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29100841 No.29100841 [Reply] [Original]

Gura will stream over Wave6's debut. ALL OUT WAR, NIJINIGGERS

>> No.29101019
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Your break day? I doon't care, deploy ze shark for ze seexth time

>> No.29101021 [DELETED] 

Here is the stream for the Holochads to follow

>> No.29101043

She'll get mogged in CCV and Nijisharts will just laugh at her.

>> No.29101080
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>She'll get mogged in CCV and Nijisharts will just laugh at her.

>> No.29101123

Here is the stream for the Holochads to follow


>> No.29101196

Does gura still do that thing where she disappears from the internet unannounced for weeks at a time? I haven't watched her since last year

>> No.29101298

As a NijiEN fan and Pomudachi I'm grateful for this because they're going to bomb and taking any eyes off of this shitfest is welcome

>> No.29101417
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I'm glad you'll be getting a stream from your oshi, OP, even if it overlaps with our debuts. Fun to everyone

>> No.29101493

The irony is funny, I will give you that. Enjoy your based black kek.

>> No.29101614

Selen and Pomu are one of the only NijiEN I like. It's good to know that you are not completely lost in the sea of chink fujos

>> No.29101707

I’m watching the Latinx chick

>> No.29101761

I forget Wave 6 exists immediately after shitposting about them. Who knows, maybe they'll pull a Stars and at least half will be decent.

Then again, this is Nijisanji...and their women can't go a single minute without fawning over the Nijiguys. I'll just skim the vods and see what streamwatching anons say about them.

>> No.29102225
File: 73 KB, 1023x559, nigger Sanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see the word Nijinigger used in this board I'm disappointed that it caught on instead of the superior pun Niggersanji.

>> No.29102767


>> No.29103812

Wait, I thought 'Chad' OPs weren't allowed here?

>> No.29103961

Most people who watch NijiEN are fujos who have no idea who Gura is

>> No.29104188

Since when Gura is in Nijisanji?

>> No.29104557

If their tweets are anything to go by, they won't be any different than current NijiEn chuubas

>> No.29104795
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Why is omega like this?

>> No.29105229

LMAO and after they spent the whole weekend shilling the Homos as well

>> No.29105348
File: 112 KB, 852x735, F038E692-41D9-4044-84FB-A27F4A56C2B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is overlapping? Time to watch NijiEN new hires debut

>> No.29105552

They have chosen to announce their new generation together with the HomoStars. A little prank doesn't hurt anyone

>> No.29105645
File: 181 KB, 600x247, 1658522254886260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wave 6 spent the whole weekend tweeting at the homos and trying to promote Unity and then Gura shuts them the fuck down with this

>> No.29105752

She always does this, and chumbuds don't watch other streamers anyway. At least Holo fans have something to watch for once.

>> No.29106025

The politically correct term is people of Anycolour.

>> No.29106512

Nijisanji did it too with Vox's 24h 1M sub stream during the 2nd day of the Holostars debuts, although why he'd be that much of a nigger to tell Gura to do it 3 times in a row is beyond me but he's probably seething about Nijisanji scalping the Holostar's debut with gen 6. People meme about the whole all out war thing but it's pretty clear that they don't want anything to do with each other at this point.

>> No.29106588
File: 668 KB, 830x1074, MAGGEDRAW.COM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good girl just like how magni taught her

>> No.29106694

Bro she's done it for every single debut
Lazulight was the worst since they were already struggling and they debuted into the fucking Sharktank stream (which curiously never happened again)

>> No.29106742

Vox planned to do the 24 hour stream if he was near 1 mil way before cover announced the stars

>> No.29106793

You guys know Maria's debut will mog every Holo stream combined right? I don't know why Omegatroon insists on embarrassing his employees like this by forcing them to stream over someone else's debut, they obviously aren't going to hurt Niji's numbers.

>> No.29106820
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>> No.29106854

Why is this a problem? Gura's mostly dont even watch other Hololive girls stream. Her fandom is so insulated, that I doubt they even know what a vtuber is.

>> No.29106957

>Nijis do a buff stream with 8 talents + a Karaoke on the homos debut = no one cares
>Gura streams on her usual time = that's LE BAD
Fucking stop they will get more viewers anyways and It won't affect debuts, chumbuds don't care about nijisanji

>> No.29106983

>You guys know Maria's debut will mog every Holo stream combined right?
Maybe if she was the last or second-last debutant, but she's the first to debut. She's obviously meant to be the vanilla debut that gets everyone prepped for everyone else.

>> No.29107248

Her being first means she'll have the lowest numbers but she'll get like 60k minimum, possible even 80k. There's no way in hell HoloEN's combined numbers matches that. Even Fulgur's karaoke hit almost 30k during the Stars debut, and that stream had only like 5% overlap with Hololive viewers.

Nijisanji EN just isn't reliant on Holo-adjacent fans anymore so it's not worthwhile for Omega to force Gura to keep streaming over them. It was effective for the first 3 waves maybe, but Luxiem sisters don't give a shit about Gura.

>> No.29107416

>Bro she's done it for every single debut
Why IS Omega this much of a nigger?
Yah at least that's fair, he was only 5K away and got it pretty quickly.

>> No.29107474

>gura is streaming at gura prime time

>> No.29107477

this exactly, Gura's viewerbase is overwhelmingly normies who don't even watch other Holos, so it's not much of a loss for NIJIEN 6

>> No.29107491
File: 24 KB, 700x119, pomuelira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that but 40-50% of the people that watch the more popular NijIEN girls watch HoloEN and 20% of those watch Gura. Top row Elira, bottom row Pomu.

>> No.29107611

Why does Gura do it though? She's the most popular member, she has enough leverage to say no if management tells her to stream at a specific time. They're not gonna fire her for not streaming on one day. Either she's a tribalfag herself or she's such a weak-minded pussy that she can't bring herself to say no.

>> No.29107644

if they were serious about disrupting Niji debuts they would ask her to do a wrestling stream

>> No.29107722


>> No.29107758

>their women can't go a single minute without fawning over the Nijiguys
things that only happen inside your head
seek medical help

>> No.29107790

it's complete nonsense. Pomu has the most hololive audience. But even she will only lose a few hundred viewers to hololive streams.

>> No.29107880

If anything, Vox could have started his 24hour 1m sub stream a day earlier, overlap ALL of holomales debuts, get plenty of sleep and then be a host for the new NijiEN wave and use his popularity to simultaneously fuck over stars and boost wave6. The fact he didn't shows he wasn't intentionally trying to fuck over stars.

Also this. Gura's fanbase is so insular that none of them would watch anyone else anyway. It's like 3k numbers at most being lost.

>> No.29107940

She's good friends with the council members who Fullgay shit on, so she has a personal vendetta.

>> No.29108003

She's been doing this since the very first NijIEN debut anon.

>> No.29108010

Gura isn't a tribalfag but she is a numberfag. It's just no one else in Holo is at all competitive with her so she's bored of streaming until there's someone to compete with, and that's what Niji debuts provide for her.

>> No.29108053
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Honestly glad she does this so the groomer predditors don't find about niji
you can keep the child molester fanbase, shork

>> No.29108093

based purple dragon poster

>> No.29108153


>> No.29108163

> 20% of those watch Gura
20% of the hololive watchers who watch NijiEN are gura watchers. I want you to think how incredibly small that number is. If you put that % into action with 4k viewer stream, 40~50% that watch hololive would be about 2k. 20% of 2k? 400. 400 viewers in a 4k stream are gura fans. Lets assume ALL of them would priorities gura over everyone else, that's a 4k stream dropping to 3.6k. It's literally nothing.
Compared to gura's numbers, 400 isn't even 5% of her CCV.
So yeah, most people who watch gura only watch gura.

>> No.29108308

The point I was trying to make is that they do make up a significant portion of the NijiEN girls audience.

>> No.29108345

Anon, everybody in the Vtuber world is subbed to Gura and knows her

>> No.29108462

That's not subbed anon, its based on who has been active in both Gura's chat and the NijiEN girls chats within the last month.

>> No.29108478

10% at best is not a significant portion anon, It's noticeable, but losing 10% on average isn't going to make as big a difference as you'd think. Especially since debuts are low on interaction, so plenty will just watch the VODs after.

>> No.29108551

Can someone tell me if she actually already said she’d do this after tempus debuted in her membership stream

>> No.29108716

The issue with this logic is NijiEN has changed A LOT since Lazulight/Obsydia debuts. The people hyped about Iluna are not the 3-4k people in Pomu's streams. It's the Luxiem sisters that have been blowing up Twitter with fanart and thirsty tweets, and those people do not watch Gura at all.

At best Gura might siphon off 1k viewers or something from these debuts. They'll inevitably get over 60k minimum so that's basically nothing.

>> No.29108975

that makes too much sense for Noor. Elira didn't debut first

>> No.29109061

>people hyped about Iluna are not the 3-4k people in Pomu's streams.
Do you have proof for that? A lot of people are looking at Maria right now. People were hyped for Scarle until they realized what sort of content she is likely to churn out. While Niji EN has gotten a lot of waves, it still has been 9 months since girls have last debuted.

>> No.29109278
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>> No.29109387

I mean, Lazulight's 1 year anniversary didn't even break 15k viewers anon. That's also what Obsydia and Ethyria's debuts peaked at. Obsydia 1 year got slightly more and peaked at 20k though.
Meanwhile Noctyx debuts peaked at 66k after Luxiem exploded in popularity. I'm a fan that's been around since Lazulight's debuts and Pomu's my oshi but they were overtaken by Luxiem fans a long time ago, their draw isn't nearly as big. The Iluna debuts will be like 80% Luxiem/Noctyx fans and 20% fans of the girls. Even for Maria's debut most of the viewers will be women, because it's a relay.

>> No.29109696

I mean, I would hope that your debut does more numbers than a seasoned vtuber playing Minecraft.

>> No.29109727

There might be a reason why they are risking it with two sistubers...

>> No.29109925

>groomer predditors don't find out about niji

Anon, predditors are pretty much Niji's entire audience. Have we already forgotten Finana's trap sperg out? That's the predditor community making her do that shit, friend.

>> No.29110239

she said she was gunna do 2streams cat game and minecraft, management forced her to delay her cat game stream because of stars debut and she got pretty tired by the end. so instead of doing the same again she said she would probably move it to the next day so she could stream in her normal slot, there is a timestamp in the comments of her stray stream where she talked about this
