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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29325151 No.29325151 [Reply] [Original]

>not fully recovered yet
She's been pretty stressed out and feeling sick throughout the last 9 days. She had trouble sleeping, eating, and doing activities in general. She's getting better but the main problem is not solved yet.
>what about the ghost?
No ghost stories until everything is settled or reaches a meaningful conclusion. Exorcism in August at the latest
>currently not living in her own house
She only goes home to do recording and streaming, all while being accompanied by manechan
>has to get used to it
She said multiple times that she has no choice but to get used to this. things might never go back to normal
>no holomem involved after Iroha's case
She only thanked holomem for worrying about her and give all the credit to manechan and staffs for helping her. Her situation might affect other members so their interactions are limited for now (eg. no sleepover), either by her own accord or suggestion from staffs
>the other problem
She mentioned having a problem other than the ghost one. It's already solved so we're back to only having to deal with ghosts
>something happened to her or her surrounding midstream
She apologized at the end for that
She might actually have a mental problem.

>> No.29325579

>She might actually have a mental problem.
It took you this long to figure that out? She's probably a schizo. There's no fucking ghost.

>> No.29326425

>be cover
>how literal mentally ill people
What's next, they scout people from here for their next gen?

>> No.29326659

even science can't disprove ghosts

>> No.29327097

Mandatory thread theme:

>> No.29327363

>Invent some bullshit
>"You can't disprove it!"

>> No.29327529

She should marry me, I will beat up the ghost and fuck her into sanity

>> No.29327577

Bro she needs a Xanax or something

>> No.29327631

I think we're now an /x/ board, so excuse me if I think something like this fits more:

>> No.29327692

We used to call Rushia the menhera queen, but at least the discord Alien was real.

>> No.29327731

This is her niche

>> No.29328296

It's possible she's actually abusing pills.

>> No.29328524

For gods sake theres tons of simple anti-ghost measures that could be taken. Is she doin ANYTHING about it other than being scared?

>> No.29328654

Maybe, but schizo seems the more likely answer in Japan, no?
Given their societal aversion to drugs

>> No.29328670

>She might actually have a mental problem.


Gee, you think? This isn't fucking ghosts, this is literally
1. a common schizophrenia symptom
2. hereditary like schizophrenia

>> No.29328754

At that point there's three possibilities:
- it's a cover-up for something else, like a stalker incident
- she's fucked in the head something fierce. Cover and her fans are going to regret enabling her shit sooner or mater instead of forcing her to take meds.
- everything is real. It's the ghost of Sana's dead dog, forcing chuubas to take long breaks. They're trying to exorcise it by making Sana graduate.

>> No.29328933

"Urusai" means shut up iirc, too.

>> No.29330943

I don't think so, I've seen a lot of pill abusers and none of them started seeing ghosts. If anything it would be hppd but she is definitely way too autistic to buy drugs in kabukichou

If it's anything medical it sounds like she is either literally schizo or more likely has a severe anxiety disorder and after the one incident happened on her stream she is now gaslighting herself into having panic attacks about it. She needs meds unironically

>> No.29331006

There's no ghost. She's just schizophrenic and unironically needs meds if she doesn't take them already.

>> No.29331367

I really, really, really wish it isn't schizophrenia. People here like to call schizo anything but legit schizophrenic people experience a literal never ending hell in life and there isn't anything that can stop it, even taking their meds.

>> No.29331586

>She only goes home to do recording and streaming, all while being accompanied by manechan
Where does she stay and sleep at right now?

>> No.29331623

I can fix her.

>> No.29331643

My place

>> No.29331773

Probably at a hotel.

>> No.29331803

And science can't """"disprove"""" that all sunflowers over 2 metres actually share a hivemind and plan on wiping out humanity, and that they also they enjoy eating chocolate bars.
You can't put forth an argument without evidence in the first place, retard. Go back to /x/.

>> No.29331815 [DELETED] 
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>ghosts aren't real she needs to take her fucking meds haha what a schizo!!

>> No.29331845
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>sana forced to graduate over a dead dog and chronic back pain but this malodorous bitch gets a pass cause she saw a spook
couldnt make this shit up if you tried

>> No.29331998 [DELETED] 

>reductio ad absurdum
"I fucking love science"bros... we are fucking pseuds?

>> No.29332066

>need mane chan protection
>problem other than ghost one ???

>> No.29332355

It's okay, I already solved that other problem.

>> No.29332400

>chloe singlehandedly destroyed any chances of ghost holo that could've been
I just want ghost holo so I can fap to ghost pussy for fucks sake!

>> No.29332403

Ffs chole, go pray to your dead grandma and ask her for protection!

>> No.29332825

Wow... Cover really found a special one right there...

>> No.29332856
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>> No.29333106

not bussy
also I literally don't know male members except roberu

>> No.29333745

>Be manager
>Mister Yagoo give you a stinky orca
>Now you stinky orca have a Ghost/Stalker
>You salary is 100¥ hr
>You have to deal with super natural thing or creppy guy
>Probably you gonna be stabbed or possessed
>You do it for 100¥
Oh men I dont want to work with Cover

>> No.29334023

How peculiar she can still find the time and energy to stream. I mean I would think if you were really being haunted you wouldn't particularly care about streaming at the moment. This is too elaborate to be a prank or a promotion for something at this point. She's either really schizo or this is a cover up for something else. Although I don't know why they would dress up a stalking incident like this if that's what it is. Has anyone noticed any other weird personality behaviors in her from the early days?

>> No.29334127

This is how a schizo argue

>> No.29334328

How does Chloe being mental explain the voice that was heard WHILE she was speaking.

>> No.29334775

Of course it's not a ghost but there absolutely was some unidentified voice in that stream, you can hear it clear as day.

>> No.29337074

Other place she stays=love hotel

>> No.29337596


>> No.29337734

She was the one speaking/accidentally played a video and muted it quickly. Theres even more explanations but you want to believe ghost.

>> No.29337925

It's been eleven days since her last stream. I wouldn't exactly call that 'at the moment'.

>> No.29338443

Except people all throughout history, including ones with no indication of mental problems, have actually seen and heard unexplained supernatural shit. Meanwhile nobody's witnessed a sunflower eating a Hershey bar. Work on your analogies, nigger.

>> No.29338600

I witnessed sunflower eating Hershley's bar. Disprove that nigger

>> No.29340227

Sana chose to graduate.

>> No.29340505

people all throughout history have believed plenty of the same stupid bullshit, don't be so credulous

anyway my assumption is this is all a bit, summer is the "spooky season" for the japanese. just a simple silly storyline

>> No.29341264

I wouldn't trust people who see a lightning bolt and are convinced a guy in the sky threw it down.

>> No.29341475

the only one who has a bf is you faggot

>> No.29341711

>- everything is real. It's the ghost of Sana's dead dog, forcing chuubas to take long breaks. They're trying to exorcise it by making Sana graduate.
at last I truly see

>> No.29342545

wow a new rushia
orca always pick the schizo huh?

>> No.29342635
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Ghosts are real. Demons are real. You're ruled by actual Satanists who perform blood rituals to satiate Moloch.

>> No.29342961

you mean we're surrounded and ruled by delusional retards who believe in bs. sounds about right. the human experience

>> No.29343051
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You must outgrow your materialism anon.

>> No.29343275

She will be the first holo to die.

>> No.29343498

There’s Boomei.

>> No.29343538

Schizomata Chloe

>> No.29343707

the irony is that humans inventing these mythologies and becoming obsessed with their own invention is the height of materialism

>> No.29343806

I really hope she get a schizophernia fr would be funny

>> No.29343862

>He hasn't read the Enneads
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.29344185

>he hasn't cons00med the ancient capeshit

>> No.29344279

Is this a motherfucking SteinsGate reference?

>> No.29344320

>Reading your philosophical heritage is "consooming"
The decline of the west...

>> No.29344389

when your immediate rejoinder is to whine about your bullshit dying because it is the equivalent of ancient cartoons, it doesn't inspire much confidence

>> No.29344392

This is an elaborate way of hiding a boyfriend
