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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28862252 No.28862252 [Reply] [Original]

He is here

>> No.28862311
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>> No.28862386

very cool mr.MAGOO

>> No.28862434

top mag

>> No.28862489

kek this meme is going places

>> No.28862515

Okay NOW its dead.

>> No.28862544
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>> No.28862574


>> No.28862642


>> No.28862704
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>> No.28862770
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>> No.28862817
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>> No.28862879

Why does Yagoo love the homo's so much? Does he feel sorry for them?

>> No.28862902

He created the branch himself as a side project newfag

>> No.28862934

What is this mag shit? Is it a new zoomer meme like "morbin?" Sorry, I'm 41.

>> No.28862958
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>> No.28862962

Holy Maggaronii

>> No.28862995

Just enjoy.

>> No.28863006

He didn't create the female branch? lol. I'm sure he did but be is always promoting the homo's

>> No.28863018

loves his bros

>> No.28863034


>> No.28863037

They are the talents he can choose to directly interact with without being accused of anything

>> No.28863044
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We did it reddit!

>> No.28863061


>> No.28863095
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Yagoo is magging

>> No.28863103

The Holos don't need as much promotion obviously retard

>> No.28863109

I feel like yagoo sets up holostars because he wants bros to talk to

>> No.28863178

Shill campaign anon. I'm saving all of the magedits and I'll post them all on r/okbuddyhololive as soon as they start cuckposting with my oshi.

>> No.28863228

I suddenly like this timeline

>> No.28863250
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>> No.28863292

He can interact with them like bros. If I recall correctly, he went camping with a couple of the Stars before

>> No.28863352


>> No.28863370

we're trying to bring some reddit positivity to this cursed board

>> No.28863373
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>> No.28863488

Not that he doesn't like the female branch, but that's partly work for him. The male branch is his pet passion project.
(And he promoted the girls by his Twitter account pretty frequently too, what were you talking about?)

>> No.28863490


>> No.28863515

Gonna be super awkward if this guys Debut sucks

>> No.28863559


>> No.28863586


>> No.28863704

>Not posting Anya too

>> No.28863708

Yes. It's also known as funposting, granpa, like the all out war thing.

>> No.28863713


>> No.28863813

All out war? Where?

>> No.28863963


>> No.28864052


>> No.28864089
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based knoife

>> No.28864119

What was the post?

>> No.28864980

more keks for the Maggots

>> No.28864992


>> No.28865093

he who mags with me shall be my brother

>> No.28865182

Google up "It's Morbin' time". Replace Morb with Mag and taadaa!

>> No.28865190

>he went camping with them
I need to join Holostars now.
I cannot imagine a better time than camping with my bros, Shinove and the CEO.

>> No.28865681

They're quite literally his bros.
HomoJPs are his drinking buddies and he's even joining some of their events for fun.
It's not like he got much to lose by keeping them too, they're earning enough money to live and actually be profitable to Cover.

>> No.28866866 [DELETED] 

Hanako's Live2D throws me off everytime I hear her use her deep voice.

>> No.28866926

But why the word mag?

>> No.28866953

Yagoo revived magposting after Mori killed it...

>> No.28866997

His name is Magni

>> No.28867047

I have a feeling that the homo EN fans are mostly Nijiniggers who hate the holo girls.

>> No.28867347

He's gonna be the streamer ever. Screenshot this.

>> No.28867587

Literally no one hates the holo girls in the NijiEN thread at least

>> No.28867755
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dont know how to have fun anon?

>> No.28867928

Are you enjoying your forced meme from a corporation?

>> No.28868026

No. If his personality sucks, with that awful model it would just mean he's the perfect target for the meme. We should even double mag. Mag to infinity babyyy

>> No.28868066

why do nijinewfags glow like this?

>> No.28868148

Nijiniggers were also behind 9/11.

>> No.28868164

Lovin it. Please post more frogs, that is what I want to see when I open /vt/

>> No.28868261
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>waste the meme on the ugliest and less well received Star of the gen
Holy cope, this shit blew up because of Saviorfags which there are a ton in board.

>> No.28868456

Sora said she and A-chan are the ones that approached Yagoo about creating a virtual idol group (Hololive). the Stars on the other hand are Yagoo's bros, he personally auditioned and managed its first members for months until they found Shinove

>> No.28868650

Come on anon, at least they're giving more contribution to your beloved cover corp than Unicornfag. Even Yagoo embraced it.

>> No.28868997

I wonder if the same care went into StarsEN which is why it took so long, which is why Niji managed to get their homos out first

>> No.28870407

How awkward would it be if this guy dosent turn out to be the guy we expected.

>> No.28870698


>> No.28870756

The answer is no btw

>> No.28870842

It's actually fucking real. What the fuck have we done?

>> No.28870862

Don't worry he's not you

>> No.28870992

It's a millennial /vt/ meme that started /here/ 3 days ago because of a fucking bionicle tweet, do your archive reps and you'll see that every vshojonigger is coping by saying this astrofunding

>> No.28871491

all femanons will be made to bend the knee

>> No.28871725


>> No.28871829

>old enough to be my dad
is there such thing as being too old to be into vtubers?

>> No.28871902

Not really, but an intern with marketing diploma (and access to his account) is /here/

>> No.28871933

rich aliens huh

>> No.28872078

so hololive's business strategy is:
>hire mediocre twitch streamers
>give them a shitty discount anime avatar
>spend 10's of thousands promoting them
>idiots fall for the promotional tricks and advertising campaigns
>become convinced these are the most incredible streamers of all time
So it's literally just a marketing organization. I guess you can sell people anything with enough marketing. Even males

>> No.28872099

And Cover was just a tech company too, before Sora.

>> No.28872327

Anon thats literally showbiz.
It’s restrictive and insular and there are many more talented people out there. Advertising wins wars. It sure as hell I good enough for views.

>> No.28872461

Yeah, it's been like that since humanity began, dude.

'I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skilful: but time and chance in all'.
- Ecclesiastes 9:11

>> No.28872557

Have you been living under a rock for the past century and a half? There's such a thing as industry plants. I suggest you read up on it.

>> No.28872566

So NijiEN?

>> No.28873022

What? Niji and Vshojo are in on the meme because every sub Tempus garners drives holobrony idolniggers closer to suicide. Anti-Mag posting is coming solely from unicorns.

>> No.28874958

It's actually amazing sometimes how quickly a hollywood star falls when the promotion is pulled out from under them. Within a year, nobody knows who they are anymore. They go from being a super movie star, or rock star, and suddenly they're nothing.

Most of these people are just mediocre actors, or garage-band singers the industry decided to throw their promotional weight behind. And once the promotion is removed, they fall like a stone. So their entire career is basically a bubble of air being inflated by advertising money.

>> No.28874974

which planet are you from ? are you underage ? you've been living under a rock ?

>> No.28875017

reminds me of Coco and Rushia

>> No.28875961

Is there some switchin in our heads that force us to srop reading manga and go golfing and build decks or something? Consider for a sec that you live past 30, do you just drop your interests and hobbies youce had for years, decades, just to find some mainstream cope like professional sports?
Also, /hag/ exists.

>> No.28876045

He saw you retards containment breaching in the stream chat he isnt fucking anywhere

>> No.28876119

Isnt hololive supposed to be the big one with high standards?
So many holomems literally cant do anything

>> No.28876157

have you heard Britney spears sing

>> No.28876268

This is weebs streaming minecraft not billion dollar record label robots

>> No.28876357

/vt/ doesn't watch streamers

>> No.28876457

They've been a trashfire recently.

They made a lot of money, and started getting involved with a bunch of nepotism people in japan. High profile artists, voice actors, musicians....etc. They started hiring these nepotism people to prestige positions as managers, artists, and even talents. The result is that quality really suffered a lot. They started getting shitty art, shitty models, shitty rigging, shitty talents. But it doesn't really matter how shitty everything is, if they have enough marketing behind them. People will still go for it.

It's kind of similar to hollywood, there's so much nepotism and people hiring their friends and acquaintances. Oftentimes it really ruins the final product. But if they spend enough money on marketing, none of it matters.

>> No.28876477
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>organic funposting is marketing
I saw the fucking posts about Salome and that shit looked way more like marketing
Mag memes are pure 4chan shitposting and if you believe Cover has a marketing team that can astroturf specifically on 4chan then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.28876530

you mean it's literally just the blacked posting from /pol/, which was also a discord astroturf campaign

>> No.28876685

who's paying you to shit on Hololive?

>> No.28876746

If Cover has a marketing team that can astroturf on 4chan then it's unironically over for Anycolor.

>> No.28876769

It's zoomer, dumbass

>> No.28876789

Why are you shilling shitty cashgrab males designed to ripoff luxiem?
Instead of shilling megacorp vtubers, you should find some talented indies. They could use you.

>> No.28876871


>> No.28876899
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>designed to ripoff luxiem
nijishill detected
magging promptly

>> No.28876941

NTA but I'm already supporting Rindo and gota
What have you done?

>> No.28876998


>> No.28877004

>designed to ripoff luxiem

>> No.28877136

'WHEREFORE thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest. For wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself. For thou dost the same things which thou judgest'.
- Romans 2:1

>> No.28877162

>logo is the same style as luxiem
>models are a similar style to luxiem, although more like a shitty ripoff version
>announced recruiting 2 weeks after the luxiem debut
the fans waited a year for gen3, instead they get this terrible attempt to capture the luxiem fanbase. Something that's blowing up in their faces right now

>> No.28877215
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see this is a shill
I'm just magging for lols

>> No.28877334

MAG = Man Always Great

>> No.28877371

Look at the JP holostars. It's much more of an anime style. The eyes are bigger, the models are shorter. Some of them are going for the burly-man aesthetic, or the old-man aesthetic. It's a dramatic difference to these new models they're releasing. Although they're ugly, they are still clearly in the style of the niji males.

Compare Astel's model to the new blue hair guy (who nobody knows the name of). You can see the difference

>> No.28877443

feed me more of your shill lines, it's truly fascinating

>> No.28877719

The whole point of an IDOL is for them to be regular people that can be turned into a star
>hire mediocre twitch streamers
this is and should be the whole point of hololive, they should not be about poaching talent or get golden gooses, in fact that mentality is not sustainable for a corpo since you can't expect a bunch of guras and pekoras to keep popping out

>> No.28877922

>Trying to give the credit to nijiggers to make them look good

>> No.28878043

good, and no women allowed! Bros only!

>> No.28878086

not really, learn the origins of the morb meme, If he's terrible then its even better. Literally shit posted into believing he was something.
If he is good, then he'll actually become something.

>> No.28878126

Nah, I want my girls male free. And you know what? I want my bros female free too. No girls allowed, bros only!

>> No.28878184

Sounds like someone hasn't had a good magging. I can help you with that.

>> No.28878214

nijikeks and vshoturds coping by claiming the MAG is a shill campaign, ignore these non-believers, fellow maggoats

>> No.28878284

It's the holobronies seething because he is going to mag all over these girls

>> No.28878481

a janny is magging out

>> No.28878592

At the same time they are trying to get the credit for the memes claiming to be doing it just to make unicorns mad

Meanwhile there is literally one falseflag nigglet shitting global while the holofags don't even care when stars are posted lmao

>> No.28878911

Didn't the Mikofag decimate you in that other thread already? You speak like an Anycolor intern who just learned the term astroturfing.

>> No.28879013

>Also, /hag/ exists
I thought most people that liked hags are usually younger, no? Like early to mid 20s.

>> No.28879045

as a nijikek from the bottom of my heart I want nothing more than tempus to become the biggest thing in the vtuber scene by just being a bunch of guys being dudes being bros
chilling playing apex and fragging out
building decks in YGO and dueling until the sun rises
playing old jrpgs and group voice acting the whole game
I want all anons and vtuber watchers as a whole to experience the pleasures of just hanging with the boys

>> No.28879068

yeah i cant believe people are zotting now wtf man

>> No.28879446

>reddit kills another good meme in record time
All containment breachers should be gassed.

>> No.28879821
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>> No.28879886

I lost three braincells to that

>> No.28879936

holy based

>> No.28880260

it's very clearly vshojofags

>> No.28880391
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>> No.28880410
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>trying to tribalfag with MAG
lmao even

>> No.28880796

You mean braincell's

>> No.28881001

Bionicle is millennial you dumb nigger

>> No.28881081

Absolutely based

>> No.28882033

my fucking sides

>> No.28882839

the maggening is zoomer

>> No.28883255

this WILL become real

>> No.28886673


>> No.28886836

Every time kek

>> No.28888525


>> No.28889823

I mainly watch vsj and I like mag. Why would vsj hate magging? This guy was basically a /lig/.
