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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28957052 No.28957052 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she like this?


>> No.28957098

cause she's based

>> No.28957100 [DELETED] 

She needs cum to survive.

>> No.28957161

Do you honestly care for the lore too?

>> No.28957210
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>> No.28957451

Ollie is right, but kayfabe chuubas can be good too. The shining example of this being Pekora, who is always in-character.

>> No.28957709
File: 404 KB, 584x676, ollie magged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28957869 [DELETED] 

Thumbs up Miko.png !

>> No.28957978
File: 234 KB, 622x622, 1658554524029958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my zombie oshi have something in common, we love the MAGLORD

>> No.28958026

Yes bigger even that vwhores.

>> No.28958030

I would if the "lore" survived more than a month.
Once they start playing Apex, it's over.

>> No.28958078


>> No.28958115

Your oshi has maggots in her coochie dawg

>> No.28958134

it adds texture. don't pretend you wouldn't tap

>> No.28958205
File: 139 KB, 678x900, FERSfQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my whore wife

>> No.28958244

yeah mine

>> No.28958381
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>> No.28958432

man... i want to fuck ollies cold, undead pussy

>> No.28958658

Imagine slicing her up with your cock along her stichline. Cold and rotten organs mashing against your dick gives you a satisfaction you've never experienced. After this marathon fuck you'd be left with nothing but piles of organs and limbs that you can take home and enjoy afterwards. She is the purest form of SEX among Holos and I will die on this hill.

>> No.28958760

I wouldn't mutilate her body, just fuck the everloving shit out of her maggoty pussy

>> No.28958802
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1640325853486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I would. It would feel extremely cold at first until we are in heat, maggots crawling on my dick bring in more pleasure. I hope one of them goes inside my dickhole and gives me a cumming of a life time while me and Ollie are French kissing. Her undead breathe would distract me of any pain I would feel. And to finish it off, my seeds will fill up her womb causing more maggots to join for next season.

>> No.28958882

serious question what's special about this guy?

His voice is generic and unremarkable. I thought the whole thing for male vtubers was design+voice. His design is mostly shit, I mean it's the only remotely interesting one of them and the closest to something kind of maybe good in a weird way but it's still not great and he doesn't even have a voice like Vox or even Mysta or Ike or whoever, the latter two of which are at least kind of characteristic and fit their perceived character traits.

>> No.28958895

sounds like that one Dethklok song

>> No.28958959

I love him cause he's entertaining to me, I personally love his voice and the antics he got up to myself. Of course not everyone agrees, so we can agree to disagree.

>> No.28959128

based and olliepilled

>> No.28959192

>Omega lovingly crafts lore for MTYH, COUNCIL,themself
>Ollie says she doesn't care about lore

>> No.28959204
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needs rape correction

>> No.28959257

Literally 90% of fem vtubers opinion on the matter.
No one gives a fuck to your fanfiction Omega, atleast Magni seems to know how to play with it

>> No.28959265


>> No.28959388

She used to be my oshi until her roommate got revealed, what does this say about me?

>> No.28959493

why do you care?

>> No.28959520

idk? dumb?

>> No.28959543

I forgave Polka but I won't forgive Ollie. She is not entertaining enough to be that fat.

>> No.28959556

>thought the whole thing for male vtubers was design+voice
Women wouldn't understand, but he seems like a bro. I think Roberu works the same way. Same with a lot of normal dude streamers.

And you know what I just don't like the way whore female vtuber fans waddle around thinking they get to crash a guy immediately because his model looks like shit. You joke about him all you want but before the memes it felt vindictive. That's what made me tune in for today at least, to see if the underdog of the moment could take the energy and turn it into something positive.

>> No.28959579

so fucking BASED.

>> No.28959582

more ollie for me then

>> No.28959616

thank you, More Ollie for me

>> No.28959665

Polka is at least cute fat but man does ollie reminds me of that fat black youtuber.

>> No.28959668
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based zomrade

>> No.28959757

Yeah women are shallow and vindictive as fuck, it's pretty subhuman

>> No.28959802

Nice reddit spacing faggot, of course you don't get it given you don't have a sovl

>> No.28960140

A top post on plebbit said mag posting originated from here so there is a lot more tourists than usual.

>> No.28961421

what's the sauce OP?

>> No.28962192

>non standard font title
>red text white outline
>blush thumbnail
I'm not clicking that shit

>> No.28963522

Men are bros and help build each other up in the starting stages. The women will come crawling back when the normal dude streamer becomes successful.

>> No.28963827

Kobo is like virgin Mary compare to this zombie hoe even though she no longer virgin

>> No.28964019
File: 329 KB, 943x922, 1658569290617047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon, you need this more than me

>> No.28965421

I want to fuck her zombussy

>> No.28967785

True beauty comes from within, Anon. The sooner you figure that out the happier you'll be in life. I'll let Jimmy S0VL explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EqFVWzOfN8

>> No.28968514

> I thought the whole thing for male vtubers was design+voice
For the female audience
He's clearly a streamer for the bros

>> No.28968857

Pekora's character was supposed to be a shy princess

>> No.28969485

>what's so special about this guy?
>His voice is-
stopped reading, kys fujo

>> No.28969547

Pekora is as much "in-character" as Pewdiepie is "in-character". Maybe only slightly more because she changes her voice.

>> No.28973074

Fat people always feel the need to ruin everything for us /fit/ chads. Ollie is just a miserable cunt.

>> No.28974257

Alright, I'll use this to shit on Niji male threads

>> No.28977246

It's not really fujo to point out that someone's voice is unremarkable when there are so many actual fujos gushing over the voice.

>> No.28977515

Not 二次コン enough

>> No.28980072

That's why I don't like Ollie she acts like a maniac fangirl instead of a co-worker, when Mag started going more into the bro zone she got totally lost about what he was talking about

>> No.28981344

I think she just thinks it's funny to act that way. And it can be funny, though she was quite rude in this clip in particular with how dismissive she was of the work someone had put into making the lore.

>> No.28981478

You're probably a fujo but they're idiots that took the memes seriously and will go back to watching girls a few weeks from now because he won't live up to the hype.

>> No.28987761


>> No.28988144

You're mad that Ollie is more excited to see literally any vtuber than anyone has even been to see you.

>> No.28992593

Thats it, i want a word with the motherfucker who killed this bitch the first time because he clearly didnt do his fucking job

>> No.28992690

Weight can be lost. Her personality will always be there.

>> No.28993586
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>> No.28993668


>> No.28996745

Based self replier.

>> No.28999176

