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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29248010 No.29248010 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really into Kaneko Lumi's model design

>> No.29248065

It's pure sex

>> No.29248609

I also like Ssetra.

>> No.29248660

It's a good thing designs can't stab you in the back.

>> No.29248686
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>> No.29248693

bad design
bad streams
bad person

>> No.29248847

Very nice.

None of those things are true.

>> No.29248911

2/3 aint bad

>> No.29248990
File: 161 KB, 411x396, lumi 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good design
good streams
good person

>> No.29249022
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>> No.29249028

all true, especially the design. She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.29249107
File: 1.92 MB, 2660x3675, 1658828422960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething roastie

>> No.29249166

I'm a man, she has nice tits but her face is awful

>> No.29249959

lumi is a bit of a cunt in a good way

>> No.29250044

apparently she's also hot irl.

>> No.29250095

I like her even though she acts like a fool sometimes

>> No.29250199

We've seen her hands, and also her silhouette. You're not wrong.

>> No.29250351

she's a real semen demon

>> No.29250794

good design
bad person

>> No.29251128

>meets other e-girls
>become a misogynist

>> No.29251863

>sex model
>sex voice
>sex personality
>based as fuck
>loves history, strategy and intellectual games
She's my perfect woman

>> No.29252064

>sex voice
>sex personality
>based as fuck
>intellectual games

>> No.29252145

Still remember her break down about GFE

>> No.29252929

Fuck her. She betrayed her last group for schizo doxxer dick. I wouldn't watch or trust someone like that, who keeps that kind of company.

>> No.29252996

Shit, I forgot to sage this bad thread. Oh well.

>> No.29253129

Lumischizo is almost as bad as Faunaschizo and Marineschizo.

>> No.29253221

>betrayed her last group
those whores deserved it, she'll probably do the same to phase connect too and they also deserve it. Both CyberLive and PhaseConnect are filled with pathetic drama queen roasties.
She's still a retarded whore who got groomed by a schizo doxxer though.

>> No.29253259

>carried her company while all the other bitches shit talked about her
She's better off with Pippa and friends honestly

>> No.29253390

This, a bunch of mean girl losers that hates Lumi for carrying the whole corpo. Why the fuck would Lumi be loyal to that gaggle of whores

>> No.29253408

Funny thing is that she'll probably be alone since she's a workaholic who will never slow down unless a man stops her from it.

>> No.29253422

Not interested in another one of Zia's girls.

>> No.29254453
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1637212725191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appreciate it while you still can.
she's changing it soon and there's not a single reason why >we should be enthusiastic.

>> No.29255023

I'm out of the loop but why Zia? She's too old foe him.

>> No.29255699

They talked shit about her because of Sei/Melancholic being a schizo doxxer, don't get it twisted. Lumi put her lot in with him and everyone frowned upon that.

>> No.29255928

>she's changing it soon
WHY? It's the most sex model out there.
It's cool if it's just an upgrade, but changing it too much would be terrible.

>> No.29256604

does she have any porn

>> No.29256673


>> No.29256978

>nooo dont chose money you should starve and crash the whole company
spoken like a fucking retard that has never worked a single honest job in their life

>> No.29257303

yes, and a BLACKED one

>> No.29257353

Where did I say that? I only talked about why anyone had negative things to say about Lumi. Stop putting words in my mouth.

>> No.29257420

The Lumi antis are so funny. They really do all sound like seething roasties.

>> No.29257469

its megbert (now menace)

>> No.29257537

Go watch fleshtubers if you think that should matter.

>> No.29258023

doko my dude or does she have a lewd tag on twitter

>> No.29258097


>> No.29258490

>only one good one

>> No.29259596

She kinda based https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi/clip/InterestingAntsyCourgetteDancingBaby-w85U_3iyclqtE36m

>> No.29259905

You post this in every shill thread

>> No.29260079

nta but her antis post the same schizo rrats in every thread as well

>> No.29260229

It's not schizo or a rrat. You are just a cringe yesman pickmeplower.

>> No.29260262

Ok Menace.

>> No.29260353

what is a pickmeplower

>> No.29260378

is this supposed to be funny? Why is she acting like a 14yo kid who just learned about le based 4chan memes
every single post with this word is a falseflag, no one is actually that retarded

>> No.29260427

wasnt this the girl that had a new L2D model in the making by Neonbeat?
I swear i remember her showing a small teaser of it.

>> No.29260533

it is

>> No.29260629

It's kinda sad seeing how much time you dedicate just to shitpost.

>> No.29260719

I don't think I've ever watched her stream for more than 5 minutes in a row. But I do think her model has the most perfectly sized virtual booba I can think of.

>> No.29260985

Reminder that this girl is dating a black guy for 5 years

>> No.29261068

Yeah, me.

>> No.29261101

Wrong animal, she's dating a dog.

>> No.29261631
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>> No.29261888

russians aren't white

>> No.29261996

Why are Slav chuubas so high spec?

>> No.29262027

Whiter than Am*ricans and Eur*peans.

>> No.29262181

She is built for paizuri

>> No.29262744

I like Lumi but you're being retarded, the doxxshchizo wasn't even whale tier, if you're gonna stand with someone this mentally ill for money, at least let it be some orca-lite. She was probably scared to say shit since faggots like him tend to turn on their oshi quite easly, although the dude himself was probably a larper that took credit for other peoples work to impress her with his hackerman skills.

>> No.29263049

Cyberlife was a trash heap. You thinking that she would have totally stayed in that crab bucked if it weren't for some mod drama is retarded. You are retarded.

>> No.29263094

Stop putting words in people's mouths to deflect.

>> No.29263233

I don't even watch this girl, but based on the seething of her antis she's alright in my book. It's always about some discord retardation, they never have anything to say about her actual streams.

>> No.29263287

reminds me of betty boop

>> No.29264057

Dude, Lumi didn't leave cyberlive for you, and it's obvious when she banned you from mod status.

>> No.29264334

That's not my point faggot, I was talking about why she put up with the doxxseanig.

>> No.29264992

No one but holojannies care, even holobronies seeks the doxxers to find out about their oshi. Guy was one of the many mods Lumi had, and when he became creepy, she banned him.

>> No.29266132

It's too bad she has like no fanart. Someone please lewd this woman.

>> No.29266197

He was never banned, Niflheim is his Lumicord mod alt account he had since the beginning. He slipped up and didn't change his speech mannerisms when he became active. Even if she bans him he will still call the shots in private.

>> No.29266271

How many times are we going to have this exact same thread before people get bored?

>> No.29266665

Anon, the parts of Russia where white people live are in Europe.

>> No.29266788

thanks to people posting vt screenshots on twitter a bunch of twitter girls started posting here. the pickme thing is also made fun of on there

>> No.29266888

Are people supposed to stop talking about a vtuber because there is a schizo who timeloops the same shit whenever they are mentioned?
The board would be pretty empty if that were the case.

>> No.29267010

Many people have entiltment issues, real control freaks especially if they know the vtuber browse/ego-search here.
If someone they don't like is allowed to exist in that vtuber's community, they will start to anti them all day long until the end of time if they don't get what they want.

>> No.29267294

her streams are mostly fine but she's an awful person and you can feel it on her streams too sometimes, it makes her unwatchable for me

>> No.29267316

If you actually watch her you'll know that dude just has no influence anymore and has just been phased out entirely, if you wanna speak about who wrangles her and calls the shots you should be looking at her editor and the phase janny dude, theyre the ones she repeatedly mentions them when it comes to talking about what she does with streams and off stream

>> No.29267378

>loves history, strategy and intellectual games
To me it looks more like she found a niche for herself there and is disciplined enough to power through them while still trying to provide some kind of entertainment for her audience. It doesn't look to me like she'd be playing these games off stream. That being said: that is not necessarily a bad thing. Part of what makes it entertaining is seeing her struggle.

>> No.29267381

Any specific clips of whatever you're referring to, or are you just schizo posting

>> No.29267465

>he will still call the shots in private
You wanted to say "I", and you also, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be here everyday bitching about it.

>> No.29267531

It's just basic bitch coomerbait

>> No.29267580
File: 128 KB, 324x487, 1612375050604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she likes koopa so she's okay in my book

>> No.29267593

Where do you live where basic bitches plays strategy games almost everyday, even if against her will?

>> No.29267609

mostly just schizoposting, I don't care enough to search for clips but if you watch her for long enough I'm sure you'll feel the same. Her fans deflect it by calling her "based" but sometimes the mask slips and you see the bitter and gossiping /vt/ sister behind it.

>> No.29267697

give an example otherwise it's just a schizo rrat anyone can post about any vtuber

>> No.29267712

I am also that sister so I don't see why you are worth listening too.

>> No.29267728

>I'm schizoposting
>but you gotta believe me

>> No.29267739

She's smart enough to avoid mentioning the guy giving her a bad name, but she wants to have her cake and eat it too, that's why he's still a mod on his alt.

>> No.29267750

>you see the bitter and gossiping /vt/ sister behind it.
Yeah, I'm seeing her right now. In fact I'm responding to her. Holy fucking projection of projections.

>> No.29267756

She admits being a bad person here https://streamable.com/tx54cw
She openly say she's misogynist here https://streamable.com/9178st
Now you can shut up

>> No.29267781

It's not a rrat retard, it's just my opinion. That's why this site exist you know, to share opinions.

>> No.29267852

I wish she would train a bit she's pretty bad at AOE.

>> No.29267866


>> No.29267896

>didn't want to warmonger in Endless Space 2
Not an option.

>> No.29267923

>she makes a joke about warmongering in a game
>she says something true
This is stealth advertising, right?

>> No.29267956

you make her sound a lot more impressive than she really is dude, you either the guy trying to pretend and put it in peoples heads he still matters or youre grasping at straws like a faggot anti
either look aint good

>> No.29267983

She's currently better than any other female vtuber that has ever played it. She's actually semi-competent, she just doesn't have build orders drilled in to have a solid start.

>> No.29268187

something something whore

>> No.29268229

Sounds like she's just cautious of other backstabbing e-girl whores. I would not call that misogynistic. Misogyny is actively hating all women by default, advocating for the removal of women's rights and other 4chan incel shit like that.

>> No.29268298

I guess I'm too used to watch optimized starts being done mindlessy that those castle age times frustrate me. Not herding the deers under the TC and a few other simple tasks, as well.

>> No.29268633

Thats where correction is needed

>> No.29268650

>other 4chan incel shit
You are 4chan.

>> No.29268713

Isn't she changing models to be a Veibae clone?

>> No.29268750

Seen some of her streams, she seems like a intelligent person, above midwit level, but plays dumb. Her voice and tone remind me to Amelia from Hololive too.

>> No.29268794

at least she doesn't need to change her personality

>> No.29268870

Damn brat...

>> No.29268896

>I like koopa
said no one on this board in months roru

>> No.29268971

I dislike Lumi but you know who I dislike more? Menace the backstabbing whore who keeps posting these

>> No.29269048

paradox games streams when?

>> No.29269153

Same. Everyone hates menace.

>> No.29269184


>> No.29269198

lumi likes her and that's more important than the opinion of the average 4chan newfag tourist

>> No.29269338

Lumi is a 4chan newfag.

>> No.29269366

>but plays dumb
I wouldn't say she plays dumb, the thing is that she is playing strategy games to a crowd that has like 1k+ hours on each of those games, so she knows she can't exactly get cocky.

>> No.29269433
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Oh right, her voice always reminds me of the unrelated and retired vtuber megbert, but her personality is basically the opposite.

>> No.29269509
File: 144 KB, 332x361, 1658618910104665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allegedly her major is related to computational physics and wants a career in academia/research.
Loom is hiding her powerlevel most of the time.

>> No.29269556

Indeed I could hardly think of 2 personalities more opposed than those. If megbert was still active, she would also despise Menace.

>> No.29269595

Also, which is a pretty smart move, so yeah, she's definitely above midwit.

>> No.29269933

Lumifans are doing twitter infographics now?

>> No.29271640

You are fucking insane

>> No.29271704

are you actually autistic, why are lumischizos like this?

>> No.29271934

>antis have to resort to blacked posting to spread rrats
Lumi antis are fucking hilarious man

>> No.29272131

>Allegedly her major is related to computational physics and wants a career in academia/research.
Call me when she actually accomplishes anything in that field and I’ll kneel. There are lots of midwits that “want” that, but are far from capable of it.

>> No.29275268

I love her "take care of yourself" grift anytime she gets a big donation so she can keep them flowing in lmao

>> No.29276975
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1658397192234671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most researchers in any field never publish papers of actual consequence, hell most barely publish anything at all each year.
The reality is that science is now supported by midwits and progress happens because of derivative, incremental research, partly because actual genius is so rare.

Having an army of midwits works, look at the rapid technological progress over the past 200 years, downside is that some of the midwits may fake their research for recognition.
For example the recent revelation in Alzheimer's research revealing one of the biggest frauds in modern medicine, two people literally faked research for the amyloid plaque model which is what modern Alzheimer's treatment is based on and the discovery completely upended over 15 years of assumptions.

>> No.29279289
File: 764 KB, 2716x4096, 1627599919063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redesign by Neonbeat [Veibae].
She really wants that artist clout.
It would be sad if she didn't get any.

>> No.29279637

Newfag I...

>> No.29280126

Midwit wrote this.

>> No.29280371

why does she stream on twitch

>> No.29280416

Days Lumi's mods have gone without shamelessly shilling their whore on this board: 0

>> No.29280437

Youtube keeps blocking her karaoke videos because she sings so many songs they can't decide who gets the copyright.

>> No.29280857

i see

>> No.29280924

Did she fart on stream yet?

>> No.29281107


>> No.29281362

tbf this style is more sex than her current model
people are going off of OP's thread pic but her actual current model is worse than that fanart

>> No.29283239

Loom is getting a new model soon, and its going to look like this art.

>> No.29283606

Your oshi is a snake and she FUCKS FROGS

>> No.29284580
File: 1.48 MB, 498x260, 1640106899228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computational physics
They make amazing discoveries everyday.

>> No.29284672

I'm her mod

>> No.29284741

Hi, can you tell her to fart into the mic?

>> No.29284943

