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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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271844 No.271844 [Reply] [Original]

>ends up being the best holoEN
how did she do it

>> No.271864

this is a false flag thread

>> No.271934

Atrocious design, roommate had a ton of baggage, weird mental breakdowns the first week of her debut. It was a swan song m8s, she did it.

>> No.272015

uhh who cares what her roommate has? what’s that got to do with it

>> No.272064

I don't know whether hololive does it on purpose, but they make every girl unique enough to cater to a different taste.

You'll always have a favourite.

My taste is Amelia, but I concede she isn't very talented as the others. But she's fuckin hillarious and cute.

I didn't like Kiara and Ina at one time, but now I really like Kiara and Ina both. I think Kiara felt fake before, but feels more genuine now. Ina is also likable in her own quiet way.
Gura is cute, and likeable like Watson, plus she a talented fuckin singer, but she is still wholesome and cute whereas Watson can get rude and I like that more.
Calli felt fake as well before, but feels more authentic because I think she is behaving more like herself more.

>> No.274737

Orange woman good

>> No.274944 [DELETED] 
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It's cause she's orange that holoshit's one redeeming quality is something she stole from the only good vtuber

>> No.275020

lurk moar

>> No.275128

There's a fan thread already. Stop baiting for controversy.

There's no "best" or "worst" hole unless you're looking at things by pure numberfagging standpoint. If you'd simply consider her to be your favorite, you'd stick to the one fan thread.

>> No.276608

OP doesn’t. It’s obvious bait.

>> No.277938

Fucking huke is depressed to draw such disgusting shit like Kiara

>> No.277946

She's personable and engaging. Plus her fans really eat up that fake lesbian bullshit.

>> No.277960
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>> No.277973

>uhh who cares what her roommate has?
Kiara does, kiara isn't her main channel, hololive was just her way to get her 10 year old channel with less than 5000 subs into a 40k+ channel whose last video, 1 month ago, got more views than most of her non collab streams get.

>> No.278040
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>kiara isn't her main channel

>> No.278076

Filtered out most of the retards in her first month, her chat is essentially a cult so she actually likes interacting with them. Also, she's thoroughly broken and has nothing else to care about, Hololife is way easier than what she was doing before.

>> No.278237

OP lied as easily as he sucked cocks.

>> No.278275

Is Roommate just /vt/ code for their IRL/past persona, or an actual roommate?

>> No.278377

It refers to IRL only (not past persona) and it's way older than /vt/

>> No.278601

Jesus how flooded with newfags did we become when this board was created? Lurk ten thousand years.

>> No.278860


>> No.280819

You sound like a broken record. Get new material. Geez at least the other antis work hard to get new rrats. Boooooring

>> No.281776

OP need some pills to cure his retardation

>> No.281798

Lurk more newfag

>> No.281805


>> No.281836

>/vt/ code

>> No.282248

>weird mental breakdowns the first week of her debut
what are you talking about?

>> No.287598
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>> No.288058


>> No.288216

ina yab from a few months ago

>> No.288588
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its fake

>> No.288695

I used to think roommates meant tits. So, everyone is referring to the idol's large tits.

>> No.288877 [DELETED] 

Not a vtuber.

>> No.289126

by being cute and funny

>> No.289634

>weird mental breakdowns the first week of her debut
As a noob, I'm afraid I need to ask for more details.

>> No.289704

Gura's non-existent tits...

>> No.289715


>> No.289730

I think he may have just been pretending

>> No.289731

>Atrocious design
This. Also can't stand her voice. Her and Mori don't fit as much as Gura and Amelia do.

>> No.289810


She broke down when someone asked why she was self translating her English to Japanese.

>> No.289828

In one of her first superchat readings, someone sent a message criticising her habit of self-dubbing by repeating what she just said in Japanese, and said that it messed up the flow of the stream. She proceeded to cry for about 20 minutes about how being multilingual is her only talent compared to her genmates. Beyond that, she read a lot of criticism of herself at the time, and was insecure about being the least subscribed of holoEN for a while.

>> No.290460

>she read a lot of criticism of herself at the time
buddy she browses 4chin, and is reading this thread right now

>> No.290494
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She's here!!!

>> No.290724

there was also the gaming PC debacle. Basically she was getting a proper pc shipped from Austria for some reason instead of just buying one in Japan. She thought her laptop would be ok to stream minecraft but she didn't test it with the vtuber software at the same time so it started to chug on stream. She started sobbing and asked her manager to end it early. The stream was shifted to superchats. It was a weird moment. Kiara is a lot hardier these days. She must have been going through some shit when she first got hired.

>> No.290785

It's something cringelords say. It means the real person behind the avatar.

>> No.290814

You're not that bad Kiara, your decent now!!!

>> No.290826
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This is the retard that keeps talking about the roommate's channel who also said roommate was using hololive tags to boost the views of her videos. I wanted to kill this rrat last time but the meidos stepped in before I could.
Look retard, these are the hidden tags of her videos. No hololive stuff.
Now do you want to throw yourself from a bridge or do I have to find you and do the world that favor? you piece of shit

>> No.290851

I'm sorry everyone bullies when Mori is actually way worse

>> No.290863

ok tourist

>> No.290881

Being gay and from Austria

>> No.290900


>> No.290920

>dude, if you disprove of the embarrassing shit we do, we'll accuse you of being one of the out-group, and then you'll be sorry!
ok, lol.

>> No.290925
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>> No.291143

4chan is one of the tamest sites compared to the stuff that's on other boards about her. She has been here and it's likely she may lurk even now, but from the way she posts reddit tier humor all the time, my bet is that reddit is her main social media outside of lurking twitter.

Her Australian ;) PC was never going to get shipped from home to japan. She was just betting on being able to survive with sub-par PCs for half a year until she could travel home and use that Australian ;) PC

The potato PC issue with Minecraft happened because it was JENma's PC and she thought it would be good enough to handle Minecraft. It wasn't

Other minecraft issues happened because of updates or bad internet connection, not because of the laptop. Her rental laptop got replaced for a beef PC after the Yakuza sponsored stream because that laptop wasn't powerful enough to handle the game so it kept lagging and it was embarrassing (Chicken handled the situation well enough though)

>> No.291582


>> No.291599

You have no power here.

>> No.291887 [DELETED] 
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She's not even the Orange Representative

>> No.292073

Hi Kiara!

>> No.293038

Since Kiara is in this thread, I ask all of you to say something nice about her, like what would you do to her if you found her sleeping in a desert place alone.

>> No.293277

Do what I need to in order to ensure humanity's survival.

>> No.293293
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Assume she’s had a heat stroke and attempt immediate medical aid!

>> No.294540


>> No.294814

She is the second worst. Mori is the worst.

>> No.294926

This Kiara is alright, Mori is intolerable

>> No.294932

>you piece of shit
Stay mad fag

>> No.296481

gently wake her and ask if she knows where she is

>> No.296502
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i would smell her feet
you get that opportunity only once in your life

>> No.296677

Nice try, Kiara.

>> No.297756

this is "here eat this egg" tier, anon...
only that?

>> No.297859

sorry kiara but you're not as rapeable as the other holos

>> No.298379
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>only that?
yes. im not a pervert

>> No.299067

I don't know if this is delusion or a meme or both, but 4 days ago was your best chance at legitimately catching her browsing.

>> No.299514

What happened 4 days ago? I haven’t really been doing my stream reps as much as I want to lately.

>> No.299546

>Calli felt fake as well before, but feels more authentic because I think she is behaving more like herself more
she didn't really change at all outside of being a bit more relaxed and less overworked, you assumed she was fake since you couldn't believe a woman can be that autistic

>> No.299635

the board was new

>> No.299894

Kiara please go to bed, it's late

>> No.301468

Sleep besides her

>> No.303093

Oh. Fuck this board is only 4 days old it feels like I’ve been here forever

>> No.305780

A semi-objective look of what she had done to garner so many antis and filter many potential subscribers:

One of the very basic foundations for determining the popularity of a Holo is her design. Holos agreed to have a poor design, whether overall or in the live2D model, tend to be the runt in their respective generations if it's not by a yab (e.g. Mel or Towa); Flare's squished head, Nene's chink outfit, etc.
Kiara's design is a mess of washed out bright oranges that hurts the eyes, clashing elements of phoenix, super sentai and fast food employee, and fast food being an unpopular design gimmick that rarely even works.
Whatever she has done before, once her debut arrived and doxxniggers started spreading the word about who she is, it turns out she has a shit ton of old antis that have been shitting on and harassing her from even way back. They quickly caught up once word on the street arrived.
Kiara's gratuitous self-translating during her first week didn't sit well. Not only was she unable to make a smooth conversation without interupting herself every few seconds to say what she said in nip, but it got pretty repetitive and annoying. Some think Kiara was LARPing as a JP holo that time.
>Pekora fangirling
There's simply just something that doesn't sit well with Kiara not only being the only member of her gen to list a favorite senpai on the screen, but even including a collab with her as one of her career goals and constantly squeeing every time she mentions her name. Kiara made the mistake of thinking that being a Pekora fangirl (along with being a TakaMori shipper) is a personality trait on her first week. Needless to say, this pissed off a lot of nousagis who felt that she was emitting a creepy stalker vibe, and her getting emotional when she finally got her dream collab certainly didn't help. Speaking of emotional...
Kiara is the easiest to cry out of her genmates, whether be it from being overly sentimental or from a superchat from an anti, fanti, or KIARA MY DOG DIED. It's an incredibly awkward moment when a streamer cries on stream for reasons that aren't related to games or whatsoever; many people will hop out from the stream in turn. Unfortunately, this is also a pretty good way to signal antis that their ammo is working.
In a generation of autistic introverts, Kiara is the only extrovert. And in a company of introverts, she is one of the only extroverts that can be counted on a single hand. Many people feel as if she's breaking around a dozen standard social conventions every time she speaks to her genmates, and around 4423 Japanese social norms every time she collabs with her senpais, allegedly violating "reading the room", rules of seniority, overfamiliarity, etc. Whether her genmates and senpais actually find an issue is a matter of intense debate.
This ship has a pretty rough start. Kiara was super active in pushing everyone to ship her with Mori, while Mori was not even a fraction as active in promoting the ship. As a result, the ship felt forced at best, and at worst, rapey. Although if the narrative that the ship was corporate-sponsored is true, the fault really lies in both of them-- Kiara for overplaying the obsessive part, and Mori for not even thinking about how tsundere would translate into a western/English context. As time went on, however, Kiara toned down a little on how much she'd push the ship, while Mori dropped the absuive tsundere act in favor of a "I love you as a homie, no homo" act.

There's really a lot more to say about what Kiara has done to attract so much seethe, it's hard to list them all.

>> No.306000

>>Pekora fangirling
Don't forget, Kiara's laugh is a skinwalker-tier copy of Pekora's. Honestly surprised I don't see people talk much about this.
Kiara's roommate often expressed her love of Pekora, but doesn't laugh like her in her vlogs.

>> No.306030

nice reddit post

>> No.306147

Very nice post anon.

>> No.307015

I think Kiara just needs a reverse Hacchama transformation.
I sometimes feel bad for her. When EN first came out, I felt bad because she didn't seem all that interesting.
I think she needs to just chill a bit, like really CHILL. Become the Akai Haato of HoloEN.

Of course, I'm a clip watcher. I like Vtubers, but I absolutely refuse to watch 1-3 hours of any streaming content. It's just too much to bear at one sitting. Maybe people just don't have good clips?
Does KFP employees have good clips of their phoenix?

>> No.307123

i'd take her out of the desert and into my house and nurse her back to health and then form a loving relationship with kiara until we wind up married and having kids and dying together like a proper married couple.

>> No.307246

>0 talent
>poaches gimmicks from other girls
>literally needs her fanbase to give her shit to work with
>rumors rampant she's a bitch beyond caliber off stream
i'd say the talent list is this

>> No.307321

I only listen (yes, listen not watch) when she collabs with others so I can learn about them, I don't have time to actually watch any streams and end up multi-tasking

Clips are addictive but I could watch a stream rather than an hour's worth of clips

>> No.307360

She's literally the worst one out of the EN group.

>> No.307456

Ina's at the top for talent. She has an established career, to the point that she only does Hololive for fun.
Gura's above Ame too. Understanding how to appeal to the masses and go viral is still a talent when looking at entertainment, and Amelia's had some rough patches so far.

>> No.310743
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>what would you do to her if you found her sleeping in a desert place alone.
Here's a hint it rhymes with grape

>> No.311067

I fucking hate Kiara. Her voice grates on my ears like nails on a chalkboard, her design is too busy, she's way too overwhelming, and she substitutes humor for vulgarity. She feels like the poor man's bootleg Pekora. I really did try to like her, and I acknowledge her skills and talents, but I just find her obnoxious and honestly she's one of the main reasons why I stopped watching vtubers these past couple of months.

>> No.311121

Lol from who? That shit wouldn't fly for EN.

>> No.311183

You're gonna tape her?

>> No.311885

Nah the rope should hold her just fine and if not I could easy just overpower her and wrestle her to the ground

>> No.312076

Most of it went down on the Nether Rta stream. Shit was a brutal watch

>> No.312132

>Cancerian born in July
I can't obsess anymore, but I still appreciate.

>> No.312157

"You have to eat all the eggs."

>> No.312218

She felt like a failure because she was the least popular and she felt like the only thing she could offer that the others couldn't was Japanese translation, then someone asked her to do it less for some reason and she kinda... broke.

She still has some confidence issues but being joint lowest subscribed in HoloEN still makes her top 30% or so of the company, she's doing well.

I love my chicken wife.

>> No.312753

bottom-left chara shouldn't exist

>> No.313085

>reading the room
It's sad how she lived over 10 years in japan and still hasn't picked their social clues.

>> No.313475

he's gonna vape her
