent bigger.
