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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.33 MB, 2513x2048, 20220723_065515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28972042 No.28972042 [Reply] [Original]

why it completely stopped?
is Magni's debut that underwhelming that cover pulled out their shills & /vt/kiddies stopped magposting out of shame?

>> No.28972409

> it was shit
> even mori liked it
you really ask why it stopped?

>> No.28972485

Turns out he actually is just boring. You can't be boring and have a bad model.

>> No.28972529

Ehm, we have /mag/ but thanks for spreading the word and killing a niji thread

>> No.28972532
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didn't ask

>> No.28972553
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Did you know anon? Everytime a trend comes from 4chan would die quickly by normies because redditard and twatter share the term or thread screenshot
>Backrooms & SCP
>Ogey rrat
>GS Games Definitive edition doxxed

>> No.28972572

This is a good post.

>> No.28972787
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>> No.28972861

just like about every other meme, the moment acorpo acknowledges the joke, it becomes uncool to use it anymore.

>> No.28972894

Replace Mag with Morbius.

>> No.28972948
File: 163 KB, 400x400, magmagmag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wants to get Magged!

>> No.28973026
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It's good that it finally stopped.

>> No.28973065
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We are sleeping after a hot night of love and mushroom potions

>> No.28973115
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>> No.28973222

Yeah, it's just how counterculture works. People call 4chan contrarian, but it's not really any different from other youth movements, like punk for example. The entire point is to rebel against the system, The moment the system incorporates the movement, it's over.

>> No.28973352

We are at /mag/ and /stars/. You can come hang out and talk about the boys if you want.

>> No.28973391
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I good potion for you anon

>> No.28973545

People were mag-posting thinking it was a funny shitpost making fun of a trainwreck of a debut but then it ended up actually being pretty great which kind of took the wind out of its sails

>> No.28973553

I mean come on, it was dead when Yagoo joined in. You can only go down from there.

>> No.28973767

> it was dead when Yagoo joined in
LMAO thats the good start FAG.
>Imagine getting recognize by the best girl of all

>> No.28973809

Boring debut but also /vt/ was already killing it then Mori, reddit and twitter.

>> No.28973895

I'm saying that's when it peeked, so it wasn't dead _when_ Yagoo joined it, it died immediately afterwards because there was no topping it

>> No.28973975

PEAKED goddamnit

>> No.28974165

He's boring.

>> No.28974779

It was copium because people didnt want HoloStars EN but now it was forced on them, they hoped meme magic would make it not suck.

>> No.28975133
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Makes sense why people stopped posting I'm Pomu, anon!

>> No.28975447
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I just woke up OP

>> No.28976135

Given how it's popular with normalfags now, only normalfags still use it, which doesn't really bother them because they're normalfags only doing it to annoy everyone else.

>> No.28976444
File: 112 KB, 340x265, FYUX_0cX0AcqtIG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ OP, I'd been awake for 24 hours with hype and I needed to sleep, fuck off. Here, take a hit off of this copium

>> No.28976585
File: 1.91 MB, 3878x2718, magkino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back magging on our containtment board, expect less magging now because there's no need for hopium anymore

>> No.28977026

He rarely interacts with chat. Not a good first impression for a vtuber

>> No.28977272

It's a forced meme that will be lucky to last a couple of weeks.

>> No.28977382

Because the debut was fine and that's all. He has potential to grow once he gets comfortable with his setup and he fills a different niche than Regis. But if we're lucky the other two will leave him BTFO

>> No.28977450
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Take it OP

>> No.28977531

It is quite funny compared to the spamming that went on before debut. Some must really have been paid.

>> No.28977677
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All memes are forced and just a bunch of inside jokes that usually aren't very funny outside of the small group of people that birthed them, and you Redditor are just finding this out somehow.

>> No.28977789

His debut peaked at the intro screen, he's a funny guy but nothing out of this world

>> No.28978402

Forced meme for forced branch.

>> No.28978449
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>> No.28978563
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>> No.28978733
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Anon is a whore

>> No.28978895

He isn't boring or terrible in anyway, I just bought into the hype and expected him to be the ideal brotuber everyone wanted all at once

>> No.28979421

Oh, well anon if you really want 24/7 Magposting EVERYDAY, forever, we'll think about it.

>> No.28979455

Unironic redditor

>> No.28979519

That's just how fotm memes go. Magni himself is doing fine in his general.

>> No.28979728

Curb your self importance, anon. If any company is going to astroturf, they're going to do it on Twitter or maybe Reddit, not this shithole. Why appeal to a small number of spiteful and bitter retards, when they can appeal to a much bigger number of slightly more normal retards?

>> No.28979819
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>> No.28980721

His previous content was 10x better than what we saw. Even if people thought it was funny he was 10x better as his previous youtube persona. This is why they don't advertise them, because now we know the 2 year hiatus from content is never ending because he moved on. So people are sad.

>> No.28981194

Give him some time to find his footing. Maybe he'll settle into something that leans into his strengths. Like explaining shit.

>> No.28981426

Some people never shitposted on 4chan. It all ends when it hits mainstream. It can't go higher so it declines.

>> No.28981749

It was targeted advertising by a discord group of pajeets who flooded the website with bad edits of BLACKED.com, once he debuted they collected their checks and left

>> No.28981822

Mutt's law

>> No.28981896

>responded to three times in succession with the most uninspired memes (no text) and phoneposting
>proves his point immediately

>> No.28981972

Magni was given an opportunity to call his fanbase Maggots. He wasted this opportunity. He killed the meme.

>> No.28982034

He was obviously nervous as fuck. I don’t think any of them expected 50kish live ccv (with watch alongs)

>> No.28982125

He would have slipped up

>> No.28982310

Whats the point of perpetuating the magposting? We had some laughs, everyone acknowledged the meme, he debuted. It should be dead.
Nobody wants to remember the magposting like we remember the rushia pettan jokes.

>> No.28982381
File: 31 KB, 602x251, 71221a95341deec429fbf949688ec3e9-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got what we wanted

>> No.28982525

Poor guy has an insufferable reddit fanbase.

>> No.28984021

unfortunately, not the same thing as your continuous schizoposting

>> No.28985289

Cause its all guerilla marketing to boost his popularity..magposters just fell for it completely. In other words, magposters just got magg'ed

>> No.28985765

Only get paid until debut day

>> No.28987058

the niggers got sent to the reddit camps and are now rolling for their crimes against humanity.

>> No.28987773
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The magposters calmed down a little, but his debut was unironically based and lived to the hype in my opinion, I'll watch the guy

>> No.28990552

This exactly. Memed to popularity. Now we rest and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

>> No.28995059

He killed it himself by briefly acknowledging it once for his live tag and completely ignoring it before or after that.

>> No.28995128

>magpost in every thread
>stop magposting in every thread
What the fuck do you guys want

>> No.28995274

I still can't get over the magnum opus colors, he has red AND purple
His outfit literally symbolizes the process of making the philosopher's stone
the artist really did the research

>> No.28995333

The debut campaign is oer, Cover stopped paying those bot armies

>> No.28995503

>why it completely stopped?
what fucking board are you browsing?

>> No.28997413
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>> No.28997698
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Mori liked it, which is like your grandma liking a meme on Facebook and saying it to you asking if she's cool now.

Overall though the real answer is people sometimes have a habit of enjoying the hype about something as a group more than the reality of it - remember all the hopium spam for Mumei pre-debut? It was nuts.

Group hype is also why you got mainstream shitters crying with joy over trailers for the new Star Wars trilogy movies, but I doubt they were that emotional after actually watching those shitpiles.

>> No.28997943
File: 505 KB, 200x200, el cubo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we make cubeposting the next thing we shit up catalogschizo bait threads with? I really liked how MAGGED made the SEA tards lose their minds. Like, frothing rage.

>> No.28998162
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1655720579359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>specific post for purpose of tribalwars fagging
No. And don't suggest it again

>> No.28998215

>all that spam for the guy and he just spilled spaghetti and made a twitter tag with it
Next ugly holostar they astroturf has better be more creative than this one.

>> No.28998267
File: 1.93 MB, 2100x2221, magxodia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are just doing it in their dedicated generals now, mostly

>> No.28998401
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seems like OP wants more dedicated threads at the same time, he's asking for it

>> No.28998974
File: 25 KB, 288x255, jenkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got what we wanted from him

>> No.29002705

Its quite simple dude. He debuted and that made it not fun anymore.
The ledditors will continue to post it because they think its the "IN" thing to do. We already disbanded the discord server because our work is finished.
With the benefit of hindsight it really wasn't worth it.
