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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 254 KB, 410x1232, 41304b7e94a417f5519c0f1e9288a96b96769d9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29093757 No.29093757 [Reply] [Original]

Uh deadbeats? Why is Mori being racist on Twitter again?

>> No.29093880

why is mori so cute bros?

>> No.29093897

Nobody cares except for twitter retards.

>> No.29093910

I'm like 90% sure those are all white people
White twitter really hates themselves

>> No.29093932

her model is fucking amazing but her personality makes it so shit

>> No.29093976

The world would objectively be a better place if twitter didn’t exist and you can’t convince me other.

>> No.29093998


>> No.29094016


>> No.29094018

I hate twatter trannies so much

>> No.29094019

Wigger doing wigger thing and twitter is assblated. Anything new?

>> No.29094118

God I hate twitter.

>> No.29094140

I am so confused on what's racist. Unless acting gangster is now a race specific thing when white trash is a thing.

>> No.29094156
File: 326 KB, 1164x550, 1658688270535681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine siding with these "people"

>> No.29094191

>it's okay to be racist against white people
This will only turn her into more of a weeb/wigger.

>> No.29094230

I hate Mori, but being racist on twitter is kinda based

>> No.29094243


>> No.29094258

how dare she appropriate our culture of crime, right kangs?

>> No.29094259

wtf I love Mori now

>> No.29094359

Those quote tweets? All me

>> No.29094360

>terminally online leftards hate Mori
>there are a lot of anons on /vt/ who hate Mori
are they here?

>> No.29094439

Mori is smart enough to not try to appeal to these people right deadbeats?

>> No.29094535

The enemies of Mori are my friends.

>> No.29094560

Who do you think started it? I wish I had screenshotted that one tweet that was like
>"Hi, I'm from 4chan and we all hate Mori over there too! We've compiled a list of all the worst things she's done for you to see!"
And that's how her old stuff was dug up.

>> No.29094574

Why would she?

>> No.29094582

She actively hates that part of twitter

>> No.29094636

she openly criticized cancel culture on both of her public sides, some of it as recently as this year, so I don't see that happening
also she's under Japanese UMG which couldn't give less of a shit for her being controversial for trannies

>> No.29094741

Keep breaking that mold mori , these are the kinds of people you’re inviting in

>> No.29094769

I just watched that short vid on twitter. What are they so pissed about?

>> No.29094828


>> No.29094943

her acting like a wigger

>> No.29094965

I dont know that leftrannies hate mori now i love her

>> No.29095022
File: 48 KB, 640x640, E7C79A3C-1BFE-443A-A9F5-D843A302BC54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think that Twitter would have a bigger hate boner for Gura, but they picked on Mori instead after the lean tweet
She's a cringe white female rapper. That's it

>> No.29095024 [DELETED] 

The opinions of blacks do not matter.

>> No.29095034

They're white but they wish they weren't

>> No.29095163

posts a screenshot of TWITTER schizos. ok op you can kys now

>> No.29095185

>You would think that Twitter would have a bigger hate boner for Gura
Why would they?

>> No.29095266

Appeals to pedos.

>> No.29095463

She’s popular. That’s usually how it goes

>> No.29095550

So i need to support Mori now? Because i hate twitter faggots even more

>> No.29095555

Twitter loves pedos so much it writes company policies to protect actual real life chomos, why would they care about larping uoooh shitposters?

>> No.29095656

god i fucking hate Twitter so much holy shit

>> No.29095684

Gura does nothing but retweet and like cunny on twitter and is popular. You would think that focusing on "fighting" pedophilia would get them more good boy points than getting mad at a white person acting "gangster" when Eminem does exactly that for decades.

>> No.29095706

>>29095555 checked >>29095550 you dont have to do anything

>> No.29096023
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>> No.29096060

Woketards should go after the king of wiggas eminem, while they're at it

>> No.29096418


>> No.29096435

God I wish Mori wasn’t such a cringe fucking retard who can’t stop saying and doing dumb shit because her model is sex. That aside, what is actually racist about this tweet? Or is it just dumb faggots getting offended over nothing on behalf of niggers?

>> No.29096596

One day it will start world war 3.

>> No.29096686

Pretty much the new Tumblr, it is known.

>> No.29096716

those retards would just infect somewhere else

>> No.29096866

It's a Mori video. It's guaranteed to be pure cringe. I'm already mad just thinking about it. If they actually watched it, then they have every reason to get mad.

>> No.29096971

"Kill all white women" seems a little bit higher than generally acting wiggerish in the racism scale desu.

>> No.29097084

They think she's appropriating black culture or something.
Pretty much them saying that acting like a retarded thug is normal black behavior.

>> No.29097273
File: 933 KB, 1608x733, 1612083374369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parts of Twitter have been assmad about Mori ever since Off With Their Heads. They still can't take her advice, so they keep trying to lamely pull her down. While she/Deadbeats just laugh and use them for fodder for lyrics. You can think Mori is cringe or bad all you want, but at least she loves what she does. Imagine living your "life" just getting upset at others.

>> No.29097358
File: 76 KB, 680x673, 1606607521093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete twitter trannies ASAP.

>> No.29097432

I shall back Mori on this issue and this issue only.

>> No.29097468
File: 93 KB, 263x264, 1604184385185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI, you can report any tweet that is even slightly condoning an act of violence regardless of the context and the account will most likely be permanently banned.

>> No.29097502

wildly different groups

>> No.29097507

>On the side of twitter trannies and niggers just to shit on Mori

>> No.29097735
File: 248 KB, 500x340, tumblr_inline_pbryhlCg4G1ro6jil_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not considering the entire world your enemy
Get on my level, anon.

With that said, Mori's "if you make everyone dislike you then you win" attitude is legitimately bad. She'll never be black. Acting black will never not be cringe. Sometimes you just gotta know when to take off the Naruto headband.

>> No.29097746

>he missed how twitter released a statement that said that calls for violence can sometimes be OK in certain situations after the roe vs wade thing
They won't delete these kek.

>> No.29097882

This only makes me love her more holy based Mori. Nijitrannies can keep seething.

>> No.29098024
File: 89 KB, 648x576, A3C823DD-B92D-4520-968D-BE34B9210760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libtards have been brainwashed by kike media to be self loathing and hate one another. It’s all part of the plan.

>> No.29098174

You know this only makes me love Mori, right?

>> No.29098206
File: 267 KB, 365x1346, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of twiggers, I hate them so much. I also hate Mori but I hate them even more.

>> No.29098233

Goddammit Musk why did you chicken out...

>> No.29098291

Go back retard

>> No.29098298

>Or is it just dumb faggots getting offended over nothing on behalf of niggers?
Take a wild guess.

>> No.29098330

Because he's an idiot

>> No.29098376

hes right, but the meme is actual conservacope garbage. Makes me think they arent an actual WN.

>> No.29098379

Bro, hasanabi is the best.

>> No.29098450
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>I personally like the Phoenix vtuber in the same generation :P.

>> No.29098493 [DELETED] 

so niggers took over twitter and now they believe only them should use the Plataform, even though niggers are hated by everyone, including other blacks.

>> No.29098496
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>> No.29098494

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.29098596
File: 88 KB, 1193x1143, 1658693471163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so far left they turned right
you love to see it

>> No.29098984

The funniest shit is that 90% of these people are always either underage or trannies.
I just know they're white trash as well.
What I don't get is why Mori keeps pushing this wigger shit eventhough she knows that hip hop fans don't like her music and her whole rap aestethic.

>> No.29098997 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 636x834, 1651952891345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is based for this. Stop letting white women think they're black. Let black people be black.

>> No.29099031

All sjws are the same.

>> No.29099075

Malding greyname KEK

>> No.29099105

Did she say it with an A, like Kiara did. [and nobody but us noticed?]

>> No.29099157

The far left and far right are almost exactly the same, political alignment is saddle shaped

>> No.29099308

Shut up faggot, you're going to make me side with mori if you keep being even more insufferable. I agree in some way though, why would anyone WANT to act like a subhuman fucking retard? It's disgusting how backhanded it is though that these twitter faggots assume all black people act like subhuman niggers, like they have to be white saviors and keep them victims and attached to a culture that prevents intelligence and growth.

>> No.29099371

Hasan is the biggest fucking retard turk on the platform, you must be a woman. He really speaks for you though since he is such an amoral hypocrite retard who speaks strongly about something and does the opposite. All of you deserve to die.

>> No.29099407


>> No.29099438

When can we genocide twitter users? Why is everyone such big pussies, we all want them dead

>> No.29099477 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 656x858, 1658363559820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of them are subhuman. Twitter can do it's thing, mori deserves to get dogpiled for being a larping wigger.

>> No.29099489

You have to be either really ignorant or brand new to vtubing to still like Mori.

>> No.29099617

Yeah the majority of them are, but not all of them, and the more people shower them with praise for simply existing and being subhuman, the less actual human blacks will exist. It's like they are making them into ineffectual retard animals.

>> No.29099628

They have tried what? Three times now and she still hasn't gotten any kind of real backlash.

>> No.29099709

>Uhh you said a bad word almost ten years ago so that means you shouldn't have a future
Ogey, SJW

>> No.29099768

You're digging through tweets that she made before your balls dropped.

>> No.29099785

Because twitter and /vt/ mean little to nothing to the majority of people.

>> No.29099787

this pic is so hilarious for some reason

>> No.29099795

As a wise man once said, "I do not associate with niggers"

>> No.29099877

>that last tweet

>> No.29099914 [DELETED] 

This just makes me hate niggers even more. You arent a nigger, right anon? Based Mori for making these crime loving retards come out of the woodwork though. America is all about niggers, we fought in the civil war for niggers we fought in WW1 for niggers we fought in WW2 for niggers we fought in Korea for niggers we also fought in vietnam and in the middle east since the 80s for niggers. I FUCKING LOVE NIGGER CULTURE I LOVE THAT AMERICA IS A MULATTO STUD FARM. Fucking kill yourself nigger lover.

>> No.29099960

Ya boy was just hittin the lean a little too hard again

>> No.29100012
File: 78 KB, 1012x681, 1622952074057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29100038

Mori used to be like THAT? okay, I'm kneeling

>> No.29100056

>siding with SJW filth.
Just when I thought that Mori antis were already at rock bottom

>> No.29100096

This isn't the first time they've done it either.

>> No.29100099


>> No.29100116

>when niggas fuck with me
>completely ruin Hololive En
Damn we should have listened bros

>> No.29100176

What does the reddit dragon have to do with anything?

>> No.29100187

Yeah I know

>> No.29100222

>Antis thinking this will make 4chan proud.

This is peak hilarious.

>> No.29100260

That's pretty based actually but for most of her crimes you actually have to care about hololive and her genmates etc. I don't think random twitter SJWs would care that she sucks at collabs or push those cringy anitubers into hololive.

>> No.29100282

>You would think that Twitter would have a bigger hate boner for Gura
Gura doesn't actively say anything on twitter and twittertards are too lazy and stupid to research anything about a person beyond whatever they said on a tweet.

>> No.29100295

Ironic they would use her because I'm 100% sure they would side with the fucking bugmen if they ever went against Mori.

>> No.29100308

horseshoe theory is true
now i love mori

>> No.29100311

Mori is consistently rejected and mocked by the people she wants to be like lol

>> No.29100321
File: 190 KB, 1592x808, 1658042324478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony that zoomers are the ones that give Mori the most shit.

>> No.29100386

Kill yourself and have your family record it

>> No.29100395 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 597x649, 1634258007305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's existence is a gross glamorization of nigger culture. I don't care how you try to spin it, she's a walking advertisement for degeneracy.
He's another one for you, I'm here all day.

>> No.29100405

Shut up faggot

>> No.29100430

what do you mean they anon
it's called a reaction image

>> No.29100440

Why did you cut out the date?

>> No.29100534

You and your boyfriend, of course.

>> No.29100544

Wew she played Saints row 3. Wish she streamed it.

>> No.29100549 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 595x558, 1628086993917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm not the one grabbing the tweets, retard. Try search in the archives to see if things have been already posted before you make retarded assumptions.
Not like the date even matters, serves as nothing more than an origin story.

>> No.29100578

Well it isn't even real kind of wiggerism when she is mostly into niche Japanese rap.

>> No.29100600

Sad, if Mori was dropping hard r's instead I would buy her membership right now.

>> No.29100622

Fuuuuuck, stop now! I don't want to like her!!!!

>> No.29100653
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1657950275307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter quote retweets
>the tiktok comments
>review scores of her music on sites like albumoftheyear or rateyourmusic
mori is no stranger to getting shit on by normies and neither is her roommate if we're going to go down this route but it will never matter because what she does sells well and whoever ordered her stuff clearly wants more.

>> No.29100658

I don't know why UMG thought tiktok was a good idea for a vtuber talent.
Especially one that's not chinese.

>> No.29100665

>she loves what she does

didn't she write like 4 whole vent songs about shit she hates about streaming, her simp fanbase and being too mainstream for that totally real badass demon persona?

>> No.29100667 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 592x641, 1629560961397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't go back in time anon.

>> No.29100679

Nah, at this point shes the epitome of whiteness, unironically. Learning from past mistakes and actually thinking into the future, something non-whites really can't do.

>> No.29100706

>thinking 4chan proper will hate Mori for this

You grossly misunderstand this imageboard.

>> No.29100708

oh no no no… cuckbeat janny look out!

>> No.29100743

Fuuuuuuuuuuck I'm getting a Mori membership now!

>> No.29100756

He's a mod actually

>> No.29100789

Mori being the perfect ball of autistic wiggerdom will always be entertaining to me I don’t care what /vt/ says this thread confirms it

>> No.29100805

>Actual nigger hating with the name Karen
I fucking kneel

>> No.29100822

>I'm here all day.
Yeah, that was very clear from the beginning.

>> No.29100824

These are unintentionally hilarious.

>> No.29100850

Lets not pretend you don't already have a membership and what you're saying isn't an attempt to shill mori by aiming to portray her as "based" for saying nigga.

>> No.29100900

I was just looking for this one, kek

>> No.29100920

t. deadbeat

>> No.29100926

Sorry anon, it's your fault for putting this out on 4chan of all places, what did you expect?

>> No.29101012

anything that contributes to social decline of western society is good on my book

>> No.29101311

>tries to appeal to the low attention span zoomers
>zoomers don't like her shitty rap either

>> No.29101405

t. deadbeat
nah her member streams are chill as fuck and not at all like her public streams. She actually p(o)urrs herself into the menstreams.

>> No.29101435

>literally imitating a joke rapper while being a dork
>whites and asians on the TL: "is this a RACISM!?"

>> No.29101440

It was UMGs idea
UnAlive was the better release

>> No.29101463

Why are they hating her? Is this an american thing?

>> No.29101485

and unalive was dogshit

>> No.29101626


>> No.29101665
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>> No.29101725

I like Mori. She has made some good raps and has great internal rhyming. I occasionally watch her YouTube music videos, but nothing beyond that. I don't give a fuck about her Twitter, her personal life or other shit as long as she makes good content. Not to mention her model is pretty cute as well.

Why do you retards fucking care so much?

And isn't it "racist" to say acting gangster for a bit is appropriating black culture? After all, you're saying all blacks are mentally challenged gangsters.

>> No.29101818

it's literally all 17-19year old they/thems from white and asian backgydrh2rounds and rocking anime pfps
they are ragging on her for "trying to sound black" which like sure, but also who the fuck cares? this is such low-priority unimportant bullshit

>> No.29101844

"Racially charged" is a phrase used by someone who is so racist they have looped around twice over and still think they're the morally upright individual

>> No.29102180
File: 103 KB, 750x889, 20220724_140906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the type of people that hate Mori

>> No.29102272

okay but these are the type of people that cover also want to squeeze the most money out of, other than lonely people.

>> No.29102363

oh my god, the future is genuinely fucked

>> No.29102401

Cultural Appropriation

>> No.29102425

Not really. UMG mistakenly gave too much focus on a mainstream sound, which is why while it has technically better vocals than any previous release, it loses any edge because of the pop sound.

>> No.29102604

>What are they so pissed about?
she's white

>> No.29102663
File: 216 KB, 800x800, 1329240135844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching twitterniggers seethe and mori self-destruct simultaneously
this is the only thing she's good for

>> No.29102682

I hate that Calliope acts like a wigger but nonwhites are the reason she acts like that in the first place. They should have no access to the internet.

>> No.29102730
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>Not like the date even matters
It does matter because everyone does stupid shit in the past. Times move on and people change. Bringing up years old tweet makes you the fucking schizo here.

>> No.29102765

I wasn't talking about albums I'm just talking about the idea of Mori Calliope in general. Anime lady playing video games with 2.1m subs on youtube and she's getting some stupid shit on tiktok and twitter. if I stumbled across mori for the first time and sees the qrts and comments, i'd turn away from her.

>> No.29102790

you only like him because he's hot

>> No.29102815

You probably didn't hear that they're prepping a bigger venue for her 2nd sololive, as well as Shinigami Note hovering at #3.

>> No.29102835

literally not a black person among them

>> No.29102860

they're honorary niggers

>> No.29102864

ooo a 2nd sololive was confirmed? source?

>> No.29102915

What do you think is going to promote the Album, anon?

>> No.29102931

so no source, got it

>> No.29102964

How do these people even function in normal society?

>> No.29102968

Even at her absolute worst, all Mori did was say something stupid and then take a weekend off. She's got a strong footing when it comes to taking blows and moving on.

>> No.29102986

Mori is a huge wigger she isn't going to stop acting like a nigger anytime soon it's in her blood.
Of course. White twitter thinks all rap = made by niggers so emulating it is racist.

I fucking hate mori but I'd sub and member if she called them all race traitor cucks.

>> No.29102993

>tweets from a literal 16 year old edgelord
i would wager you said the same shit. not saying it's not wrong but fuck, im tired of the hypocrisy

>> No.29103051

Not a Mori fan but she's stronger than ever. Good for her, I guess.

>> No.29103147

>white women extinction button
literally would not extinct mori. do these replies even watch vtubers?

>> No.29103151

>Sololive Is a success
>UMG LP already planned.

>> No.29103158

I went to check it out assuming it was going to be less cringe in context and it was not. Who approved this shit? It was a one sentence "I have a full album coming out" and then a tourrettes attack.

>> No.29103190

Mori's music might be shit but I can't get on board with these Twiggers because I know their taste is probably even shittier

>> No.29103332

>Yeah her music that hovers between #3 and #4 for weeks is bad
Contrarianism is a bad drug.

>> No.29103492

>I need white women gone

How is this different from saying I need black women gone

>> No.29103494
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>> No.29103538

They don't, they're all autismbux and leeches

>> No.29103693

>It can't be bad if it's popular

>> No.29103707

Jesus christ man these are the retards who think are on the right side of history

>> No.29103742

it's either twiggers or kpopfags
cant decide which one is more cancer

>> No.29103746

>Popular is bad

>> No.29103796
File: 295 KB, 1920x1920, beatin ur azz in the qrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29103821

You listen to WAP by Cardi B on repeat since you base your music choice solely on popularity?

>> No.29103859

All this hate and shit just deflects off of her and she just keeps getting more and more popular. She's got a trait that none of the idiots here or on twitter have and that's drive. Do you not realize she got into the japanese rap scene as a white girl and made it? You think any of the shit here compares to the hate that tempered her years ago? I genuinely think that's what makes you people hate her so much is she is better than you and it infuriates you that you're having no real effect on her. In fact it just fuels her. You think she gives a fuck about anons here calling her a wigger while she's looking at herself on a fucking billboard in Tokyo and just got signed to goddamn Universal? She's playing everyone of you, making tons of money writing songs, some of them about you. I actually think a few of her yabs have been her fucking with this place on purpose as a joke.

You will never touch her.

>> No.29103892


I only listen to J-rap and J-pop

>> No.29103944
File: 369 KB, 636x390, Gay nigger mainstream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course its not bad

>Look at how many retards listen to this crap

>It surely is good. Contrarianism is a bad drug.

>Its popular, so obviously its good

>> No.29103962

Didn't say that, you'd have to be living under a rock to not know of an objectively bad musician that hit it big. Popularity is not always proof of quality.

>> No.29104000

>Immediately posts bigger
Rap isn't solely black, faggot.

>> No.29104032

Hey buddy

Contrarianism is a bad drug.

According to your logic J-rap and J-pop is absolute garbage since less than 0.1% of the population actively listens to it

>> No.29104095

Pick one.

>> No.29104117

What does black has to do with anything, you mentally retarded faggot

What are you fucking saying you dumb down syndrome retard

I just posted an artist whose music is trash yet popular

The point (which you absolutely missed because youre literally mentally retarded) being popular doesnt equal good


>> No.29104159

>Not popular
Mutt brains really are pint-sized.

>> No.29104277

Just delete the thread already, janny.

>> No.29104280


>> No.29104369

Because (((they))) have decided that the first message is politically correct, then the cattle must obey

>> No.29104405

>Less than 0.1% of the population actively listens to J-pop

>Oh but its popular

Did they bash you in the head with a wood log as a child, I cant explain your lack of braincells

>> No.29104486

>Pulling numbers out of his ass.

>> No.29104512

One day Mori will get what she deserves.

>> No.29104556

>J-pop isn't popular because of the numbers I pulled out of my ass.

>> No.29104575

>Thinks im pulling numbers out of my ass

I know you want me to be wrong but youre a complete retard that ignores reality

I would call you delusional since thats what you are

>> No.29104619

There's literally nothing wrong with the video she posted.

>> No.29104636

Venom status?

>> No.29104649

My hate for Godless sodomites greatly outweighs my dislike for Mori.

>> No.29104658

yeah, a ring on her finger and a womb full of my cum.

>> No.29104666

>Y-you made that up

No I didnt

Literally less than 0.1% of living humans in this world listen to J-pop

You down syndrome retard kek, at least prove me wrong

>you just pulled that out of your ass


>> No.29104698

Anon, wake up. It isn't the 1990s anymore.

>> No.29104699

You dumb fuck, she made a song about how hecking valid trannies are, what do you think?

>> No.29104707

NTA and I completely understand it's pulled out of their ass but... Do you really think otherwise? 30% of the entire GLOBE watches the World Cup. Do you really think more than 1% of people are active, purchasing fans of Jpop? Because that's just retarded.

>> No.29104727

Just watched that clip as someone that cant stand Mori. Twitter trannies should be executed.
>Saying SKRRRAA is now racist somehow

>> No.29104744


Which again we come to the same point

According to him, J-pop sucks because its not popular (literally less than 0.1% of living human beings have ever and actively listen to it)

I feel like I have to repeat myself while talking to actual retards

>> No.29104768

That's a cover, dipshit.

>> No.29104818

Wake up buddie nobody listens to J-pop

I know its a hard fact to swallow, >0.1%

Which means its absolute garbage by anons standards

Popular = good

>> No.29104883

>Yo yo nigga skrraaa

What did she mean by this

>> No.29104890

Is not popular, people keep telling you. Itunes chart haven't been relevant for a decade, you need to look at streaming charts.


Thats the apple music charts which are a better representation of whats popular, at least in the west.

Here is apple music japan

>> No.29104916

racist? no.
Retarded? please argue otherwise, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.29105070

>quote retweets with little to no engagement
Is this something worth pointing out? They don't even comment on the tweet itself. If no one is going to see their tweets then what's the point?

>> No.29105096

Who did she screech SKKKRAAA for, anon? 20 year old white women? Her 40 year old gachis? JPs who don't get it at all? Black people, lmao? There's absolutely no audience who benefited from her literal autistic screeching

>> No.29105152

This sounds like projection.

>> No.29105281

>why would they care about larping uoooh shitposters
self-loathing, projection and virtue signaling.
Call out others so you can feel better about yourself.

Reminder that one of the U.N. guys that tried to pressure Japan into banning loli stuff got caught red-handed with cheese pizza.
They're the same as preachers preaching against the evils of homosexuality while secretly being homo lords who participate in gay orgies themselves.

>> No.29105352

have there been any lewds made with this new outfit?

>> No.29105491

do you know what that word means?
I am not and do not want to be a wigger rapper, so I doubt it

>> No.29105585

No, it seems like you want to be the vtuber reaping the rewards.

>> No.29105639

insanely based, rightoids SEETHING

>> No.29105825

horseshoe theory is horseshit and political beliefs are much more complicated than a simple 1-dimensional spectrum (not that higher dimensional spectra are any better).

they're not far left they're just fucking band-wagoning retards.

>> No.29105950

Absolutely not, I just think she made a stupid ass video. It served zero of her audiences and opened herself up to the twitter zoomers. It was a dumb move, pretty par for course for her. Maybe go back to asp if you wanna cry projection and you'll have better luck

>> No.29105952

I bet you're a deadbeat.

>> No.29106005

>liking a fucking turkroach

>> No.29106044

>They still can't take her advice
you mean the advice that some poor intern wrote on her lyrics? because despite the fact she's the "music" girl she doesnt write any of her shit

>> No.29106198

Damn this is a lose lose scenario.
Do I side with retard Twitter commies or cuckbeats?

>> No.29106219

>new age words lmao
i'll tell you deadbeats hwat, mori is ceaselessly entertaining

>> No.29106281

>non-Mori lyrics in her songs
>actual Mori lyrics in Myth or Treat

>> No.29106397

and no one rational dare speak up against the mob unless they know they're well insulated from reprisal for fear of being lynched themselves
awful culture that's been developed

>> No.29106409

>Man, Mori sure did miss the mark trying to update her own fanbase here.
deadbeats have a chronic illness

>> No.29106458

Her recent members stream from today. She said the next concert has been approved already, and it's a bigger place.
She didn't say when though.

>> No.29106537

ooo very nice. ty

>> No.29106616

Did you listen to them yourself or are you parroting niggers with zero english comprehension skills?

>> No.29106664

NTA but how did she miss the mark? Based on the comments her audience loved that shit. The twitter zoomers in the qrts are not her audience so I don't know why anyone would care about them unless you're one of them

>> No.29106941

yeah the political climate is fucking disastrous.
I don't know what you believe in but I can tell you that there's nothing more depressing than being a leftist who's beliefs get associated with those white-hating intersectionality lunatics.
I just want real action on climate change and something to prevent the ultra rich from parasitically sucking all the wealth out of the general population.and controlling all the media and political discourse.

>> No.29106953

Because they're terminally online and have to give their thoughts on everything, but hating someone under their tweet is too scary so they qrt to make themselves feel good.

>> No.29107060

eat a gun
I hate liberals larping as Marxists so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.29107157

yeah man I don't even try and talk about it with anyone because it's so extreme. i mean no human being on earth wants to see our climate fuck up and ruin all of our quality of life but either you align with crazy right wing people, or crazy left wing people. it sucks dick

>> No.29107197

I'm a real, non-larping Mori fan whose bought her merch and saw her concert and I could not watch the short without a full-body cringe. It was just random noises and her teacher voice. I'm confident in her drive and abilities enough to see this was cringe as shit.

>> No.29107199

Ok mori, I’ll resub…

>> No.29107266

because he never had any intention of buying the company. Anyone with a higher than room temperature IQ knew he was doing this to liquidate and enormous amount of assets from Tesla without causing the stock to tank.

>> No.29107307

This is why Hologirls should be grateful and love their fans. The normalfag audience is way worse.

>> No.29107602

I find that really hard to believe since this "cringe" is pretty on brand for her, but even if what you're saying is true, you are one out of the tens of thousands that enjoyed that tweet. It's fine if you didn't like it but it looks like she gave most of her audience what they want based on the reception.

>> No.29107802

>"cringe" is pretty on brand for her
at least the deadbeats are admitting it now

>> No.29107908

>people who hate Mori watch retard commie twitch spergs

Yeah that fits.

>> No.29107944

>The normalfag audience is way worse.
It's always a little bit surprising when I interact with normalfags and remember they are all demented and vindictive sociopaths.

>> No.29107993

I hope you don't think I'm heated or anything here, but do you not realize the likes and engagement were for her new album and not for her random tourrette's spasms? The whole point is she could have done it without the SKRRT SKRRT and her fans would have just been as thrilled, and she wouldn't get random tranny seething at the same time

>> No.29108044

They denied it in the first place? She was called cringekino day 1.

>> No.29108065


>> No.29108107

>admitting it now

She literally said it herself, anon. "Cringe is like, my brand."

>> No.29108117

Malding trannies are unironically free engagement. Look at all those quoted retweets.

>> No.29108165

They picked her as new bully target

>> No.29108220

that just sounds like a zoomer phrase for "I was being retarded on purpose"

>> No.29108262

>i mean no human being on earth wants to see our climate fuck up and ruin all of our quality of life
Speak for yourself normalfag. Fuck everyone.

>> No.29108360

he literally calls people shitskins

>> No.29108383

The random twitter seethe is an unfortunate side effect but ultimately harmless. They don't leave comments on the actual tweet nor on Youtube and they don't even quote retweet most of her other tweets

>> No.29108441

You're impotent and a lesser human for your weak willed coping, anon.

>> No.29108491

white women are based, I hate twittards so much

>> No.29108490

Social media, and twitter especially, has created a lot of people who have no philosophical or moral values. They just say and do what gets them attention. It's actually sad as fuck.
I know these sorts of people have always existed but in the past they were told to fuck off and rightfully removed branded as idiots but now they're actually influencing international politics.

>> No.29108601

she's not white, she's an anime character

>> No.29108680

give me a link cant even tell what you are talking about

>> No.29108851

The fuck is a skra?

>> No.29108875

As long as she makes mentally ill twitterfags mad shes alright in my book.

>> No.29108981

click on "quote tweets" right under the video. hope this helps!

>> No.29109092


>> No.29109217

I agree with that, I really don't think the tranny malding is detrimental. I still don't get why she bothered with the noises at all, but you guys have at least convinced me it's harmless. The same video without the noises would still have been kino for me though

>> No.29109247

And allowing cringe to rule you is a zoomer thing. That word wasn't in the popular internet lexicon back in the day. If you stop enjoying things just because you think it's cringe then you're a zoomer.

>> No.29109563

>If you stop enjoying things just because you think it's cringe then you're a zoomer.
the "things you're enjoying" is literally screeching SKRA SKRR EE here, so while I agree with you in principle, this is such a wild example to defend

>> No.29109931

Didn't you know, racism and misogyny is bad unless it's against white women. Do your twitter reps.

>> No.29109939

Too scared to box Sam Hyde

>> No.29109944

yeah, they're the sounds she'll be making when I put my children into her, why wouldn't I defend them?

>> No.29110141

Bitch you should look at early 4chan memes. It was a mix of chuuni, edgy and just out of place.

>> No.29111130

Reminder Twitter shitters are primarily people from /here/

>> No.29111280

Since when was being racist a bad thing to (You) retards.

>> No.29111678

Thanks for this OP, had myself a great laugh reading a bunch of the quote retweets

>> No.29111787

you put the world in context, i now support mori again

>> No.29112069

Since Mori started being racist, now she's ruined racism forever and it isn't cool anymore
We might be able to weaponize that tho, if she were to tweet #BLM there'll be no more peaceful protests

>> No.29112216

Remember when Mori starting morb posting and mag posting and now it's lame?
I now like the blacks.

>> No.29112285

>They're white but they wish they weren't
An apt description of Mori

>> No.29112310

She only ever made songs about haters, and all the out of context stuff that gets flung at her

>> No.29112343

Kek, this is pretty apt. I would unironically stop being racist if Mori had a meltdown and released rap about how she hates SJWs and niggers

>> No.29112380

twitter bitches are too fucking afraid to pull the "white people are stealing black culture by appropriating hip hop and rap music" trigger because they enjoy it too much.

>> No.29112813
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>> No.29113055

thanks anon

>> No.29113096
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>vt cuckbeats
>racists that hate black people
>also vt cuckbeats
>loves this one specific wigger only, who embodies black behavior they hate

top kek

>> No.29113338

People seething over bs in twitter again. This happens every week OP.

>> No.29113479

I want to lick the shinnytummy and between her breasts...

>> No.29113902

This makes her look fat
Not being able to see the ) . ( shape makes my retarded brain fill in the gap and perceive it as | . | instead

>> No.29114022

it's true to life

>> No.29117567
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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

>> No.29118088

Good to see lil bro on this sub

>> No.29118898
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At least she saves everybody the work by creating new moments to point to rather than use oldass tweets

>> No.29120583

we could've had a boondocks episode about this

>> No.29121648

How is it to live like this?

>> No.29121884

You're intellectually dishonest. What do you gain by this?

>> No.29122773

>Ugh, that's so racist. We should exterminate their race!

>> No.29123052


>> No.29123253

Mods, you REALLY don't want twitter threads to become the norm here. Don't let this shit be posted.

>> No.29123276

Gura never tweets. So there's nothing to quote tweet. Even if they got mad, she'd never read it.

>> No.29133694

That's not enough to protect her. Remember, she has a Lolli avatar therefore so already they demonize her all the time on twitter.

>> No.29137662

I got it all wrong, I love Mori now. I'm going to like and subscribe

>> No.29138446

>Muh board quality
Fuck off, 4chan is for shit posting

>> No.29139636

Mori if you're reading this I fucking hate black Twitter and I'm glad you ignore their existence, as you should. Any sin you can do or would do, I'd defend you over the brainlets on black twitter.

>> No.29139896

Yep! A lot of 'lolcow' cocksuckers from here back in the 00s 'graduated' into becoming left-wing shills on social media and streaming sites.

>> No.29140624

Mori is basically Kid Rock if he was fat weeb in his teens. It's no surprise that those two fanbases overlap.

>> No.29141029

>I'm glad you ignore their existence
>he lacks critical information

>> No.29145839
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she'll be fine

>> No.29149542

ok but mori's music actually is really fucking bad
i've never seen lyrics delivered so uncharismatically before

>> No.29151540

I unsubbed to Mori because I think her streamer personality wore out its welcome, but if idiots on the blue bird website hate her, maybe I'll buy her EP out of spite.

>> No.29151846
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>> No.29152344

Hasan is kinda entertaining when he's just being a retarded dumb himbo. His stupidity is actually hilarious.

>> No.29152595

Some ethot tried starting drama by calling Gura a pedo enabler during her debut to farm clout but she got absolutely annihilated and that was pretty much the last anyone tried

>> No.29157548

I hate Twitter tard and Mori. So the only solution is that they do one of those weird murder suicide passion crime things for all our sake/entertainment
