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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28712129 No.28712129 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28712218

But I literally stopped watching anime because this is more enjoyable. I'm several seasons behind now and unlikely to ever catch up.

>> No.28712223

>instead of doing something worthless you could go do something equally worthless
words of wisdom indeed

>> No.28712292

People don't watch vtubers or streamers because they are more entertaining, but because they enjoy the streamer's company enough to make it worth it.

>> No.28712310

Literally and I do mean LITERALLY who?

>> No.28712314

waste your time like this and not like this
okay fag

>> No.28712342

This will only be true when the next season of Mushoku Tensei comes out. Until then, nah, Imma keep watching my Fauna streams.

>> No.28712365

You're just watching some ethot pretend to be an anime girl when you could be watching the real thing.

>> No.28712397

looks like a slave to his work

>> No.28712399

It's this. You can't develop the same kind of attachment to fiction. Also the basic premise of this is wrong, I have watched long ass anime that had shitty endings and felt like I ultimately wasted time.

>> No.28712428

>implying /vt/ watches streams

>> No.28712434

Did you just make up a quote for some random American music producer just because he was a member of Big Black, Rapeman and Flour, and is a member of Shellac?

>> No.28712439

>the real thing

>> No.28712471

How could he possibly know what I am going to enjoy?

>> No.28712568

Counterargument: there are way too many goddamn anime being made per season. I want more people to watch chuubas and hopefully the side effect will be that anime studios slow the fuck down and invest in making a few quality shows per season instead of spraying and praying a billions shows every few months.

>> No.28712615


>> No.28712674

Many such cases. Vtubers essentially stole anime fans by providing them a significantly more braindead alternative but one that makes for better escapism.

>> No.28712708
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I know. But I've been addicted to not just vtubers, but streamers for years and I'm lazy as hell about watching a series.

>> No.28712722

Anime is for jerks

>> No.28712729
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>the face of an anime only watcher
Meanwhile me

>> No.28712771

Just don't watch seasonal anime

>> No.28712865

>if you do thing you cant also do other thing
manga > anime anyway

>> No.28712942

I started watching vtubers because anime and toku lost their luster. Maybe I'd prefer it if my cute anime girls were just a little more realistic. Just a little. Only a little.

>> No.28712972

I don't since I mainly watch oldfag anime, but this is bad for the state of the industry. Chuubas could be a net positive if they encourage quality over quantity, since the people who want to turn their brains off will be watching chuubas and not anime.

>> No.28713108

I make my oshi giggle with my superchats and sometimes even regular chats.
I cannot get that from an anime.
I think watching vtubers wins.

>> No.28713609

i bet steve albini has the most patrician taste in anime

>> No.28713711

For the familiar comfort, long term, while getting new content, anime isn't as good. My favorite series, for example, had about 22 hours of content made over the course of a decade, and there's probably not more coming, and that's considered pretty good by anime standards. My oshi is considered fairly lazy if she dips down to 22 hours per month, ongoing.
Also, ADHD bait. Everyone's brains are fried, and if your attention comfortably wanders, missing a bit of a stream matters less than missing a bit of an anime, usually.

>> No.28713746

Anime nowadays suck. I don't feel the same excitement that when I first watch some 3 years ago.

>> No.28713796
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I watch both?

>> No.28713964

I literally stopped liking anime a long time ago, I still like the art style but watch actual anime is such a bore these days

>> No.28714036

I stopped watching because these bastards fucked up the adaptation of an anime I had been waiting for 2015. It didn't make me want to support this industry by buying their Blue ray DVDs. I only buy LNs from time to time but I prefer buying goods from the Vtubers I watch.

>> No.28714133

This fucker can't tell me what I would prefer to watch

>> No.28714166
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Cheers Oji-san, for you are watching the best woman and entertainer on earth.

>> No.28714538

Has there been any anime about vtubers yet? Seems like there has to be.
I might watch show a season didn't watch any last season, and there's nothing good this season so I'll probably skip it. I just hope there's a good moe cute girls do cute things show next season.

>> No.28714592

I already do, aside from a small handful of vtubers here and there. Anime is better than vtubers.

>> No.28714611

Who's the Steve Albini of vtubing?

>> No.28714870
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 02 (1080p) [B21759D3].mkv_snapshot_18.46.793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch Holo
>watch Niji
>watch Phase
>watch some indies
>watch about 15 anime per season

Feel good being rich and not having to work.

>> No.28714894

Which anime ?
Personally I stopped watching seasonal anime since Kumo Desu Ga and I only plan on watching sequels and very good adaption like Mushoku Tensei

>> No.28714976

THIS THIS THIS. CHUUBAS ARE BETTER THAN ANIME. Yui Horie should vtube as hanekawa, that would be legendary.

>> No.28715065

People watch vtubers because they parasocially attached to the jpg. You can't get that with anime.

>> No.28715178

Normalfags in this thread have forgotten waifus are even a thing because they've been replaced by oshis.

>> No.28715185

I multi-task playing videogames while watching streams, sometimes even the same game the are streaming.
I can't do that when watching any kind of series.

>> No.28715235

Is this a real quote or is it another Miyazaki thing?

>> No.28715334

90% of anime these days are written by Otaku who haven't had any real human interactions for ages and rely on reused tropes for character, plot, and development. Some are still fine, but most feel so fucking hollow that Otaku turned to v tubers for anime girl that acts real enough(for them).

>> No.28715405

I don't watch weebshit

>> No.28715419

Should I watch vtubers while drinking? Is that the right way to do it?

>> No.28715449

That's the one yeah. I even pre-ordered the 300€ figure to cope with the garbage adaptation, just to later on receive a mail that there was a problem with the Shiraori figure, so I got refunded and never touched any Anime ever again after that. I only bought the LNs, as well as the Torture Princess ones. If the latter ever gets to have an adaptation I might watch it, but given how they tend to censor shut like that I don't put any hope on that...

>> No.28715572

Wrong board, tr/a/nny >>/a/

>> No.28715690

this ^ but in reverse watch vtubers instead of anime

anyways the anime ALWAYS cliffhang the watchers each season

>> No.28716087

Joke's on you because I don't watch vtuber streams. I only watch clips and I'm only here for drama.

>> No.28716401

Someone who started out as a performer and eventually moved to the role of recording/production

>> No.28716437

Watching all the hololive concerts and karaoke drunk is outstanding. Especially ame who will sing for 2+ hours every time.

>> No.28716703

Joke's on him, I do BOTH

>> No.28716803
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There was Virtual-san wa Miteiru, a tv variety show made up from various vtubers bits. It was kinda trash.

>> No.28716865

Yeah alot of anime looks like clones to me. From art style down to the character design.

>> No.28717093

Yeah this.

>> No.28717480

He doesn't know I watch the shark vtuber

>> No.28717927

i just do shots until they end the stream

>> No.28717962

>vtuber fans out themselves as seasonalfags
to the surprise of nobody

>> No.28717989

when are we getting a Rapeman vtuber?

>> No.28718452
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Clipchads can do both while still sparing time for other actual productive hobbies

>> No.28718797

>Watch anime
>Season ends
>Have to wait an indefinite amount of time for next season

>> No.28719179

I don't listen to normies

>> No.28720279

what productive hobbies might those be?

>> No.28720591

anime is terrible nowadays.. vtuber is better

>> No.28720783

Consuming something that has actual narratives can be arguably considered more useful and educational than just parasocially existing alongside someone who is pretending to be an anime girl

>> No.28720864

Why wait? Truck-kun is always ready, anon.

>> No.28720871

I was actually thinking about this in regards to studying.

>> No.28721387

Then stop watching seasonal garbage? It's not that difficult.

>> No.28721922

>several seasons behind
the fact that you think about it like that and that it ssomething you need to "catch up on" is the reason you didnt enjoy it. Watch what is good and enjoyable, if you cant decide or have a taste of your own, just watch top 5 in popularity/rating on mal/reddit or whatever.

You dont need to watch everything or nothing, lmfao.

>> No.28722508

Art, story , animation, voice acting, world building, soundtrack is not something these people value at all. Theyll delude themselves saying that all of it is "shit" now, because their brains cant keep up with shit anymore.

>> No.28724419


>> No.28724946

Anime is gay, at the school I used to bully people that liked Naruto

>> No.28725013


>> No.28725074
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Why is there always some fag trying to inject his opinion onto others
A 7 minute vtuber clip will give me more enjoyment than 99% of anime

>> No.28725255

If you weren't caught up to the current season's worth of anime buy the time vtubers became a thing, do your parent's know you're here? Sitting and waiting on like 3-4 shows once a week the eventually end in a few months and most likely won't get a second season has nothing on the continuous multiple times weekly experience of some weirdo doing shit.

And I listen to their streams while working or working on my house or hobbies, so I feel more FULFILLED and enjoyment than simply sitting on my ass watching korean fingerpaintings. The drama that can come with vtubers is also entertaining in it's own way that you almost never get in anime.

>> No.28726054

Holy shit, do you people realise that you can watch stuff that isn't just seasonal shit? You have literally decades worth of anime you could be watching.

>> No.28726664

>7 minute vtuber clip will give me more enjoyment than 99%

because you have a low attention span and arent interesting in anything remotely complex? Getting old boomer?

>> No.28726832

I've been watching anime for decades at this point. I've already seen most of the good shit, and the vast majority of the new stuff is bad, or just plain boring. At this point I only watch 3 or 4 series a year, which leaves me with a lot of free time that I use to watch chuubas.

>> No.28726885

>drama that can come with vtubers
manufactured drama enjoyed by adhd 4chan surfers.

>> No.28726969
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>remotely complex
Thanks for the laugh little man

>> No.28727166

Not everyone here was born in the 00s.

>> No.28727248

>I multi-task playing videogames while watching streams
that's really not a good thing and huge problem of modern consumers, that need to be constantly bombarded with dopamine inducing shit, which is also why youre here 24/7

>> No.28727334

in comparison it's significantly more complex than watching some ethot play video games for hours

>> No.28727682

You wont covince anyone that watching vtubers require you to engage even 10% of the brain that you do when watching a show like odd taxi, hell i can barely keep up with shows like highschool of the elite nowadays because my brain atrophied from watching vtubers too much

>> No.28727764

Jesus how old are you, and what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.28727876

both are good

>> No.28728120

And? The fuck you gonna do about it?

>> No.28728397

Convincing people is a meme, anime does nothing for me no matter how deep you want to pretend it can be

>> No.28728495

its not though
most anime just dump exposition and the visual storytelling is 99% a static picture with lips moving.

>> No.28729568

That's usually what I do, or used to do anyways. Pick out a few that I wanted to watch, maybe give some stuff the old 3 episode test. I'd never try to watch anything, didn't mean it like that.
But the last few seasons I've watched nothing at all, even though there are a few things I'd be somewhat interested in normally, I just can't get myself motivated to watch any of it. If I WERE to get back into watching anime there's a few series from the past few seasons I'd watch.. but why bother with that when vtubers exist?

>> No.28729605

laugh at how much of a faggot you are

>> No.28729849

Then watch better anime.

>> No.28731219

>why bother with that when vtubers exist
because youve given up to try to find enjoyment or trying to invest yourself into something new and different and let some girl decide it for you. You see it as some path of least resistance. Youre stagnating as a consoomer.

Watch some critically acclaimed series, get in touch with all aspects that is missing with vtubers. Anime is art , vtubers arent. They are egirls with an avatar.

I mean its like "why play games, when you can watch vtubers play games instead!". Cant hurt to watch something like Spyxfamily or shadows house, it doesnt require a ton of time investment.

>> No.28732678

>Anime is art , vtubers arent.
lol, the arguments over whether X is art or not are always cringe. That aside even if something is art that doesn't mean it's worthwhile. Literal shit on a canvas is considered art, after all.

As for Vtubers versus anime, I guess it comes down to how you watch them. For me, anime is something you have to actively watch, and Vtubers (and streamers in general) are something I usually passively watch.
For anime I have to pay attention and I can rarely do something else at the same time without having to periodically pause the anime and rewind whenever I got too distracted. It's something I have to actively put time into.
For Vtubers I don't have to pay as much attention. Either they're on the second monitor if I'm working on my computer, or on a TV if I'm doing something else in the room. It's very rare that I'm just paying attention to them and not doing anything else.

>> No.28733539

don't watch anime
don't watch vtubers either

>> No.28733965

>For Vtubers I don't have to pay as much attention.
and that is why it is just endless consoomer content with little value that it just blends together. Consider that having something you actively watch and give sole attention to isn't bad, and how you can appreciate everything about the work? You know, back in the days we actually read books, and that's the only way you can absorb them. Anime compared to books are far more concentrated entertainment and require less commitment, and stimulate all your senses.

>> No.28735181

I'm falling down into my shaadoow
iki wo hisooometeee
matteiru deadly night

>> No.28735286

if you think watching terrible seasonal anime is higher quality than watching vtubers you need to get yourself a better oshi

>> No.28735586
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Someday I said I'd return back to real anime and I think that stars EN being fused into the EN as a whole is the push I needed.

>> No.28735895
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F/a/got(s) ITT seething

>> No.28736032

You can't learn conversational Japanese watching Anime.

>> No.28736056

This thread is blatantly off topic why does it get a free pass from the hotpockets?

>> No.28736083

>watch anime
>get to last episode
>feel sad
>start another
>become detached from reality
>become NEET
>watch vtuber
>probably won't stop for a long time
>no end = no sad
>can do productive things while watching without losing plot points
>sense of reality somewhat preserved
>your words of praise for 2D characters aren't meaningless screams into the abyss
>motivates you to get a job so you can donate to your oshi (maybe)

>> No.28737329

My oshi saved me from years of escapism and hiding. Anime hasn't inspired me since I was a teenager.

>> No.28737630

Forget vtubers, what about fucking 4chan? I spend probably 60% of my free time just on here and have for the last 12 years.

>> No.28737801

>Watch anime
>Waifu actually loves you because their emotions are simply a product of your own imagination and you have complete control over every aspect of them in your own mind.

>Watch vtuber
>Oshi objectively hates/is creeped out by you in reality and puts on a flase persona only to milk your lonliness for cash.

The choice is yours.

>> No.28738107
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>> No.28740010

Enjoyment is an alien concept to Steve Albini

>> No.28740070

Nothing to watch except abyss this season.

>> No.28740171


>> No.28740269

I enjoy at most one or two seasons of new anime each year, and I'm rarely in the mood to rewatch my favorites.
If anime wants to win me away from manga and vtubers, it needs to step its game up.

>> No.28740362

>watching shitty adaptions of LNs and Manga
Lmao even

>> No.28740595

I don't watch anime. I read books, graphic novels, and manga.
Also, go back to >>>/co/.

>> No.28740622
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Manga >>>>>>>> Anime

>> No.28740634

Based and Miyazakipilled

>> No.28740673
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Forgot to add image.

>> No.28740819

yeah I mean I appreciate the one good anime that comes every year but other than that you're basically getting the same experience

>> No.28740900

In that case reading Light Novels are more fulfilling than Anime.

>> No.28741681

He's not a producer you retard, he's a recording engineer.

>> No.28742565

While I do agree, a select few anime are adapted splendidly and do the source material justice and more.

>> No.28748342

You laugh, but this literally happened to me

>> No.28748691
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>Faggot didnt know we watch Chubbas cause Anime Sucks this days

>> No.28748726

I tried going back to anime after giving up on seasonal shit in 2020. Figured well its been 2 years atleast 1 decent show should have happened. Nope couldnt even get past the 3 ep test on the ones that seemed promising.
Manga was fucking worse youd figure 2 years of backlog would be nice but its all axed or like 2 chapters were translated.

>> No.28749185
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I stopped watching anime to watch vtubers
I stopped watching vtubers to shitpost here.

>> No.28750356

He's done both you stupid fucking ape

>> No.28751226

It gets said over and over but the quality of anime has actually taken a significant nosedive since 2016. We've been seeing fewer and fewer original works since the early 2010s but a full shift focus on adaptations of LNs and manga happened around the time isekai got popular.

>> No.28752150
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What's up with the /a/ crossboarders ITT?
Desu, I spend my time playing vidya rather than watching anime. I'm not even a seasonalfag, but currently I find it difficult to sit through an anime

>> No.28752568

Okay retard
>Since the early 1990s, Albini has been best known as a record producer; however, he dislikes the term and prefers to receive no credit on album sleeves or notes.[21] When credited, he prefers the term "recording engineer".

>> No.28752666

>most anime these days is just light novel/manga advertisement adaptations that don't even cover the entire source material
Or, I could just read several chapters in the same time it takes someone to watch a single episode and use that saved time to watch vtubers.

>> No.28752850

I stopped watching anime years before I got into vtubers. That said I'm spending way too much time watching yutube shit, which isn't much better

>> No.28752938

You should watch hags, many of them crack bears open on stream that you could join in with

>> No.28753079

>crack bears open

>> No.28753080
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Manga > Vidya and Chubbas > Anime

>> No.28754560

Yeah, Aki pretty much starts every stream of hers with it!

>> No.28754706

In the amount of time it takes me to watch a Korone stream I could watch multiple seasons of anime, but anime won't promise to remove my fingers and maybe return them back at the end
They need to step up their game

>> No.28754794

>watch anime
>anime ends
>have to wait an indefinite amount of time
You're a genius, anon.

>muh seasonal
Where do you think your magical "non-seasonal" anime came from anyways? And don't pretend that you only watch OVAs.

>> No.28754870

Oh no! I missed out the isekai to medieval fantasy Europe with cheat skill LN adaptation #437! How will I ever recover from this?

>> No.28754928

He can call himself and airline pilot if he wants to, but he doesn't get to redefine what words mean.
He's a producer.

>> No.28755264

>actual narratives
you mean vtubers don't have that? what the fuck /vt/???

>> No.28756791
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binge watching anime is no good, you'll likely not absorb everything properly
my day can handle both

>> No.28757043

Oh, so nothing? You'll do nothing?

>> No.28757079

my oshi IS the real thing though

>> No.28757495

Vtubers are the new anime.

>> No.28759425

Noor from NijiIN? Apperently she works in NijiEN management since graduating.
Another interpretation would be someone who was extremely influential as an entertainer and had a certain "edginess" to them, but nowadays just vibes, has loads of money and likes to complain about corporate culture and artist freedom. Kson
