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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28903119 No.28903119 [Reply] [Original]

Pippa will address this controversial topic due to recent events. I think it will be KINO

>> No.28903313

Kek I wonder what will be this leech's position now that this board is split between seething unicorns and Homostar hype

>> No.28903714

Pippa loves idol culture and Nyaru is an idolfag.
Remember, if any title/headline starts with a question, the answer is usually no.

>> No.28903841

Magbros pippa hates us...

>> No.28903861

But the stream was scheduled before EN homos or next trash wave were announced?

>> No.28903949

People are already well documented on Pippa's PL, if she's smart she'll side with anti unicorn considering real unicorn would anti her in a minute if they found out about her.

>> No.28903958


>> No.28904020


>> No.28904027

Fuck off, I'd rather hear this topic from someone that's actually familiar with idols outside of vtubing.

>> No.28904160

>recent events?

>> No.28904234

>Tfw unicorn that will watch homos...

>> No.28904244


>> No.28904261

Bitch gets MAGGED

>> No.28904305

good, i'll shit the stream if she sides with idolfags, i will make newfags here realize what a true schizo is

>> No.28904352

Tempus , Amelia etc

>> No.28904448
File: 104 KB, 638x900, smug pippers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be a drop in a sea of schizos who already hate this rabbit, faggotchama.

>> No.28904680
File: 18 KB, 973x124, 716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the stream is today but the waiting room has been up for at least a week.

>> No.28904806


>> No.28904820


>> No.28905104

Unironically, what do they have to do with this?
Are we just twitterfags/redditors spamming buzzwords?

>> No.28905175

Are you new? it gets posted here all the time just ask in the PC thread the catboxmoe link of her screaming while someone off screen is trying to pick her up.

>> No.28905318
File: 1.05 MB, 990x1146, 1653849015233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care

>> No.28905400

god fuck off you annoying ass bot

>> No.28905578

It's starting

>> No.28905603

hell yeah, lets go Ayamy
>has to be jp or cn
welp, better luck next time

>> No.28905705


>> No.28905915

Everyone has at least one terrible embarrassing opinion

>> No.28906256

>Pippa parrots /vt/ talking points yet again.

>> No.28906629

Let's Goo bros

>> No.28906667

Take it as proof that she isn't just pandering. Chinese is such an ugly language, holy shit.

>> No.28907954

was scheduled weeks ago

>> No.28908293

Please understand, my oshi is retarded.

>> No.28908516

You didn't link the stream because you knew no one watches Pippa. Very astute, OP!

>> No.28910090

Wow, this question thrilled vt’s minds for quite a long time. Glad somebody with real expertise gonna address it.

>> No.28911022

You don't even watch her, anon. Why pretend?

>> No.28911395

Her guest is a hardcore idol larper, Mr. Cynic.

>> No.28911597

Pippa is a good analyst and conversationalist. Waiting for a thorough stream.

>> No.28916161

Oh boy, I can't wait to hear someone regurgitate secondhand opinions that I read on here every day.

>> No.28916456

Have they been talked about something interesting or should i just skip

>> No.28917293

Nyaru is /here/

>> No.28918255

I have only listen to the very last bit and they were talking about this place i think

>> No.28919116

Nyaru is from /cgl/

>> No.28920591

>recent events
which ones sisters? there is one every hour

>> No.28925585

/jp/ /cgl/ oldfag from the niconico golden era
likes /k/ommando shit too

>> No.28927245

Hmm I wonder where this /here pandering reactionary whore will think?

>> No.28933247

So anyone who picks you up is romancing you?

>> No.28933383

Pickme Popins doesn't need to address anything because we all know she's only going to pander to what holodrones want to hear.

>> No.28938696

Go back to Twitter

>> No.28939263

what the fuck is idol culture anyway?

>> No.28939491

Being based. Not having a boyfriend. Not talking about politics.

>> No.28939903

discord drama apparently

>> No.28940052

Right, fellow transister? Who knows what this problematic NLOG uncle Tom thinks.

>> No.28943736

Being an incel in a one-sided relationship with an anime character.
Giving your money for ugghh, reasons
Go apeshit when your oshi has a bf because you couldn't understand she was just an entertainer.

>> No.28944691

Having the entirely reasonable expectation that entertainers keep their real life BS off screen while they're working.

>> No.28944824

pomu explains:


>> No.28945511

The emotionally rich should steal from the emotionally poor, I agree

>> No.28945667

So what she said? Don't really want to watch this.

>> No.28945760

QRD on this please

>> No.28946352

Idol culture is thinking that idols should remain single and pure while they are idols. Hololive came into this business and tried to replicate idol culture. This set the precedent for all vtubers to fall under the idol culture expectation from a large number of viewers. Pippa and a few other EN Vtubers are trying to strip this label away from vtubing. This especially affects pippa because she gets constant harassment because one of her housemates is male.

>> No.28946404

Gotcha so Pippa is a whore
I already knew that so I guess nothing new.
Thank you kindly I'll watch it later.

>> No.28946512

She has multiple housemates because she was poor as fuck before phase connect. She has said this multiple times on stream. Plenty of other vtubers have housemates, like pomu, it doesn't mean they are whores. You are a perfect example of why idol culture is awful.

>> No.28946511

Man, I just want chuubas that actively do their reps, is that too hard to ask

>> No.28946868

Maybe you should do yours first before you blindly complain?

>> No.28946891

The only thing toxic here is your stink, Pippa

>> No.28946982

>Pippa and a few other EN Vtubers are trying to strip this label away from vtubing.
I don't think Pippa has any subversive plans like t hat.

>> No.28947193

Phase who?

>> No.28947200

If you are a female and you have a male housemate you are a whore
t. female

>> No.28947451

tits or gtfo

>> No.28947537

To be fair no respectable female has male housemates. Not even uni students do that here.

>> No.28947592

ok bye
women who hate idol cultures are all whores.
women should take pride in being pure for the ones they love.

>> No.28947682

I bet you're fat irl

>> No.28947703

> This especially affects pippa because she gets constant harassment because one of her housemates is male.
Yeah, that’s a red flag if there ever was one. Men and women should not live together unless they’re fucking.

>> No.28947721

They don't love you.

>> No.28947966

Have you heard the horror stories about how straight MOLDED Pippa is?
What kind of sick fuck would want to have sex with the puke drawer girl

>> No.28948241

It wasn't Kino desu

>> No.28948240

femcel hands

>> No.28949791

Furries will fuck anything

>> No.28950018

Is she ever going to have non controversial content

>> No.28950141

But if they're not fucking, why shouldn't they live together? I don't give a fuck if they're male or female, if they pay their share of the rent

>> No.28950423

I hope not.

>> No.28951760
File: 1.00 MB, 877x749, 1624468029539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Pippa to look at me like this while she makes me cum with her feet. Imagine the pure look of utter disdain, while she is secretly very much into it, giving into her sexual desire and furiously moving her slender, porcelain legs. You would be able to see a puddle of her lovely juices form beneath her all the while. I bet that her slippers hide two very beautiful, womanly feet and 10 little precious painted girly toes, ripe for a suckling. I want Pippa to lick her soles clean of my seed after the act is done. I want Pippa to make me cum with her feet...
Maybe Pippa has enough experience with grooming that she wants to drive you insane by never completely satiating your desires. Maybe she gets off to the idea of your prostate burning hot while the only thing of sexual interest to you that swirls around in your head all day now is her cute feet. Maybe she wants you in this perpetual state of agony, an-non. Maybe, just maybe.
Also, Pippa now has a fast enough chat that members streams are more than warranted.
I think she should start off with streams where she talks about her feet in detail, going over her size, her arch depth, and scent along with putting her new ASMR mic down by her feet and using it as a footrest. Nothing overly sexual, light teasing at most in the style of say "uh oh an-non I've got your ears between my toes what are you gonna do~", keep it fairly casual, the "why would you get off to this?" vibe makes it all the better.
More of an extreme but a wholly welcomed one would be a footcam at times, as much as it would be appreciated I understand if there's no bare skin, so thin stockings would suffice provided everything is well lit. Spreading your toes in the light there should be a clear distinction between what's stocking and what are your adorable toes. Another suggestion would be painting your toes themed for special occasions, subscriber milestones, anniversaries, etc. and posting pictures, but making sure to provide a proper download link as YouTube's embedding can be annoying to extract from.
Thanks for reading, here's to an exciting future of you making me cum with your feet, Pips!

>> No.28952182

Idolfags aren't unicorns. You can like idol culture without becoming a unicorn and going full cuckbrain

>> No.28952324

Does Pippa have porn?
